The New Girl In School

Wauw - Fantastic Baby




Kwon Min Young… Her name had been passing my brain ever since I saw her in the school yard the first day at my school. The summer holiday had just ended, and I was dying to keep the holiday going. I hated school. I wasn’t a school nerd, and everyone knew that. Well, back to my new muse… Her black hair was flowing in the wind and her small dark brown eyes were piercing. I loved her from the first day, or well I guess I did. The loving feeling I had had from before, was definitely like this.


“Hey you!” A voice called from behind and when I turned around, I saw my favorite Dragon come running towards me.


“What’s up dude?” I answered and looked at him with little interest. My eyes kept watching out for this girl.


“Have you seen the new girl? She’s definitely not from around. I bet she’s from Gangnam. She looks like one of those plastic-queens.” GD said, and I looked at him with feisty eyes. I could have sworn to burn him on the fire. Instead I just shrugged and he pushed me slightly with that annoying expression of “Uuuuh!”


“So you are totally digging her?” He asked me and I turned around, picking up my school backpack. Annoying as he was, he was my best friend after all. TaeYang and him, those guys were the best in this world. I shouldn’t say, “I love them”, but I actually do. Not in the gay way. That’s too nasty. But I do love them as my best friends.


“You are!?” GD said with a loud voice. Clearly surprised, but in the way that meant he would tease me with it.


“He is what?” TaeYang asked from beside GD, as he had just gotten to us.


“I’m not “digging” her.” I said as I took my book from the backpack and held it in my hand, as I swung the backpack over my one shoulder.


“Now, see you later guys.” I quickly said before I rushed away, just in time to catch my class before the bell rung.






I had just gotten to GD and TOP when TOP was about to leave. Me and GD went away together, and found our class, sitting next to each other. I crossed my arms and put my head down on the table, resting my chin on my crossed arms as I waited for the class to begin. Slowly I could feel the tiredness crawling over me, as I was drifting off to sleep.


After an hour or so, GD woke me up, telling me the class had ended. I just nodded, while wiping off some drool from the cheek, and got up from my seat.


“Let’s find TOP and go to lunch.” GD said and I followed him to the next corridor, where TOP was standing by his locker, and shifting books, or well, I thought he was doing so. But when I looked closer, I saw that the new girl was standing by her own locker, and fixing her books, and that was what TOP was starring at.


“Hey you!” GD yelled through the corridor while smashing on some lockers, and it made all the students look. TOP blushed when he found out that the girl had seen him stare.


“Shut up.” He muttered while he closed his own locker, turning to see the somewhat beautiful girl walk away with her head held high.


“She’s a drama queen, just forget her.” GD said, and TOP raised an eyebrow.


“You are a drama queen too, but I’ve been with you for about 10 years or more now.” He teased back and I laughed. Truth to be told, GD could be a real drama queen. But he was pleasant company and funny as hell at times.


“Come on guys, if we want lunch, we have to go.” I said, leaving the two others behind as I started walking, rolling my eyes at their continuing arguments about the new girl.






I came smiling down the corridor, watching The Three Beasts go chatting in the other direction. The Three Beasts were no one else, than the “famous”, G-Dragon, TaeYang and T.O.P. Yack. None of them used their real names, and though I had been going to this school for 5 years, I had completely forgotten the real ones. Not that I cared one bit. I wasn’t the one who talked to them, and if I did, they would beat me up.


“Hi.” A voice said from behind me, and I turned around. This new girl from my class was talking to me, even her name I had forgotten.


“Hi.” I just answered, a little dumbfounded, but I guess it’s okay when it’s a sneaker attack like that.


“Your Kang DaeSung right? I’m Kwon Min Young. Sorry, but I was a bit lost, do you know where I can find the canteen?” She asked me, and now her name was registered in my head.


“Yeah, I am. And of course. Follow me.” I answered and started walking to the canteen. She just followed me, and smiled all the time. Well, she was really pretty, but completely out of my league. So I had no intensions to do anything, and even the fact that she just talked to me, was overwhelming.


We entered the canteen and she went in line to get some food. I just followed, figuring that I should get something too. What I didn’t expect was the next.


“Do you want to eat together with me?” She asked me after turning around to face me in the line. I blushed and wasn’t sure what to say. My friend wasn’t here today, so actually I should sit alone.


“Yeah, that’d be nice.” I answered and a cute smile spread on her lips. Maybe she should have chosen another one than me to sit beside. But it warmed my heart that not all pretty girls hated ugly guys. I didn’t like myself, and did consider myself as an ugly guy, plus people always called me “The Ugly One”, so I guess I was just used to the fact.


