
HUL.. I'm so tired from work! I was not able to update the second chapter and upload this chap earlier as promised! But anyway.. it's slowly progressing. Hohoho.

Well friends, You know why is it callled the "Lee Seung Gi effect" ? That's what me and my friends formulated for cliche instances wherein the perfect girl falls for the not-so-perfect guy and who has a whole lot of fallbacks and shortcomings. That's kinda common for dramas right? But nonetheless, it makes us fall in love with the character as well where in reality they are just there, hanging around like ordinary guys we never noticed..." Hehehe. There, The lee-seung-gi effect!... and basically that's the Yeonhee-Jaewon relationship. It's told in this chapter how these two worlds met and I hope you give them love love love!!!





Jaewon was waiting in front of the orchestra house with a bouquet of flowers. It's customary to bring such thing for orchestras especially if you know one of the group's performers. He personally know Yeonhee's dad. She never failed to introduce him to her dad. For Jaewon, that's a good thing.

He and Sam just agreed to meet in the orchestra house even they are coming from the same house. Sam's out to buy some clothes early in the afternoon and will still come back to their house and Jaewon just chose not to go with him because he went early to the flower shop. He's now around 30 minutes early and waiting for Yeonhee and Joorin to arrive.

The orchestra house brings a nostalgic feeling. He can't help but to look back and remember the first time he saw the girl of his dreams. Jaewon is smiling like a fool upon remembering how he came to know Yeonhee for the very first time..



She was sitting on the same seat he was sitting. He's just waiting there because a friend forced him to watch a musical which he didn't like to watch in the first place. The musical is still ongoing when he go outside to people watch. That's much better. He's looking at the people who's coming in and out of the building and making fun of them in his head.. He happens to take his pack of gum out and chew one of strip to make him a little bit busy. 

..Then he saw a girl who seems tired and texting someone on her phone. She was staring down her phone and her hair was covering her face. She looks like a girl in the horror movies, wearing a white dress. He noticed that the heel of her left shoe is broken. The girl is trying her best not to show anyone but Jaewon seemed to notice it. He slightly laughed at the girl's situation. What is she doing in here? She looks like she ran miles away from here or something. Jaewon never noticed her astounding beauty until someone called on her phone and she happens to put her head up, ran her fingers to her hair and answer the phone.

Everything became slow paced. The girl is talking to someone on her phone with a sweet voice. For him, she's the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.

"Hello dad.. where are you? I can't find your car in the parking lot. My shoe's heel is broken and I can't walk straightly. I've been looking for you inside the orchestra house.." She just sighed and sighed and sighed.

" You already left? What am I gonna do then? Okay... I'll just call a taxi... Bye"

The girl seemed sad and exhausted but nonetheless he can't stop staring at her. He's thinking of what to do to approach her.. The girl suddenly looked up and met his eyes. Jaewon froze. The girl pulled the stare away and seems so shy.

Jaewon waited a moment. The girl seems so pained to walk from where she's at to the taxi stop. It seems a mountain trek for her. To go outside the orchestra house, walk down the stairs outside the building and walk several meters again to reach the taxi stop is NO JOKE.

screw this.. I'll help her.. He stood up and walked a few steps to her direction and without a snap, he half-kneeled *Like a knight being knighted* and get the shoe. He took his gum out of his mouth and stick it to the girl's broken shoe heel. He tapped it like mad and the girl's too surprised to stop him. He never looked at the girl's reaction because it will just make him sway. The heel seems to be fixed to the shoe due to the gum's stickiness. It seems settled. It worked, he thought.

"This will make you at least reach the taxi stop" Jaewon said without looking to the girl. He reached out and hand the shoe. The girl still is surprised but seems to be a little bit glad.


Jaewon finally looked up and he saw a beautiful smile coming from the girl's face.

He finally stood up and he don't know where to go. He looked at the girl and bowed. He has no choice but to get out of there. He's about to walk towards the exit when he felt that the girl stood up as well and began walking. He can hear the clanking noise of her heels. They are just like that until they both reached the waiting shed. The girl is looking at him.. He hailed a taxi and he looked at the girl, gesturing that she should go ahead and take it. The girl seems so relieved and smiled at him.

