Chapter 6 : Return of Zodiarts

Super Hero Taisen Ultimate : Kamen Rider & Super Sentai (Chapter 1)

After the battle between Kamen Rider Club against Zodiarts, Kisaragi Gentarou has become a teacher at Amanogawa High School after 5 years.

2 weeks after the fight between Fourze and Sanagiman, the Amanogawa High School is been attacked by Shock-Zangyack....

(KABOOOM!!) Explosion is every where around the school. Kisaragi while teaching the student in class, Ohsugi rush towards Kisaragi..

"Kisaragi, the monster are attacking the school!!" said Ohsugi. "Really? This is bad....Please take care of my student for a while.", replies Kisaragi.

Kisaragi run towards the explosion.

"Stop right there!! Arrghh!! Zangyack?"said Kisaragi. Narutaki appear and said "Are you Fourze? Hahahaha....I have surprise for you."

"What are you talking about?", ask Kisaragi.   "Come!! Take your revenge now!", Narutaki suddenly summon "something".

(Leo Zodiarts appear)

"Hah? Zodiarts? But how did he revived?". Kisaragi put his belt. '3, 2, 1!! Henshin!!' (Kisaragi transform into Kamen Rider Fourze)

"Uchuu....Kitaaa!! Kamen Rider Fourze....Lets settle this down", said Fourze.

Fourze alone fight with Leo Zodiarts and other Sgormin and Yummies.

'Damn! Its too many here to fight alone...', Fourze whispered.

Fourze use switch number 40....'COSMIC ON!'  (Fourze change to Cosmic States)

"Haarrgh!! Take this! Rider Super Galaxy Finish!!" Fourze strike all the Sgormin, Yummies and Leo Zodiarts with his Barizun Sword..

Fourze defeats the enemy but.....another 11 Horoscope Zodiarts appear.....




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smilebear24 #1
Yay! Finally someone who likes Super Sentai and Kamen Rider like me ^_^