
Tao wants to go shopping


After that embarrassing incident, the two boys continued walking.

‘’Hey Tao, where are we going anyways ? ‘’

‘’ Gucci ! ‘’ answered the younger boy enthusiastically, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

‘’ We’re going wh-‘’ sputtered Kris as he heard Tao’s answer. ‘’ Tao, we can’t afford Gucci , ‘’ answered Kris , thinking of the number of zeros on the expensive price tag. ‘’ And there’s no way I can afford going in looking like this –‘’ he gestured to himself ‘’ and risk embarrassing myself in a branded store no less.’’

‘’Oh please, you look fine ‘’ said Tao, rolling his eyes. Heck , he look more than fine. The guy can practically model those clothes in the middle of the street right now.

‘’ And we can’t afford Gucci yet ‘’ empathized Tao, who was still determined to visit the store. ‘’ One day , after we debut, I will finally spend some cash there. And who knows? Maybe one of the manager will see you and be so taken in that he or she would ask you to model their clothes for them ,’’ joked Tao, visioning the scene of Kris strutting in the store.

‘’Haha very funny ‘’ laughed Kris sarcastically, smiling briefly before turning to his phone again.After some time, they reached the place.

‘’Oh my god  ! there it is ! ‘’ exclaimed Tao excitedly, pointing to the sign. The brand was spelled in large bold black words, illuminated by bulbs of light against a white blackground.

‘’Sheesh , it’s just a signboard, ‘’ said Kris, finding Tao’s reaction to be slightly dramatic. Staring at the signboard longingly , Tao let out a heavy sigh.

‘’ I wonder when we can buy something from there, ‘’ Tao asked wistfully.

‘’Someday, ‘’ answered Kris, putting his hand on Tao’s shoulder.

Sorry for the super short chapter, i can't think of much plot this time round.

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Chapter 1: ahh this is so good xD I'm making your poster btw. It'll be finished hopefully by this weekend xD