Nice Seeing You, Again.

It's not like I'm abandoning my house, but I have an urge to pack almost all my stuff. I really am materialistic.. I sigh as I take everything into consideration.
I picked up the giant pile of clothes from the floor & threw it onto the bed. I want to bring this, this, this, this, this
For sure, I was going to bring my iPod along with the speakers, so I put them on top of the clothes I chose, along with some cute stationary.
My phone suddenly rang when I was heading outside to put a couple of boxes in the trunk of my car. 
“Rhaye! Are you ready yet? I have everything set up for you & I’m tired of waiting! Hurry up!”
“Neh, neh, almost done packing, should take me only half an hour or so..” I felt her cold stares through the other end. I sighed & hung up.
It'll take waaaaay more than half an hour for me to figure out what to pack.
Before I entered through my front door, I heard footsteps, so I froze. I squinted my eyes when I heard a familiar voice.
Who was that?
Then I was greeted by a hug from behind. "EHH!" I yelled while pushing him to the floor. His hat fell on my foot. It read LA.
He winked & took his hat back.
"In the flesh~" he said. I scoffed & helped him to get back on his feet.
What are you doing here, you idiot?!
But I took another glance at him. It's been years.. "I missed you," I said, smiling. He returned it with a wide smile. Taeyang opened his arms, & welcomed a hug.
Looking him up & down, I scoffed. "Nah." I made my way back into my house.
He made an upset face & pulled me in for a tight one, swaying me side to side. 
"This is what I get after being away for a couple of years?" He joked. "Well! It seems like I'm distracting you from.. organizing boxes?"
I rolled my eyes. "I'm moving, babo."
"WHAT.. BUT I LOVE THIS HOUSE. IT'S SO NICE. You've had it for years! Who'd you sell it to? We'll give them a refund!"
"Shh! It's only 7, people are still asleep!" I hissed.
"Why. Are you. Moving!?"
"I'm only moving in with my friend. I'm not selling the house!"
His face softened. "Ohh, can I help?" 
He already took enough time away from me, & I'm too indecisive on what to bring, so I agreed. 
It surprisingly took an hour to pack 4 boxes of what I intended to bring. It would've been shorter, but we were catching up. "We're going to unpack everything in another hour, y'know." I smirked. He exhaled in exhaustion.
"Yeah, yeah.. Are we ready to go?"
I nodded & started up the car. 
"Who are you moving in with?" he asked.
"With Rennie, do you remember her?"
"Of course! She would glare at me whenever I took you away from her~"
"Which would be most of the time you're around." I rolled my eyes.
"You know I can't stay in America for long!"
"So how long are you staying this time? You haven't visited in years."
"Just a week or so because of-.." He froze.
I turned quickly to see why he paused.
It took a couple of seconds before he continued, but I didn't give his awkwardness much thought. He was full of it.
"Because of, uhm, uhm, Hollywood! Yeah, Hollywood invited me over there!"
"You were in LA?"
"Yeah, but I ditched today so I could see you!" He laughed. 
"When I was busy? Because of you, Rennie could be pissed off right now."
"Well you can't send me away. It's your fault that you got my new hat dirty."
"I'll only do that if you don't help me unpack."
I pulled into Rennie's driveway, but Taeyang jumped out of the car while it was still moving.. 
Once the front door was within my view, I could see him vigorously pounding at the doorbell, constantly knocking. Then I heard loud stomps from inside.
"SHUT UP, RHAYE. I WAITED FOR YOU FOR SO LONG & NOW YOU'RE ANNOYING ME." She swung the door open & pushed Taeyang to the ground. 
"..oh. Who are you?" She asked. 
"Don't mind him, Rennie!" I giggled. "He just stalked me over here. He was hitting on me! But I rejected him. His ego got hurt & he went berserk, running towards your door & clawing at it." I pointed to him & smiled.
"Oh, hi, Taeyang," she said while looking down at him. "Anyway, Rhaye, get in, get in! I have your room ready upstairs, so bring up your stuff & start unpacking!"
Clap clap. "I order you to bring the boxes out of the car & bring them upstairs," I told him. He nodded & went outside. Rennie dragged me into the kitchen, offering me snacks.
I love her house, I simply love it, and it's a plus that I'll be living here with her!
"Your stuff is all ready, ma'am." he formally said while tilting his hat downwards. I rolled my eyes & walked past him. "Thank you, m'lady~" I spat. I stuck my tongue out & made my way upstairs to my room.
THERE'S ONLY TWO BOXES HERE. That lazy, half-shaven, freak. "Better get started, though.." I mumbled.
