
Imagine Collections

You are walking down the cold stone road on a winter's night. Your friends had left you at a karaoke room all by yourself and went somewhere else without you. It always seemed to happen to you and no one else in your friends group.

You hold your hands up to your mouth and blow warm air on them hoping to warm them up from the cold. You didn't have any money to get a cab since your friend was supposed to drive you home.

'So much for that plan' you thought to yourself.

You turn a corner around a building looking for somewhere familiar so you could find your way to your house. You had school the next day so you had to quickly get home to sleep.

You found the normal bus stop you go to and see a boy waiting on the bench holding his hands together tightly. He seemed to be waiting for someone. You could see his nose was red from waiting outside for so long. You look at your pockets of your coat and pull out your hot packets and stare at them for a moment then look up and walk towards the boy with confidence. You might have been upset about your friends, but that wouldn't stop you from being your normal self who has to help others. You walk up to him and lightly tap his shoulder.

He turns to look at you and you see he is very handsome. "Ah. Hello?" he asks lightly confused.

You smile shyly and lightly hand him the hot packets, "you looked really cold" you say as you gently put the hot packets in his hands and quickly run to the direction of your neighborhood.

You smile, proud of yourself, and continue on your way down the now familiar streets. Once you arrive home you quickly take a warm shower and get ready for bed.


Your alarm rings loudly and you quickly turn it off, annoyed from the same alarm everyday for 3 years.

You get up and begin to get ready from school. It was an automatic reflex for you to just get ready when your alarm went off early in the morning on weekdays. You finish and grab a piece of toast from your mother and quickly head out for school while you eat the toast.

As you get to the bus stop you see some of your "friends" smiling and laughing, talking about how last night was so much fun. They didn't even notice you when you sat down beside them and waited for the bus to arrive.

It didn't take long for the bus to arrive. You sighed in relief and quickly got on, after paying your bus fine. You went towards a pair of empty seats but a group of girls took the seats quickly. You looked around for somewhere else to sit. You saw an empty seat beside a sleeping boy and decided to quietly sit beside him.

You sat down softly, as not to wake the boy. You saw his uniform and noticed his school uniform was from your school. You had never seen someone like him at your school before, you assumed he must be one of the new kids. There had been alot of talk about the new group of transfer students coming in this week.

You didn't stare for to long at him, thinking it was impolite to stare, and you quickly looked forward and waited to arrive at the bus stop before the school gates.


The bus stops and you stand. You notice the boy is still sleeping. You reach your hand out to wake him when you see another boy come onto the bus and run towards you...or maybe it was towards the sleeping boy beside you. You move out of the way assuming it was the later option. You were correct.

The blonde haired boy, who had run on the bus, quickly woke up the black haired, who had been sleeping beside you. Once you saw someone else had it under control you walk off the bus and go into the school gates.

You take off your outside shoes and put on your white indoor school shoes. You then proceed to walking to your class. You can't help but notice many girls fangirling about how handsome some of the new students are. You didn't really pay attention and continued to class.

You arrive and sit in you seat. You had the seat in the second row, very last seat by the wall, one row from the window. You get your pencils and supplies out for first period. As you hang your bag on the side of your desk your "friends" from yesterday walked up to you and smiled as they leaned on your desk. "Oh. Hey~ You dissappeared yesterday all of a sudden. We looked for you but you seemed to have gone home. What happened?" they asked, trying to make it look like they didn't leave you alone.

You shrugged your shoulders, "I wasn't feeling well. I'll make it up to you next time" you say quietly. You had never been good at making friends. You were more quiet and shy then most people thought. You hadn't considered anybody a true friend since you arrived at this school 3 years ago. You had moved from America and your Korean was just now starting to improve drastically.

You hear the class bell ring and your "friends" quickly go to their seats and chat among themselves. They all had seats on the opposite side of the room. The 2 chairs on both sides of you were empty and the seat in front of you was also empty. No one had wanted to sit beside you at the begginning of the year so you had your own little circle to yourself.