The girl bowed so many times to him before entering the taxi. They both smiled at each other when the taxi's about to take off.

Jaewon just looked at the fading image of the taxi and felt a wonderful feeling in his chest. But he felt sad knowing that that's the last time he'll see the girl...




Jaewon looked up and saw his girl friend walking towards him. She's alone. No Joorin. What a nice day, He thought. The girl sat closely beside him and their bodies slightly bumped at each other.

"You're alone? Where is Joorin?"

"She's still in the house I think. She's rushing on her way here right now. She overslept or I just decided that we can all meet up in here.." Yeonhee said she's looking for someone as well, her eyes are looking around "Where is your best friend?"

"He's gonna be here any minute. He went back to the house earlier from shopping new clothes.."

"Ah... okay. Let's wait for them then!"

Jaewon looked at his girl friend. She's wearing a cute white dress.

"Woah.. you're looking good. Just like the first time I saw you......"

Yeonhee beamed "Oh? Yeah! Hehe. I was wearing a similar color. You remember?"

"Of course!" How can I forget that. I was awesome back then right?"

Yeonhee laughed "Umm...kinda." she said teasingly "and the fact that you took the gum out of your mouth is really kinda gross.."

"Tsk..Admit it! I was your savior back then!!!"

"Okay okay. Fine. You did a great job!"

They were laughing and they share stories once again. They never seem to notice how the time is ticking. They just noticed two familiar people coming towards their direction.



.....Guess what? It's Samuel and Joorin.



Yeonhee is wearing a meaningful smile upon seeing Joorin. Joorin seems to be shy and awkwardly silent. Jaewon and Samuel high-fived and the former sticked out his tongue to Joorin.

"So.. let's come in!"

Yeonhee thoughtfully placed both of her hands to Joorin's cheeks  "Are you ready for this?"

"Uhuh.. I'm sooo ready. I even bring my pillow!.....Just kidding Yeonhee!" She kinda hugged her bestfriend from the side.

" Hehe. I promise I won't sleep!"

Sam and Yeonhee laughed. "Let's go in then!"



The first piece is just on the middle part where Jaewon's slowly feeling tired and sleepy. Of course, he should fight the feeling or else Yeonhee will notice. He looked sideways to check on Joorin and Sam. Both of them are still interested. How come both of them are still interested? Most specially Joorin.. Sam's used to this and he likes this anyway. Him? The music is just telling him to go to sleep. He can't even talk to his girlfriend who's beside him because she's too immensed on her father's orchestra.

He just suddenly remembered him and Yeonhee meeting the second time. It was epic that he can't help but smile.

...That's during his first day in school as a second year student. He just transferred from New York due to his dad's commands. He felt bad going alone to Seoul. His first day was started by a not-so-good...umm..well..bad experience in the bus stop wherein he run into a loud girl who can't respect her sunbae and now he's late. He went straight to the faculty room because he's supposed to be briefed by their homeroom teacher. He got slightly scolded on his first day. He's talking with the teacher when a a girl arrived and approached the teacher..

"teacher...the paperworks are already collected and I will hand it over to you now..." The girl told the teacher.

"'re such a hard working girl! Thank you so much for helping me.." the teacher exclaimed. The teacher took the papers while Jaewon was sitting on the side of the teacher's desk. He was facing the desk and didn't get a chance to see the girl's face. He didn't care anyway. He's got a bad day.  The teacher went to his file cabinet and place it there and handed a piece of paper to the girl behind standing behind him. Somehow the paper was not handed properly and it escaped the hand of the girl. He reached out for it and hand it to the girl. He's now facing her.. 

"Uh...You!" Jaewon exclaimed.

The girl's eyes went wide and was taken aback by his exclamation.

