Hi there!

I've been proofreading every chapters like..forever. And sometimes it's hard to think of good moments to incoporate in every chapter. :|

Anyway. How's the previous chapter? Sooyoung's character was bullied. Was that even possible? Hohohoho~ AND YES. Donghae's character likes Joorin. :)

..Hmm..I know you noticed that the events are kinda compressed and just popping out of nowhere. Am I right? *talk about timelapse*. Anyway, That's what I can do best right now because I'm compressing it as much as possible. The 5th chapter would be much faster. The first 6 chapters are comprised of GOOD TIMES because chap 7 onwards would be problematic and will make us learn why it's entitled the Heartbreak Club. ;p

Thank you for enduring!





Joorin suddenly woke up and bolted up from the hospital bed. She like literally springed upward but after that she felt her whole body is in pain.


Yeonhee was too surprised by what happened. Sam rushed to control her and Jaewon is just looking at her with amazement.

"Woah. Did you just springed up from bed?" Jaewon stating the obvious

"Just lay down're still not okay.." Yeonhee told her.

Joorin looked around but her head is slightly spinning. "Where are we?"

"We're in the hospital.." Sam told her. He slightly placed her body back to the bed "You were injured..kinda bad"

Oh. Right.. Her eyes widened by just remembering. She quickly looked at Jaewon.

Jaewon's eyes are telling her that nothing has been confirmed yet. They are somehow talking with their minds.

Sam is full of worries. It's written on his face "What happened to you? Do you know who did that to you?"

Everything is slowly going back in her memories. The junior students.. Right. The crazy admirers of Sam who happens to be in front of her right now. She's just a victim of campus bullying. Joorin felt bad about it.

"Were the girls in third year did that to you?" Jaewon said.

Joorin just froze there. She pretended like she didn't hear what he just said.

Of course all three of them take that as a yes. But they still don't know the reason behind. Well Jaewon already has a hint. He just needs a confirmation.

"Why did they do this to you" Yeonhee is carefully touching her best friend's injuries. She's almost crying

"Don't cry. Don't worry.. I'll be alright.." Joorin tried her best to be tough. "I don't know either. Maybe I beat them in online games or something...and they can't accept it. You know how crazy gamers are in our country..."

Jaewon raised an eyebrow. First, He knows she's telling a lie. Second, that's a lame excuse. By the looks of it, this naive girl wouldn't even know how to operate a game console properly. How come she used that as an excuse?

Sam let out a sigh "Don't play online games anymore!" as if beleiving the girl's excuse.

Jaewon was surprised how his best friend believed what Joorin had said. Moreover, He believed the online game thingy? It's clear that those girls may have been jealous of Joorin and her closeness with Sam. Sam's really popular with girls, irregardless of age and school level. Judging Joorin's injuries, girls can only do that to her. The scratches and bruises are not that big. Plus the fact that they've seen girls running outside that building..

All three of them accompanied Joorin to her home. Jaewon and Sam is suprised that Joorin is all alone in a big house. They learned from Yeonhee that Joorin's mom died at an early age and her Dad is busy with business overseas. No one is left to look for Joorin because everyone else, their close relatives, are living outside of Seoul. Joorin is the only child the family has.

Jaewon and Sam left Yeonhee and Joorin in her house. Yeonhee decided to sleep over and be with her best friend. The three agreed that they will solve the problem tomorrow..



"Can you tell me what happened?" Yeonhee patiently asked. Both of them are now wearing pajamas and are lying on a queen sized bed Joorin has in her room.

Joorin sighed. She knows she need to tell her best friend.

Yeonhee get up and faced Joorin. "Come on.. just tell me. Whatever reason there is..I'll accept calmly.."

Joorin told the story in detail as what Yeonhee would wanted it to be. She even enumerated all the names of the third year girls that hurted her. Most especially the one who punched her in the face.

Yeonhee's expression is priceless. Her calmness seemed to drift in a far away land.

"HOW COME they do that to you? I'll initiate a hearing tomorrow. I'll report this right away!"

Joorin can't help but to smile at her best friend's reaction because she just promised to be calm. Moreover, she have never seen her like that, being all red and furious.

"Calm down. Calm down." Joorin is leaning her back on the bed's head board. "That's why I don't want to tell you!"

Yeonhee looked at her "Of course, that's just normal! How do you expect me to be calm..If you were in my position, you would have never let the night end without making them kneel in front of you..."

True enough. If that happened to Yeonhee, hell will break loose. That's how strong their bond is. She understands how her best friend feels. It's just that she doesn't want to make it bigger..

..because of Samuel.

"I just don't want to make it big..I just want to go on with my life and get over it.."

Yeonhee became calmer and seems to know where she's getting at. "Is it because of Sam...?"

Joorin just nodded. Yeonhee hugged her. "You're already hurt, how come you're still thinking of someone else's position?"

"Because that's the kindest thing to do.."

"What are you planning to do now?"

"Of course..I want them to know what they did was wrong.. but as discreetly as possible. No other people involved.." Joorin's looking at her bruises.. "Then I'll go on and forget everything else.."

She felt a pain in her heart. She felt like crying.




Jaewon and Yeonhee seems to be nowhere.. Sam thought. He keeps on looking for them. Joorin didn't go to school today and after the first break he never get to find the couple. He seems to have gone to all the spots Yeonhee and Jaewon should have been but they are not there.

Sam is now even in the 1st year building..

"Sunbae.. are you looking for someone?" one of the freshman girls asked

"Have you seen Yeonhee?"

The girls shook their heads all at once. Sam hopelessly went back to the classroom. Upon heading back, he realized Yeonhee and Jaewon are back. He can clearly hear their conversation..

"All of them were suspended from class"

"They should've been kicked out or something.."

"Easy..they're already regretting it. Their moms would do the beating for us." Jaewon jokingly said. "It's already a bad thing to get don't know that because you've never been into that situation.

"Is it really bad?" Yeonhee curiously asked

Jaewon remembered his younger years "Of course! I remember my dad beating the hell out of me because I punched a kid in the face and I got suspended out of it..I don't want to stay in the house that whole time..!"

Yeonhee laughed "So you were suspended from class before.."

"Ahem..That was a long time ago" Jaewon cleared his throat

Sam rushed to the room upon hearing it. Jaewon almost stand up when he saw him. Yeonhee is just staring.

"Where were you all this time?"

"we already talked to them..the 11th graders.. they said they were sorry..."

Sam felt kinda bad because he was never told about this thing before. "Why go without me?"

Jaewon and Yeonhee looked at each other. Both were mentally pushing each other to answer. Jaewon did it "We were called out of the blue as well. Yeonhee reported it to their homeroon teacher at the beginning of the class and we were called to talk to them this break time. Joorin is not around so we came there on behalf of her....Yeah. that's what happened!"

