Imagine Collections

You were organizing the clothes thrown around floor of the photo shooting session. Big Bang always made a mess of things. But, you were excited to clean since you knew SHINee was the next to come in for a photo shoot for their new album. You didn’t know why but you really liked Key from SHINee. His fashion, his sassy remarks, everything about him made you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

You were putting the last of the clothes on a hanger when you turned around and tripped over a pair of shoes. You prepared yourself for a lovely hug with the floor but only to never receive the floors love. You felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist stopping you mid-air from hitting the floor. You open your eyes after a moment and see a feminine face that really didn’t go well with the strength holding you up. You blush lightly and stand up quickly once you notice it was none other than SHINee’s Kibum who had caught you and stopped you from falling. You hang the shirt up quickly while avoiding the shoe that had tripped you. Key laughed dramatically and said, “You could at least say thank you” he smiled.

You turned around quickly and bowed, “Thank you for stopping me from hugging the floor” you said and then went back to picking up the shoes so you wouldn’t have a repeat accident. You could hear Key chuckle lightly.

“Well…that’s better than nothing coordinator girl” he said and then he walked into his changing room. The cordi-unnies and you had a meeting discussing who would wear what and who would help them with their clothes. You were chosen, of course, to be key’s coordinator for the day. You were the youngest coordinator there so you really had no choice as to who you got being the maknae of the boy-obsessed females around you. You grabbed the clothes and lightly knocked on the wall beside the curtain of Key’s changing room.

Key opened the curtain and smirked lightly, “Coordinator girl~ Hello again” he joked as you walked into the changing room with his clothes. You turned around and suddenly heard him taking his clothes off to change. You pushed your blush down so you could do your job calmly. You helped him adjust the pants in the right spot and you helped him with doing up the back of the strange shirt. You couldn’t help but to lightly scrunch your nose up at the ugly outfit. Key noticed your action in the mirror and smiled in amusement, “looks like I’m not the only one who thinks this is hideous” he smiled actually slightly relieved to find someone who knew fashion as well as he did.

You nodded and said, “I’ve never seen such an ugly combination in my life” then you and him shared your diva-like laughs with each other. Key handed you his number and said, “I think we will get along well. Email me sometime” he smiled his diva smile and then walked out of the changing room to get his accessories together.

You emailed his phone that night and you two talked for hours finding out you had a lot of similar interests not just having to with fashion. After a few months of knowing each other you knew you had a huge crush on him. You didn’t dare tell the diva about the crush knowing he would tease you about liking him and saying his things like he doesn’t blame you since he is so handsome and stylish. But to your surprise one day when you two decided to go shopping on your days off he pulled a couple shirts out from a store corner.

He held the shirt up to you and said, “Let’s buy this…so we can be an official couple” he said. You stood there for a moment and let the statement settle into your mind.

“C-couple?” you asked lightly. Key nodded.

“Yeah Hun. You’re my girlfriend now. You are the lock to my key” then he laughed his embarrassed laugh at his statement and looked at you, “you gonna wear this shirt with me or not?” he teased. You nodded happily and changed into the shirt with him.

It’s been a few years since you started dating Key. You both opened up your own fashion store and made clothes and sold them. Jonghyun and Taemin bought things from you all often. You both ran your business happily hoping that one day one of your 2 daughters would take over the business. And you just let your son be a diva like his father and maybe if he got good enough at fashion he could have the store himself.

The End.



For all you lockets out there ;) *^^*


MinHyun out!!

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Chapter 4: Awwww cute story!!!
ReaderByHeart1521 #2
Chapter 15: If only this was me with Minho Oppa :D <3
Could I make another request Hyunnie? :33
bluuuusick #4
Chapter 15: OMG!!!! I loved it!!!! Thank you so muuch!!! :*
MinMiShine94 #5
Chapter 14: hehehe gomawoyo XD I like it :3
allkpop4ever #6
Chapter 14: Can you do a EXO Tao?! And also a Kris and Kai and okay just all of EXO?! Maybe? Please! You're really good! I think the name for the stories can be Kim Nana!!:D
MinMiShine94 #7
can i personally request a MinhoXMia imagine XD
Hope you come back & update soon~!
Chapter 13: Thank you for doing the request Hyunnie! :3