“Thanks.” She answered, and we went to a table shortly after, sitting down to enjoy our food.


“So, why are you talking to a new girl like me?” She asked me, and I shrugged, while chewing on some rice.


“I just don’t see why I shouldn’t.” I answered and she smiled bigger to me. It was kind of sweet of her to talk to me. Normally no one would, except for my friend.


“It’s sweet of you. I heard this school normally hate new people, so I was afraid of being left out. My old school was really nice. I had a lot of friends there.” She said and it made me wonder.


“Why did you move?” I asked and she sighed deeply, making me feel bad for asking her like that.


“My dad got a job in the other side of town, so we had to move because he didn’t want to drive around too much. So, bad luck for me, but good luck for him. So to speak.” She said and I nodded, getting more and more curious about this girl, who seemed so friendly to me.


“That’s sad.” I just said, not knowing what to say. Of course I wanted to support her, but she was too much of a stranger to give her a hug.


“Yeah well…” She said and we continued eating for a while. I could feel people stare at us. They were either curious, or maybe even jealous of me, The Nothing, sitting here, with maybe one of the prettiest girls in the school. But no one’s eyes were more hateful, nor more annoyed than the eyes in the head of TOP. They burned from desire of sitting where I was, sitting in my place.


“I can show you around after we have ended our classes?” I suggested, and a light shined in her eyes, just until it fainted hard.


“I want to, but I can’t. I’m sorry.” She answered and I nodded, maybe a bit defeated by the letdown. After finishing our lunch, we got up and put the trays back where they belonged, and we left the canteen area. We went to our class and after two more classes, we were finally off. I and Min Young went together down the hall to our lockers, but she stopped at hers and I went on to my own.


“Hey!” That guy, TOP yelled, when I turned around and saw him. He slammed me up against the lockers and held a hand on my shoulder.


“Don’t mess around Kiddo. Just get lost, okay?” He said loudly. I squeezed my eyes together as he slammed a fist to my face. I yelled out in pain, and quickly ducked to not receive another punch. My nose felt like it was broken or something, and blood was trailing down from it. TOP dragged me up again, and from over his shoulder, I could see that Min Young left and only looked shortly at us. Sure she was a girl, and I hadn’t expected a savior, I never really had any, but leaving like that… Was just too hard, even for me.


Getting beaten up wasn’t a new thing for me, but TOP had never really been on my tail. So it was weird he suddenly was all over me. I received a few more beatings before he found himself satisfied. He left me lying on the floor in the empty school. My mouth, nose and right eyebrow were bleeding, but it was nothing new. Somehow I got up and stumbled home. My mom went crazy, but I didn’t care. I just went to my room and locked the door, leaving her outside to scream and yell.






I had stayed home from school today, just to fix something at my home. Nothing really, but I liked to be home. My rooftop apartment was well-suited for me, and I liked it here alone. I know it’s nothing special, and most people hated being here. Everyone else than DaeSung. He was my best buddy and was always there for me.


But for long, the last few years, I had fantasized about someone else. And it made me so embarrassed, because that person was not ideal for me. G-Dragon, that hot piece of meat was what caught my eyes daily. Actually, he had never looked my way, but everything about him appealed to me. He was so hot and I sort of loved him. But no one knew, and Dae was the last person I could tell that to! He wouldn’t understand me at all, and on the other hand, he would maybe be the best person to talk to. But we boys didn’t do stuff like that.


I had just left my room to go to DaeSung. He was off school now, and when I got down the stairs, a glimpse of something hot got my attention. G-Dragon and his two fellows where walking down the street - my street.


“Hey Jumbo head!” A voice said and all three laughed. The heart sank in me.


“Wow, so good you are at finding nicknames!” I yelled back, and they were silent. 1-0 to me.


“If you want, I can find a lot better names. How about ? Weakling? ?” TaeYang yelled back and I bet I turned red in the head, because they sure started laughing. 1-1 I guess.


“What about you just piss off?” I snapped at him and they made the “uhh”-sound, just to annoy me. 2-1.


“Now we are so scared, .” G-Dragon said. Wow that hurt. 2-100 to them. It annoyed me, but not as much as I bet it could be. I could have crawled down into the company of a mouse, but I wouldn’t break easily.


“You should be, prick.” I answered back, maybe not the smartest thing to do. 1 to 3 was a stupid bet, and I shouldn’t get myself beaten up now. It would be foolish.


