Turning TOP Down

Wauw - Fantastic Baby




I went to school today, not wanting DaeSung to be kicked around again, and I wanted to stay at school. Maybe I had too much absence. When I got there, I met DaeSung whose eye and lip looked horrible. It had grown blue and purple.


“Hello handsome.” I a bit. He could deal with the jokes, but only when it came from me.


“Hi… I’m so tired. I didn’t sleep all night.” He answered and I sighed because of him.


“There’s something I don’t get… You are kinda handsome, not that I would know of handsomeness in men, but you are not really bad looking… And you are working out very well. Why do you keep letting the bullies bully you?” I asked him and in return I got a tired and deathly look.


“If I was all those things and if I could stand up for myself, I sure would, but that’s not the case.” He answered and I sighed hard. I was just glad he didn’t notice the more about what I had just said. Well, he was handsome as hell, and if I wasn’t in the closet, and if he was into guys, I would totally have him. But now my love fell on a completely other person. G-Dragon…


“I think we should beat all three of those beasts, then they wouldn’t mess with us anymore.” I suggested.


“But they are never really after us?” He answered. I understood and knew he was right. Plus I didn’t really have in mind to do it.


“Just because you talk to the new girl… Aish, it’s stupid. Those guys don’t even like new people…” I said with an irritated voice.


“Yeah I know.” I answered and we went into our classroom.







I sat in the classroom and watched TaeYang sleep – again. While the teacher spoke, I painted on TaeYang’s cheek with a pen. I tried to hold back my laughter from what I was doing. He would flip completely. And TOP would find it hilarious.

The bells rung and I woke up TaeYang, not telling him anything, but when he got up and packed his stuff together, I was about to burst into laughter, and as well was the rest of the class.


“What?” TaeYang asked annoyed, and I shrugged, like I didn’t know anything. We exited the classroom and met with TOP. He then burst out into laughter when he saw my perfect creating on his cheek.


“What’s wrong with everyone?” TaeYang asked more than annoyed now.


“Maybe you should see yourself in the mirror.” TOP suggested, and he stormed out on the toilet. Me and TOP laughed harder and high-fived.


“DRAGON!” It sounded from the toilet. And TOP and I ran away while laughing hard.


I met TaeYang again after the break, and it was not that visible. The drawing on his cheek. He had managed to get it off very well.


“So… Fancy your new look?” I asked and he hit my head with an annoyed hiss.


“ you, creep!” He said and sat down beside me.


“No thank you. I would prefer if you would keep away from those thoughts of such nasty things.” I said and we both laughed. I saw that guy, TOP beat up yesterday. He was looking at us and when he noticed I looked at him, he quickly turned away. I smirked from the obvious jealousy.


“Hey TOP… That guy you beat up, what’s his name?” I asked and TOP shrugged, not really knowing him. I hit him on the shoulder, so he would tell me.


“Yah! How should I know some guys name, just because I beat him up? Isn’t he like… Two classes beneath me?” He said with a not caring voice. And I nodded at the end.


“Yeah, I guess. But the new girl is in his class. So happens huh TOP?” I and we got into a small fight, but just on a friendly base.


“Hey Guys!” TaeYang suddenly said out loud, and poked both of us to stop. We stopped and watched the new girl walk just in front of us, seeing her roll her eyes at us. TOP hit me hard on the shoulder.


“Yah! Now she saw us being totally idiots… Damn…” He said with an annoyed voice. I laughed with TaeYang at him, and he looked at us with anger. Then he took his bag and walked away. I couldn’t stop laughing, and neither could TaeYang.






I went to class with SeungRi, and saw Min Young smile at me, when I entered. She seemed happy by seeing me, and I made an awkward wave towards her. She giggled and I turned red. SeungRi led me to my seat and we sat down.


“You are so falling for her…” He teased me and I shook my head.


“No, she’s too pretty for me, and you know that. She’s completely out of my league. So I won’t fall for her.” I responded and he sighed. We found our books and some paper for our notes. So we sat in silence and heard the teacher, speak about something from Europe. I was a good student and took good notes, but I didn’t really care about this Europe thing. The bell rung and said we were off for lunch. I was just about to leave when a soft hand held my own.