Your homeroom teacher walks in and smiles like she normally does, "alright class. We have three new transfer students today for you all. Please treat them well." she said happily. "Come in and introduce yourselves now~" she said happily.

You looked up to the door and saw three boys walk in. You noticed the blonde boy from the bus, the black haired boy he had woken up, and you thought the last boy who walked in looked familiar from somewhere. You thought for a moment but then decided against trying to think to hard in the early morning.

The blonde boy nodded with a smile, "my name is Jo YoungMin. Please take care of me well" he said in a deeper more serious tone that didn't match his flawless smile.

The black haired boy beside him then bowed, "My name is MinWoo. Take care of me well~" he said with a small wink at the end which looked more like Aegyo than a manly wink.

The last boy seemed a bit dazed and in his own world. YoungMin, who looked exactly like this last boy, hit the boy in the side with his elbow and nodded his head towards the class when the other boy looked. He nodded lightly.

"My name is Jo KwangMin. I hope to have the window seat so I can stare at the birds. Maybe i'll see an alien ship or penguins!" he said excitedly with a smile. The class began to laugh at him.

YoungMin held his hand to his face and MinWoo looked to the side, as though embarrassed of KwangMin. You can't help but to lightly place your hand by your mouth and laugh a little as well.

The teacher nodded and looked to the seats around you, "alright. Those 3 seats back there are the only ones available. Please split them amongst yourselves.

The three looked to the seats around and smiled then nodded. KwangMin ran to the back and quickly took the window seat and smiled happily once he sat down. The class laughed again.

YoungMin and MinWoo did not seem in as much of a hurry. YoungMin took the seat on the opposite side of you and MinWoo sat in front of you.

YoungMin turned towards you and smiled, "hello. Please take care of us well seat neighbor" he said as he lightly bowed his head. You nodded and bowed your head back.

"Ah. Of course" you said shyly.

MinWoo turned around and asked the same as YoungMin. You responded the same way as with YoungMin.

KwangMin noticed what the other two had done and got out of his seat. He then bowed a 90 degree bow in front of you and held his hand out, "take care of me well neighbor!" he said without looking up.

You looked lightly shocked but then smile shyly and take his hand, "same to you" you said lightly.

He looked up for the first time at you and then he looked lightly shocked, "ah! It's you!!" he said as he suddenly smiled brightly.

You opened your eyes widely, "Eh? Have we met?" you asked lightly.

KwangMin's smile slowly faded, "ah...nevermind. It wasn't anything really important" he said placing another smile on his face and going back to his seat. The other students laughing again at his 4D nature.

You look back to the front as the teacher starts class. You can hear some students whispering about how handsome/cute the new students are. You just sit quietly and pay attention to the lessons. You see a problem written on the board and don't solve it on your paper. You had already finished this lesson at home by yourself.

You didn't have many friends so you normally spent your time at home studying, reading, and sometimes writing your own lyrics and compositions. You enjoyed it alot more than being in the busy town with people who only used you to be around them and make them look prettier than they already were.

The teacher turned to the class and smiled, "who wants to solve this?" she asked. No one raised there hands and just sat silently avoiding her gaze. You were about to raise your hand when suddenly KwangMin beside you stood up with his hand raised, "I can solve this teacher" he smiled widely.

The teacher nodded, "Alright then. I leave it to you KwangMin" she said and moved to the side as he walked to the board. He looked at the problem and stood there for a moment as though confused. Then he began to write. YoungMin and MinWoo immediately face palmed as though they knew what he was going to write.

You wait curiously as KwangMin continues to...draw? He steps to the side and reveals a picture of a penguin on top of a polar bear with a cowboy hat. The class bursts into laughter. You look closely at the hat on the penguin and notice the correct answer written inside the hat. The teacher furrows her brows unpleased with his drawing. She goes to scold him but I quickly raise my hand.

