

"Don't complain! You're the one who me!"
"But I want to go to the freewaaa~y.." Rennie whined. 
Taeyang shook his head. "I have a room reserved. Plus we're in the middle of traffic. We're already here, anyway, so just calm down."
She slouched down her seat & scrunched her nose. "Never! I'd rather step out of this car & walk back home myself!"
He smirked. "Okay then."


Taeyang unlocked the doors & smiled at Rennie. 

"Rennie-sshi! I was joking.. Please.. Quiet down. She's sleeping.."
Rennie calmed down & looked at Taeyang's beaming eyes staring at the rear view mirror. 
"Aish, you creeper." she mumbled. Taeyang started to blush wildly.


Aigoo, he's fawning over Rhaye since Daesung's asleep, too..

"Don't do anything ually unpleasant to her," she joked. 
"I'm not a ert, Rennie.."
"Yes you are. Who knows, you might hit on me, too!"
"Nu uh! Not even us 'erts' would consider having you as a victim."
"..WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY!?" she screamed.
"Shhh..." he begged. Taeyang reached over & her hair. "I was just kidding. I'm sorry.. But don't yell so much.. Rhaye's exhausted.."
"Hmph.. I'll shut up. But for Rhaye, not you!" she stuck her tongue out & then turned to gaze out the window. 

Her face softened at the sight outside.

Look at all these lights. I could fall in love with them if I watched them all night..

And she was quiet for the rest of the ride. 

"Yah.. Rhaye~" I shook her lightly. Her eyes remained closed & had no intention of opening anytime soon. 
She's a deep sleeper.
.. I stared at her mesmerizing eyelids. There wasn't any hair covering her face, so I had a clear view of all her features. Her soft forehead, her blushed cheeks, & her lips, that were slightly parted. 
It reminded me of when she suddenly collapsed because of stress..
I furrowed my eyes. She's been through so much because of that damned school. It's been years since I've seen her adorable, sleeping face. She matured, a lot. She wasn't just cute anymore, she was absolutely beautiful. She was radiant. She was amazingly stunning in my eyes. Maybe others as well. I just hope that no one would take her away from me.
I wanted to overtly show my affection for her. I wanted to hold her whenever I wanted.. Sigh. I caressed her cheek & gave a heartwarming smile. 
She's mine.
She just doesn't know it yet.
I looked around & noticed that I was alone in the car with her. Right. Rennie insisted that I wake her up. I remember her giving me a wink. They said they'd go ahead of me. When they walked away, they both would turn back at times giving me a dirty smirk.
I'm not going to do anything erted to her.. even if I wanted to!
"Mm.." she mumbled, moving her arm to the side. She's really, really cute. She started to form a smile. Ah! Was she dreaming of me? I smiled back at her. Imagine if I got to see her face like this every morning.. That'd be bliss.
I never took a glance away from her face. Sometimes, I tried to look away, guilty at how much of a creeper I must be, sitting beside her, being really close to her. The car was cramped, so I had no choice. I scanned her face & admired every part, again & again. Her forehead, her eyebrows.. Her cheeks, nose, lips. She was alluring.. Since she was sleeping, she wouldn't mind..
I leaned towards her & slightly stretched my lips. Before I made contact with her face, I paused & opened my eyes.
