To show my love for you

No promises?

Dungie's POV

I woke up besides IU,she's still asleep, cute she is...sleeping like a baby beside me...wait,WHAT AM I DOING?!I'm not supposed to like her!She's only my pretend girlfriend so I can get rid of Sohee!She's keep stalking me like a big ert!I told her to stay away...but no~...she didn't listen...she's like a girl version of Pedo Bear.But,at least I have a cute doll-like girlfriend,watching her sleep makes me want to cuddle with her.But,I can't...because she'll kick me in the you-know-where if I did.I laid my finger on her face,how soft her skin was,I leaned down,and kissed her cheek.Wow,she's so soft like a giant teddy bear...


Your not falling for her!Your not!You just not!You dare fall for your own neighbour,you'll give up Soonja!I dare you to do that if I fall for this girl!Her eyes started to flutter,she's waking up!Oh no!Did I woke her?I hope I didn't!Cuz' I'll be really guilty if I did!But instead,she sits up,stretches...and went back to sleep...hmph...strange kid.I tucked a hair behind her ear,so her fae won't be covered in hair all the time.Wait,why am I monologing?Your suppose to go downstairs and see what the guys are doing besides fooling around...but...I don't want to leave her alone...ah,what could possibly happen?

So,I went down to check on the boys,what could they do?Joon is probably daydreaming about his dream girl aka senior,Yoo In-Na...Mir is probably at the Jo's,playing Black Op's or something...I really need someone to talk to.

"Yah,hyung," I stopped Joon from his day-dreaming.

"Yoo In-what?I didn't do it!" he suddenly sprang out of his seat.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked him.

"Okay,sure...what do you want to talk about?" he said.

"You know that me and IU-I mean,Jieun are dating right?"


"Well,would it possibly if I fell in love with her for real?"

"Wait,so you guys aren't actually dating?" he questioned me.

"I only did that to stay away from Sohee,but,I'm getting this feeling...a connection,"

"That's the answer,your crushing on her,"

"I'm what?" I was clueless.

"You.Have.A crush.On.Her," he emphasizes at me.

"What?Psh..I do not,probably?" I stuttered.

"See...see...that's the condition!Your falling in love!I can't belive it!Wait till I tell everybody!" he burst into happiness.

"SHHH!This is a secret between you and me,no one can know,okay?" I told him.

"If I do,what do I get?" he asked me.

" can have use my computer for a month!"

"Done," he dealed with me.

"Hey noobs,what's up?" Seungho entered the house.

"So,how was the first day of school?" he asked me.

"Oh,it went so well,besides Jieun is faced with the queenka's,she has a very big talent,and-oh,it's time for me to check on her," I explained to him.I went upstairs to go to IU's room,I opened she was still asleep,she must be really tired,I looked at the clock,it's 3 o'clock!Wow,and I haven't had lunch yet.Wait,I have a plan!I'm sure that this plan will make it up!I'm so sure of it!So,I went downstairs to tell the guys!

"Boys!We have ourselves a very important mission to do!" I commanded,Joon was talking to Seungho,Mir just got back from nextdoor,they all looked weird at me.

"What?" Mir made a question mark with his eyebrow.

"WE!Are gonna make lunch until Jieun wakes up!And by the time she did!She'll be proud of us!" I,wait...I realise that someone is missing...OMG.

"Yah,where's Byunghee?" I looked around the house.

"Oh,don't you know?After school,he got an urgent call from his mom,his grandma passed,he went back to his hometown right away," Seungho explained to me.

"Oh,no wonder..HOW ARE WE SUPPOSE TO COOK FOR IU WITHOUT G.O HYUNG?!" I freaked out,G.O is the best cook!And now,he's gone!How am I suppose to impress IU?!!

"Don't worry!We still have the twins to help!" back up arrived,Youngmin and Kwangmin suddenly appeared at the front door,guess they also want to make IU happy

"Then let's get to work!Seungho!You cook the fish.Mir!You chop the vegetables alongside with Joon,Jo's!You help Seungho hyung,I'll set up the table!Let's get working people!!!" I ordered.This is gonna change IU's mind about me,and,to give her a hint that
I,Park Sanghyun,secretly,fell in love with,Lee Jieun.


I woke up,in Seungho's girlish room,yet pretty,I didn't know how I got up here,pretty sure,that Dungie carried me upstairs,I looked at the clock,it's 3:45 already?And I didn't have lunch yet!And,my tummy is grumbly~...gosh,I need to find food,URGENTLY!But where?Maybe Dungie and the guys are playing some video games downstairs,and they won't make lunch for me,stupidungie,some boyfriend he is,So,I'll guess I'll check on those guys downstairs,could be they're fooling around~...but when I got downstairs...I saw the dining table set up,with everybody gathered round,waiting for me,maybe?

"IU!We prepared this lunchtime,for you,I hope that you appreaciate it," Dungie held out his hand,I grabbed it as he helped me go down,and leads me to the chair at the end of the table,facing me is Dungie,besides him is Mir,alongside with Seungho,while besides me is the Jo twins,did they help this too?

"Guys...what's going on?" I asked.

"Oh,your so clueless!This is my way,to show you,that how much I lo-appreciate you," Dungie explained to me.

"Really,guys,you don't have too,I should be the one making you guys this-" "Say no more,if you don't want to eat,than...I guess this all will be a waste," Dungie pouted.

"What?No!I really appreaciate it you guys!Well!What are you waiting for?Let's eat!" we all ate together,we did have some laughs,and Dungie's smile is like a heaven,so sweet...wait,what's this feeling?


hey u guys!srry for the late update!i finished this chap last week,but i ddnt get a chance to publish it!so,here it is now!so,now i made Dungie falls for IU,i was planning making IU fall for Dungie..but,nah!it wont be romantic if the girl falls with the guy!so!I made it like tht!i rly hope u enjoy this!keep reading y'all.


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Japaru #1
Good story
Christle #2
Chapter 20: Make a sequel~~ :D I love that storyy~~~
jhandale #3
Chapter 25: oh m g i was dreaming about this when i read this story :-D
jhandale #4
Chapter 12: its so nice like it
xxw00uxx #6
Chapter 26: done reading .. its so beautiful ff author-nim please make another iu ff .. *puppy eyes* ;)
ThunderxIU :D
minaohmina #8
When I get a Twitter I will follow you !!! Cause I don't have a Twitter yet and I'm too last to make one at the moment bit I will follow you when I have one !!!! And good luck on your new fic ! I will go check it out also !
minaohmina #9
Bwahaha I love it !!!! I hope you come up with another amazing Fanfiction ! I will read it for sure !
Also I'm glad my comments and subscription make you happy :)

Until next time !
MelonCandy #10
:DD smiling like a retard at the ending.. It was totally sweet kekeke deja vu!!