Part 2

Tao wants to go shopping



‘’ Duizhang, are you done yet ?’’ yelled Tao impatiently. He had been waiting for over ten minutes for their leader, Kris, to get ready and go out shopping.

‘’I’m almost done, give me a minute ! ‘’ Kris shouted back from his room.

‘That’s the 3rd time he said that already ‘’ muttered Tao under his breath, standing by the door of their dorm.

How long can a guy freaking take to get ready ?

Duizhang ?



 under a minute

‘’Alright, I’m ready,’’ said Kris as he put on his deimi jacket.

‘’Finally! ’’ exclaimed Tao, exasperated.

‘’Hey! I’m not the one who wanted to go out shopping but couldn’t find a buddy,’’ shot back Kris haughtily.

‘’ Huhuh, yes, our duizhang is the best !’’ said Tao, displaying some aegyo.  Tao knew Kris couldn’t resist his aegyo.

‘’Let’s go ‘’ said Kris after he locked the door.



After the duo crossed the road, a pair of school girls walked up beside them.

‘’Duizhang, who are you texting ?’’ asked Tao .

‘’I’m informing our manager we’re going shopping,’’ replied Kris as he tapped away on his screen.

The pair of school girls beside them started giggling and pointed towards them, gesturing away.

‘’Sigh…. Another pair noticing duizhang again’ ’thought Tao as he watched the girls moved animatedly, staring at Kris while he tapped away, oblivious to what is happening.

Tao turned his attention back to the road, wondering when will one day ,a pair of school girls would turn and notice him for a change.

Just as he was thinking, he heard a loud sound.


Both boys turned their attention to the schoolgirls beside them; one of them had walked into a wall, banging her head against it and fell to the floor.

‘’Are you okay ? ’’ her friend asked, face lined with concerned.

‘’Yea’’ she said, massaging her head as her face turned crimson.

All the while, Tao was trying not to laugh with all his willpower.


what do you guys think ? Comment & subscribe please !

update: this was orginally another one shot but i decided to add it here

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Chapter 1: ahh this is so good xD I'm making your poster btw. It'll be finished hopefully by this weekend xD