the meeting


Chan Hee POV 

"Chan Hee look at this, the color is red!" Seungho said with annoying tone while pointing at his tie. "then...." i said while checking at the clothes. "Hey when I talk  to you look at me!" here we go again I though. I look at him with a 'what' look. "here here if you don't want that red tie." i untied the red tie and change it to black. "nah this one is good." he said and walk away.

Now it's lunch time and Thanks God! I walk out from the dressing room and "ouch" i hit something. I look up and i see my brother smiling. "hey dongsaeng!" he smile and wave at me. "ah oppa" i said. "let's eat together. bibimbap?" he asked. "oh yeah it can be, you pay!" i said and pull his wirst and he just laugh at my behavior.

we reach our favorite bibimbap restaurant there's not so many people there, so we can comfortably eat without someone taking a picture or ask Joon oppa sign. after we ordered and the food came we eat quietly. 

"hey, i heard that you will be someone stylist in TS?" Joon oppa asked me. I nodded my head still eating. 

"But you still work for Seungho? mm... i mean us right?" i look at him. "eh? I think i won't." i said. 

Joon oppa face look sad when i said that. "Oppa don't be sad, i will be visiting you if i have the time.." and he look at me with happy face. "promise?" i nodded my head. 


Seungho POV 

Actually i don't want to be that annoying to Chan Hee but if I dn't make my self annoying like that then she will realise that i like her. yeah i like her. I like her at the first sight when Joon introduce her to us. She is cute and friendly. at first we really be a good friend but GO find out my feeling and from that i change. 

I don't want her o know my feeling because if she know than she will be ...... ah i don't want to think about that. 

"hyung!" MIR come and sit next to me. "do you know that Chan Hee will be out?" i look at him in shocked. " i heard the other coordi nonn asaid to Cahn Hee nonna to keep in contac with them. So i asked why to them and they said she will be someone stylist at TS company" I look at MIR in horror. 

"hyung are you ok?" i nodded my head. "go find something to eat. you still nee to grow up." i said then shoo him. MIR just walk away. 

The other member didn't know that i like her, only GO know. 

"Seungho-ah you know that she will be move to TS company right?" GO sit next to me. " I know MIR already told me" I said whispering to him. "So what you gonna do?" he asked me back. I look at him and shook my head " I don't know, maybe after she move i will be my self back at her. And we can be good friend again, what do you think?" "yeah it can be like that, but you should be becarefull too." i nodded. 

After a few hour waiting for Chan Hee to be back finally i look her walk into the room with Joon, they both look very happy. 

I walk to them. "oh hyung!" Joon said "Oh..." I said and stop infront of them. "did you eat?" i asked, one of my stupid question ever, ofcourse i know that they're already eat. "ah ne~ we eat bibimbap." Chan Hee said. "Nica to know that you already eat." i said again then they look at me weirdly, i rarely giving my atention to her. i'm th person who watch from far away. 

"Joon!" manager hyung called him. "hyung I go first." he said and left us alone. 

"they said you will be move?" she nodded. we walk to the dressing room. "I don't know if i stil be working for you guys, but i promise my oppa that i will be visiting if i have the time" she said like she read my mind. "Ah~ nice then." I said. 


Him Chan POV 

I ate with bibmbap with my friend for lunch. his name is Jae Hyuk, he is my friend from high school. 

we ate at bibmbap restaurant at gangnam. the place is not really crowded and so we can eat comfortably. 

"I heard that you make a mess with a girl? huh?" Jae Hyuk asked me. how can he know about that. "I know because at that time i was looking at you and found you arguing with that girl, but unfortunately i have to go before i can talk to you, so i can't ask anything about what you are arguing" he talk nonstop I put my hand infront of his face and he stop talking.

"let's not talk about that." i said to stop the topic "hey i will have my personal stylist you know." i said to satrt a new topic. "ah... i hope you not making some mess again. " he said. "yah! i'm not making mess with anyone! because her body is small i though she is a junior high schooler so i said she is a kid." i said telling him everything that happen that day. 

"How stupid you are, you know what that girl is Lee Joon MBLAQ's sister. Her name is Lee Chan Hee, she is major in design and singing, and i heard he won some fashion competition in Paris a few year ago" and now he told me everything i want to know, that's why i can be friend with him. He's like my personal spy or agent. 

"see i know what you want right?" i just nodded, He is the best for stalking people or searching information. " you are the best." i said giving my thumb up. he smile arogantly "don't be so proud of your self Jae Hyuk!" i slap his hand. "it's hurt." he said while rubbing his hand. "Him Chan see that girl!" he look at the girl. i look to what he see. it's the girl that i make mess with her. 

"he is with her brother." i said and Jae Hyuk nodded. "I think that she didn't talk to her brother about you yet. because if she's already thought him, he will 100% search for you" I look at Jae Hyuk in horror, i look to his eyes searching if he just talk or it's true when i see his seriousnes in his eyes i know that it's not a lie. 

"that girl is scary!!!" i said. "that's why i said don't make any mess with MBLAQ family, they will catch you and..... gone" he said put his hand on his neck like choking him self. i just nodded. 

"but everyone that she style will be a fashionista!" he put his thumb up. "And she is going to be one of TS artist!" I look at him "her/ he must be lucky" i said and Jae Hyuk nodded. 

After talking and eating i look at my watch and it's 1.30 PM so i have 30 minuets to get to TS office.

