I'm kinda happy :)

No promises?


Aish...this is really hard for me,Seungho is taking me for a tour around his house,there are many rooms,he also said that there's also a room for a girl,he said that it was there when he bought this antique house,and he also said that the girl might be me :P

"You know what,IU?" Seungho asked me.

"Your lucky to be Cheondung's girlfriend,his last girlfriend...eh...didn't worked out at this home,she told Cheondung that they'll break up if he didn't made love with her,and he didn't," Seungho explained to me,Dungie is really a nice guy in the inside?But still,he's a ert on the outside!

"Hey,IU,how's the house?" Dungie appeared behind us,and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Everything's fine,and Seungo mentioned that there's a room with full of girl clothes?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah,here,let me show it to you," Seungho leads us to the room,he also holds a key,probaly to the room,he unlocked the door,and a flashing bright peach was shoned,as we went in,a perfectly peach room...so beautiful,it's prettier than my OWN room!

"Ta-da!A pretty room for a pretty girl!" Dungie said to me,I went in,and a powerful sweet lavender scent is in the room,it's like a doll house in here,and I eyed the closet,I opened it,and many girl clothes were in it,wrapped in plastic so it wouldn't be dusty.

"This is so amazing!" I jumped on the bed and just lying there,until Dungie joined too.

"Isn't it?You can stay with us if you want,don't worry,the other guys won't hurt you!I'll keep you safe," he wrapped his arms around my neck,hopefully that we could kiss,we did,but,it isn't the lips,but his cheek.

"I want a kiss on the lips,please!" he begged.

"Wait for a week or two," I told him,and he pouted,and Seungho just laughed.

"You two make the cutest couple ever!You've made a right choice Cheondung!" Sengho just kept on laughing.

"Oppa~,don't talk nonsense!" I said,he kinda looked suprised,and did Dungie just twitched?

"How can you call him oppa?I'm your boyfriend!" he whined.

"You asked me to call you Dungie,so I shall call you Dungie,ONLY!" I said.

"No!You can call me Dungie AND oppa for now on!" he made a new rule,fudge that.

"Fine,oppa~," I did a cute voice and puppy eyes.

"YOUR SO CUTE,I COULD KISS YOU!" he held onto me and kissed me,and I pushed him away.

"Yah!I told you for a week or two!" I reminded him.

"But you looked so CUTE~!!!" he said,and Seungho was on the ground laughing,he thinks it's a sitcom.

"I'm going to head downstairs now," he left the room,well,I don't wanna be left alone with 'oppa',so I tag him along,and 'oppa' too.

"IU-ah,do want something to eat?" G.O asked me,I am getting kinda hungry,and I haven't had breakfast yet.

"I would love to," I said to him,and he rushed off to the kitchen,suddenly,this,brown hair boy came to me,glaring at me.

"Are you sure you're Cheondung's girlfriend?" he wants to make sure.

"Of course she's my girlfriend,Mir!Why?You jealous?" Dungie appeared out of nowhere,his name is Mir?Aww,so cute!

"You are so cute!" I pinched his cheeks,hope that'll make him better.

"Aww,thank you,noona~," said the cute Mir.

"Hey,he can be our stepson!" Dungie suggested,I just gave hi a deadly glare.

"Can I be?" Mir doing his puppy eyes,oh,what the heck.

"Fine," I agreed that Mir is our stepson.

"Yay,so you're the umma,and I'm the appa!" said Dungie happily...it's not like we're married or anything.After we had breakfast,Dungie sent me home,since me and him are neighbours after all,when I got into the house,appa was already in his suit.

"Appa,where're your going?" I asked.

"Appa still have some business to take care of,so I'll be back tonight,okay?Jieun,you can hang out with that Cheondung boy,yes?Get to know him a bit more,okay?Now appa has to go now," appa kissed my forehead,see,this is what I hate about him,it's always work work work for him,and since he got promoted,I'm sure there must be tons of work in his hands.

2 days later(I'm a lazy writer,okay?!)