Wait. This is something erted, isn't it?
I squinted my eyes in guilt, but tried to convince myself otherwise.
Naww~ It's just a small peck.
I closed my eyes & kissed her lightly on the nose. I giggled at the rush I felt in my heart. It was beating fast. Faster every second. 
Just a couple more..
I pecked her on the nose again, on each of her cheeks, her forehead, & both of her eyelids. I stopped & stared blankly at her lips.
Her lips..
That's erted! Kissing her while she's asleep!
My cheeks became hot from my imagination of our first kiss. I softly smiled & pulled back.
I'll save it for later~
I rubbed her lips lightly with my thumb & then stretched my arms. My back & neck ached. 
"Chii!" She sneezed. It gave me a sudden jump.
Chii? No HAHHCHEWW?..  She's so cute.
I leaned in & took another peck on the nose. When I shot back up, my eyes widened. I realized something frightening.
We. Were. Alone.. In a car..
I heard laughs from a group of guys around my age peeking through the car windows. Apparently it's funny to see me flailing my arms around like a lunatic. Or maybe it was because I was shaking the car. Plus, there's a girl lying down in the backseat with me. There could be a lot of wrong things to assume.
"I-I'm not erted.." I cried. ㅠㅠ I was innocent! Innocent!
I looked at her, puzzled on how to wake her up. Who knows what she'll say when she notices that I'm the only one here with her.. Okay. I tightened my fists.
"Hwaiting, Daesung!" I whispered while moving my hands under her back. I gave a slight pull & she was immediately lifted.
She's really light.
I smiled. Another cute trait about her. She's as light as a feather! I can drag her around & she wouldn't be able to match up to my strength.
Once I got her secured in my arms, bridal style, I looked at her still sleeping face & hoped they wouldn't open until we got to our hotel room.
Man. That sounds really erted. 
I sighed & opened the car door, which welcomed the cold night air. The breeze felt amazing, & the fact that I'm holding her in my arms makes it even better.
Rennie continuously jumped in the elevator.
"What are you doing?.." Taeyang had his arms crossed.
"You can clearly see what I'm doing," she stuck her tongue out. "This elevator's taking way to long to go up, so how else am I going to distract myself?"
"Well, I got the best room! All the way at the top. Isn't that good enough?"
"No! It's going to take at least 20 minutes to go to & from our room!"
He shrugged, "It's a big hotel.."
"But you could've chosen a room closer to the ground."
"I told you, it's already been reserved.. & can you stop jumping? It's giving me a headache." He clutched his forehead & winced.
"I'll be jumping every time we go in this elevator, then," she smirked.
"Finally!" Rennie raced to the room & viciously pulled on the doorknob. "The hell?! It won't open up!" 
Taeyang shoved the card key in her face. "Sheesh.. you said you're tired, but you're so loud.."
"It's not like anyone can hear me," she shrugged.
"We're surrounded by rows of occupied rooms!"
"NO! Who rents a room all the way up here?! Besides you.." she growled.
Taeyang angrily stared at her. She stared back.
"Oh, Jonghyun, yes!" someone moaned.
Rennie ended her glare & twitched in disgust. "J-Jonghyun?.."
"It's probably someone else?.." he said nervously.