“Kang DaeSung?” The sweet voice of Kwon Min Young sounded from behind me. SeungRi looked weird at me and I looked at the girl.


“Yes?” I answered and she smiled cutely at me. It made me somewhat soft in my knees, even though I had promised myself not to fall for her.


“Will you take me to lunch?” She asked kindly, and as said, I was soft, so I said yes to her.


“Can SeungRi come along?” I asked and she nodded. She let go of my hand again, and we went to the canteen.


When we got there, I received a lot of different looks from people. I decided to not care, not right now at least. We got our food and sat down, SeungRi teased around and made a lot of jokes, which Min Young seemed to like. So we had fun. But when I looked away from our small group, I was sure that someone else didn’t enjoy our chat. TOP looked ridiculously angry.

Later that day, I said goodbye to SeungRi and was about to go home when she stopped me again.


Min Young


I stopped DaeSung before he could go, and smiled at him. Maybe I should give him a shot as a friend. He seemed very kind and not like those bad boys.


“Would you show me around?” I asked him kindly and he smiled back with this cute and handsome smile.


“Yeah of course.” He answered and we went around the building, we also saw the stadium, where I had gym the next day. He played around with me, and kept making me laugh. I couldn’t remember when I had last had so much fun with a guy.


“Thanks for the tour. See you tomorrow.” I said when he let me into the bus, and then went away again. I waved at him from my seat and he waved back. It was so nice to have a person to talk to and laugh with… I arrived home a bit later and got off the bus just in front of my house. Min Ra was there, as expected.


“So, did you go for the tour with the guy?” She asked me and I laughed at her and her ways to break the silence.


“Yeah, he was kind of sweet. And really funny. But I don’t know what to do…” I answered her and my smile had faded. She put a hand on my back.


“There there. You will figure out when time is.” She answered and then just went to her room. I could have yelled at her, for making me feel like a child.


“Thanks!” I yelled out in irony after her.






I was about to go home when I noticed that the guy I beat up yesterday, just let Min Young on the bus. Anger was burning inside of me, and I just had to beat him up again. That was when I heard G-Dragon come along and when I turned around to face him, the guy was gone when I looked again.


“AISH!!! Why do you always come in the wrong times?” I asked GD in an angry tone. He quickly let his hands up in defense.


“Calm down dude! What did I do now?” He quickly asked me and I hit a wall next to me.

“Woah dude. Chill! Why are you always so angry? I mean… You are really pissed every time I get near you.” He said and I calmed a bit down.


“Sorry… I just don’t like seeing that guy with my girl.” I answered with a lighter mood.


“It’s okay, but maybe you really should think more about how you act to people. Especially that chick… Girls dig bad boys, but not when the bad boy is taking all his anger out on the only person she feels comfortable with. Maybe you should be friends with that guy, and automatically she will fall for you.” He said, and I thought a minute about that kind of thinking.


“Maybe it could work.” I realized. GD facepalmed himself, and made me laugh.


“Do I look stupid? Of course it would work!” He said and I laughed even more from the first part of what he said.


“Yeah, you do look stupid.” I answered and we laughed together.


“Thanks bro. You always know how to appreciate me.” He said and we laughed a great deal more.


“So go and get your fake chick.” He teased and I tried to ignore him.


The next day I tried to find her.


After a great deal of searching, I found out she had class, and I waited patiently outside the classroom to get her when she was done. And there she was.


“Hi.” I said with a smile, one of these no one could really stand for. She smiled back, with this kind of secret smile.


“Hi.” She answered me and started walking. I wasn’t sure whether she wanted me to follow her, or leave her be.


“How are you?” I asked, feeling completely stupid. I was this bad boy who was tough and all, and now sounding like a kid.


“I’m fine.” She answered, really putting on a drama queen attitude.


“So… What do you think about me and you going on a date tomorrow?” I asked, maybe too rushed. She stopped walking and looked at me, with this look I couldn’t read.


“No.” She answered with a smile.


“Why not?” I asked her, and she started walking again.