It's the big day for me,school day,you think it's hard?Well,it's not,being the new kid,always ,but since I already made a few friends,that's alright,I got dressed,get my backpack,and appa called me downstairs for some breakfast,I went downstairs,and walked towards the dining table,and the food on the table was delicious,french toast,croissant,and my morning drink,chocolate milk,my favourite.

"Jieun-ah,remember the usual rules,always pay attention to class,don't get in trouble,and do not get send to the principal's office," said appa,he made up the 'Rules of School' ,which I sometimes follow.

"I know appa,you can trust me," I said to him,and he looked a bit calmed down,and as soon as I finished my toast,the door bell rang.

"I'll get it," I went to the door,and...Dungie was there, "Hi,ready to go?"

"Appa,Cheondung's here!" I called to appa.

"Ah!Cheondung!How nice to see you again,did you had breakfast yet?" appa asked Dungie.

"Yes,sir,I'm just going to pick up Jieun here,to school," he explained to appa.

"Splendid,well,off you go now,Jieun,and be careful," appa said to me,I said goodbye and held on Dungie's wrist,and dragged him all the way to school.


Many eyes were at me,they were all curious of who I am..

"Who's she?" "Why is she with him?" "She's lookng for death,that's what she's doing," I heard many whispers asking me who am I,the reasons why I hate being the new kid,they think I'm weird.

"Um,where is exactly class 2A?" I asked Dungie.

"Oh,that,that's just next door with my class,unfortunately,our classes are not all the same,so I guess you have to find friends yourself there," he said to me,some boyfriend he is,he leads me to my locker,which is 3 lockers away from him,and he also gave me the list of homeroom,which I'm supposed to be in,and he left me infront of class 2A,and the bell rang,so I went in.

"Okay,class,I hear we have a new student here,is it you?" the teacher pointed at me,so I stand up.

"Please introduce yourself," the teacher asks

"Hello everyone,my name is Lee Jieun,and I hope that we can be friends," I introduced myself infront of class,guess I won't make any friends in this class after all.The lesson continue's,I'm sitting between two identical twins,but one of them have brown hair,and the other one has blonde hair,and I can't tell who's who,as soon as class ended,they both called me.

"Jieun-ah!" said the blonde twin.

"Hi," I said.

"We know that your new,allow us to introduce ourselves,I'm Jo Kwangmin,and this is my brother,Jo Youngmin," said the brown hair boy,I gotta memorize this,or else,I'll get confused.

"So,we heard that your one of Cheondung's friends,yes?" Youngmin asked me.

"Ah,yes,I'm friends with him," I explained to them.

"We're friends with him,too,it'll be great,if we all sit for lunch together," said Kwangmin.

"Okay,that'll be nice," I said to them,all three of us headed to the cafeteria,and I already saw that Mir was waving at me like crazy,so we came to them.

"Hey!You met the Jo twins!You already made your friend!" said Dungie,I just glared at him.

"Yeah,we met her in the same class,so we thought that she might needed some friends," Kwangmin explained.I sat down next to Dungie,and suddenl there's this tall girl standing.

"Excuse me,your in my seat?" she ordered me to get lost.

No Way.


So,I finally found a rival for IU,but still no hope for a co-author...:'((

anyways,hope u enjoy this one!



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Japaru #1
Good story
Christle #2
Chapter 20: Make a sequel~~ :D I love that storyy~~~
jhandale #3
Chapter 25: oh m g i was dreaming about this when i read this story :-D
jhandale #4
Chapter 12: its so nice like it
xxw00uxx #6
Chapter 26: done reading .. its so beautiful ff author-nim please make another iu ff .. *puppy eyes* ;)
ThunderxIU :D
minaohmina #8
When I get a Twitter I will follow you !!! Cause I don't have a Twitter yet and I'm too last to make one at the moment bit I will follow you when I have one !!!! And good luck on your new fic ! I will go check it out also !
minaohmina #9
Bwahaha I love it !!!! I hope you come up with another amazing Fanfiction ! I will read it for sure !
Also I'm glad my comments and subscription make you happy :)

Until next time !
MelonCandy #10
:DD smiling like a retard at the ending.. It was totally sweet kekeke deja vu!!