✮The Sunshine Shop

✮Venus Advertisement Shop✮ {CLOSED}

Author: CookieStrawberries

Co-Authors: BAP_BABYZ, Noonar & Opparz

Description: 1) Trade/sell stories- That's right. You know sometimes, how you started a story then later, you lose all the interest in it? Well, over here, you can trade it for another story that you're interested in or you can sell it for karma points~

2) Look for good shops- Don't you just hate it when you have to look forever just to find a good graphic shop or advertisement shop? Look no further! This place provides you the best shops in AFF!

3) Story ideas- You have story ideas that you're too lazy to write? You can put them here and I can get someone to use it. Of course, they can pay you for it and/or they can credit you with the story plot. Whatever you want them to do!

4) Co-authors- Don't you just hate it when you reread your chapters and find so much mistakes. Here, you can hire co-authors and they can edit your story! Although I can't promise you that they won't do anything bad to your stories.

5) Good stories- Here, we've got the BEST. I hope. And of course they're suggested by YOU!

6) Adverising your stories- Just send in the forms and we can place it in the good stories section. Although.. it does come in a price if you want me to put it in the good story section and on my other shop, The Cupcake Advertisement.

Message to the Readers: Please come and check it out? You can earn karma points just by doing any of the above!

Click here to view the shop!


Venus Advertisement Shop Comment

Thanks for requesting here~ It's a very unique shop there. I like your shop's name. Anyway, do comment back!◠‿◠

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BiscuitTeacher #3
I have requested! :)
requested ^^
Requested for a story! (:
vexatious #7
thank you for advertising my story! ^^
requested c:
I have requested~ :D