She raised an eyebrow. "That sounds like Jonghyun to me."












The door across from theirs shook wildly & suddenly flew open, revealing a stripped, sweaty Jonghyun.

His eyes bulged out when he saw Rennie & said shakily, "B-Baby! Help me! This girl's trying to me!" He ran behind her & quivered like a cold, lost dog.

"Baby?.." she barked.

"Plee~ase pretend to be my girl. I need to get these fangirls away!" he whispered.
You look yourself.
Rennie sighed & glared at the girl who was hungrily looking at Jonghyun with lecherous eyes.
Whatever. Let's get this over with.
She cracked her fingers & furiously eyed the girl. 
The fangirl smiled at her mischievously. 
"Wipe that smile off your face. You're starting to get on my nerves."
Rennie stomped towards the girl & grabbed her by the collar.
"Who the do you think you are to try & my boyfriend?"
"Boyfriend?" the girl chuckled. "Well, your boyfriend apparently cheated on you. Kim Jonghyun's mine~" she cooed. 
Rennie tightened her fists & threw her to the ground. "Bull."
The girl started to giggle maniacally. 
"Are you drunk?" Rennie grew angrier.
"Hm. Maybe." she shrugged, still laughing. 
Rennie smirked. "Good. That means you won't feel this."
Rennie walked over to the helpless girl on the floor & punched her hard in the face. Her blow caused a cut in the girl's cheek, but she wasn't done releasing her anger yet. The girl weakly got up, but Rennie pushed her back on the ground & kicked her hard in the stomach & crotch, making sure it'd hurt as badly as a man getting hit in the jewels. 
"Girls like you annoy the hell out of me," she spat, throwing the girl back into her room. She smiled in pleasure, listening to the girl groaning in pain from behind the door. 
"Ahh, Rennie~!" Jonghyun cooed. He clinged onto her waist & cried, "Thank you sooo much, baby! I love youuuu!"
"Can I sleep now?" she grumbled, trying to shake him off.
"Bwoh? Not yet! We're going to play a game." He smirked.
She rubbed her eyes & pushed Jonghyun away, "I'm too tired to play any games. I just want to sleep.."
"If you're going to sleep, then consider making the floor comfortable tonight~"
"Ehh? Shouldn't you treat me better? I'm not sleeping on the floor, I'm taking one of the beds!"
"Nope, nope, nope." He shook his head. "SHINee & you four are going to share a room with two, king-sized beds. Unless you want to sleep on the floor, you need to play with us in order to win the bed!"
"Do you want to play or not?" he clasped his hands together in glee. 
".. No, not worth it. I can't stay awake any longer.." She made her way into the room & collapsed on the floor next to the closet.
"Okay then," Jonghyun smiled, "then it's eight people fighting for the two comfortable beds!" He started to fondle with his fingers. "Wait! Perfect, an even amount of people!" 
"Err, can I sit out, too?"
Jonghyun's eyes widened. "HUH?! WHY?! It won't be as fun with less people!"
Taeyang scratched his head. "It's just.. Uh,"
"Y'know this is a chance to sleep beside.. what's her name, oh yeah, Rhaye!" Jonghyun nudged him. Suddenly, his eyelids fell low & he started to mumble, "Great, just great.. She's the only girl! I can't believe my baby's sitting out tonight! It's not going to be as fun as I thought it'd be," he twisted his lips in disappointment. 
As much as I want to share a bed with Rhaye, I can't. Daesung's going to be devastated if that ever happened.. I can't take any chances playing this game. 
"That's okay.. I'm not interested in your game." he said cautiously. 
"Huuuuh?! B-b-but.." Jonghyun counted with his fingers. "Seven! Then it'll be seven people! It'll be uneven!"
"Can't we just Rock Paper Scissors for a bed?"
"No no no no no! That's booooring.." his eyes started to droop. 
"Jonghyun? Jonghyun? What's wrong?" Taeyang started to shake the limping body that looked like it was about to collapse. 
Jonghyun suddenly shot back up. "Bwoh?" he batted his eyes widely. 
"Is.. There something wrong with you?" Taeyang put his hand on Jonghyun's forehead, but Jonghyun hit it away. "Yes, there's something wrong! You sleepyheads are trying to ruin the game I planned! I thought about it through the entire car ride here!"
"Why would you even spend so much time planning a game at midnight?"
"Becauuuuuuuuuse," he slurred. "I need something fun to get my mind off of things!"
"Really? Like what?" 
"Liiike.." his eyes started to droop again. 
"Jonghyun?" Taeyang pouted. "Aish! Let's save the game for another day. You need to rest.." 
"No!" he screamed. "I.. Just need you guys to stop whining & play with me!"
Taeyang furrowed his brows. "Seriously, Jonghyun, you look exhausted & wasted. Did you drink anything?"
He put his hand on his chin & thought. "Ahhhh, I don't remember putting a glass into my hand, but I remember chugging something bitterrr.."
"When? During the concert?"
"I think so.. I remember this girl stripping me with one hand, while the other hand tilted a glass into my mouth."
He twitched. 
So she got him drunk before she took advantage of him..
"Aigoo, this is bad. Just.. Just go to sleep, you'll feel better tomorrow."
