Chapter Twenty Three

Forbidden Love

Taeyeon’s POV


“You look different since the past few weeks, Taengoo. Wanna share why?” asked Sooyoung as she stuffed the last piece of kimbap in .


If there’s one thing I hate in myself, that’s definitely my lack of ability to keep a secret. They always find my secrets out of my gestures and all. I don’t know if the problem is me, or they just have this supernatural power to find out things.



“What are you talking about?”


“You’re different, like you’re in love. Are you, by any chance?” She squinted her eyes on me and I swear, panic gushed through my veins.


I glimpsed at my girl for a split second who’s wandering her eyes around Yoona’s house before I let out a nervous chuckle. “Y..ou’re talking nonsense, Sooyoung-ah.”



It’s more than a week now since Jessica and I started to make our relationship official. No one knows it yet except for Sunny.

I shot Sunny a deathly stare after that and she shook her head like telling me she has no idea. And I know, I can trust her for that.



“Yeah right. How can Taeyeon be in love? She’s too busy with her stories. No time left for love.” Sunny added as she patted my back.

“Gosh kiddy, start finding love! You’re getting old.” Hyoyeon inserted.

“Aigooooo… look who’s talking. You act as if you already found yours.”

“Well, atleast I fell in love once. You, never!” She stuck out her tongue in front me and did some dance moves to tease me. I gave her a light kick on her . If she only knew I'm in love.


I glanced at Jessica surreptitiously and my heart drops every time I look at her. I wanted to stay close to her but I’m afraid to do so as I might get carried away by my emotion, forget to keep our secret and get caught.


“Okay guys, stop it right there. Our visitors will arrive soon.” Tiffany said while trying to stop Hyoyeon from what she was doing.


 After a while, the door bell rung and almost everyone panicked.


“Guys! They’re here now!” Yoona exclaimed and dashed over the main door to open the door for Donghae, Siwon and Shindong. She threw us a few inaudible words while gesturing her hand, I suppose she’s asking us to remove a few mess in the living room, before she finally swung the door open.


“Hi! Come on in!”

“OPPA!” The girls exclaimed, almost all at the same time.

“Long time no see, girls.”

Donghae walked up to me and patted me on the shoulder a few times and that hurt me, as always. “How have you been, Taeyeon-ah?”

I gave him a forced smile. “I’m good.”


Just then, I noticed him glanced over my girl who sat across us. I swear, I called upon the gods immediately during that few seconds to ask to keep his eyes away from her but that didn’t work. It just won’t work for him. “Oh.. you have a new friend?”


“Y-Yeah!” I said right away. “She….” He suddenly moved his feet towards her and I think something started to boil inside me. “….is Tiffany’s best friend.”


I know Donghae too well. He’s a heart-breaker. He’s really famous for being one and he dates random beautiful girls in town. When I heard Yoona invited him to come over, I wanted to pull Jessica out of the house and return her home but that’s just stupid. He better should not try to touch my girl cause if he does, I’d never hesitate to plant a bomb in his manhood. I swear!



“Oh yes oppa. She’s Jessica. She grew up in America as well.” explained Tiffany.


I looked at Donghae who’s now sitting beside my girl, throwing his oh-so dirty grin. I hate it.


“She’s very beautiful.” I curled my fingers together as I gritted my teeth at the scene I’m seeing right now. “Hi Jessica-ssi, I’m Donghae.” He held out his hand for a hand shake.


Jessica glimpsed at me before she took Donghae’s hand. If I could only sit in between of them, I would. Honestly, I can do that but I think that’s so inappropriate. Besides, there’s no point of getting jealous. I trust Jessica.


So that’s it. I just tried to keep myself busy from the food I’m eating and kept making fake coughs to interrupt Donghae with his evil plans to my girlfriend. 


“You’re really beautiful, Jessica-ssi.”






“AHEM! Aish! Sunny-ah, you've put a lot of salt in egg!!”



Okay, I think that alibi’s daebak.



“What?! I didn’t even put an egg into what you’re eating up. What the hell are you complaining about Taengoo?”



Or not.



“How old are you Jessica-ssi, would you mind?”




“Oh, perfect.”




Perfect?! What th- Okay, control your emotion Taeyeon.







“Taeyeon-ah, are you sick?” asked Donghae.

“No!” I unconsciously raised my voice. “Uhm, I got choked by the rice.” I patted my chest a few times to make my act a little more real but I guess that wasn’t a good idea as I saw worry in Jessica’s face.