"Hyuk-ah I have to go, I have a meeting." i said and stand up "bye then"

I got my car and drive. 

when i'm arrived at TS I still have 10 minuets to go and so i buy some drink first at a super market near there. when i just want to pay i look Zelo there, when i went near him i see that he is talking with a girl. 

"hey, why are you here nonna?" Zelo asked, i hid my self somewhere so they can see me. 

"yeah, i have a meeting. You don't have any schedule?" she ask him. 

"I have, ah nonna i heard that you already meet Him Chan hyung." Zelo whisper to her but i can still hear them because i hide near where they stand. 

"Him Chan? ah... that boy that told me a kid? yeah i met him." she said with an irritating voice. Is she really hate me?

"Actually he is a good hyung, because you have small body that's why he said that you were a kid." Nice Zelo, i will treat you well later. 

"Still... Ah never mind, I think i'm gonna be late for the meeting see you later Zelo-ah" She said and they go. I walk from where i hide and pay for the drink. 


Chan Hee POV 

After talking awhile with Zelo i walk to the office. 

They already told me where i have to go and so i don't have to ask for anyone. 

I arive at the office. "Ah Chan hee ssi, nice to meet you. I'm sorry that Him Chan is a late." I just nodded. "it's ok President, I know that they're busy." i said and smile to the President. Then the door knocked, we look at the door and there's the person that said that i am a kid. i Sgock when i know that i will be working to him but to back of is not my style. 

"sorry i'm late" HimChan said and sit infront of me.

"Him Chan your manager already told me right that you will be having you personal stylist?" the president said. "yes, he already told me." Himchan said. "so ... this is Lee Chan Hee your personal stylist, she will be working with you tomorrow, i know it will be awkward if you don't know about her or he, so today i'll make you to date. You can go anywhere you want but please don't make any scandal ok?" we just nodded. When i first working with MBLAQ is like this too. So I used to be. 

After some agreement and bla bla bla HimChan and I go for our called date. 

"just use my car. " he seem very awkward. 

"ok." I said with a cold tone. I still mad at him because he told me that I am a Child. 

we got into his car and there's another wakward moment. 

"Where should we go?" he asked "Let's go watch music bank." i said. Today my oppa will be there so i want to watch them. "OK." he said then drive to the studio. 

At the studio we walk to the dressing room "hey today BAP is not perform?" i asked "yes." he just say like whispering to me because is really a chaos there. 

"That's MBLAQ room" I llok at MBLAQ name on the door and walk there but i feel that Him Chan doen't follow me. I look at the back and yes he just staring at me. "Hey what are you doing?" i grab his wirst and pull him "it's ok, i didn't talk bad about you to my oppa so just act like nothing happen." he just nodded and follow me to the dressing room. 

I knocked the door and Thunder open the door. "hey oppa!" i said and hug him. he hug me back."ChanHee welcome, come in." he said and let us in. When we come in all eyes were on us, Him Chan and I. 

"Oppa i want to introduce you my new client, he is Him Chan from TS entertainment, he is your hoobae as well." i said introducing him. 

"Annyeong Haseyo Kim Him Chan imnida, please treat me well." he said. "ah hyung you still one year older than me so don't be to formal with me" MIR said. 

"yes, this person is one year younger so free to call him whatever." i said again. "yah i told you to call me oppa!" MIR whined. The other member just laugh at him.

after a few minuets talkin with them I see that Him Chan already talking comfortably with them, he is just a cheerfull as what Zelo told me.

"Our little sister ischildish and hard to control she is also stuborn her so please take care of her." Joon oppa said

"She will make you wear everything she wants and it will be good" Seungho said. I look at him with amuse i rarely see Seungho talk good about me. 

"And you will like to work with her" he said again, OMG what happen with the Seungho i know? think he really change but i guess i'm wrong. 

"That's nice to know that Seungho oppa." I said and smile to him, he smile back at me. And i think the other members were amused with that. 

"MBLAQ 3minuets to go." some of the staff come and told them. "We have to go, have a nice day Him Chan , Chan Hee, by the way you really look a like." Joon oppa said then they're gone in the midle of people. 

"Are we going to watch them?" Himchan said lookig at the TV that airing the show right now. "let's go we have more things to catch up." I said and go out from the room. 

"Now where are we going?" he asked me. "Now it's your turn if you want we can go to my apartmen. or maybe your dorm so i can take rest." I said, i know it's kind a bit to rush to go to each other place but today i really need rest. "let's go to BAP dorm then. the member are on schedule, maybe Daehyun is at home."  he look really serious at the road. 

"So i want to say sorry about that thing when we first meet." he still looking at the road, his face is a bit red maybe he is shy. "it's ok, untill now your maknae Zelo rarely called me nonna because of my behavior and my body, he really...." i said while remember all the things Zelo do to me. 

"But i wonder why our face can be so look a like?" he look at me from the mirror. "I don't know maybe because we're both cute." I shrugged and laugh. Him Chan look at me with Amuse and Laugh to. "OMO at first i though you're a cool girl, but now...." he said again and laugh. "Hey i have to keep my image you know, it's hard to look not so CHILD" "I know I know, don't be mad." 

After talking like that with him the atmosfer betwen us is more light and not awkward, I hope we can work with this easy feeling. 


Autor note : I don't know how to make Him Chan a little bit evil :"( so i think there will be no much drama in this story.


have a nice day everyone

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