“What did you say?” G-Dragon said and I quickly hurried away, running down a sideway and away from them. After all, I did know my neighborhood a bit better than those three stupid guys. I bet they tried to run after me, but I didn’t look and when I was far away, I turned away and went to DaeSung’s home.






We chased the guy a few blocks, but when he disappeared, we gave up. Not that any of us usually gave up on anything, but we didn’t have the time today. I just didn’t want to be called a prick and not beat him up for it.


We went on to the next street, and inside a restaurant with Ramen. Each of us ordered something and got it immediately to go. TaeYang finished his quick, as he was starving.


“Hey guys! Shouldn’t we do something funny?” TaeYang asked, as my mouth was stuffed, it was TOP’s turn to answer him.


“What do you want to do, stupid?” TOP answered with a new question, and TaeYang looked like a kid who got grounded for a week.


“I’m not stupid…” He answered with a pout and I laughed so hard. The look on his face was priceless, and I hit the back of his head with my palm.


“So you are not stupid? I’m not so sure.” I and TOP laughed along with me. TaeYang looked grumpy, but didn’t reply.


“Hey! See!” TOP suddenly interrupted and pointed at the other sidewalk, showing us the new girl from our school.


“That plastic thing again?” I said and rolled my eyes. TOP hit me on the shoulder, so I dropped my food, making me pissed as hell.


“ you! Idiot!” I yelled at him, and the girl turned around to see. She looked away immediately again, not caring one bit about our discussion.


“Yah! Idiot yourself! She looked at us, and then you just yell at me!” TOP answered in a loud voice, clearly annoyed. I bet he like her very much – idiot…


“I want popcorn for this fight.” TaeYang said with a large grin on his face, making fun of us. Me and TOP just gave each other a quick look, and then jumped TaeYang, punishing him for interrupting, and then we had a small fight. Childish? Yes. Funny? Indeed. Stupid? Well, yeah.




Min Young


First day in school went well. I sort of like this Dae guy, but I shouldn’t get my hopes up too high, and not yet at all. He’s sweet and funny, but still gets beaten up, and I can’t be with a guy who isn’t cool in school. I can’t even be friends with him that would ruin my already ruined reputation. And I can’t have that.


I saw those guys fight with each other. Small children in my eyes, and with no brains at all… I need friends, and some in high ranks, but small kids like them? Nahh…


When I got home, my sister was sitting by the table in the kitchen and looked like one who could throw up any minute.


“How was your first day?” She asked me, and I smiled sweetly back at her.


“It was okay. I talked to a lot of different people, and they seem nice. Especially one guy, but he’s one of those geeks that always gets kicked around. So I don’t think I will have him as a friend.” I answered her, sitting down in front of her.


“Sounds nice, but why not? You should be more kind to people who wants the best for you. And just because he’s a geek, doesn’t mean you couldn’t be friends. I bet he’s sweet. And maybe you could make life easier for him.” She said, while I rolled my eyes at her words. Like I should be friends with a geek.


“Maybe he’s not normal. And he didn’t seem to have any friends there.” I answered and tried to sound like I knew all about him.


“Then you could be his friend.” She said, and I hated the thing that she was right, but I would never say that.


“No.” I just answered, and then that argument was over. Not that I didn’t need friends at the new place, plus he could help me around and help me with homework. Damn, it would be a good idea to have a friend there, and especially in my own class, but I didn’t find him that good of a friend. Maybe I could have him as a friend, just secretly.


“Do you want to cook dinner, before Mom comes home?” She asked, and I just nodded. Mom was always tired after work, so I and Min Ra usually cooked, but now that she felt bad, I was the one doing it.






SeungRi had just arrived and I let him into my room, despite my mother’s protests about not letting her in, but him.


“How was the day?” He asked me, making me just shrug and point at my nose.


“This well.” I muttered as he could see blood from the nose, lip and eyebrow. It , really. He made a grimace in pain from the sight, and softly touched my lip next to the wound.


“I ran into The Three Beasts today. They chased me, but I’m way faster than those idiots.” He chuckled, and I laughed with him. He was right, because I don’t know a person who runs as fast as him.


“Of course you are.” I answered him with my lips spread in a smile from ear to ear. We chatted some more, before SeungRi had to go home, when I had to eat. Mom didn’t let him join tonight because my father was in a bad mood. Unfortunately, so he had to go home. When I went out to get something to eat, my father yelled at me, because I looked the way I did. Then I got the usual speech about sticking up for myself and bla bla bla.

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xtavista #1
Chapter 2: dae..put up some courage and just beat them ^^
loving it..update soon!!
Chapter 1: wow!!! this is already awesome!!!!
Sounds interesting :D
Update soon :D