
Dear Doojoon, Love JSJ (Hiatus)

Krystal was standing outside the gates of Seohan University. 'Ugh. Why did I came back to Seoul?' Krystal thought. 'Oh. It's because of Jessica unnie.' She said and went inside the campus. Every student in Seohan University was staring at her. 'Why are they staring at me? I know that I'm beautiful.' She smirked and took off her sun glasses. She fished out her phone from her pocket and dialed Jessica's number.



'Krystal-ah! Where are you?'

"I'm outside of your dorm. Can you come out now. People are staring at me."

'What? Oh. Okay, I'll be down in a sec.'

"Unnie! Fas-"

The line went dead and Krystal looked at her phone. 'Why must she always do this when she's talking to me on the phone?' She thought and placed her phone back inside her pocket. Like what Jessica said, she went outside of her dorm in a sec. She looked around and saw Krystal staring blankly at her. 

"Krystal!" She said and ran up to her. But Krystal was still looking blankly at her. "Yah! Krystal Jung!" She shouted at her face and Krystal snapped out of her trance.

"Oh. Unnie! It's good to see you again!" She said in English. Jessica looked at her, confused. 'Why was she speaking in English? I thought we agreed not to speak in English once she steps out of the plane.' Jessica thought and shook her head.

"Krystal, why are you speaking in English?" Jessica asked her. Krystal just shrugged and she links arms with her. "Unnie. Let's go inside the dorm now. I want to sleep." Krystal said as she pouts at Jessica.

"Oh, okay." Jessica said and went to walk in a different direction. "Unnie! Where are you going? Isn't this the dorm?" Krystal said as she points the dorm where Jessica came from.

"Ani. That's not your dorm. That's the dorm for college students." Jessica paused. "Your dorm is that way." She points the way to the High school dorm.

"We're going to walk again? But I'm tired!" Krystal whined. "No buts. It's not that far." Jessica said as she drags her sister to the high school dormitory.

As they were walking, Krystal saw the soccer field. She smiled as she remembered her crush back in her old school in America. But, then again. She quickly changed her facial expression. From smiling face to poker face.

They reached the high school dorm and went inside. Krystal saw many girls in the lounge. Some were studying, some were playing, some were flirting with the boys. She saw a guy who was holding a soccer ball. They guy noticed Krystal and looked at her. When Krystal saw the guy with the soccer ball was looking at her, she smirked and rolled her eyes. She followed Jessica to the reception desk of the dorm.

"Annyeong Haseyo!" The woman in the reception desk greeted them. Krystal smiled at her and bowed. "Annyeong Haseyo!" the Jung sister both said.

"What brings you here Jessica?" The woman asked Jessica. "Oh, I'm here to bring my sister to her dorm." Jessica said and pointed at Krystal. Krystal kept the smile plastered on her face.

"Oh! She's your sister?" The woman asked. The Jung sisters both nodded. "Oh! Wow! You two look like twins!" She said and chuckled. They just smiled at her.

"Ah.. Ajumma. Can I get my room key now?" Krystal said in Korean. Jessica was shock to hear her speak in Korean.

"Oh. Can you please wait?" She smiled at Krystal and looked around the table.

"Unnie. How can I know that my other stuff are in my room?" Krystal asked Jessica. "Oh. Don't worry, they arrived yesterday." She answered her and smiled.

"How did you know?" Krystal said.

"Because I checked it yesterday." Jessica answered.

Krystal nodded and brought her attention back at the ajumma. "Oh. Krystal Jung, here is your I.D, your schedule and your room card. Room 505" She gave Krystal her I.D, her room card and her schedule.

They said there thanks and went to the elevator. "Wow. Unnie. This school is amazing. It has an elevator!" Krystal said in awe. "Krystal-ah, only the dorms has an elevator." Jessica said plainly as they stepped inside the 

Krystal looked at her, shock was written all over her face. "REALLY?!" She shouted and Jessica just nodded. The elevator ringed, signalling that they arrived at the designated floor.

They walked towards room 505 and stopped. Krystal swiped the card and opened the door. She entered the room and looked around. All of her stuff wasn't in boxes anymore. "Unnie, did you do this?" She asked Jessica and she nodded.

"Wah! Thank you so much!" Krystal ran towards Jessica and hugged her. "I love you sooo much Unnie!" 

"Okay. Let's not get a little lovey dovey here." Jessica said and pushed her lightly. "Krystal-ah, if you need anything just call me or go down to the reception desk, arraso?"

Krystal nodded and went to look around a little. "So, unnie. I don't have a roomate?" She asked.

"Do you see another bed inside this room?" Jessica said, sarcastically. Krystal shook her head. "Good."

Krystal crashed into her bed and sighed. "Wah. I'm so tired." She said and closed her eyes.

"So sleep. You need alot of energy for tomorrow's class." Jessica said and looked at her watch. "Oh, Krystal. I have to go now. Call me when you need anything, okay?"

"Neh. Lock the door when you go out." Krystal answered lazily.

"You have to lock in with your card." Jessica said. Krystal stood up and took the card from her pocket. "Okay. Now shoo. I want some alone time."

"Okay. Call me when you need anything okay?" Krystal nodded. Jessica stepped out of her room and began walking towards the elevator. She heard Krystal shut her door.


Krystal woke up from her nap and stretched. She yawned and looked around the room. It was dark. She went near the bedside table and opened the lamp. She took out her phone from her pocket and looked at the time. 

She gasped. It was already 7pm. She slept for 10hrs. Her stomach growled, she placed her hand on her stomach and said 'shh'. She stood up and opened the lights inside her room. 

She looked for her hand bag and luckily the sandwich she brought in the airport was still there. She opened the case and started to eat. Once she was done, she went to her closet and was surprised to see all of her dresses, shirts, jeans and her new uniform was neatly placed inside.

Krystal took one uniform out and smiled, 'so this is my new uniform. Wow. Very nice.'

She placed it back inside and went to sit in the edge of her bed. She took her phone and changed the time. From American time to Korean time and she sets her alarm.

Krystal changed into her PJs and did all her rituals before going to bed. As she was done, she crashed into her bed.

She took out her phone again and looked at her wallpaper, it was her crush from her old school. Choi Minho, the guy who never notices Krystal. She smirked and changed her wallpaper into a flower. And slept.

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Chapter three. Soon. VERY SOON :3


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Chapter 3: Can't wait for the next chapter to be up! ^^
koreanaddic #2
1 upvote for you :)
shujun #3
Chapter 2: Haha~kleestal..very funny..><"
Updte soon..
Hwaiting !!!
You like them together tooooooooo!! YAY! They're my first ships out of f(x) and Beast lol (so upset they didn't happen in the sitcom -.-) Looking forward to this :D
i thought i was the only one who ship them together!!!!! thank you for making this fic, fighting!
I ship them because of their sitcom together. XD
OhEmgeee~!! DooStal!!! Please update soon! It's nice to see another doojoonxkrystal fic... :)