Chapter 4


“Hyo, I’ll go out for a while..wait for me, ok?” Yongguk waves at Hyosung. “okay, take care~” Hyosung back to her room and go to sleep.

“Oh, she didn’t lock the door?” a man stand infront of their apartement. He entering the room and see Hyosung sleeping there. He’s looking at Hyosung’s face. “not change at all, still pretty..”

He’s staring down at Hyosung’s body and gulping. “I’ll make u to be mine now, forever.” He tied up Hyosung’s wirst and legs to the edge of the bed and starting to making out.

Hyosung feels someone doing something to her body, she open her eyes slowly and see Himchan is above her. “Yak! What are u doing here?” and she found out that she’s being tied. “Kim Himchan, u! please, don’t do that..” she’s starting to crying but Himchan doesn’t care and keep continue what he did.

“No, Kim Himchan, please don’t do that to me..” she’s crying louder but himchan put something on .




Himchan wearing his clothes and facing Hyosung, he untied her and pecks her lips then leave her. Hyosung just can sit down and crying.

“How dare u Kim Himchan??” she’s throwing anything on her room.

Yongguk see someone that he knows walking out from the loby of their apartement. “isn’t that kim himchan? Wait, himchan?? Hyosung! I hope she’s alright.” Yongguk runs to their apartement room and found out Hyosung is crying with blanket wraping her body.

“What happened? He did it to u??” Yongguk shaking her body. Hyosung just nodded and showing him her wirst, Yongguk can see the red line on her wirst. “He tied u up?”

Hyosung just nodded and keep crying. “he’s so damn jerk, I’ll make him regret for did that thing to u.” Yongguk hug Hyosung and kiss her forehead.




“where’s himchan??” Yongguk come to Himchan’s office the next day.

“He’s on his room, do u already have appointment with him?” himchan’s secretary answering him. Yongguk just walking to Himchan’s room. He grabbed Himchan’s collar and punch him on his face. Himchan fell and Yongguk keep punching him. “This is for Hyosung’s scars. U should feel what she feels!

The security pull Yongguk’s body. “I just don’t wanna let her go, I can’t let her to be with someone like you.” Himchan saying with hold on his pain.

“Jerk! Im sure u’ll die on my hand if u dare to touch her again!” Yongguk shouting while the security pull his body out from himchan’s office.




“Hyosung-ah..” Yongguk shaking hyosung’s body slowly.


“let’s have dinner together.” Yongguk brings a bowl of bibimbap to hyosung’s room. Hyosung don’t wanna move from her bed since that day. Hyosung just sit down and looking at another side.

“Hyo..” Yongguk cup her face. “it’s okay, if something happened to you, I’ll be the one who take the duty.” Yongguk caress her cheek. Hyosung eyes starting to get teary again. “Baboya, I love u. don’t cry.” Yongguk kiss her softly.

“Smile for me?” Yongguk stick their forehead and staring deep into her eyes. Hyosung smiling and take the spoon.

“Let’s eat, Yonggukie~” Hyosung hands Yongguk the spoon and they’re eating together.

“my pretty girl is back.” Yongguk smiling and they’re eating together.

“ah, what if we making muffin tomorrow?”

“Sure~ I wanna taste ur dishes.” Yongguk grinning and finish their dinner.




“ah, Yonggukie, can u buy some beverages for us? I forgot to tell u to buy it yesterday..” Hyosung said while they’re making the muffins.

“What do you want, ma’am?”

“Orange juice, chocolate milk, and coffee.” Hyosung smiles. Yongguk pecks her lips.

“okay, wait here. U sure u can finished it by yourself?”

“yeah, it’s almost done. take care.” Hyosung waves at him.


-10 mins later-


Someone’s knocking their apartement’s door. “Yonggukie, is that u? why u’re so..” Hyosung stopped her words after seeing someone who stand infront of her isn’t Yongguk. She’s Sunhwa.

“so, u live here huh?” Sunhwa push Hyosung and entering the apartement.

“Ah, what’s bring u here, Sunhwa-ssi?”

“I just wanna remind u something, Himchan already married but why u seduce him huh?” Sunhwa lift Hyosung’s chin.

“I’m not seducing him, I never talked to him after he’s married!” Hyosung stare into Sunhwa’s eyes.

“But someone said to me that she ever saw Himchan out from your apartement, don’t pretend that u’re innocent. U’re such a who seducing someone’s husband!!” Sunhwa push Hyosung till she fell and about to slap her but someone hold her hand.

