Chapter 2

Our Life Story


Sunggyu POV

I looked at the picture of my childhood friend. She was much younger than me, but I still remember her well. I knew she would be in Korea for a month. She had sent me a text message just before getting on her plane.


I am coming to Korea!

To Seoul!

If you are around, we should get together!

<3 Your BFF <3


I didn’t know if she knew I had become an idol when she was coming to Korea. I figured she hadn’t because she lived in the US and probably didn’t listen to Korean music. I was planning to tell her if we got together. Even though we had kept in touch a bit, I hadn’t told her yet.

I was glad that she messaged me. She was my first love after all. As far as I knew, she was single. I quickly sent her a return message.

Hey brat :P

I live in Seoul now!

Let me know when you arrive.

I want to introduce you to my friends.

Gyu gee gee


I checked my phone constantly, waiting for her reply.

Loser Gyu oppa!

We have arrived!

Let’s have a group date!

I will introduce my friends as well.

So there will be six girls total.

Make sure you have six guys!

Just kidding!

<3 Cutie Patootie <3


I blushed. This girl is still as weird as she was when we were kids. I told her that I would pick up them up at their hotel. Luckily I would be able to get a van from the company because I was really close with the president lately. The rest of Infinite would have to walk to our favorite noraebang place in all of Seoul.

I looked back at her picture. I was so excited to finally see her again.


Amy’s POV

I looked at the picture of Gyu and I. It had been so long since I last talked to him in person, though we had kept in touch through text messages and email. Of course I knew that he had become an idol. I never told him that I knew though. When he said he wanted to introduce me to his friends, I figured he meant Infinite. I really hoped they would all be there. Tina and I were the biggest Inspirits in our crew. My bias being Gyu-oppa, and hers being Sungyeol-oppa. I could never figure out why she liked that choding. But I hadn’t ever told her that I was close with Gyu-oppa. All I told my friends was that I wanted to introduce them to my childhood friend and his friends.

He was picking us up at noon, so my friends and I had plenty of time to get all dolled up. We were all tomboys, so we hardly ever got dressed super-cute. I had told them this was definitely make-up and skirt worthy, as there would be boys. Cute, older, Asian boys to be exact. This news made them all roll out of bed at 10 AM and start throwing clothes around and fight over the bathrooms. Some of us more experienced girls had to help the others put their make-up on. It was the first time they wanted to wear it.

Though it took us quite a while, we were all looking like y ladies. Not wanting to mess any of our hard work up, we sat down and chatted while waiting. We were all ready to hit the town.

Shortly after, Sunggyu-oppa sent me a message.


I am downstairs.

Ready for some noraebang?

<3 Gyu <3


“OMG! Ladies!” I called to my friends. “Who is ready for some NORAEBANG?!!!” We all cheered together. “Okay, my oppa is her, so let’s go!”

I was so excited to see that hamster that I forgot all about everything else, including Teen Top. This being the reason why I was so shocked to see L.Joe, Changjo, and CAP walking out at the same time as us.


L.Joe’s POV

Wow. Just…wow. That girl we had seen earlier… from the suite next door… wow. She looked so… wow.

She looked directly at me. My eyes hungrily grazed up and down her tiny body. She looked great yesterday, but now… She shot me the slightest glare, but her cheeks were bright red. I realized my jaw was hanging wide open. I quickly closed it, but not before a bug flew in.

Changjo’s POV

I heard L.Joe-hyung coughing next to me, but I just couldn’t take my eyes off of the girl.

OMG hyung! You are so embarrassing! I thought, letting my eyes roam over the girl’s curves. Shut up hyung! Great, now they are laughing at us! I looked at CAP-hyung for support. All I saw was him shaking his head, the bridged of his nose pinched between his index finger and thumb, eyes shut. Disappointment. Disappointment at L.Joe-hyung’s stupidity in front of six beautiful girls. They just giggled some and walked to the elevator. Once they got in and the doors closed, CAP-hyung and I glared down at the idiot keeled over on the floor. I picked him up by his collar as CAP-hyung opened the suite door. I threw him inside and brushed off my hands. We left again and went to buy snacks.

Tina’s POV

I put my hands to my face and felt the warmth in my cheeks. I was shocked that L.Joe-oppa was checking me out. I didn’t usually wear make-up or skirts, both of which I was wearing then. When the six of us got in the elevator, we all burst out laughing. Amy, Eliza, and I were bright red.

“I can’t believe your biases came out just,” Jamie said, laughing.

“And checked you out so… vigorously,” Libby said, causing us to burst out in laughter.

“It’s true, though,” Amy said, giggling. “L.Joe looked like he was going to eat you, Tina!”

Before I could respond, the elevator stopped and the doors slid open. Amy was almost running. But she was such a diva that I have never actually seen her do any running. She soon burst and the front door and actually ran over to a very familiar looking guy.

“OPPA!!!!” She yelled as she ran.

“Hey little sister!” He said smiling as he pulled Amy into a tight hug.

“Oppa, these are my friends,” Amy said before listing off our names. I gasped, finally recognizing him. “Girls, this is my childhood friend, Kim Sunggyu-oppa.” She smiled at us. We simply stood there with our eyes wide and our jaws hanging open.

Sunggyu oppa has appeared yay!!! I love him!

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