MinHo (2)

Imagine Collections

You watch the stage with tears forming and shout the fanchants to every song the group you watch sings. You watch one member in particular, having been in love with him since the Replay era. That's right. You were madly in love with SHINee's very own rapper and Visual, Choi MinHo.

You wave your light stick in the air and sing along with the songs they sing. You ignore all the fans around you and simply focus your gaze on MinHo, watching his every move closely and smiling to yourself when he makes a cute mistake and tries to cover it up with charisma.

They all walk out to the edges of the stage and sing to the fans. You blush and scream lightly when you see MinHo walk and stand right in front of you. Your eyes and his lock. You freeze and just stare into his lovely brown eyes and fade into them. You feel the very essence of your soul stop and then quicken it's pace as you keep your eyes locked with his. He reaches his hand down and you lightly take it, not knowing what else to do. He suddenly pulls you onto the stage in a hug and stops singing to put his lips on yours. The next moment as the two of you share a passionate kiss you hear a...is that an alarm clock?!


You open your eyes suddenly and hit your alarm. "RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BEST PART! AGAIN!" you yell in frustration and mess up your hair more so than your bed did while you tossed and turned.

You sit up and get up to prepare for another day of loveless work. You sigh and head out your door after preparing yourself for the day. What a long day it will be, you can just tell from the way the morning has gone so far. Probably just another eventless and normal day. Or is it?

You turn the corner and quickly head onto the train so you won't be late for work. You currently work at one of the most well-known CF agencies. But, unfortunately, you are only a CF scenario writer. Which means, you have never gotten to meet any of the actors and/or idols who have worked with your company. You have written for so many idols and actors ranging from Shin SeKyung to EXO to G.NA. You have written them all...but have never actually gotten to even say hi.

You sigh as you think about the sad life of your job. You are so close to idols yet still so far. Your friend in the apartment over, the CF co-director, has met and talked with pretty all the artists who have come in to film. She is also the one who helped you get with this company. You envy her and also highly appreciate everything she has done for you.

The train comes to your stop in what seems like no time, due to you being absorbed in your thoughts. You quickly step out and jog the rest of the way to your office. Once inside you take a breather before you head to the elevator and push the button.

It arrives on your floor and you get inside then push your floors button. Just as the doors are about to close and hand stops it and an out of breath tall, black haired boy steps inside. You drop your jaw when you see who also gets into the elevator. It is none other than your crush and maybe even the love of your life, Choi MinHo. "Sorry for stopping it suddenly. I didn't want to wait another round" he says with a small laugh and pushes a floor button then leans against the wall while he catches his breath. "I don't think I have seen you before. Which office do you work in?" he asks.

"Oh...um...I with the CF Script writers office" you smile nervously. "My name is Mia" you smiles.

MinHo smiles back and offers his hand, "I'm Choi MinHo. Actor and Member of SM. Entertainment SHINee" he says happily.

You look at his hand and blush, thinking of your dream. "Ah um. Nice to meet you....finally" you mumble the last word and take his hand in yours, giving a light handshake. You then take out your business card and hand it to him with a small bow, to be polite.

He takes the card and smiles, "Oh. Thank you Mia-sshi?" he says as though asking if you are younger or older.

"Ah. Ne. I am younger oppa" you smile.

He smiles back, a bit relieved, "Ah I see. So. You write scripts for CF? Did you write the one I am doing today?" he asks as he pulls it out and shows you.

You glance at it and can tell it is one you did, "Ah! Yes. I did write this one" you smile up to him.

He smiles back widely, "I really like the way you set it up! This part and this part here are my favorites! I can't wait for the filming!"

You blush at the sudden compliments and then nod, "Good luck with filming then" you smile.

He nods and the elevator stops at MinHo's floor. He gets out and gives a small bow in parting and you do the same. The door closes and you let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding. You had actually met him. Just when you had given up hope you actually ran into him, the Choi MINHO of SHINee!! Could this day get any better?!

You step off on your floor and walk over to your desk and start on your work for the day with a wide smile.


You finish your work for the day and decide to go grab some food with your friends from work and you all rush to a great beef restaurant.

You and your friend get seated at a table and order some of the grill meat and a few side dishes. You and your friends talk among each other and suddenly hear some gasps and people starting to talk to each other excitedly. You all decide to ignore it, not really being ones for gossip and such. You figured it was probably just an extremely handsome person or maybe even an actor. You weren't sure. You wanted to look but you didn't want to leave the conversation with your friends more.

You decide to just ignore it like your friends had and you continue your talk with them.