“Oh, you need water?”

“No no. I’m fine now.” I gestured an ‘okay’ sign.


I stood up to get some juice in Yoona’s fridge and gulped in plenty of it, hoping that it’ll cool my boiling blood down. I returned back in the living room with a glass of juice and took a quick glance at my girl who’s seemed to be annoyed by now.


“When did you arrive in Seoul?”


“Four months ago.”


“Cool. Are you planning to go back to America soon?”


“I don’t think so.”


“You don’t talk that much, do you?”





Jessica caught me glancing at her then she threw me her breath-taking smile but she had to take it away immediately as that guy next to her was not yet done talking. He thinks he can get a point at my girl, doesn’t he?



“Excuse me, I’m gonna get something in the kitchen.”


“What’s it? Let me get it for you.”



Since when did he learn to be a ‘gentleman’? Tss.



“No thanks. I can do it myself.”



Jessica stood up and walked into the kitchen. Just then, I made a way out of the living room and followed my girl as normal as I could be. Anyway, the gang wouldn’t notice as they were too busy chatting with the other boys. I just wish Donghae would join them too.




Jessica’s POV


 Keeping this relationship as a secret is killing me. I had to keep a little distant to Taeyeon and that’s what makes me sad. I told you, I want her to be always by my side. But that’s what I want, right? Why am I complaining? Roll eyes.


I don’t have something to get here in the kitchen, actually. I just want to escape from talking to that guy. He ain’t cool. And I’m not even interested to have a longer conversation with him. I hope Taeyeon would follow me here.


Just then, everything around me went black as there was someone covered my eyes. “Guess who?”


“I have no idea.”


“Alright, then should I introduce myself to you?”


“Go ahead.”


She cleared first before she started to speak up. “I’m Kim Taeyeon.”


“Kim Taeyeon?”




“Do I know you?”


“You do.”


“Really? Why I don’t remember?”


“Should I kiss you on the lips then for you to remember?”


I stayed silent.


“Silence means yes.”


“You’re so silly.”


She took off her hands over my eyes as she giggled and I turned around to see her face. She caressed my face and looked at me in the eyes. “I missed you, baby.”


“I missed you too.” I looked around to check if there was someone then I pulled her for a hug when I saw no one. “Come over to my house later, okay? I’ll cook for you.”


“Yeah sure.” She said softly as she gently brush my hair with her fingers.








I pushed Taeyeon away a little hard causing her back to hit the island counter behind her when I heard the guy called out my name from the living room.




“Oh my god! I’m so sorry Taengoo! Are you alright?!”


She’s not answering.


“Does it hurt so much?! Omg! I’m really sorry. Can you stand?! Can you walk?! Tell me! Tell--”


“Shhh..” Taeyeon shushed me and put a finger on my lips to stop me from talking. I guess I over-reacted. “I’m fine. It’s nothing serious, baby.”


Then, she quickly stood up and spread her arms, proving that she’s really fine. “See?”


“I’m sorry.” I apologized once again.


“It’s okay. What are you here for anyway?”





Taeyeon took out the juice in the fridge and poured it in the glass. “There you go.”




“Shall we go outside now?” I nodded and walked ahead of her. “Wait, Jessica.”


I turned around to look at her. “Why?”


“Uhm…” She paused for a moment and stared at her feet. I began to wonder what she’s going to tell me. Is it something serious? Then she placed her gaze on mine again, her face’s a bit flushed. “Can you…keep a little distant..from that guy? I mean, Donghae.”



I kept quiet for seconds. “Why? You're not jealous, are you?” I gave her a puzzled frown.


She heaved a deep sigh and walked near me. “I don’t know.” She looked at me straight in the eyes, her face’s dropped. “I guess I am.”



I felt bad for making her feel jealous. And seeing her face like this makes my heart drop as well. I tucked a fringe of her hair behind her ear and squeezed her hand gently. “Taengoo, there’s no reason to get jealous, okay? My heart beats for only you. Remember that.”



She nodded and smiled. I gave her a peck on the cheek and I almost chuckled when I saw her face turned red.





Taeyeon’s POV


The party went off a little late, really late actually. The girls waved us good bye already and took a taxi going home while I and Jessica together with Donghae were still standing along the street, a few meters away from the bus stop.