"His answer is'am" you say shyly.

She stares at you in disbelief. You quietly walk up to the board and stand beside KwangMin and point to the number on the penguins hat. "He answered it'am" you repeat and then lightly go back to your seat.

KwangMin, MinWoo, and YoungMin all stare at you in disbelief as you sit back in your seat. KwangMin suddenly smiles a very wide smile. The teacher checks the answer then nods, "it is correct. Thank you...KwangMin-sshi" she says lightly and he takes his seat.

Classes pass by and the new boy students answer most of the problems and you answer a few as well. Everytime KwangMin answers the teacher seems to look at you to find where he writes the answers in his drawings. You find them easily and point them out to her and the rest of the class.

Finally, lunch time arrives and you leave quickly before the crowd of girls engulfs you as well as the boys around you. You head to the roof top and lay out your lyrics book and your lunch. You eat quickly, as you have been hungry since you got to school. You then put your lyrics book on top of your lap and begin to write what comes to your mind. You end up writing a song about being the new kid in school and no one wanting to be around you. You push your black-rim glasses up onto your nose and move your bangs out of your face as you write. You tended to let your hair cover your face, seeing as you weren't very confident in your looks.

As you are writing more lyrics you begin to hum to yourself, trying to find a composition to complete your song.

"That has a nice sound to it" you hear a voice behind you. You jump lightly and turn to see the new boy YoungMin behind you.

" you" you said shyly and quickly closed your book.

"Ah. Is it a secret?" you hear another boy ask and pops his head around YoungMin with a smile. You jump lightly at MinWoo suddenly showing up. He was smaller than YoungMin so he could easily hide behind him. You only nod lightly and then stand as you gather your things.

"um..sorry. I'll go now. So I don't disturb you while your eating" you say as you take off before they can stop you. You are down the first set of stairs and turning the corner when you lightly run into someone. He catched hold of you so that you don't fall and he ends up leaning against the wall making sure neither of you or his food falls down.

"Whoa! You gotta be part bull~" he jokes.

You look up at the recognizable voice. It's KwangMin, just as you had thought from the 4D comment. You blush lightly and go to move away from him but he doesn't let his arms go.

"Ah! Wait! Don't run away yet miss mouse!" he says lightly.

You stop confused at the nickname and then look back to him, "...m...mouse?" you ask quietly.

He nods, "yeah. You have a small face and scurry away a your miss mouse" he smiled.

You blinked lightly then just nodded, "oh...ok" you respond.

" really don't remember me?" he asks and once he thinks you won't run he let's you go from his arms.

You shake your head, "i'm sorry..." you said lightly.

He sighs lightly and pulls some hot packs from his pocket and holds them in front of your face, "now do you know?" he asks with a smile.

You think and then you remember giving hot packets to the boy at the bus stop. It had been dark so you hadn't seen his face very well. You hold your hand over your mouth, "ah! I'm so sorry!" you say in a lightly louder voice, "did you find the person you were waiting for?" you ask lightly.

He laughs, "I wasn't waiting for anyone. I was just standing outside as punishment for a dare" he laughed. "I lost against a dare with my brother and my other friends" he added.

You blushed lightly, "ah...i'm sorry. I probably interfeired with the dare!" you said bowing in apology.

He laughs at you, "no no. If anything you saved me from that dare. I still had 15 minutes left to stand there" he said still laughing.

You look at him again, "oh for running into you..." you said.

"Ah right. Were you running from someone? Do I need to beat them up with my mad twin skills?" he said.

You smiled and laughed, "yeah. You look very threatening with a rice ball and bread in your hands" you replied.

KwangMin looked at his hands then to you, "...your good" he smirked. "ah! I should hurry! My brother and MinWoo are waiting for you later...uh...what was your name?" he asked.

"Oh me? OIm ________" you smiled.

KwangMin smiled back, "ah right. See you later ________-sshi" he smiled.