The teacher just shrug the situation off  "You seem to know each other..." he said, not that interested. "Well.. Yeonhee-ssi. He's gonna be your new classmate. You can now go ahead and cascade the new homework I assign to your class and you Mr. Kang Jae-won, you go with Ms. Yeonhee and start studying!"

both of them bowed and they are still looking at each other. They exited the faculty room without a single word. Jaewon is walking behind her. He careful not to walk past her or walk beside her. He's just too shy and too happy at the same time. It was break time and every guy in the corner were staring at the girl. Some are even saying hi to her. This girl is kinda popular, he thought. He's just there and remained unnoticed until the girl stopped and pointed the door of the classroom

"This..this is our classroom. You can go in.."

Jaewon can't help to smile by the "our classroom part" the girl stated. Before the went in, he turned back "Uh..Thanks. I'm Jaewon.. Kang Jae Won. May I know your name?"

The girl smiled and about to tell her name when a loud voice was heared and a girl hugged her from behind.


Yeonhee smiled so wide and he can't keep his cool by that wonderful smile. He then saw the other girl who just approached and hugged Yeonhee.

...........and it was the taxi-girl!

"OMO. The jerk from before!" The girl pointed at him

"Yah. Joorin. He's our new classmate"

Both of them remained frozen and staring at each other like crazy.

That's when the good news clashed with the bad news. The girl he's got a crush on is the best friend of the girl he's got a grudge on. What a nice twist, he thought.



The first piece ended like it was suppose to end and a loud applause filled the place. Yeonhee's dad faced the audience and bowed like what a conductor does when a performance was finished. Yeonhee waved at her dad and the latter acknowledged it. Joorin and Sam's applausing like crazy.

"'s better than what I expected.." Joorin said.

Yeonhee flashed a "you got it" sign to Joorin because Jaewon is in between them. Jaewon "tsk-ed" at Joorin.

"Glad you liked it. Her dad's really great.." Samuel said while looking to Joorin. They sat beside each other which makes Joorin uneasy. They seem too close from each other..

Sam gave her a thumbs-up and Joorin responded with a thumbs-up and a smile as well to him.

Pshh.. everyone's having a good time eh..good thing I haven't fell asleep yet. Good thing! Jaewon thought.

The second piece is about to start since Yeon-hee's dad faced the orchestra again and lifted his hand which signalled the musicians..

Oh. Here we go again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F- - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - -


"Hi. I'm sorry I won't be of any help when it comes to Korean Literature.."

Yeon hee smiled. "It's okay! I understand"

Jaewon cleared his throat "but I can help with anything else.. just tell me."

"Yeah.. you seem to have a knack of helping people.." Yeonhee said, smiling but is looking at the book in front of her.

That just...killed him inside. He's close to jumping all round upon hearing that. Boys around the library are shooting sharp glares to him because he just happen to be project partners with the most beautiful girl around..

"Thank you for what you've done for me that time.. I almost forgot to thank you.."

"Aish.. that was a long time ago.. but you're welcome..always welcome. Hehe"

"Anyway, what are you doing to the orchestra house that time? Did you watch a musical or an orchestra perhaps?"

Jaewon felt an alarm inside him. He felt that he needs to impress the girl.

"Well. i watched a performance. You know, that was one of the first thing I did when I arrived to Seoul. I'm a fan of  uhm.. " Jaewon thinks of the list of orchestra groups he saw on the list when he went to the orchestra house. " Philharmonia Corea..right.. I heared so much of them when I was in New York.."

"Oh really? Wow. So you're a fan of dad.."

"I'm sorry...? Your dad?"

" Oh.. my dad is Bae Chin Ho of Philharmonia.."

Jaewon is quick enough to pick up. "OMO? Jungmal? I like you dad's works!" Jaewon don't have any idea who he is "Woah. I'm so lucky to met his daughter then!" He meant that  last statement anyway.

Yeonhee just sheepishly smiled. "Thank you.."

"I hope I can meet him someday.. and I'm looking forward to seeing their concerts in the future.." What a nice way to put it. Jaewon thinks he is nailing it. Now he has a reason to even ask this girl out!

"When you have a can watch his concerts. I believe he has one next month..." Yeonhee enthusiastically remarked.

Jaewon suddenly turned into a classical music and orchestra fan starting that day.


- - - - - - - - - - - - F- - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jaewon's nose is bleeding like hell.. He's not used to it that he's almost close to passing out.