“Jessica-ssi, let me send you home.” I gritted my teeth when Donghae asked my girl. And I swear, I want to place a purple mark under his eyes right now.


“No thanks.”


“But it’s late now.”


“Don’t worry Donghae. She’s just a few streets away from my apartment. I’ll do the honor.” I said right away as he seemed to push through it.


“I see. Take care of her then, Taeyeon-ah.” I chuckled under my breath in disbelief. “It’s nice meeting you, Jessica-ssi.”


Just when he was about to get my girl’s hand and kiss it like he always does with his girls, I grabbed Jessica’s hand immediately and pulled her ahead to run. “See you soon oppa! Bye!”



That was close.



We stopped when we reached the bus stop. There was no other people as it was already quarter to twelve midnight. The night was cold and ghostly quiet.


“Did we already miss the last bus?” she asked.


“I don’t know. Let’s wait for a while. It’ll be here in any sec.” I told her.


She leaned her head on my right shoulder as she linked her arms around mine. “Are you mad?”


I don’t know why she suddenly thought about that. Maybe because I got really jealous. “No. Should I be?”


“No.” She said softly. Then she pulled her head up and looked at me.


“Why?” I asked. She traced her fingertips along my nose bridge down to my lips and chuckled softly.


“You’re really cute.”


“You are too.”




“Yes. You are really beautiful. And I love you like that.”


Just then, she took her gaze away from me and I wondered if I said something wrong. “Did I…say something wrong?”


“What if my beauty fades away, Taengoo and I become like a monster? Would you still love me like that? Or would your love fade away as well?”


I chuckled silently and then I held her hand. “Look at me.”


I held my gaze onto her when she looked at me, then I began to speak. “I know one day, everything that my eyes loved about you will fade away. Your skin will become saggy, for sure you’ll have wrinkles all over your eyes, and you could be fat by then. You could be the scariest person who nags at every person you see at the street, or you could be the dumbest person by then, but I assure you when that day comes, I’ll wake up every day still feeling the same feeling I felt when I first fell in love with you. This is the you that I like. The same you I was in love with yesterday. And the same you I’ll be in love with tomorrow.”


I gently squeezed her hand as I want her to feel my sincerity. “I love you so much, Jessica. And I’ll never get tired to tell you that every day.”


She closed her eyes when I leaned forward to place a kiss on her forehead. Next, to her nose, and then I stopped in front of her lips for a moment. I could feel her warm breath brushing against me as our lips were almost just an inch away.


I pressed both of her hands gently, then I finally placed my lips on hers. Her lips were soft and warm. She smells right. She tastes right. She feels right. She put her arms around my neck when I deepened the kiss and I s my arms tightly around her waist.


She caressed the back of my head as continued to brush against mine, and our lungs started to cry out for air but no one’s pulling away. We continued to kiss until we had to pull away to gasp some air.


She surveyed me for a few seconds. “I love you Taengoo.” Then she pulled me close in her embrace. It was after we heard the bus horned in the middle of silence when we decided to break away.





Author's Note: I think I kinda messed out that kissing scene. I'm sorry. >.< Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thanks for the new subscribers!!! Keep your comments posted! Love yah! ♥

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Promise to write something up on weekends! ♥


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Where are you? Author-nim? T.T
JooNa0309 #2
Chapter 28: Waaaaahhhhhh... Bitin.. Author! Bumalik ka na please..
irfy_isml #3
Chapter 28: Ahh i miss this story! Been re-reading it again. Pls continue this amazing story author-shi! :)
Hi Author.. Please update the soonest.. Utang na loob.. Pakiusap.. ^___^ Ang galing mo po, as in. Antay ko po ang update.. hehe.. Salamat!
I miss this story author-ssi....., pls update soon ^^...
irfy_isml #6
Chapter 28: Heyyyy new reader here! Fuh i managed to finish the whole chapter in one day. I even sacrifice my sleep for this story.. But then it was worth it! I loveeee taengsic moment over her and how each of the drama comes. Update soon! Author-shi, fighting!
toottoot #7
Chapter 28: The twinkle twinkle little star part was so cuuuuteeeeeeee
Chapter 5: I thought she said " its been a while since i brush my teeth" lol jessica jung...
Forevaaa #9
Chapter 28: thankyaaaa for the update <3 taengsic fighting!!! btw love the song <3 update soooooooooonn :))))))))))))
Chapter 2: haha Sica is so cynical here...