Yeonhee nods more than twice.

Later on when Sam was walking home. That same group of girls were waiting for him. Much to his surprise, all of them were crying and saying they're sorry. They can't even look at Sam's eyes. Although he has no idea why the girls are doing such thing to him and what's the reason why they did that to Joorin, he said nothing and just walked forward.




 Just after 3 days.. Joorin finally showed up in school. Weird is that no one seems to talk about what happened and seems no one aside from the four of them and most likely the girls who did that, knew what happened. Everything is back to normal..

"Hey!" Sam just smiled and waved to Joorin.

Joorin just bowed to him but never said Hi. She just sat on her seat and looked outside..

"It's so hot today. Aaargh. I'm gonna die!" Jaewon in. He's looking at Joorin when he said that.

"Good morning!" Yeonhee greeted all three of them. Yeonhee kneeled in front of Joorin's desk and looked at her bestfriend with puppy eyes "I'm so glad you're back!"

Joorin smiled and she pinched her best friends cheeks "Yah. Do you really miss me? You were pigging youself out for the last 3 days in my house!" Joorin was clearly talking about Yeonhee's stay in her house for the last 3 days while making her feel better.

Sam smiled. It's understood that Joorin's energy is back. He can't help but to be glad.

"It's going to be a busy week. Spring fest is approaching fast" Yeonhee stated "I'm sure you'll miss me..."

Jaewon sighed. That's mainly for two reasons. First, Yeonhee will be really busy, being in charge because she's the student council president and second, he'll be stuck with Joorin because their classmates always makes them team up for designing anything in the room.

Joorin sighed as well.

"Why are the two of you so down?" Sam curiously asked "It's a good week!"

"For's a good week. well, this girl.." He pointed to Joorin "and me will be stuck with each other.."

Joorin acted like he's gonna hit Jaewon in the head. "as if I wanted to be with you. Why is that there's no one else who can help me painting walls and anything...."

Sam raised his hand "Me, You can use me.."

Joorin hesitated. She just fell silent and avoided Sam's eyes. He's just waiting for her response until the homeroom teacher went in.

Sam didn't fail to find it odd. Joorin's actions.

After that, the time went on and the four of them were altogether during breaks. Joorin was assigned to lead their room's decorations for the upcoming spring festival of their school. They are gonna do an Alice in Wonderland theme as assigned by the student council. Sam was trying his best to have a conversation with the girl, but by unkown reason she's avoiding him. She even didn't choose him to be part of the decorations team. Joorin picked Jaewon first and with the long list of those she wanted to help her, Sam was hoping he'll get picked. But instead Joorin let him go and the music team got him. He's waiting to meet the eyes of Joorin to get an explanation or something but that never happened.

"Let's go home...let's go home...let's go home.. for the love of God"

"Why are you being like that? We haven't started yet. Tomorrow will be the real fight"

All four of them are sitting on the bench. Joorin stood up

"Oh. before I forget.. Teacher would like to meet me right now."

Yeonhee, Jaewon and Sam quickly looked at her. They wouldn't want her to walk alone again. All three of the, stand up

"We're going with you!"

Joorin's heart almost melted but she just laughed it off "Aigoo..I'm gonna be alright! Plus, itis still early..and it's our teacher that I'm gonna meet....."

"I'll go with you." Sam insisted. "Maybe she'll give you papers or something---"

Joorin all of a sudden pointed at Jaewon's nose "You. Go with me! You're my assistant right?"

"huh?..assistant?!" Jaewon complained "He already said he'll go with y----- aw.."

Yeonhee elbowed his side. It just meant that he should go.


"Ja..let's go!" Joorin grabbed his collar to stand him up. Yeonhee just helplessly looked at her boyfriend.

Sam felt a pang of sadness. He's being put aside again. He looked at Joorin and Jaewon walking to the building. Yeonhee can't help but to look at Sam with worry and with a slight hint of pity.



"Do you have any idea why is she like that?"

Jaewon shrugged. He himself can understand why Joorin is being like that but Yeonhee and him chooses not to interfere what Joorin is thinking. The girl changed the way she approach Sam. She does not even look at him. Of course, he wanted to tell Joorin everything is alright now but he has no idea how.

"It's really weird. She won't even talk to me!" Sam exasperatedly said.

"Just give her time hyung..the girl is on her crazy, unreasonable world. In time she'll realize it and get out of there" Jaewon vaguely replied to his frustrated bestfriend.

"You've become weird as well..what is it that you just said?!"

Jaewon didn't bother to clarify it. His bestfriend really like Joorin. He somehow can understand but at the same time he has a weird feeling about it. Like out of all the girls, why Yeonhee's weird and violent bestfriend? Maybe he's just turning a blind eye and he just can't completely see it. What's clear is that Sam's really into her. He knows his bestfriend ever since they were kids and he knew every girl that came into his life but Joorin is totally odd one out.

He looked at his worried bestfriend who's sitting on the couch and thinking deeply. He know he's not watching  whatever it is that's on the television. He's just plain wondering.

Jaewon sighed and can't take it any longer. He grabbed the remote and turn the TV off.

" you remember Jessica? our classmate in 6th grade?" Jaewon is talking about their classmate in an elementary school in the US.

 "who?" although he knows what Jaewon is talking about

"Aish..! the only daughter of your dad's business partner! The crazy ahjumma!" Jaewon circled both if his hands on the side of his head to describe it.

"Yeah.. why bring her up?" Sam's expression darkened like he remembered something bad.

"Remember when she did horrible things to the other 6th grader girl of the neighboring school..the one you liked?" Jaewon remembered "That girl was crazily in love with you that whoever girl you liked, she'll surely destroy.. what a bad girl.."

Sam nodded. For him..that girl was one of the reasons he suddenly went back to Korea. He does not want to be tangled by the girl's crazy antics anymore. They are now in high school but that girl inevitably is always a part of his life. He just wanted to get out of there.

"Why all of sudden you're talking about Jessica?"

Jaewon's serious face was revealed. He's about to subtly break it to Sam.




"Well...I guess.. there are girls who are like her in here as well. They would do something bad out of an unreasonable crush.."

What is he talking about?Sam still has no idea what Jaewon is pointing at. He's just there pondering on Jaewon's flow of reason..

Jaewon rolled his eyes, stood up and began walking to his room.



"What I'm saying is that.. In our school..there is an exact version of Jessica....


......And it so happens that there are EIGHT OF THEM.."


There. I already said it. For Jaewon, that's the best thing he can do to help Sam figure things out. That's the downside of being the campus crush and of course, being the crush of the campus crush. He knows it best. Joorin's situation was kinda hard and he knows that Sam must get a grip of what's happening.