"Hey, Rennie, miss me?" Taeyang said in a flirty tone. She laughed & threw a chip at his face.
"What's up? You haven't visited in a while."
"I wasn't able to! I was preparing for my comeback."
Rennie rolled her eyes. "Thanks for that. Now my cousin's obsessed with you."
He gave a wide smile. "Haha, I can't help it! It's not my fault that people fall for me." He winked. "Oh, & I almost blurted out the reason on why I really came here to see Rhaye. I want to surprise her." He looked around suspiciously hoping she wasn't around.
"Your reason?.."
"I was invited by Hollywood~ But also, within this week, there's 2 concerts that I have tickets to. I was hoping that you & Rhaye could tag along?.." Rennie smiled & accpeted his invitation. "Speaking of surprises, I have one for her, too."
"Really? What is it? You're bankrupt & will lose your precious house within the next few days!?" he said sarcastically. She flicked him on the forehead.
"NO! Seriously. I was hired by SM Entertainment, & I'm going to visit Korea within this month. I want Rhaye to come with me! But don't tell her. Y'know, surprise & all." she put her finger in front of her lips & gave a shushing gesture.
"How long are you planning to stay in Korea?" Taeyang asked curiously.
"Three or so months. They should surely hire Rhaye, too. She has talent." That's when Taeyang begins to giggle.
"Why, thanks, I taught her well." he bragged. Rennie gave him a glare & slapped him on the head. 
Suddenly, footsteps come from the stairs & the conversation died quickly. 
Ring ring! 
Rennie headed for the phone & ran to her room. Taeyang attempted to act normal but just made the atmosphere awkward.
"Idiot, there's only two boxes in my room. You didn't bring the other two up, did you?" she pouts.
"I'll bring it up later. I'm hungry~" While Taeyang scavenges for food, Rhaye lets out a sigh & speaks up. 
"It feels so long since I've been in high school.."
"Oh, right, you're not planning to go to college?"
"Neh, neh, I'm taking a one year break. I've been wanting to travel with Rennie, first." Taeyang gives a smirk, thinking about Rennie's plan.
"Good luck to that. I haven't seen you in your last years of high school, how was it?" 
It .
"Perfect! No drama, no stress, & my dancing's improved, without the help of you." She stuck her tongue out & Taeyang gave a jokingly disgusted face.
"You wouldn't have gotten far if I didn't teach you a few of my tricks!"
"A few?! You bragger, you wouldn't stop talking about what tricks you can do."
He chuckled. "Then let's see you dance. Freestyle to one of my songs."
"Once I find my speakers & iPod from the boxes. I didn't find it in those two boxes up in my room, so you'll have to wait on that until you stop being lazy & carry the rest of my stuff upstairs~"
"Hmph, well, you're a-"
Taeyang's comeback was interrupted by the doorbell. But he could sense who it was & grinned. 
You came a bit early.
"Hey, you should meet the rest of the Big Bang members. Have you seen our comeback?" He asked.
"Yeah, yeah, Rennie told me about it, anyway, I'm going to get the door."
"You really should meet them, though!"
She looked back at him while she was making her way to the front door. "I will, promise!" She winked.
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Starlightshine #1
Buahahahahaha. This seems like it's gonna be an interesting fight! Can't wait to read about the actual fight! :D
hm, so you finally update.. XD i don't have much right to be saying that.. LOL.
Oh wow! I had fun reading. Poor Taeyang,Jonghyun tried so hard to get it on with him. lol SHINee should have security around the clock. Fangirls>.< first Taemin now Jonghyun!
Starlightshine #4
Ohhhh. I'm not sure when is Onew's birthday, I just know they're born in the same year. O.o<br />
Lmao this chapter cracked me up so much!!! Hahahaha!!! Daesung-ah you're not erted... But Jonghyun definitely is hahaha~ though that may be the crazy fangirl's fault. Poor Taeyang though, the innocent victim in this whole incident!
I thought Daesung was a couple of months older than him, that's why. xD I'll double check on that. <br />
<br />
Thank you, thank you. <3 :)
Starlightshine #6
LOL! I love this chapter! Very descriptive and a lot of things going on! But why is Onew calling Daesung hyung when they're the same age? O.o and Taemin is so cute here. :D thanks for the update!
@leahtaeyang Thank you. :) ~ that song is my absolute FAVORITE from the album. I was addicted to Lightless, but the unplugged version is a million times better. I wish they made more unplugged songs.
i really like your story i can't wait to read what happens next. and you have me officially in love with Beast!
Starlightshine #9
Okay, so it's Daesung, and Rhaye doesn't remember him... Aww! Poor Dae! Make your move soon before she's snatched away!