You nod and then wait till he is out of sight and continued to walk down the stairs. You reach the classroom's floor and as your about to walk into the classroom a group of girls surround you.

"Yah. ________-ah. Don't tell me you are gonna try to go after the new boys in our class. Just because they are sitting beside you doesn't mean you can try to date any of them" they said as they lightly pushed your shoulders. Your lyrics book dropped onto the floor with a thud.

No one in the hall looked towards you. You looked down from the intense stares the girls were giving you. You looked to the your lyrics book and your hair got grabbed, "don't you dare get close to them your nerdy, ugly girl!" they threatened.

You held your hand to theirs and tried to get their hands off your hair. You didn't dare scream or they would do much worse. You knew from experience.

The final girl holding onto your hair after the others let it go threw your head sideways, causing you to fall to the ground.

They were about to walk away when you heard footsteps running towards you. You felt someone's hands touch your shoudlers gently then you saw two other figures stand in front of you.

"Ladies. What's the problem here?" you hear MinWoo's voice ask.

"Yes...i'm curious as to why she is on the ground as well." you hear YoungMin speak.

"You ok?" KwangMin asks in a whispered tone. You turn your face to look at him and notice how close your faces are. You simply nod and then look down again. He lightly tightens his grip on your shoulders before pulling you back into a hug and helping you up. He also picks your lyrics book up and hands it to you before standing at your side. "I'm also curious as to what she did to deserve that" he added.

The girls all look intimidated and quickly retreated after saying, "she started it all...don't blame us for her leading everyone with her stupid little innocent girl act" they said as they gave you a death glare. You just continued to look down, now scared.

"You ok?" they all asked you and you just nodded. "What happened?" they asked.

"Nothing...I just feel" you lied and quickly went into the classroom. Before you got to far KwangMin grabbed your arm and pulled you back out into the hallway as YoungMin and MinWoo went into the classroom. He pulled till you were both under the staircase and put your back on the wall lightly and he stood in front of you at a very close distance.

"What really happened?" he asked with a concerned look on his face. "_____-sshi...please tell might only have been a few hours since we met but still...did you know...feelings can be developed at first sight of someone?" he asked.

You just shake your head and then he makes you look at his face, "tell me if something is wrong. Ok?" he said...almost demanded.

You can feel a small blush appear on your face and you nod. "o...ok" you respond.

He smiled. "Ok. Good. the feelings thing I said" he said lightly as a small blush appeared on his face. "Your the first person to be able to decipher my drawings besides my brother and did you do that?" he asked.

You looked at his eyes again, "I um...look at the hat, wondering why you made it stand out so much...then I saw the answer" you said lightly.

He smiled and suddenly hugged you, "I like you! We match well!" he added. You blushed but didn't try to push him away. You learned just a few moments ago that it wouldn't have worked. He would just hold tighter if you tried.


It's been a few months since the transfer students arrived and you had actually become quite close with them.

"Yah! ______-ah! Who is more handsome?! Me or YoungMin?!" you hear KwangMin suddenly ask you as your eating a piece of egg roll. You almost choke at the unexpected question. You swallow your food and MinWoo lightly hands you a water.

"Thanks" you say lightly as you take a drink. "What? What's with the sudden question? Are you trying to kill me?" you yelled lightly at him and lightly hit your hand on his shoulder. "You two are twins. So don't the two of you have the same amount of handsome?" you lied. Honestly. Since that day you met him you always thought KwangMin was more handsome. You might be closer to them but you were still to shy to have the nerve to confess. You had enough problems trying to deal with the crazy fangirls everyday. You had gotten used to the glares and angry words and threats.

"Oh..." KwangMin replied almost as though he was dissapointed.

YoungMin just laughed, "You mean I have to be as unhandsome as this guy?" he joked pointing to KwangMin. KwangMin in return pouted and hit his brother's shoulder.

You and MinWoo looked at each and just laughed at the brothers random spout of the day.