He no longer look back at his best friend but he's sure that Sam suddenly bolted up from the couch, grabbed his phone and dialled someone's phone number.


Joorin is still painting on her mini-workshop room when her phone rang. It must be Yeonhee. She thought.

But when she grabbed the phone, it was an unregistered number. Sure, she doesn't know who might it be but she has a weird feeling about it. Nonetheless, she accepted the call.

"Yoboseyo?" she heared a sigh on the other line.. "Uh..Hello?"

"It's me."  the other line said.



Joorin's heart jumped. It's Samuel. Somehow Joorin can't manage to find the drop call button. 

"Hey..don't ever hung up yet.."

Joorin stopped. She bring the phone close to her ear again.

"..are you alright now?"

"uh...Yeah." Joorin mustered her courage and inhaled "Hey! I'm doing great! Thank you for asking! What is it that made you call?"

she sounded freaking great, happy and enthusiatic. She's doing her best to let Sam know that she's perfectly fine. She felt that Sam, who's on the other line, was surprised.

"I guess..I just wanted to talk to were pretty weird today." Sam sighed once again "Is there a problem that you wanna tell me?"

"Me? weird? Aigoo... what are you talking about! I'm glad I'm back to school! I've no problem! Hehehehe." Joorin faked. "How about you? Got any problems?"

"Uh? well...nothing.. uh.. Are you sure that you're alright?"

"Yes! I'm 100% alright. Is there a reason why I shouldn't be?"

"No..nothing. I just want to hear your voice..Glad to know you're alright"

Joorin felt her heartbeat. She's gripping the phone real hard. "Oh..okay. Thank you! Well..I hate to say this but I'm doing something. Talk to you tomorrow.. See you!"

And she hung up.



Sam felt bad. He already know it. He can't get mad to Jaewon and Yeonhee. They did the right thing to protect Joorin and his interest. But everything's out of place. He exactly know how to fix it but Joorin's completely fell out of it.

"Get a grip Hyung.. Remember what I told you the house." Jaewon's not looking at him when saying that.  Jaewon just placed his hand on Sam's shoulder and tapped it. He went inside the classroom and greeted everyone.

The classroom is in complete chaos. Everyone's doing something. The chairs are placed along the corners of the room. Sam went in and his eyes automatically searched for the person it wanted to see..

"Hey! can you please cut the board this way?"

"No. I'll paint that myself. Just cut it correctly."

"I printed the step by step procedure to make it look like a big flower, Jinri. Just go with it!"

She's busy. Sam's looking at the person who was hurt because of him. He felt another surge of guilt.

"Hi Sam!"

Their female classmates greeted him. Joorin's hid her surprised reaction to it. She never looked up. Her eyes were glued to what she's doing. Yeonhee is not there. Sam placed his bag on one of the desk and sat on the floor. He choose to help the designing team. He's just 2 persons away from Joorin. Jaewon was cutting a huge card board as directed by Joorin.

"Place it there.." Joorin pointed the other side of the classroom. Both students who are in between her and Sam stood up and helped each other carry the heavy painted board. There's no one in between them anymore. Joorin's eyes widened and she regretted to command those two. Sam looked at her and their eyes met. Joorin quickly let go of the gaze.

"Sergeant! What should I do with this afterwards?" Jaewon shouted. He then noticed what happened between Sam and Joorin. He felt the awkwardness.

"Jaewon and Joorin. You are being called by the student council!" One classmate shouted to call their attention.

Joorin hurriedly stand up. She felt dizzy by suddenly standing up after indian sitting for a long time. Sam stood up and supported her. He grabbed both of her arms to keep her from falling.

"Don't stand up right away. It will give you sudden dizzy spells.." Sam told her. They are so close to each other.

Joorin realized this and she suddenly freed herself from Sam's hold. Almost everyone in the class are staring at them. Jaewon sighed by the seeing it.

Joorin moved towards the door and looked at Jaewon. She said nothing to Sam. Jaewon looked back to Sam with a half smile.


"what? Isn't it too much?!" Jaewon said. "You are assigning her to paint that enormous wall?"

They are being summoned by the Vice president. Yeonhee is in a meeting with the class presidents.

"Others from diffrent classes will help her. We have no other choice." the VP said.

"What about our class design? What about it?" Jaewon is frustrated now. "does Yeonhee know about this?"

"Hey. Why are you so angry. It's not that you're the one who's gonna paint it.." Joorin said.

"Can you do it?" Jaewon pointed at the enormous wall that stands no less than 30 feet wide and 15 feet tall. By the looks of it, It's like twice or three times the size of a regular classroom wall. it's situated on the other side of the school gym.

Joorin made her eyes small while looking at him "You are clearly underestimating me..."  She faced the Student council VP "I'll do it. I'll do it after class. When no one is around. Got it? Give me three days.."

Joorin flashed a V-sign and the VP exhaled and smiled at Joorin. "Thank you! Yeah sure! If you need help just let us know!"

Joorin grabbed Jaewon's collar like what she always does "This guy..will help me. We're good!"

"What?! I'll tell Yeonhee about this. You're enslaving me!" Jaewon let out a fake cry. He knows Joorin is unstoppable.


"Hey. I heared Joorin got a new task. What about us then?"

Sam heared their classmates talking. He can't help but to listen.

"I think we're good. Look at it. We're almost done. She's real quick."

Most of them nodded. Sam looked around. It's already pretty in their classroom. What's left is a finishing touch. They just need to place all of the hand-made designs to the right place..

"Excuse me.. but what are you talking about?" Sam in.

The girls hesitated and seemed to be shy to answer him. Sam's waited for a little while

"we heared that Joorin was given a hard task by the council. We don't know exactly what is it..but we heared her and Jaewon arguing about it..."

Oh. So Jaewon's part of it. He must know about it through his best friend.


At the end of a tiring day, Joorin is just sitting on the school bench and looking at the soccer field. She's tired physically and emotionally. She haven't started painting the huge wall as directed by the student council yet. She let out a sigh.

She noticed someone approached her.

Much to her surprise it's Jaewon.

He's cooly approaching her with his one hand in his pocket and the other one's carrying a vitamin water. Joorin held up her fists and acting like she's gonna defend herself from Jaewon.

"Tsk.. what are you doing? weird girl.." He gave the vitamin water to Joorin.

Joorin hesitantly accepted it. Jaewon sat beside her. She felt awkward. Why would this guy choose to be alone with her?

"I'm here because Yeonhee said so.." Jaewon stated like he heared Joorin's thought. "She said to bring you something..she knew you're here and you're tired.."

"oh..okay." she shortly said. "Are you done with the classroom?"

"Yeah..yeah. we did everything you said..boss"

Joorin put up a thumbs up but she never looked at Jaewon. "What are you doing here?"

