A friend, jealousy and practice, practice, practice


아름다워-Part (1)

 Chapter-(5)-A friend, jealousy and practice, practice, practice


The days went fast and I was already training my vocals. I’m not quite good at those though. Jin Ki hyung had to teach me a lot. Well, I’ve prepared since I got into the audition but it turns out to be like I needed more practice. Ah, talking about vocals, it’s Jin Ki hyung who taught me how to practice singing. Let me introduce to Lee Jin Ki first. He’s the funny and dorky hyung who loves to eat chicken a lot-I meant a LOT. We met on the roof top. He saved me from my depression and hopelessness on singing although his first impression was a little surprising as he fell down in front of me on the roof top of the SM building. I heard that he falls down often, too. Well, that’s not really necessary to talk about it here. Ha Ha. He’s funny though. Jong hyun hyung also teaches me. Ki bum hyung and I also got along well since we did dancing together. That left for my Minho hyung. He’s not that close with everybody. He seems to be pretty close with Super Junior hyungs and Chang Min hyung but he wasn’t the type who talked much than needed. I’m glad he talks to me though. I’m more comfortable with Yunho hyung though. Since we’re more like dancers.

Day by day, we trained, and trained, everything worked well, then. The hyungs took care of me well. Especially, Minho hyung of course. They all treated me like a kid. I’m not blaming them though since I’m the maknae there. But I’m a little sad when the hyungs didn’t let me do anything, saying I was still so young. Mostly, Jonghyun hyung… Ki bum hyung nagged a lot and yeah, he’s a lot worried for me, but no, he’s only worried because he’s kind of like the type who gets worried easily. But… Jonghyun hyung? There’s no doubt that he’s worried for me all the time. He made me call him-or more like inform him I was home alive without a scratch- every day after the training section. He even took photos - every time- of the phone numbers of the taxis I rode on my way home. (It’s a true fact! Seriously, Jjong >.<)

Jonghyun hyung trained all weekdays while Ki Bum hyung and I trained almost every day. Meanwhile, Minho could only come to training on weekends since his home is in Incheon. So, I was always training at weekends. Very funny though. That we are incredibly inseparable just by knowing for only months.

Trainings were tough. And time was swift and quick. I didn’t even notice about a year had passed since I was selected as a trainee. And that was the time I met him.



I took notice that I shouldn’t rely on Minho too much. Also, he was only with us in weekends. Ki bum hyung became the best friend or hyung for me since he’s always there for me. But I also found out that he and Jonghyun hyung are inseparable best pals just like Minho and I. That’s when I start to make friends with the trainees in other sections. For example, like Joon myeon hyung who has enrolled into SM a little earlier than me (?). We hung out sometimes but not so much since he had his family issues.

Actually, I wasn’t use to this situation because I was mostly never alone. At home my brother was always there for me. I was kind of a loner at school but I never got lonely. It’s really strange as I became attached to people more. I think it all started from Minho. Aish, speaking of that guy, he’s not even here since it’s Wednesday today. I felt so bored but I had to go practice today. Well, it’s just for some days, right? And Minho’d be here in the next few days. Well, he was here a few days ago. Besides, I have to try not to rely on anyone from now on. Maybe if I had someone who’d rely on me, then maybe, just maybe, I’d be more independent.

I heard some music, coming from the practice room even before I get there. Maybe the new trainees? Because last week, there’s a teenager dance contest at our entertainment. I slowly opened the door and peek into the room. The person didn’t seem to notice though. Of course, he wouldn’t, and yeah, it’s a ‘he’. He was dancing. So energetic but unique. I should definitely learn that dance. I wait for a while until the music stops and he stopped dancing only to slowly turn over to me. Then-

I was shocked! He was shocked as well. Maybe because he’s embarrassed that someone’s watching all the time he was dancing or else. For me, it’s not just because I was caught, it’s because of his face. His face, it’s not identical, but he kinda resembles someone, somehow he looks like me..?

 We waited for what it seems like hours, actually a minute before he started to talk. More like he introduced himself. There, I found out that his name was Jong In, he was some months younger than me and that he was selected as a trainee from the last week’s contest.

“So, you’re a trainee starting from this week..?”

“Yes, kind of.” He seems shy though.

“Oh, before I forgot, my name’s Taemin and I am a trainee as well.”

From, that moment I knew we’d get along well. And we did. I didn’t think I’d find someone younger than me so fast. I was also surprised that I could handle this by myself. I just made myself a friend! Not a hyung who’d take care of me. Not that I mind. Actually, I was happy.

“You know, that dance you were doing, it’s cool. Can you teach me?”

“Really? From me?”

“Of course. It was like –Wow! Really.” I said, adding an expression. I really did want to learn that dance move.

“Okay. It’s the dance I did at the contest.”

“Wow, that’s why they selected you from the first place, they must be pretty stunned by it.”

“Thanks. Oh, and it goes like this-” And so on.



“Hey, come on, I’m going to introduce you with my favorite hyung.” I said to Jong In as I dragged him towards where all the hyungs were practicing.

“What if they don’t like me?”

“They won’t if you keep saying that.” I answer him with a slip-out tongue. “Come on!”

Jong in and I got along very well and also, we always hung out together since we met that day. More like hung out; meaning practicing together though. It’s Saturday today, so, it’s been like three or four days we’ve been friends. And I wanted him to meet the hyungs today since he’s really shy to do so.

