Chapter 1

Our Life Story


Future POV

“I’d say our first date wasn’t the most pleasant,” I told the cameraman.

“Yeah, we just couldn’t get along at all back then,” my husband explained. “But, just look at us now! We are happily married and completely in love. We have two kids and a third on the way. I also have the most amazing wife.” My husband looked over at me, smiling a dorky smile. He winked. I felt my face flush. I slapped him playfully on the shoulder.

“Anyway, let’s just start from the beginning,” I say changing the subject and looking back at the camera.

“Why are we here anyway yeobeo?” I heard Tina ask as she entered the studio.

“I told you hon!” her husband exclaimed in a completely stressed voice. “The fans want to know about us. They are especially curious about how we met.” He wiggled his eyebrows. Tina gave him an annoyed look. Her husband pulled up a big, comfy chair for her and a small, cracked stool for himself.

“Why you insist on doing these things all the time I will never know,” she said blushing, but sat anyway. My husband and I smiled at the silly couple. They got married pretty soon after they met. They already bickered like an old married couple. It was absolutely adorable.

“Let’s just start from the beginning,” Tina’s husband sighed.

“My friends and I had just left on a trip to South Korea. We are originally from the US but have always wanted to visit Korea. We had planned to stay for one month but after I met this guy," I gesture to my husband,  "I stayed for two months more, though that wasn’t the last of our meetings. I will explain more on that later,” I began.


Amy’s POV

My friends and I split the cost on a suite for the month. We weren’t really planning to spend that much time inside. That is, until we saw them.

We were just walking out of our room to get some snacks when we saw them going into the suite next to ours. I was actually surprised to see them in the hotel because I had heard that most idol groups stay in their company dorms.

They looked over at us while waiting for their manager to unlock the door. They sent us killer smiles. They were all around our age, and all quite good-looking, but one stood out to me in particular. He was tall and skinny, but still muscular with red hair and slightly chubby cheeks. He was both manly and adorable. And his smile was just oh. so. y!

I had been a fan of this idol group for quite some time. Their name was Teen Top. The guy I was interested in was only a few months older than me. Choi Jonghyun. Stage name: Changjo. Lead dancer. y singing voice. And just generally so so so HOT!! I had always been so impressed that someone his age was already a celebrity.

He winked at me before going into his room, and I almost passed out then and there. My friends and I quickly went back into our room to discuss this event.

“Ohmigosh!!!! TEEN TOP!!!” Eliza shouted.

“Aah! I know right!” Serena exclaimed. “Did you see Niel-oppa?!? He is even cuter than I expected!”

“OMG! Chunji!!! He. Is. So. HOT!!!” Jamie fangirled.

I was still reeling over that wink. Noticing that I, the biggest Angel in our crew, was completely silent, Tina looked over at me.

“Amy, are you okay?” she asked.

“W-W-Wink…” My friends all stopped talking, hearing me stutter. I never stutter. They looked over at me, puzzled. “He… Changjo… he- he- he winked… at- OHMYGOSHYOUGUYS TEEN TOP’S CHOI JONGHYUN WINKED AT ME!!!!!!!!!” I yelled that last part, all of the pent-up fangirling released at once. My friends squealed in excitement. We all started fangirling again. This time it was 10 times as much. We went out to get snacks finally, and continued fangirling for the rest of the night.


Changjo POV

I was so shocked after the encounter with those girls. They were being so loud next door. Oh man. What was I thinking? I thought. But that one girl…she was so pretty. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. But that was probably out of embarrassment. I was bright red at this point, regretting what I had done. I had never winked at a girl before. Why was I so attracted to her? She seemed just my style though. She was probably really feminine but also did boyish stuff like playing video games. That was one of my favorite activities.

I thought about playing games with her. The two of us sitting next to each other, our thighs touching. When I won the game she would have a cute little pout on her face. We would look at each other and when we made eye contact we would slowly move in towards each other until-

“Changjo!” L.Joe-hyung called me, pulling me away from my thoughts. “It is time for dinner! Hurry up!”

What are you thinking Jonghyun? I asked myself. Why would any of that happen? You don’t even know this girl. But… though she’s a foreigner, she probably knows some k-pop judging by her reaction. Maybe you could use your idol status to convince her… No! You have to stop! You know nothing about her.

I walked out to find my hyungs deep in thought. I heard a few of them talking about the girls. They were surprised and attracted to them as well. Ricky and Chunji were quietly spazzing over in the corner. They seemed attracted to a couple of girls in particular. L.Joe-hyung could not stop talking about one of the girls.

“CAP-hyung! Did you see? She was so pretty! Omo! Niel-ah, did you see her eyes? They were so pretty!” He kept going on like that while the other two were lost in space.

“Uh-huh…” CAP-hyung mumbled. Niel-hyung was trapped in his own head as well. This was made clear by the fact that he hadn’t said a word since they had entered the room. This was the first time I had ever seen him this completely silent.

We proceeded to eat in silence, each of us deep into our own thoughts about those girls.


I know... This chapter is kind of short, but that's fine with me!



I am too in love with Teen Top!!!! I am already excited for them to come back!


Well, thanks for reading! Enjoy! Hopefully I will update soon.

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