"Aish..stop acting weird!" Jaewon suddenly turned his tone into a pleading one.

Joorin raised her eyebrows and give Jaewon a funny look. "Wu..wae?! who's acting weird here?"

Jaewon became serious and change his sitting position. There was a short awkward silence between them.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Excuse me?!"

"I said, what the hell are you doing. are ignoring Sam.."


"E....Excuse me?!" Joorin just repeated what she said because she actually have no idea what to reply.

"I guess you accepted that task to stay away from him huh?" Jaewon stated it. It's not a question. "Tsk, you even dragged me into it."

"What are you talking about.." Joorin's defenses are becoming weak. He faced Jaewon and brought her hands together and plead. Screw this.

"Help me. Please. Jaebal!"

Jaewon was taken aback and was surprised that this girl is almost pleading to him. "Woah..woah..Joorin! what the heck are you doing?"

" me. that wall's kinda big and even though I'm a master artist..I can't finish it in three days!" Joorin slapped her face "Why did I say three days?!"

Jaewon bitterly laughed. This girl is really weird. "Aish. What do you want me to do? I can't paint that well, You said you're the master it yourself!"

Jaewon paused. He come up with a great idea. "Why don't you tell Sam? then I'll tell Yeonhee and we'll help and we'll be together~~~"

Joorin's shoulder fell. That's not an option. Yeonhee's too busy herself and Sam...well. She just can't.

"Okay. I'll do it myself. Thank you."

Jaewon messed up her fringe "Why are you being like that?..being a coward and all..." Jaewon almost whispered the last part of what he said.

"What? What are you talking about?" Joorin sat back "You're talking nonsense"

Jaewon looked at the soccer field and seems to be thinking about something.

"Everything's fine now, Joorin." He said. "Don't be such a coward just because of a bunch of wothless girls."

Joorin don't know what to say and how to in.

"Just face it....your feelings. Don't be selfish..think how Hyung's feeling right now.."

"You.." he looked at Joorin "You chose to be here..

...why don't you choose to be happy and make others happy?"



Sam was already told by Jaewon what they are assigned to do. Even he finds it hard and impossible. What is Joorin thinking? He looked at the enormous wall in front of him. He and Jaewon is painting the wall white. It will serve as a primer. He forced Jaewon to paint the wall with a primer already without Joorin knowing it so that tomorrow she'll go on with painting it herself.

"Why am I always in between you two? I'm the one who's getting stressed!" Jaewon complained. He's now sitting on the ground with no energy left.

Sam can't help but to remain silent. He knows that fact clearly. He don't know how to thank Jaewon at this moment. He's almost done painting half of the wall and he just let him slump down the floor.

"Screw this..I'll go ahead and change. I'm going home. Hyung, you finish it.." Jaewon stand up and was sort of limping on his way out. Sam was left there alone.

Almost an hour later..It's almost dark outside. Sam's almost done with the wall. He's smiling by the fact that it's about to get done. It's pretty tiring and his arms are already aching. He then thought how Joorin will paint the whole wall. Sure she is towering tall but this is way too wide and high.

He then heared someone coming. It can't be Jaewon, he thought.  It's already out of school hours and he'll be reported if someone saw him still lingering on school grounds without a permit. He's rushed on painting the remaining spot and cleaned the paint bins and set them aside. He put his coat on and rushed his way to the exit.

..but too late since the person was already on its way to the door.

....He chose to hide on one of the gym benches, hoping the person won't see him.


Sam peeped on the small hole of the bench to take a look at who the person is.

Much to his surprise..'s Joorin.


Joorin is kinda hopping when she entered the gym. She's carrying pails of paint and a bag full of brushes and spray paints. Upon entering, she didn't expect what awaits her.

The wall.

It's already covered with white paint. That's what she's about to do. She felt her jaw dropped when she saw the wall. Who on earth painted this? She walks nearer and she noticed pails of white paint. one of the pail was uncovered.

She turned around to check if someone aside from her is inside the gym. Nope. No one.

"Well, maybe the student council already took care of this. So nice of them." Joorin is talking to herself.

She looked at the enormous wall and imagined what she'll paint on it. She felt good and excited. She can't discount the fact that this task will sorta kill her but this is what she does best. She loves painting and painting such a big wall was one of her wishes when she was a kid. She'll treat this as one of her master pieces in the making.

"Hmm.. what will I do with this? Just black and white? Doodle-type, about a big comic strip.." She hops to the edge of the wall up to the other side.

"Aish! Get a grip Kim Joorin!" She's slapping both of her cheeks while jogging in place. She then took a selca with the white background. She's so restless. Like a 5 year old kid.

Sam's just looking at Joorin while she's thinking aloud. He's amazed how the girl is being her self.  She's taking a selca. Who takes a selca when you're about to paint that big wall? She seems to be happy about it.

Joorin is about to lean on the wall. Sam remembered that the paint is still wet. She'll mess up with her uniform!

"Hey! Don't!"

Before he knows it, he's already out of the place where he's hiding. Joorin's too surprised to who she just saw and nevertheless, she already leaned on the wall.

"You leaned on the wall!!" Sam continued.

Joorin's eyes are so wide and she can't even pull herself from the wall she just leaned to. Sam went to her and pulled her. He looked at her back and her navy blue uniform has now a big stain of white paint.

You're so ing stupid, Joorin. Joorin scolded herself. Joorin fixed her fringe instead of being worried how big the stain is on her back. She realized Sam's hand is holding her arm. She removed it from his grip.

"Hul.. err.. I'm going home.." Joorin just said. She's about to walk out when Sam blocked her way. She went to the left, Sam's there, to the right, same thing

"Get out of the way.." She pushed Sam aside.

"Yah. What have I done to you?" Sam patiently asked. "I just painted the wall. Don't you feel thankful?" He's making the scene lighter.

Joorin looked at the wall. She noticed Sam's hands as well. They were stained with white paint. She's a whole lot thankful. But she's resisting.

"I never told you to paint it" she strongly said. "But thanks anyway."  She said that with no emotion at all.

Sam grabbed her arm once again "Look. I'm sorry."

Joorin "Why on earth should you be sorry? It's not even you, It's me. I'm sorry.." Joorin looked down. She does not want to cry in front of him.

'What do you want me to do then?"

"Just don't come near me.."

"I can't do that.. I'm your friend."

"I never ask for it either! Why would you befriend someone like me?"

Sam frowned. He just don't get it. "Whatever those girls told you, just forget it."

She froze in place. "Who told you that?"  She thought of Jaewon. That punk.

"It's not important..just don't be like that. You're scaring me and making me worried." Sam's about to pat her head but Joorin avoided it.