Today’s Saturday, so, there should be Minho hyung. I’m glad I could see him today. He’s gonna be so proud of me when he sees me with my own friend, right? As we enter the practice room, I looked around, hoping to find Minho hyung. We haven’t seen each other for days. I really miss him. I don’t know whether it’s funny or not to miss a hyung that much. Whatever, first things first, if Minho’s not here, then, he must be at the rapping room, right?

“Jong in, wait here. I’m going to look for Minho hyung.”



Nope, no Minho hyung as I went into the rapping room. I only found Kibum hyung.

“Hyung, what are you doing here?”

“Oh, a hyung said I should try this, so, here I m, trying rapping. Why are you here anyways?”

“Oh, um, have you see Minho hyung?”

“Of course, because of Minho. And no, I haven’t seen him.”

“Hyung, it’s not my fault that we get along well.” I answered a pout and left the room with disappointment.

“Yah, Lee Taemin!”



I searched everywhere but Minho was nowhere to be found. So, I just came back to the practice room. Should I call him? No, I don’t want to be a burden for him. Suddenly, I remembered I left Jong In with the hyungs. Oh, god, Taemin, what’s happening to you?!

I was breathless when I enter the room. Well, I was literally running. I found Jong in with the hyungs, surrounding him.

“Taemin.” Jong in called out. He looks like he wanted to escape from there. He really was a shy kid.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” I said as I grabbed a bottle of water from one of the hyungs to drink. After that, I introduced them to Jong in.

“So, you’re the Jong in kid, the new trainee?” It was Shin Dong hyung.

“Hyung, you already scared him.”

“Okay, okay. I was just trying to get to know him.” He said, raising up his hands.

I saw Chang Min hyung coming and- “Hyung, have you seen Minho hyung?”

“Oh, he texted me he couldn’t come.”


“Silly Minho, he fell asleep on the bus and the bus went back to Incheon from Seoul.” He said while laughing making the others laugh, too.

“It’s not so funny.” I blurted out.

“Yeah, yeah, we won’t touch your precious hyung.” Eunhyuk hyung teased but I couldn’t response to that. Why didn’t he tell me? Why Chang min hyung? I know they’re like brothers but he could have told me. I’ve been longing the weekend because of him and all I got is this? I can’t help but got angry. What is feeling anyway? Before I got out of my remorse state, Jong in blurted out-

“You guys are that close?”

And again, even before I could think to answer what Jong in had said, “Yeah, they’re like this close.” Dong Hae hyung beamed in showing his two fingers close together. Then, I snapped out, coming back from my fantasy.

“Yah, hyung! It’s not true!”

“Whatever you say, Taemin-ah.”

“Let’s just go practice, Jong In.” I said while dragging Jong in back with me.

We arrived the dance practicing room within a few minutes. I let go off him with a huff and started to find my CD player. Anger grew in my mind and I couldn’t focus on anything at all. I started cursing as everything went wrong.

“You’re just jealous, aren’t you?”

“Oh, not you, too. Jealous because he texted hyung instead of me? No way!”

“I didn’t say what for.” He pointed out. That’s when I was trapped. Well, crap, I was jealous. I just gave Jong in a death glare and went on to the music player to place the CD in.

“See, I’m right!” Jong in exclaimed with a victory move.

“I’m not going to teach you that dance you’ve been talking about if you won’t drop the subject.” I answered with a smirk.

“What? That’s threatening. And to your own friend.”

“No, I was just bribing you.” I said as we stretched out our bodies to practice.

“It’s practically the same!”

“Do you want to learn it or not?”

“Okay, okay, fine. But still, it’s true.”

Oh, god, this is going to be a long day. And a day without Minho. I just let myself out through the dance while teaching Jong in but it was not the same without him. What is wrong with me, Taemin?!



Namri’s corner: The chapter’s so boring. I promise the next chapter would be less boring and also with 2min scenes. This chapter was mainly about ‘meeting Kai’, so, no Minho for the while. Oh, and I want to know if you guys want Minho’s POV.

SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR SO LONG!!! It’s just University life is not so free at all. But yay for vacation! I hope I can update soon, too. So, subscribe, comment and up vote! Thank you, y’all!




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[아름다워]a.k.a[Beautiful]-Chapter(6) has updated! --Namri2min


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Chapter 5: Owwwwwww...really enjoy reading "taemin's diary" ^___^
excited for the next uodate author-nim!!fighting...
and oh..oh..i really really love a jealous taeminnie ^_^
poppykisses #2
Chapter 5: Seeing things from minho's perspective would be a nice read. But either way as the author, you should write whatever you feel is right for your story :)
poppykisses #3
Chapter 4: Minho is super cute in this :) awwwww...
LeeJuLian #4
Chapter 4: They're already adorable together TwT
Minho stuttering is so cute! :'D
Good chapter ^^
LeeJuLian #5
Chapter 3: Haha, he thinks he's the maknae xD
It's cute!
Good luck with your studies! Fighting :D
poppykisses #6
Chapter 3: First of all, that pic of minho up there is so freaking cute.secondly, this chap is so adorable with minho thinking he's the maknae and all ^^ gahhh
LeeJuLian #7
Chapter 2: I knew he could do it! :DD
(Well after all he actually did it so... xD)
Update soon, I want him to meet Minho! OwO
poppykisses #8
Chapter 2: Yay! ! Taemin got into sm. Can't wait till he meets minho
Chapter 1: it's very nice as far ^^
please update soon I want to see Tae as a trainee
LeeJuLian #10
Chapter 1: I really love this too! It sounds like...I don't know... "What /really/ happened to Lee Taemin" OwO
Forgive me x'DD
I can't wait to read more, anyway ^^