MinWoo was actually your closest guy friend now. Then YoungMin was the guy you could depend on to help you out with your homework if you ever rarely did need help. KwangMin was of course a good friend, but, he was also your crush. He knew how to cheer you up and make you smile. You felt comfortable with him. There was one thing about him that almost killed you everyday however.

In the middle of your thoughts you felt someone hugging you tightly and you couldn't breathe correctly from the sudden impact of shoulder to your nose. You laughed lightly and looked at KwangMin who was putting on a pouty face, "_____ah! YoungMin Hyung is picking on me again!" he complained like a child.

You laughed and looked at YoungMin giving him a secret thumbs up. "YoungMin! How could you pick on your little brother!" you said sarcastically. KwangMin smiled thinking you were standing up for him and not picking on him.

You all started laughing and KwangMin looked down at you confused at the sudden "joke" that he didn't get.

You hugged him back and pat his back, "It's nothing KwangMin" you smiled. He didn't let go and instead pouted and hugged you tighter, laying his head on your shoulder.

You tried your best not to let your fast heartbeat be heard. You didn't know...but KwangMin was trying to do the same. YoungMin and MinWoo looked at each other and then quietly left from the roof, leaving the two of you alone.

KwangMin was the first to notice so he quickly covered the sight of them leaving from you. "Hey..._____-ah...have you ever wondered what it would be like to date someone?" he asked suddenly.

You look at him confused for a moment then nod, "Doesn't everyone get curious about that from time to time?" you asked.

He nodded, "so..wanna try it out?" he asked just as you took a drink of water. You quickly spit the water out to the side.

"Eh? What?!" you asked shocked.

"Wanna date?" he repeated. His face suddenly serious.

You looked into his eyes and saw he was asking you seriously. You could feel your face heat up and your heart pound harder and louder than before. "what? really?" you asked.

He just nodded, " you?" he repeated.

You didn't have to think very long before you nodded and he suddenly hugged you, "HONEY!!" he yelled.

You were taken off guard from the nickname and lightly hugged him back, "....uh...KwangMin" you said not wanting to think of a nickname.

He looked at you and pouted, "...come on. Give me a cute nickname too!" he pouted more.

You couldn't help but to smile and laugh at his expression. "ok. I'll think of one" you smiled.

He leaned his forehead on yours, "ok...good" he smiled and leaned in lightly.

"Penguin" you said as he was about to kiss you.

He looked at you confused, "what?" he asked.

"That's your nickname. Mr. Penguin" you smiled and kissed him before he could say anything against it.

He blushed and was taken off guard by you starting the kiss and not him. He soon closed his eyes and kissed back. Moving his arms around your waist and you lightly wrapping your arms around his neck.

You both pulled back after a moment and smiled to each other.

From that day on you dated through high school and college. You got jobs. KwangMin becoming a singer in a group called BoyFriend and you became one of the managers that helped make their schedules. After him being an idol for 3 years he announced your relationship to the fans and then on the same day on the stage of his world tour he got on one knee in front of you and proposed. He was wearing a penguin shirt and you had on the mouse shirt. You covered your mouth shocked but had said yes. The fans were chearing happily for the two of you and you both lived happily with each other from then on.


Hope you liked this imagine! ^^ Requested and written for Taolowan. Hope you enjoyed it!!! ^^


MinHyun out!!

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Chapter 4: Awwww cute story!!!
ReaderByHeart1521 #2
Chapter 15: If only this was me with Minho Oppa :D <3
Could I make another request Hyunnie? :33
bluuuusick #4
Chapter 15: OMG!!!! I loved it!!!! Thank you so muuch!!! :*
allkpop4ever #5
Chapter 14: Can you do a EXO Tao?! And also a Kris and Kai and okay just all of EXO?! Maybe? Please! You're really good! I think the name for the stories can be Kim Nana!!:D
Hope you come back & update soon~!
Chapter 13: Thank you for doing the request Hyunnie! :3