"Just..Just stop being friends with me. It's not healthy for you.." Joorin sighed "...and for me"

Sam stopped. He then remember why Joorin was hurt by their juniors. He felt pain on his chest.

"I'm sorry.. because of me you were hurt." Sam painfully said "I'll be out of the way from now on. I'm sorry that you were dragged into that situation just because of me.."

Joorin was about to clear that it's not his fault but Sam turned and went out of the school gym.

Joorin cried. "Don't misunderstand."




"What?" Yeonhee exclaimed on the other line "What now?"

Joorin is crying like a child and letting it all out on her best friend.

"I can't understand. Yah. Joorin! Calm down. Stop crying and tell me.."

Joorin can't help but to hiccup while crying and it makes what her saying barely audible.


Yeonhee sighed  "I'll go there. wait for me."

Yeonhee was panting when she met her best friend in the school gym. Joorin is a complete mess. She sat down and faced her bestfriend who's slumped on the ground. She fixed her bestfriend's hair and put out a piece of tissue paper and wipe her face

"What happened to you?"

"I'm such a freaking coward." Joorin said while absent mindedly holding her chest. It's in pain from all the crying..

"Shh.. calm down." Yeonhee shook her head "But at least you know.."

Joorin pouted and looked at her best friend "You've really become like him..Jaewon.." She then grabbed a tissue herself and blew her nose.

Yeonhee slightly laughed "I can't believe you're like this because of love." She fully laughed upon seeing Joorin's swollen eyes "Look at you. You're a gold fish!"

Joorin started to cry again like a 5 year old kid. Yeonhee hugged her best friend "Aigoo..our Joorin.. come on. I'll listen."

Even with sobs and hiccups, Yeonhee finally managed to hear her best friend's story and what just happened. Yeonhee is thinking of a reasonable way to respond

"You like him don't you?"

Joorin nodded.

"Then like him! Fall in love with him! For all we care..just love him.." Yeonhee exclaimed

"It's not about how people will react. Don't mind them. You know's all up to you. And don't you think you're being unfair to him?. For sure by now he's dying out of guilt for knowing what actually happened to you and those juniors.."

"That's exactly why I don't want him to misunderstand. But by the looks of it.. he already did misunderstand why I can't go on. Me being with him will just affect him..people will judge him. He's just being nice to me."

Yeonhee frowned. Sometimes she just want to punch her best friend so that she'll wake up. "Sam..don't care about those people. I can guarantee that."

Yeonhee knows it best. She suddenly felt this pattern happened before when she and Jaewon are just starting to be together. People are telling her not to be with Jaewon because he's not suitable for her but she didn't care AT ALL. It's only Joorin (despite she don't like Jaewon,) who told her to go on if what she felt was right. Right now, she wanted to make it right for her best friend.

Joorin shook her head "Screw it. It's not that he likes me as well..It's okay! I'll just go on with my pathetic life and forget this ever happened"

Yeonhee slammed the floor with her hands "I'll punch you straight in the face Kim Joorin!" Yeonhee's out of patience. "Seriously..."

Joorin was surprised and shocked by her bestfriend's outburst. She never saw her like that. She unknowingly protected herself from Yeonhee.

"Err.. Yeonhee?"

Yeonhee realized it. She tucked her hair on her ears and calmed down. "Well.. what if he likes you back? Won't it be perfect?"

"Aish..that's impossible..what are you saying.."

Yeonhee held her bestfriend's both cheeks. It's a strong hold and Joorin noticed that it's kinda painful.


"Stop being a coward and tell him what you feel. that's the only way you'll know what he's feeling towards you.."


Yeonhee released Joorin's cheeks and slam her hands back to it. "Just do what I say. Or I'll kill you myself" Yeonhee's tone was controlled but she can feel it's force. It's scary. "Stop being like this. It's so unlike you."

Joorin's now scared by her bestfriend's actions. "Yeo..Yeonhee..where is Yeonhee??'re not my bestfriend.."

"Just say yes Kim Joorin!"

"akjskideneeihde. YES! YES!"

"Good. Now let's go home and plan your confession" Yeonhee beamed "Got it? Heheheehehe"

"You've been Jaewon-ed, I hate it!!!!"

Yeonhee just laughed. They are now walking out of the gym hand in hand. "Stop crying okay. I just want you to be happy."

"Aw..stop it or I'll snatch you from Jaewon and make you my girl friend instead!"

Both of them laughed.

"By the way, thank you for the vitamin water earlier when you asked Jaewon to buy me one.."

Yeonhee frowned "I didn't ask him to do that..I can't remember.. Maybe he bought it himself for you"

Joorin was surprised that she said nothing. She is now thinking that the couple is  affecting each other's personalities drastically that one is beginning to be the other.. She shrugged that thought.




"Stop being a coward and tell him what you feel. that's the only way you'll know what he's feeling towards you.."

tell him what you feel....

tell him what you feel....

tell him what you feel...."

Joorin shooked her head violently. This can't go on. She's being distracted by the thought of telling Sam how she feels.

How come confessing became an option and what Yeonhee suggested to her? Aren't we just talking about our friendship here??

Shut up. You have feelings for him. You see him not just a friend. You stupid girl. Her other mind refutes her own thinking.

"I'm really going craaaaazy!!! ahasnkwdwkndkwndkwkih!!"

Jaewon and the rest of the class just looked at her. Sam is looking at her as well. The whole class is decorating the classroom with an Alice in Wonderland concept and putting all the designs in place. She's standing on the platform while commanding the class where to put the decors. They just saw her going crazy.

She realized this and she bowed as an apology. She went out of the classroom out of pure embarassment. Jaewon laughed about it but Sam can't help but to wear a worried face. He looked at Jaewon and give him a sign. He's commanding Jaewon to follow Joorin.

Jaewon just scratched his head, irritated. He's about to walk out but he grabbed his bestfriend's neck and forcibly make him walk oustide.

"Can I tell him... I really am a coward." Joorin went to the gym, she's almost running. It's agreed upon that she'll paint the wall only after class but she went there anyways. When she arrived it's still full of students from different levels. They are doing some huge decorations that will serve as floats for the parade. She didn't care if the gym is jampacked. She put her headphones in her ears, chose a rock song on her phone's songlist and put the volume all the way up.

She then grabbed a pencil, put on an painting apron that she put on the bag she brought the night before. She sketched one big tree on the left edge of the wall. It's a gigantic Cherry Blossom tree. The leaves and branches spread until the exact middle part of the wall. She then drew an identical one on the right side. The tips of both trees meet on the middle. They are mirrored. She divided the wall in half, she drew an imaginary line on the middle. She then starts to paint a big image of a beautiful girl in the middle. It's eyes are closed and her hands are clasped like it's praying. It's dress is kinda being blown by the wind. The other half of the girl's body is in monochrome, the other half colorful.  She starts painting the left side with just black, gray, white and brown paint. She's drawing and painting gracefully and swiftly. She didn't notice that almost all of the students are looking at what she's doing, all of them watching, mouths open. One even bothered to catch a video of her painting the left side.

