Let's go explain the rules! :D



Sorry, it's been a long time. D: Plus sorry that it's short, I wanted to update as soon as possible. My summer vacation starts soon, so I'll be able to let my ideas flow~ ^^ I'm also thinking of changing up the title. o: if you have any suggestions, please tell me. ^^

Minho sat next to Rhaye, who was hugging her knees and squinting her eyes, trying to remove the image of her oppa doing ual things with another guy. 
He her hair and laughed. "Are you okay? Don't worry, they'll be out of your sight for the entire night." He turned to Onew, who was biting his thumb, staring at the closet. 
"S-shouldn't we move Rennie? S-she looks uncomfortable sleeping next to the closet.." he stuttered. 
"She didn't see anything and she's already fast asleep, so leave her alone," Minho replied. "Are you guys ready to play?" 
"Of course!" Taemin squealed. He stopped bouncing on the bed and sat down in between Minho and Rhaye. "What's the rules?" he asked, rubbing his hands together. 
Minho started to scratch his head. "Let's see if I can recall what Jonghyun was blabbering about.. He was talking so much that I blocked him out."
"Hyung! That's mean! Now how are we supposed to play?!"
"Oh! Okay, okay, I got it!" he clapped his hands together. "He mentioned something abou--"
"PILLOWS. IT'S GOING TO BE A PILLOW FIIIIIIIIII~GHT!" he screamed from inside the closet. It seemed he wasn't sober yet. Bang. Bang. Bang. 
"SHUT UP," Key barked. "I swear, if I hear him yelling again, I'll cover his mouth with duct tape.." he mumbled. 
"Okay, okay. Yes, a pillow fight down in the lobby."
"How do we know if we win?" Rhaye asked.
"Ahh.." he started to scratch his head. "I completely forgot.."
"Minho hyung, you're so mean. I remember everything!" Taemin scolded. 
"Then why'd you ask for the rules in the first place?"
".. I don't like to announce things."
"That's okay! We all know each other, so you should be comfortable talking around us!" Rhaye said, attempting to recover from the shock. He nodded his head nervously & turned back to the group. 
"Okay, okay, okay, okay.." Taemin started, "So, we're each going to have one.. wait, or two. How many pillows can we hold?.. No, wait! Just one! One pillow! So we all take one pillow from the beds and then we'll go down in the lobby and have a pillow fight!"
"That's it? There's a lot of people in the lobby because of our concert."
"That's going to make it fun and challenging! The crowd is one of the obstacles," he winked. "Oh, and Jonghyun said we're going to go on a scavenger hunt to buy/find a few things with a limit of $50. I think he has the list in his pocket.."
Everyone stared at the closet & shuddered. He wasn't ready to be released yet. He recently screamed his lungs out just to say pillows
Taemin happily turned back to everyone and asked, "So, should we get the list from him?"
"Are you crazy?!" Onew yelled. He wasn't ready to see Jonghyun yet. 
"What, what, what?" Taemin frowned. "Then how are we supposed to play?"
"We don't have to play this game!" Onew growled. 
"Why not?" everyone gave a disappointed face. 
"Why are you guys so into this?.." he sighed. 
"Because I haven't played a game in a while! ~" Taemin included. "Now, we need someone to get the list. Whoever gets all the items has to run all the way back up here. First four people up here wins!" Taemin glanced at everyone. "Can you guys go fetch the list?"
"If you're so excited about this game, why don't you get it.." Onew mumbled. 
"You know what! This is annoying! I'll go get it!" Key said, making his way to the closet. He took heavy steps and put his ear on the door, seeing if Jonghyun was still awake. He could only hear short breaths. "See?" he said, facing the group. "He sounds calm, so.." Key turned the knob and slowly opened the door. Jonghyun was fast asleep, snoring. Key smirked. "You look traumatized, Young Bae." 
Taeyang's eyes widened at the light. Once he saw Key, he clinged to his leg, whimpering. "Th-thank youuuu.." he cried. 
"Shh, wouldn't want to wake Jjongie up, would ya?" As Key tried to shake Taeyang off his leg, he reached for the paper sticking out of Jonghyun's back pocket. 
"Wasn't that easy?" he rolled his eyes and dragged Taeyang with him. He threw the paper at the floor and crossed his arms. Taemin gave his brightest smile and unfolded the paper. 
"Let's see.. a snowglobe, a hat, five boxes of Hawaiian Sweet chocolates, a red sweatshirt, a tote bag, and a magnet." he put the paper in the middle for everyone to see. 
"That looks like a lot to carry.." Daesung said. 
"Maybe that's why there's a tote bag included in this list?" Rhaye added. 
Taemin stretched his arms and stood up. He ran to the side of the bed and threw all the pillows he could grab to the floor. He saved one of the big, fluffy pillows for himself and smiled. "Choose your weapon!"
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Starlightshine #1
Buahahahahaha. This seems like it's gonna be an interesting fight! Can't wait to read about the actual fight! :D
hm, so you finally update.. XD i don't have much right to be saying that.. LOL.
Oh wow! I had fun reading. Poor Taeyang,Jonghyun tried so hard to get it on with him. lol SHINee should have security around the clock. Fangirls>.< first Taemin now Jonghyun!
Starlightshine #4
Ohhhh. I'm not sure when is Onew's birthday, I just know they're born in the same year. O.o<br />
Lmao this chapter cracked me up so much!!! Hahahaha!!! Daesung-ah you're not erted... But Jonghyun definitely is hahaha~ though that may be the crazy fangirl's fault. Poor Taeyang though, the innocent victim in this whole incident!
I thought Daesung was a couple of months older than him, that's why. xD I'll double check on that. <br />
<br />
Thank you, thank you. <3 :)
Starlightshine #6
LOL! I love this chapter! Very descriptive and a lot of things going on! But why is Onew calling Daesung hyung when they're the same age? O.o and Taemin is so cute here. :D thanks for the update!
@leahtaeyang Thank you. :) ~ that song is my absolute FAVORITE from the album. I was addicted to Lightless, but the unplugged version is a million times better. I wish they made more unplugged songs.
i really like your story i can't wait to read what happens next. and you have me officially in love with Beast!
Starlightshine #9
Okay, so it's Daesung, and Rhaye doesn't remember him... Aww! Poor Dae! Make your move soon before she's snatched away!