After a few minutes you hear a group of people, you can tell from their voices that it is a group of boys and a few girls, sit at the table behind yours. Somehow you feel like you recognize the voices. You feel a tap on your shoulder and it brings you out of your curiousity. You turn to face who had tapped your shoulder and are meeted by a happy smile and gorgeous brown eyes. You almost jump back at the shock and then bow while sitting.

"Mia-sshi! So it was you" MinHo smile as he talks.

You nod and bow, "Ah. Yes. Hello again!" you smile.

"What a coincidence! Do you all come here often?" he asks.

You shrugs, "Only every now and then" you respond. "What about you oppa?"

He nods, "Yeah. TaeMin always has to have the beef here" he chuckles and points his hand to TaeMin who sits up and waves softly at you.

You wave back and smile, "Ahh. Is that so?" 

"Yeah. Sometimes we think he has an addiction" MinHo jokes.

You laughs softly, "It may be an addiction."

The two of you turn back to your friends and the people you came with and eat your food without further talk to each other.


You walk out of the restaurant and wave to your friends, them going one way and you having to go the other.

You turn to walk down the street and hear someone talk to you, "You go this way home?"

You look at MinHo and nod, "Yeah. My apartment is this way. Is the dorm this way?"

"No. I'm going to my families house today. It's been a while since I have had the chance to see him. Wanna walk together?" he asks.

You nod and then look away and blush softly, "Yeah. Sure."

The two of you walk and talk for a while, laughing occassionally at some jokes. You end up becoming very close.

You exchange numbers and MinHo calls you every so often to check up on you and ask how your new scripts are going. Just some normal conversations. One day a few months later after the two of you have become close he invites you to a SHINee concert with special tickets and a backstage pass. You happily accept and can't wait for the time to arrive.


The concert day arrives and you have dressed in your best outfit that is appropriate for a concert. You grab a taxi and tell the concert address. Once you arrive you show your backstage pass and walk into the venue and look around backstage, one of the security team showing you around. You are amazed with all the props, lights, and outfits. He brings you to the changing room and knocks on the door. One of the female coordinators answers the door and once she sees you she quickly brings you into the room with a smile.

You look around and greet everyone, including the SHINee members who seem happy to see you again after such a long time.

MinHo walks over to you and hugs you lightly. "Hey! You made it!" he smiles.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I?" you smile and hug him back.

You feel your heart beat fasten it's pace a little bit, knowing that he hugged you first and seemed so happy to see you. He breaks your thoughts when he takes your hand and pulls you to another room.

The SHINee boys whistle at him and he turns to give them a joking glare then walks into the next room with you. "I actually have something for you" he smiles.

"Really?" you ask, a small blush on your face.

He nods and reaches back into his pocket and pulls something out. "Clothes your eyes" he smiles.

You look at him curiously but then close your eyes and wait.

You hear him move towards you and put something around your neck. You go to open your eyes but he quickly puts a hand over them, "Not yet! That isn't all" you hear him chuckle softly.

You close your eyes and wait again. After a few moments you feel something warm on your lips and feel MinHo holds your hands with his.

You open your eyes suddenly and see MinHo is kissing you and has also put a necklace on you. The kiss is short and sweet. He pulls back and looks you in your eyes, "the actual reason I asked you to come here today was because...I told myself if you made it...I would...ask you to be mine" he blushes softly and smiles.

You stare at him, shocked, but then you feel small tears build up in your eyes.

MinHo gets caught off guard by the sudden tears and slightly panics. "Ahh. I'm sorry! I guess it's a no-" he says with a bit of dissapointment in his voice.

You shake your head, "It's not a no! It's quite the opposite" you smile through your tears and lean up to capture his lips in your own.

This time MinHo is the surprised one but then he softly chuckles against your lips and kisses back, more loving than before.


Imagine requested by: MinMiShine94

Sorry that it is so short! I hope you enjoyed it though~~ ^^


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MinHyun OUT!!!

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Chapter 4: Awwww cute story!!!
ReaderByHeart1521 #2
Chapter 15: If only this was me with Minho Oppa :D <3
Could I make another request Hyunnie? :33
bluuuusick #4
Chapter 15: OMG!!!! I loved it!!!! Thank you so muuch!!! :*
allkpop4ever #5
Chapter 14: Can you do a EXO Tao?! And also a Kris and Kai and okay just all of EXO?! Maybe? Please! You're really good! I think the name for the stories can be Kim Nana!!:D
Hope you come back & update soon~!
Chapter 13: Thank you for doing the request Hyunnie! :3