By just less than 15 minutes, She's done with the girl's half. She looked at it's totality and catched a glimpse of what she had done. It looked ethereal. She removed the headset in her ears and she then heared loud praises and expressions of the students behind her. Her hands are tired and aching. All of the spray paints lie on the floor and the paint bottles are chaotic and were all over the place.

She finally slumped on the floor, tired. She's out of breath like she ran several lapse on the field.

When was the last time she's got a pulse like this? She thought. It's so strong she felt her body's gonna explode. The last time she's like that was when her mum's still alive. She remembered her young self speed painting the beautiful image of her mom. She remembered losing her "genius painter-self" when her mom had that accident. She closed both of her eyes and let go of the paint brush. She looked at her right hand. It's shaking now.

She felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked back and it's Jaewon. She noticed the image of Sam hesitantly looking at her on Jaewon's back. She swallowed and weakly smiled.

"Seriously..WHAT ARE YOU??"


Jaewon stood her up but his eyes are widely open while looking at the image she painted on the wall "Yah. Kim Joorin, are you sick or something???"

She shook her head.  "See.. I told you. Don't underestimate me." She let out a laugh  "I'm a master."

She looked at Sam but she quickly looked the other way.

"You're hand is shaking. Are you alright?" Sam is about to hold her right hand to stop it from shaking but he resisted himself.

"I feel dizzy. I haven't eaten anything since last night.."

"You're killing yourself! What is wrong with you.." Jaewon held her hand instead. "Let's go. Eat something"

Joorin nodded and she choose to walk beside Jaewon.

Jaewon looked at the surroundings "Look at them. You just gained a lot of fans, Joorin."

Sam looked at the painting again and weakly smiled.




"Hey. What happened?" Yeonhee is panting again. She seemed to rush on her way to the cafeteria. She reached the place and saw Joorin devouring a huge bowl of ddeokbokki and the two guys watching her.

"Nothing. This girl forgot to eat or something that's why she's acting real crazy earlier in the classroom then she suddenly rushed to the gym full of people and painted the wall in a snap and she's here eating like there's no tomorrow. Ughhh"

Jaewon didn't breathe when he said that. Sam just smiled.

"I'm..I'm okay. Don't kill me" Joorin told Yeonhee while chewing the spicy rice cake.

Yeonhee felt relieved because the commotion inside the gym reached the council office. She can't help but to be worried because the girl in front of her is on her utmost crazy-fragile state.

"I told you to eat last night when we came home from the school gym!" Yeonhee scolded Joorin

"You went to school late at night? Both of you?" Jaewon intiguingly asked. He looked at Sam who's intrigued as well. 

Sam knew Joorin was there but Yeonhee's story is kinda mysterious.

Yeonhee nodded. "Well.. I just went to fetch this girl here who's crying really hard last night in the gym. Alone. I thought someone died or something.."

Joorin almost choked. She made a "I-will-kill-you" face to Yeonhee. Jaewon looked closely at Joorin and noticed the redness of the corners of her eyes.

"Yeah. Seems like you cried. Look at that!" Pointing at her face. "That's why you're wearing glasses today huh"

Joorin covered her eyes by placing her left hand, which shades the visible view of her eyes, on her forehead. She turned away from the three who's in front of her. She's still eating unstoppably with her tired right hand.

Sam's disturbed face is showing. It's clear that the girl cried because of what happened last night. Sam's hand curled into fists. He's really resisting his self to interfere on this girl's life because she made him do so.

Joorin gulped the remaining juice in the cup and stand up "Okay. I'll go back. Thank you, all of you" She shot a quick glance at Sam, smiled at Yeonhee and sticked out her tongue at Jaewon. She fixed her eyeglasses and walked on.

Sam was about to stand up and follow Joorin when he felt Jaewon's hand on his shoulder. It stopped him from standing up.

"Oops. Stay there lover boy." Jaewon looked at Yeonhee. Sam turned back to Jaewon, his face puzzled.

"We'll take care of it for now. The right time will come..Just wait and see.."

Yeonhee looked at Jaewon without a slightest idea what her boyfriend is talking about.





"Do you think it will work?"

"Just trust me. Don't you feel frustrated by the thick headedness of your best friend?

Yeonhee just surrendered. She knew exactly what Jaewon is talking about. "but won't it make the situation worse?"

Jaewon tapped her chest like a strong guy "That's why we are here. We'll control the situation"

Yeonhee slightly nodded. But she's still unsure of Jaewon's plan.

"We just need a trigger. Come on. We need to do this. Sometimes, people needs to be beaten up again in order for them to wake up. It's like recovering from amnesia. To make the person remember again, he needs to be in an accident again! Just like in the movies.."

Yeonhee winced on the thought  "But this is not a movie and Joorin never had an amnesia!" She points out. "Making her undergo bullying once again is just not right"

"It's not real bullying. We'll direct it. Just go with it!." Jaewon replied "Because if another day passed without these two making up their minds and fixing their love problem, we'll both go crazy!!"

Yeonhee sighed. "Okay. Okay. I'll trust you on this"


Joorin is now almost finished with the monochrome half of the wall. Few students are now inside. Most of them went home. She's satisfied with what she's seeing and she's hoping that it will be finished beautifully. She just need the inspiration be sustained.

Wait. What was her inspiration for this? The monochrome half looks really beautiful and regal but nonetheless lifeless. It lacked color for one, and half of the girl's image seemed dark and sad. Sadness brought her here. Sadness and heartbreak was her utmost inspirations. She thought.

She looked at the right side which remained unpainted. She's imagining a whole lot of refreshing images and colorful things she's put on that side. This wall would be like her left brain and right brain, her mind's yin and yang, The other is the complete opposite of the other.

So..should she have a happy inspiration for her to successfully paint the images she want on the right side? What should it be? Her heart is in pain right now. Good thing that she used it for the left side but will that work on the other side?

Joorin can't help but to be disappointed. Her talent is dependent on her mood and environment. She should get up and find a good inspiration but right now it's empty. The wall may not be completed.

"Excuse me.. sunbae.."

Joorin almost jumped by that sudden voice she heared "Aigoo. you surprised me..what is it?"

She's looking at a cute 11th grader. She's petite and really pretty.. Joorin suddenly became conscious of how she looked.

"Can I talk to you?" the junior asked "I'm Kim Taeyeon.. I'm from class 3-B" The girl bowed to her.