“You are not my type. And even if you were, I wouldn’t go out with you.” She answered me, and I almost stumbled from her words.


“But…?” I just managed to say and then she quickened up her pace, before she left me standing stupid in the hall.

“The hard words from a fake …” GD said from behind me, and when I turned he was with TaeYang. This was too hard, and then get mocked by those two just after.




Min Young


So the big weird guy, likes me? Ha! That’s hilarious. Now I get why he beat down poor DaeSung. After I got him away, three girls moved in my direction and all stopped me.


“Hi, we sort of noticed that you just turned TOP down. We wanna know why? No one have ever done that to any of them. And since you are new, you could use all the attention you would get from being with him.” One of the girls said.

“And you are?” I asked all three of them, not answering their question.


“Oh, I’m Dara, this is CL and Bom.” She answered me, and they all looked eager at me to hear what I had to say.


“Hey, I just don’t go out with a guy I barely know. I’m new, yes, but that doesn’t mean I need a guy to fit in.” I answered and fixed my hair a bit.


“It was kind of epic. He has never been turned down before.” The girl who was called Bom said. They were clearly going out of their minds because I turned the boy down, who obviously was named TOP. What a weird thing to call himself?


“How did you dare?” The girl who spoke first, Dara, asked.


“I just didn’t want to, so obviously I turned him down. Girls, not that I don’t like chatting with you, I need to get going.” I said and flipped my hair before I walked away from them. I caught the last sentence one of them said, and it made me smile big.

“Gosh she’s so awesome.”






I kept a low profile the rest of the day, when suddenly I saw The Three Beasts coming my way. I was about to run, when TOP the tall guy yelled out.


“Hey boy! Wait up.” He said and now I was even closer to running.


“Yeah! You stay!” The next, GD yelled. I dropped my bag and the books in my arms, and started running. As fast as I could manage, I just ran. I don’t even get where I went, before I was somewhere they couldn’t find me. My heart was racing and my lungs couldn’t get any air.


I waited there for a while, before I went back to my stuff, which was lying exactly where I had dropped it. Good, then they hadn’t done anything bad to it.


I went home and watched some TV, before mom and dad came home. Later SeungRi knocked on the door, and I opened for him to come in. We chatted a bit before he broke the big news.


“Did you know that TOP, the tall guy from The Three Beasts, just asked Min Young out, and she said No!” He said with great enthusiasm. I laughed slightly, before I realized he was serious.


“And so? I guess she doesn’t like bad guys then.” I answered, and that was when it hit me.

“Exactly! If she doesn’t, then she could just as easily like you!” He almost yelled. I jumped from his sudden outburst.


“No no, Ri, she doesn’t. She’s not into me, and neither am I into her.” I answered and he sighed from a defeat he didn’t want to have.


“Fine… Then live the rest of your life in regret and sadness.” He said, and I laughed from his stupidity.


“I will then.” I just said cheerfully.




Min Young


I got home from all the mess in the school about my turn down for TOP. Not that I cared, but clearly everyone else did. I even got a high five earlier.


“Hi Min Ra!” I yelled out when I was home. I could hear she was in the living room, so I went there.


“Hi how was school?” She asked and sniffed from her running nose and she looked more awful than ever.


“I got asked out, but I turned the guy down, and suddenly I became the school’s hottest subject. He’s apparently a well-known guy. I don’t really care. Just he leaves me alone.” I answered, and she looked weird at me.


“Of course. You don’t like to like anyone do you?” She asked in a tease and I sighed.


“I don’t like guys who just want me for my looks. He doesn’t even know me.” I answered and she sniffed again.


“When are you feeling better so you can come along?” I asked annoyed. She laughed with a bit of difficulty.


“Soon my little sister. Hopefully soon. And in the mean time, I think you should get better acquainted with that guy.. Dae-something.” She said and I just nodded while rolling my eyes. I didn’t need a guy…

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xtavista #1
Chapter 2: dae..put up some courage and just beat them ^^
loving it..update soon!!
Chapter 1: wow!!! this is already awesome!!!!
Sounds interesting :D
Update soon :D