He can see Yeonhee's ultimately worried face when she, he, Joorin and some bunch of guys who are helping him are walking to the campus clinic. He's slowly limping and the world seems to be spinning around.

He just got shot hard by a basketball. Right in the face. That happened when he blocked the ball which is supposed to hit Yeonhee or Joorin. Whoever it may have been, he just suddenly jumped and blocked the ball, making his nose suffer. At the end he was semi-lying on the ground and with his head being on Yeonhee's lap.

"oh. he's bleeding!"

"Hurry! take him to the clinic!"

Inside the clinic.. Only Joorin, Yeonhee, Him and the nurse remained. There are two cotton balls stuck inside both holes of his nose. He's breathing through his mouth. He can taste the blood as well.

"Okay.. I'll go back now. How come you're playing the hero role when you cannot even take it?" Joorin just scolded him but there is some hint of worry which he find unusual. "Yeonhee.. and you..come back later okay?"

Joorin went outside and Yeonhee and him were left there. Even his nose is hurting like hell, he's so nervous and felt giddy at the same time, being all alone in that room with Yeonhee. ..

Yeonhee is just staring at him..full of worries.

"Will you say something? I feel like I'm gonna pass out.."

Yeonhee felt panicky again. "Uhm..what.? Uhm..sorry and thank you.." then the girl bowed 90 degrees to make it more sincere

"Of course that should be done. It's better for me to be in here than you or that girl..right? Hehe."

"You're always helping me..I do appreciate it. Thank you so much" Yeonhee just bowed 90 degrees AGAIN. Jaewon laughed until his nose hurts again and felt another surge of blood coming out of it.


Yeonhee grabbed his head and tilted it so that the bleeding will stop. She was carefully holding his head again. Jaewon held her right hand upon seeing that the girl is so sorry and somehow guilty of his situation. 

"'s okay. I'm completely okay. What's a slight bump and a slight bleeding?.... Just repay me when I'm feeling better.." Jaewon joked.

Yeonhee slightly smiled. The guy still has guts of assuring her that he's alright when he's not. Yeonhee smiled and didn't removed Jaewon's hand on her hand.

"When you're okay.. go see father's concert..."

Jaewon stared at her.. Yeonhee is just staring at the clinic curtains..


"go watch it

.......with me.."

Jaewon felt ecstatic. He almost passed out due to happiness.





"When you're okay.. go see father's concert..."

"go watch it

.......with me.."

Jaewon bolted up from his seat, stood up and clapped his hands...




...while The orchestra's not yet done with the piece.

Joorin, Yeonhee and Samuel are shocked all at the same time. Jaewon fell asleep and dreamt of the happiest moments he had with yeonhee. He quickly returned to his seat, feeling embarassed. He fell asleep. How come?!

Joorin blurted a soundless laugh. Sam's laughing as well. Yeonhee's worried. ..And most of the audience looked at him..

"Are you alright?"

"Hmm.. I just fell asleep.. I'm kinda tired.. Im so sorry.."

Jaewon's waiting for Yeonhee to be somehow disappointed or upset or something that can be counted as a valid reaction to his mishap. Yeonhee's kinda thinking while looking at him.

"It's okay. If you are sleepy, just lean on my shoulder.." Yeonhee smiled and touched Jaewon's cheek.

Oh my. I love this girl. He just thought.














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I'll publish 6,7 and 8 this week! Hohoho. Just wait. :) One time, big time UPLOAD. :)


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Chapter 1: update soon please
-BearHugs- #2
New reader here. . .
Good story. I'll wait for the next update
Chapter 7: I hope Seohyun will be able to show up at Jaewon's party. :)
Chapter 6: So Taeyeon was acting! I so believed it. :)
Chapter 5: Yay! Joorin and Sam confessed to each other. :)
Chapter 4: Hopefully, the girls who hurt Joorin will learn a lesson from her.
Chapter 4: ah poor sooyoung.
Chapter 3: Yeonhee is so nice to Jaewon. :-)
Chapter 2: Sam and Jaeri like each other. :)
Chapter 1: Sounds great! :-)