"Never," he growled, "we need to wait for everyone to show up. You're not backing out, either." Jonghyun tilted his face towards Taeyang's & pushed him to the wall. "If you quit now, you're sleeping outside in the hallway!"
Taeyang tried to push him away. "You can't do that! I'm the one that reserved this room!"
"So?" Jonghyun grabbed his wrists & squeezed them. Taeyang squinted his eyes in pain. 
"Let go!"
"Not until everyone shows up.."
"Well, where are they?! They're late!"
"How should I know? I don't stalk them."
"Really? You look like the stalking type," he hissed. 
"You do, too." Jonghyun let go of Taeyang's wrists & pushed him on the bed. His smile grew wide & his face turned red. 
Taeyang laughed. "So, you'll let me have the bed?"
Jonghyun jumped on top of Taeyang & giggled. "Only if you satisfy my needs.." he whispered. 
"Wha- YAH. JONGHYUN. GET OFF!" Taeyang struggled to shake Jonghyun off, who was currently ing his shirt. "RENNIE-AH HELP ME!" he screamed. 
"Re.. nnie.." Jonghyun mumbled, taking his hand under Taeyang's neck. He leaned into his ear & whispered, "can't do anything." 
His whole body shivered in disgust. 
Suddenly, yelling came out from behind the door. "WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP?" 
"R-Rhaye," Taeyang uttered. 
The door slammed open. Her face was flushed. Her eyes widened when she saw Jonghyun & Taeyang on top of the bed, stripped of their shirts. 
"..ahah," she laughed. "Sorry about that. Just continue what you're doing.." blushing, she slowly stepped out of the room, watching Jonghyun continue his business even though he was interrupted. 
"RHAYE, COME BACK!" Taeyang screamed, pushing away Jonghyun's traveling hand.
"No, no, no, no! It's okay!" she yelled from behind the closed door. 
"Listen to me! He's drunk! Jonghyun's drunk! Get him off of me!" 
"I'm sorry for embarrassing you, oppa!" she yelled. "I won't tell anyone about this!"
Daesung approached the door & turned the handle. 
"Daesung! No! They're busy in ther-"
"Get this guy off of me!" he pleaded. The rest of SHINee approached the room gasped at the sight. 
Onew covered his eyes & hid behind Minho. "See.. We should've stayed downstairs longer.." he mumbled. 
Minho eyed Taeyang, who was panting loudly. Taemin covered his mouth & sped into the hallway. 
"Um. Did we interrupt anything?" Minho asked. Jonghyun finally stopped touching Taeyang & looked up, his eyes still low. "Ehh? We weren't doing anything.."
"LIAR," Key yelled. 
Taeyang pushed Jonghyun off of him & put his shirt back on. "God! You guys wouldn't listen to me! Jonghyun's drunk! Some girl in this hotel kidnapped him & drugged him or something!" He straightened his hat & ran towards the group. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" he cried. "Someone please keep him away from me for the rest of the night!"
Key clenched his fists. "Gladly." He stomped towards Jonghyun & threw him into the closet, locking him in for the rest of the day. "Stay in there until you're sober!"
Taeyang breathed a sigh of relief & smiled at the group. "Are we all going to share the beds? Or are we going to fight for them like Jonghyun planned?" 
"I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE WITH JONGHYUN!" Taeyang banged the closet door from the inside. 
"You really traumatized Onew & Rhaye, so you should stay out of their sight for a while until they recover," Minho said. 
"Are we playing, Minho? Get over here!" Key called.
He nodded & joined the circle on the floor.
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Starlightshine #1
Buahahahahaha. This seems like it's gonna be an interesting fight! Can't wait to read about the actual fight! :D
hm, so you finally update.. XD i don't have much right to be saying that.. LOL.
Oh wow! I had fun reading. Poor Taeyang,Jonghyun tried so hard to get it on with him. lol SHINee should have security around the clock. Fangirls>.< first Taemin now Jonghyun!
Starlightshine #4
Ohhhh. I'm not sure when is Onew's birthday, I just know they're born in the same year. O.o<br />
Lmao this chapter cracked me up so much!!! Hahahaha!!! Daesung-ah you're not erted... But Jonghyun definitely is hahaha~ though that may be the crazy fangirl's fault. Poor Taeyang though, the innocent victim in this whole incident!
I thought Daesung was a couple of months older than him, that's why. xD I'll double check on that. <br />
<br />
Thank you, thank you. <3 :)
Starlightshine #6
LOL! I love this chapter! Very descriptive and a lot of things going on! But why is Onew calling Daesung hyung when they're the same age? O.o and Taemin is so cute here. :D thanks for the update!
@leahtaeyang Thank you. :) ~ that song is my absolute FAVORITE from the album. I was addicted to Lightless, but the unplugged version is a million times better. I wish they made more unplugged songs.
i really like your story i can't wait to read what happens next. and you have me officially in love with Beast!
Starlightshine #9
Okay, so it's Daesung, and Rhaye doesn't remember him... Aww! Poor Dae! Make your move soon before she's snatched away!