Are you guys even real?

Why is This My Life?




That was the first thing that slipped Daehyun’s mind when he first saw that boy. Doe-eyes, full lips, fluffy hair, chubby cheeks. Ah, so squishy. Just like a bunny. A squishy bunny. A really really squishy bunny.


“Daehyun-ah, this is Yoo Youngjae and Youngjae-ssi, this is Jung Daehyun. From now on you two will be roommates so you better be nice to each other, okay? I’ll leave you guys for a while then”, his landlady said with a soft pat on their shoulders but Daehyun couldn’t care less. Not when there is an oh-so-squishy boy in front of him. Yes, he shouldn’t act like that in front of the newcomer but, hey, it’s not like he is the only one who is guilty. It’s the landlady’s fault too, alright?. She only told him that he was going to have a NEW roommate not a NEW and CUTE roommate. If only he knew that his roommate is going to be this cute then he would prepare himself so he wouldn’t lose control and just goes fanboying over him. To be honest, he has a super-duper-ultra-mega big crush on cute things. No, not that kind of ‘cute’ the girls usually like. Not the cute dress or cute nail polish or cute phone straps or cute blah-blah. Nope. That kind of ‘cute’ is gross and he hates them until the end of the world. Fricking bunch of sissies. But he does like cute animals, cute little kids, cute babies, and cute faces. Just like Yoo Youngjae’s. He is so so so cute. He was still stunned when the squishy boy came closer and lifted his hand. Asking for a handshake. He kept his hand hanging in the air as he waited for the other latter to shake his hand. Seeing the slightly shorter boy doesn’t move—and kept staring at his face like there were zillion zits on it—he slowly put his hand down to scratch the back of his neck nervously. He felt kind of uncomfortable with the intense gaze the boy gave him. He looks like a hungry bear, really.


“Umm, hi, I’m—“


“You’re so cute”




“Ah, a deaf cutie, that’s not so cute but I guess I can handle it...”


“Uhh, excuse me? What do you mean by—“


“...he is still a cutie anyway, he looks like my first rabbit though”.


The thick-lipped male kept mumbling to himself like the other boy never existed. Youngjae silently blinked.






This person is insane.

He thought as he peeked the still muttering guy from the corner of his eyes. Really, he is sick. A sicky sick psycho. Great! He is going to be a roommate of a sick psycho. His life couldn’t be worse than this. His mother sent him to this big city so he could go to his favorite university—thanks to his smart brain he got accepted—and not to meet this totally brainless man!. He kind of regretted his choice. He should be following his mother's advice to live by himself in an apartement. But he didn't want his mother to waste more money for him so he said he would rent a house with his 'friends' so he could pay less. Yes, he does have friends. A lot of friends, you may say. But none of them goes to the same university. Sad life of Yoo Youngjae. Ah, actually making his mother wastes more money for an apartement won't hurt anyone, right. Daehyun's voice snapped him out of his daydream. He mumbled something like 'cheesecake is so delicious but why is it so expensive'.

What the hell.

Okay, so he was talking about Youngjae, then his first rabbit which was dead after he tried to control his helicopter toy for the first time—Youngjae tried so hard not to imagine the minced rabbit—and now he is talking about cheesecake?. Maybe he should just kill himself right away or take the poor guy to the nut hospi—


“The hell, man?! Who let this idiot handle the newcomer alone?!”


A tall guy banged the door and barged in like a thug. He even has the eyes of it and his ears were pierced. It made Youngjae squealed and trembled in fear.


“Shouldn’t it be ‘We’re Home’, hyung?”, another tall boy—taller than the thug eventough he looked much younger and cuter than him—came in. He lazily walked to the insane boy and snapped his finger in front of his face.


“Hyung? Yah, hyung! Yah! Ah, , he did it again”.


“Please, Junhongie, even if your armpit hair grows into vines that still won’t work. Here, hold this and close your eyes, kid”.


Now a short man appeared and throws his jacket to the ‘Junhongie’ boy. Showing his muscled arms as he cracked his joints. Wow, wow, hang on. Is he going to beat the insane-mumbling-boy?, Youngjae thought worrily.


“Oh my, Jonguppie! Don’t you dare do that, you little!”.


Another male with cupid bow-shaped lips and slanted orbs barged in. He suddenly pinched the short boy’s cheek with all his strength. Making him whines and begs to be released. His cheeks look totally red now. Ouch.


“Y-yah! Himchan-hyung! S-stop! It hurts!”, the ‘Jonguppie’ boy cried in pain.


“Nope, unless you really stop hurting your hyungs. And stop showing off you muscles, will you? That’s really gross”.


“Aww, why? Is my Himchannie-hyung jelly because he has no macho buff like his y dongsaeng?”


“What the—of course not, pabo! Here! Take this!”


“O-o-ow! What was that for?!”


“Hey, hey, stop fighting, you two”


“Yes! Stop pinching me!”

"Aww~ How about, no, "


“Seriously Himchan, let him go, and Jongup, shut your mouth or I’ll lock you and Junhong in the room of shame until dinner”


“What the heck? I didn’t even do anything!”


“Oh yeah, sure, Junhong, if you called cursing nothing”


“B-but, hyung!”


“No buts, no objection”


“Hyung, bbuing bbuing~?”


“Oh I wanna puke!”


“You two, room of shame, now”


“No, thanks, hyung”


“Why, you little—”


“I like cheeseburgers!”


The four boys were arguing randomly. They didn’t even know why were they arguing but they kept doing it. Youngjae’s jaw dropped. His eyes were even bigger than a saucer—no, Jupiter. He was confused. Absolutely confused. And he has no idea why the friggin hell did they come and for God’s sake why are they arguing, anyway?. His head was spinning. He felt dizzy and he was nearly falling when a strong hand grabbed his shoulder. He kind of hoped it was someone who has a sane brain like him—and saw the insane boy instead.


Oh, holy godmother of the poopish lord.


The boy smirked like an evil. He closed the gap between him and Youngjae until his plump lips were almost touching Youngjae’s ear.


“Welcome to our hell”, he whispered before he left him and joined the ‘fight club’.


Okay, what the is going on?!.


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If I could, I'd give you an award for 'Funniest Fanfic Ever' and this is really coming from a talented writer. Honey, go out there and make a movie out of this, and don't be too surprised if you find an Oscar invitation in your mailbox.
I'd give this fic an award for 'Funniest Fanfic Ever', it was amazing! Dude/Girl, you have talent, go out there and make a movie with this storyboard, I'm sure it'll be a blockbuster.
lolipopcandy #5
Hey man, I hope you update soon! :D
waeusolazy #6
Chapter 4: Oh, dear, thank you! I like that you answer to readers' comments.
And ma body is ready for DaeJae. :3
Chapter 4: Oooooh I love this already! xD
Please update soon!^^
Chapter 4: of course i remember u..been waiting for 13632454 years for ur update..and channie moments in this chapter oh my. I LOVE FABULOUS HIMCHAN SO MUCH.

will patiently for the next chapter. DaeMoron with Squishy. *sparkling eyes*
Chapter 4: hahahah I love it !!!
Loves you too Author-nim!!!!
v3aish #10
Chapter 4: fab mama-chan is fab. well done!!! :D

and no slapping for you... how bout a fist bump? that seems to be what the latest cool thing to do is these days... i think... meh :P