
The Guardian's Tale

''Hayi, wake up.''


''Waaaaaaake up~''


''C'mon, Hayi. I'm dying here. Why won't you get up?''


Zelo was exhausted. He had just woken up and had realized that Hayi was still on his chest. He didn't mind it at first; he liked admiring her features when she was asleep.


Now, his chest was feeling sore because of her weight. His arms were dangling from either side of Hayi after his attempts to wake her up.


No, Hayi was a stone.


A stone which can never be woken up unless it does on it's own.


Managing to escape his bed, he pulled the covers over Hayi's small head and exited the room.


He found Daesung in the library, his reading glasses perched on his nose. His face was partly covered by the stacks of leather-bound books in front of him.


''I see you've woken up.''


''How many centuries have passed?'', Zelo mockingly answered, giving Daesung a seriously low bow. He chuckled and closed the book he was handling carefully with a soft thump.


''Are you well now?'', he asked, setting his eyes on Zelo's face. The younger nodded. ''Some bits and pieces I remember bring splitting headaches but other than that, I'm fine~'', he answered, sitting down on the chair opposite the table.


''You do realize that this is going to get worse as Hayi matures, right?'', he asked sullenly, pulling out a book from the stack and handing it over to the latter's outstretched hands. ''What do you mean?'', Zelo asked, trying to make his curiousity.


''As Hayi grows, she becomes more fragile. So, as your duty as her Guardian, you would have to change your nature in order to protect her. I thought you were aware of this, Zelo.'', he sighed a white later as if a huge burden was lifted off his shoulders.


''I didn't. Hyunsuk was supposed to tell me, I think. But he disappeared before he could.'', Zelo confessed.


''Right.'', Daesung trailed off, looking at the book in hand. ''Do you know what these are?'', he asked the younger, gesturing toward the stack of books.


When Zelo shook his head, he handed over another book to him and watched as his face didn't twitch at all. ''Those are Hyunsuk's journals, from when he was Guardian.'', Daesung explained. Zelo's mouth fell open in to a little 'o' and he opened the journal, unbuckling the little gold buckle.


Yellowed pages, slender handwriting and ink spots welcomed Zelo; his eyes wanting to memorize every little detail. He flipped a few pages until he came across the first entry which dated so far back he couldn't even believe it.


Just as he was about to read the first line, the library door swung open and Hayi came inside, rubbing her eyes using her sweater's long arms.


''What are you two doing here? I thought you were making me breakfast.'', she complained, walking sleepily towards the two. Since the curtains weren't drawn, the sunlight highlighted Hayi's locks and her chocolate brown eyes.


At that moment, Zelo could have sworn he had never witnessed such a pretty sight.


''Zelo was curious about a few things and came to me for some answers.'', Daesung fibbed smoothly. ''I didn't want to wake you.'', Zelo chimed in, smiling softly at her.


She kept rubbing her eyes and blinked innocently at the two before turning her gaze toward the stack of books on the workbench behind them.


''What's that?'', she asked, walking toward the books. Daesung was quick; he lifted Hayi off the ground and placed her next to Zelo. He couldn't help but chuckle at her; she looked adorable when she was angry.


''Could you kick him in the shin again? It's been a while since that happened.'', Hayi pleaded to Zelo, batting her eyelashes and pouting her lips while secretly sending Daesung the occasional glare.


''Not yet. I need to rest up so that I can heal you in a few hours.'', he answered, standing up and tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. She pouted some more and sat down on the chair Zelo had previously occupied.


''...Maybe later, alright?'', he said lightly, kissing her cheek. She smiled brightly and wrapped her arms around his slender neck, pulling him in to a heartwarming hug he reciprocated.


Pulling away, she gave a glare to Daesung and walked out, her hand on the cheek Zelo had kissed.


''You need to stop doing her bidding or else I'm not telling you anything.'', Daesung threatened, putting his reading glasses on again.


''Meh~ I like seeing you in pain too.'', he admitted guiltily.




''Kidding! Geez.''


boom. :F

i shall go spazz about the fact that i made zelo kiss hayi.


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Chapter 10: luv d story! hwaiting for more chapters! fighting chingu! il w8 for updates even if it takes 4ever! :-)
Chapter 10: Asdfghjkl! I love you for updating? Thank you!
Chapter 10: Oh no please don't let Daesung die:(
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 9: Fyuuhh....
I think Hayi would be taken away from Zelo....
Good update author-nim...
Keep update ^^
Chapter 9: I thought Daesung died, gosh gave me a heart attack... On the other hand I... Poor seunghyun...
Thank you for updating.
Chapter 8: Ckehdifbifc Seunghyun? As in Choi seunghyin or Lee Seunghyun? Ahhh whatever either way this is good!!!
Chapter 7: Oh shnap! So happy!
Now... Time to go spazz!!!!