"Uh..Hi Taeyeon." She smiled and shook the girl's hand "Do you want me to talk to you? Sure.."  Aigoo. Cute little thing. Joorin thought. She then followed the girl.

"So Taeyeon-ssi. What do you want to talk about?"

The girl kept on walking until they are just beside the gym. Near the faucets and sinks that athletes and students used to wash their hands. It's kinda secluded and no one will notice there's a person there if one won't fully go inside.

Taeyeon smiled and turned to her. She's standing close to Joorin. "I heared you like Samuel-oppa."

Joorin's smile faded. Her heart beats faster by knowing the familiarity of the situation.

The small girl kept on moving forward towards her.

"Wae..wae..I don't like him.."

Her smile changed into a scary one. "Good..good."

"Because I don't like any girl sticking aroung him.. they are like bugs that I want to smash" Taeyeon kicked the wall behind Joorin which is very close to where the latter is standing. Joorin held her breath. She's very scared of a cute-looking girl. How come?

"Yah..why are you telling me this. I've got nothing to do with him.. stay away from me.." Joorin tried to run but the girl is too powerful. Is she a boy or something? where did that strength come from?

Joorin held Taeyon's arm which is blocking her way. "Taeyeon... listen. I don't like your Sam-oppa okay? let me go. nicely and peacefully.."

"You're lying!" Taeyeon shouted. "You like him! I can see it! You liar! Tell the truth or I'll send you to hell where liars belong!"

Joorin gripped the edge of her blouse. This girl is a lot crazier than the girls before. Her face is scary and the way she shouts tells an unknown power..

Taeyeon grabbed her collar and Joorin felt the force on her nape. It's kinda painful.

"You know what's more irritating? He only has his eyes on you. I've been looking at him and trying to get close to him when I'm practicing in the music room but is blocking the way. Give me back my Sam-oppa!!!!!"

The girl who's been holding her collar punched her fist on the wall. It nearly caught Joorin's face. Joorin's heart is about to explode by just remembering how painful it is to be punched on the face. But this girl just punched the wall much to her surprise.

She looked at Taeyeon, eye to eye. This cute girl in front of her is crying. It's a hopeless and desperate cry.

"He only has his eyes on you and then you'll tell me you don't like him? You ruthless . I love him so much that I don't want him to be with you! Please just disappear! Just disappear!"

She's throwing weak slaps and punches to Joorin which didn't bring that much pain to the latter. Joorin can't help but to pity the girl in front of her. She's wrong. This girl just loves Sam and doesn't have the guts to hurt her. She stopped the last slap on her shoulder.

"He doesn't like me. Why would he?" Joorin mumbled.

Taeyeon removed Joorin's hand on her hand. "I don't care! I love him! Stop being with him! Stop liking him! I don't want you two to be together! I'll die!"

Joorin just stood there. Then at that point she knew what to do. The fear in her finally shrinked and she muster all her strength to slap the girl. Real hard. Taeyeon was shocked. She threw a violent stare to Joorin while holding her left cheek that received the beating.

"You deserve that ! You whiny little !"


Sam was about to go home when he received a call from Jaewon.

"Hyung..where are you?" 

Sam can hear panic on Jaewon's voice. "What's up?"

"I need to go home already!"


"Can you just look after Joorin? She's still in the gym. I can't take to be in this school any longer. My stomach's gonna explode!!"

Sam sighed. Why of all the time? "Can't you just go to the school's restroom? I'm about to go home as well!"

"No! I'm already at the bus stop! I can't take it! You know how much I dread to be in our school's restroom! I need to be in my own restroom!!!" Jaewon's being unreasonable.

"Fine. Go home you punk!"

"Yey! Look after her! she's nearly alone in the gym, just to make sure nothing unexpected will happen again.."

Jaewon made sure the last statement is worry-mongering. Sam sighed and went back to the school grounds.

Sam was slowly walking, thinking how he'll talk to Joorin and make things clear. After all, he can't really stay away from her. He just pass by a vending machine near the student lockers. He came back to get a strawberry yoghurt juice. Girls like strawberry juice. He thought. He's just putting the coins on the coin pocket when he heared loud shrieks from the side where the gym is at.

He then immediately thought of Joorin. HE ran towards the school gym. He went inside but no Joorin.

He went outside the gym. He heared abother loud yell.

"You deserve that ! You whiny little !"

That's Joorin. Sam felt panicky and he walked towards that side of the building.

He saw Joorin with a familiar girl from 3-B. He knew that girl is the one who do voice lessons in the music room right after he practices playing the piano.

Sam's about to go to them when..

"You want to know if I like Sam huh?

..Yes I do like him!" Joorin is shouting to the girl while the girl's shocked and crying.

Sam felt his kneew weakened. Joorin's statemnet were so clear to him and it makes him stopped where he's at. He just leaned to the wall that separates him from the place where the girls are.

Joorin slapped the girl's arm "I like him so much that I want to stay away from him because it will make him less cooler. 

I like him and I'm so helpless about it. I like him and how he treats me..You asking me to stay away from him is just too much. Who wants to be away to the guy she loves?"

Sam just stood there. He felt himself smiling but at the same time feeling bad about how Joorin sees herself.

"But..he and I don't stand a chance. Not today. Not tomorrow. "

Joorin exhaled deeply and touched both of the girl's shoulders and looked at her in the eye. "Taeyeon-ssi you're a cute girl and I won't judge you because of this incident. You deserve something better. If you like him don't put your hate on me! Just tell him!

"...And if it's true that he likes me,  I won't give him to a pathetic whiny girl like you unless you fixed yourself and get a freaking grip! So stop crying like a puppy and tell him you love him. I will accept it whole heartedly if he ever likes you back! GOT IT???!"

Taeyeon just stands there. She no longer know what to do or say..  She finally break away from Joorin's grip and ran away.

Joorin looked at the girl while she's running. She felt her heart racing. She just let it all out to that stranger.

Taeyeon's almost out of that place Until someone suddenly appeared in front of her which made her stop.

Joorin exactly know who that is..



.... "Sam sunbae!" Taeyeon exclaimed.

Joorin must've felt the same exact feeling Taeyeon felt upon seeing that very familiar face.


"You. go home" Sam told Taeyeon.

Taeyeon just bowed and continued to run away from that place.

Joorin don't know what to do. He didn't hear what I've said this whole time isn't it...?

Sam just slowly walking towards Joorin.


Joorin put both of her fist up "Don't come near me!"

Sam laughed. It didn't stopped him from moving. 

"Yah.. stop right there! " Joorin shouted.

Sam out both of his hands up and stopped "Okay..I'll stop."

Joorin don't know what to do next


"Me?? What?"

"You're not listening all this time aren't you?" That was a stupid, stupid question. Joorin thought.

