monday morning


Chan hee POV 

Today is monday, and every body hate monday! I said to my self while walking to the bus stop. 

I have to work today and my work is not easy, this guy name Seungho who is my brother group member is really annoying. He hate what i make him to wear, he hate everything about my opinions, and he hate when i nagged about how annoying he is. 

who like to work with that guy? yeah i know it must be you the Seungho fans. But really, you have to work with him first and you will say that i am right.

Finally the bus came and i found my sit. there's not so many people in this early breezing morning. I beging to check my Handphone. 

ok there he go... there's a few message from my brother, mom, and of course our master Seungho. I read the text from Seungho oppa first. 

"MORNING!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!! I HAVE TO WORK!" i roll my eyes and text him back "OPPA!!! IT'S 4AM ONLY AND MANAGER SAID I HAVE TO COME AT SIX!!!!!" after i text him I check the other, there's "hey how are you?" from mom, "good morning" from Changsung oppa and "come to TS building at 2PM" from Ji Hae eonni. wait .... i check again Ji Hae's eonni text. "why should i come to TS building at 2?" i said to my self. 

whatever, now i have to get Seungho ready first so he can SHUT his mouth and i will be happy for that. 


HimChan POV

"hyung wake up, it's monda and we have to work!" Youngjae waking me up lazyly. actually i already up from 3AM to get rid of my curiosity. Curiosity about that girl that i called child that day at Music Bank back stage. She really look a like me. I ask my mom if i have a twin that lost or die long time ago and she just laugh at me. aaah seriously it makes me crazy!!!! 

I go out from the bed and walk to the bath room. after doing my morning routine i go out. 

"Himchan let's eat!" youngguk said. he already sit at the dining room and waiting for someone. "you wait for me?" i ask teasing him. "no... i wait for someone to eat together, i can't eat alone you know?!" he said and put the whole spoonfull rice into his mouth. I just chuckel and make my self eat something to.

After all the member finish we go to a photo session at busan. 

"Hyung do you found out who's that girl?" Young Jae asked. i just shook my head. 

"Himchan is still looking for that girl?" Youngguk asked. "Don't you guys think that Himchan is falling in love for her?" now he teas me. 

They're begun to laugh and said YES and other things. "yah! i just find that she is interesting because we have similiar face and aura. And different behavior." i said and they look at me like i was really fall in love with that girl. 

But finally we reach our destination and nobody care about that anymore. 

we work really hard today, you know why? because we really have to wear only T-Shirt in this super cold weather here in BUSAN! 

But look at that two Childs. They are playing with the snow happyly even the only wear T-Shirt. 

"ZELO~ah!!! JONGUP!!! come here right now!" our manager shout so they will come here, and yes that's work. they finally come back to the tent and wear their jacket and drink hot milk and sit while the manager hyung scolded them. 

I just sit quitly while looking at them. Then after manager hyung scolded them he walk to me. 

he sit next to me, i gave him hot chocolate. "here you go hyung" i said while giving him the drink. "Thank you Himchan." he took the drink and drink it. I think he is really stress because of the members. "hyung don't be to stress. I will tell them later at the dorm to behave more." i said. "ah you are such a good Hyung for your Dongsaeng." he stop for awhile like he was thinking of something. "what hyung?" i said wondering what will he said next. "Him Chan you will have you own stylist" i look at him in disbelieve. but before i can tlk any longer he said "after this please go to TS building while i have to go with the other members to catch their schedule. please?" and i just can nodded my head. 

i wonder why i have to have stylist for me? i mean for myself. i know that we already have a coordi nonna but why for my self only?


Author note :

short chapter? i know. i have flu so it's really annoying.

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next update will be in monday.


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