"Me? Oh.. Well.." Sam scratched his head and pretended to try to remember the scene

"i just heared the part where you said...."

"Askahskhdidudshksksasa!!!!!! " Joorin stopped Sam from continuing by acting crazy.

Sam rushed to Joorin and touched both of her cheeks.

"Yah Kim Joorin!"

Joorin's about to die. Everything just won't sink in. That scene with Taeyeon and now...Sam heared everything!

She closed both of her eyes and kicked Sam's leg. Sam almost slumped to the ground due to pain.

"I'm sorry!"

and Joorin ran away like mad.




"Aish. I'm going crazy! Why can't the ground just eat me!"

Joorin is sitting on one of the playground swing. It's really dark now. Only a few people are strolling on the park.

she's thinking really hard if everything she's doing is the right thing. Maybe Jaewon is right. Why don't she just choose to be happy?

Yeah. Choose to be happy. But she ran away instead. Whatever it is that Sam will say earlier..she does not want to hear it. She can't take it.

Her phone suddenly rings. She was surprised. She looked at it and her heart skipped.

It's Samuel. It says Choi Samuel. She answered it but she waited for the voice to come out first on the other line



"Where are you?"

"I' home.." Joorin lied.

"'re at home? Then who is the girl I'm seeing sitting on the swing then? Do you have a beautiful twin or something...?"

Joorin almost stand up. She looked to the left.. Sam.

but when she looked at her right..there stands Sam. He's holding his phone up to his ears and is looking at her. Their eyes met now.

"Is it true that you like me?" Sam just asked.

Joorin just froze. She don't know what to react and she seem to forget what language she can speak..

Sam is going to her. He hung up and he kneeled like a knight in front of her while she's still sitting on the swing. She can barely meet those beautiful eyes. Her hands are gripping the metal wire of the swing like crazy that her knuckles have turned white. Sam didn't fail to notice it.

Sam slightly frowned. "Is that a no?" talking about Joorin's silence.

She held her right hand and waved it, seems like she disapproves Sam's last remark.

"Then is it a yes? "

Screw this. I can't be always this stupid in front of this beautiful boy. Joorin thought. She gathered all of her thoughts and tried to redeem her strong self.

"Why would I like you? Tsk!" Joorin straightly answered. She's looking at the park swing. "It doesn't mean that when everyone likes you, I will like you too..tsk.."

Sam teasingly smiled. He knew the girl's toughness is back. He can't help but to be glad.

"Ahhh.. Jungmal?" Sam's thinking how to let this girl wave the white flag "Let me ask you a question..alright?"

"Hm..okay. Suit yourself..." Joorin coldly said.

"You don't like me?

"Not at all..."

"Then how about what I heared before.. I clearly heared you like me..."

"That's just a spur of the moment! Don't misunderstand!"

Sam nodded as if accepting what Joorin had said. "Tsk..But.. Am I cool?"

"Ye..Yes. Um...kinda.."

"What if I like you....Sam's expression became serious "Has it ever occured to you that I might have liked you?"

Bam. Joorin's hearbeat stopped for a second. Then it raced twice as much.

" can't like me..No way.." Joorin's almost whispering.

Samuel's forehead wrinkled "Why is that?"

Suddenly..Joorin remembered what the girls told her.. Every word of it. It's ringing inside her ears.

"You...." Joorin sighed. She looked at Sam, bravely meeting the eyes of the boy.


She sighed once again, her hands were gripping the metal wires again.

"You're obviously too cool for me.. There are a lot of better girls around.." Joorin can't stop reasoning out. She's unstoppable.

"I mean...look at me. I'm a klutz. I like k-pop. I'm not intelligent. I'm not pretty.. So just forget what I've said and just leave me al--....."

Before she can even continue Sam already kissed her. She straightened up and she don't know what to do. Her eyes are wide open and she can feel the soft lips of the guy on her lips and his one hand on her cheek.

after a few seconds Sam finally let go. But his face is just merely inches away from hers. They stopped at that position.

"Ugh!" Joorin just don't know what to say. Sam's eyes were on hers. She covered out of embarassment and surprise.

"You're saying.....?"



Her hands are slightly shaking. Sam removed it from and held it.

..."I'm no good for you." She looked down. "W..Why..are you doing this?"

He hugged her. He's kneeling like a knight  and hugging her. Joorin don't know where to place her hands. She held the metal wires of the swing. It somehow keep her from falling.

"I like you..can't you just believe me? Only me..?"

Joorin's eyes started tearing up. She can feel the fast heartbeat of the guy who's hugging her tightly. She just can't believe all of these are happening.

Sam let go and faced her. He panicked because tears are rushing down her cheeks.


Sam don't know what to do. The girl is unstoppably crying.

"I'm...I'm sorry."

"You better be!" Joorin said while crying. "I'm living my life peacefully until you came in, made me like you and ruin my life!"

Sam let out a sincere expression and a smile..

"you really do like me..." He brushed his fingers on her face and wipe the tears.

Joorin just shut both of her eyes. She nods. She let out a sigh and smiled.

Sam kissed her once again. Now it's longer and it has more pressure. Joorin let go of the swing's metal wires and placed her hands on Sam's shoulders.

They let go and Sam's smiling. Joorin kinda looked down and slightly laughed.

"What now?!" Sam's now really amazed by the quick shift of moods Joorin is displaying.

"We already kissed twice but you haven't asked me out yet..we are ruining the dating sequence..."

Sam laughed. He stood up and make Joorin stand up as well. He kissed Joorin again.

"Make it three times.." Joorin's eyes are widened by what Sam did. "Now, are we gonna be cursed by the dating god?" Sam held cheeks "You're watching too much dramas.."

Joorin slapped Sam's right shoulder.. "Stop doing that.. I will get used to it.." Joorin is attempting to punch him on the face.

"That's one of the million things I love about you.." He looked at her and grabbed her hand and put it down.

Joorin is blushing like hell.

"Gongju-nim, can you please go out with me?"

They both laughed.






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I'll publish 6,7 and 8 this week! Hohoho. Just wait. :) One time, big time UPLOAD. :)


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Chapter 1: update soon please
-BearHugs- #2
New reader here. . .
Good story. I'll wait for the next update
Chapter 7: I hope Seohyun will be able to show up at Jaewon's party. :)
Chapter 6: So Taeyeon was acting! I so believed it. :)
Chapter 5: Yay! Joorin and Sam confessed to each other. :)
Chapter 4: Hopefully, the girls who hurt Joorin will learn a lesson from her.
Chapter 4: ah poor sooyoung.
Chapter 3: Yeonhee is so nice to Jaewon. :-)
Chapter 2: Sam and Jaeri like each other. :)
Chapter 1: Sounds great! :-)