“Go away from here!” Yongguk pull Sunhwa’s hand.

“I won’t go ‘till she admitted that she seducing my husband!”

“She’s not!!”

“Okay, I admitted, I seduced Himchan to come here, I did sorry..” Hyosung hold her tears and pretend to smiling.

“Hyo!!” Yongguk glare at her.

“I’ve admitted it right? U can go now..i promise I won’t disturb himchan anymore..”

Sunhwa just smirked and she left them.

Yongguk kneels and help Hyosung to stand up. “why u admit something that u didn’t do?”

“she said she don’t wanna leave if im not admitted right?”

“but not with that way, Hyo..ah so let’s continue making muffin. Already finished?”

“yeah, it’s already served at dinning table. Let’s enjoy it.” Hyosung forced herself to smile.

Yongguk can see Hyosung is really sad right now but she pretend to be okay, he looking at Hyosung who serving the coffee now while thinking what will he do to make her happy.

“Ah, done. Let’s eat~” Hyosung sit down infront of him.

“wait, look at me..”

Amerikaneun hanjan sikyeonohko

(Holding a cup of americano)

Dalkomhan Chokhomophineun gidaryeoyo

(and waiting for my sweet choco muffin)

Yeobohago nahago kkok manju anjaseo

(My darling n I should sit facing each others)

Seoro sonbadak wie yeppeun nakseoreulhajyo

(drawing pretty scribbles on each other’s palm)

Keokjonghajima nuga mworaedo nikkeo nikkeo

(don’t worry about the other say, no matter what im yours, im yours)

Dareul yeojarang bikyodo andwaeneun naekkeo, neon naekkeo

(I wont compare u with other girls because u’re mine, u’re mine)

Saekki sonkarak geolgo kkok yaksokhaejulkke

(making a promise with our pinky fingers)

Jeoldae na honja nae beoryeo duji anhkiro

(I will never abandon you)

Il deohagi ileun gwiyomi

(1+1 = cutie)

I deohagi ineun gwiyomi

(2+2 = cutie)

Sam deohagi sameun gwiyomi, gwiyomi gwiyomi

(3+3 = cutie, cutie cutie)

Sa deohagi sado gwiyomi

(4+4 also cutie)

O deohagi Odo gwiyomi

(5+5 also cutie)

Yuk deohagi yukeun chuchuchuchuchuchuchu gwiyomi

(6+6 chuchuchuchuchuchuchu *kissing fingers* cutie)

Nan gwiyomi!

(I’m cutie)!

Yongguk did the cutie player to make Hyosung laugh, and Hyosung who can't hold it just laughing so hard and clapping her hands.

“Ah, really interesting. You’re so great!” Hyosung raise her thumbs up. Yongguk just smiling looking at her.

“Are u happy now? So let’s eat.” Yongguk eat it happily.

“Ugh~” Hyosung seems like wanna puke.

“Eh, what happened? Are u sick? Hyo?” Yongguk shaking her shoulder but suddenly Hyosung fainted.

Yongguk carry her body and runs to the hospital. “ah, what’s wrong with you?”




Hyosung rubs her eyes and open it slowly. “Where is it?”

“Oh, you already wake up? Hospital, u suddenly fainted..” Yongguk caress her cheek. The doctor is come to them and give the result of the check up.

“Congratulation, sir. Your wife is pregnant now and she’s too tired. Don’t let her to be tired and stressed.” The doctor said it. Yongguk shocked a while but he put his smile back. “thanks, doctor. I’ll take care of her.”

“w..what? im pregnant??”

“I’ll be the father of your child.” Yongguk smile and kiss Hyosung’s forehead.

“b..but..” Hyosung hold Yongguk’s hand and her eyes are teary again.

“stupid, why always crying? But that child isn’t mine? It’s ok, Hyo..i don’t mind it, as long as I can protect u.”




Hyosung keep thinking while she’s on her room. “I’m troubling him too much…why he should take the duty of my child..why he’s so nice..while im like this..”

Hyosung wandering around the apartement and keep thinking, she hear something from Yongguk’s room. “Ah he’s listening to the music now..”

She continue wandering untill she found the bleach. She open the bottle. “I won’t troubling anyone else again..”

“Hyo!! What’s wrong with u??” Yongguk grab Hyosung’s hand and the bottle is fall away.

“remember that u have child on ur womb! U’re not live for urself start from now on. Give that baby a chance to see how beautiful this world, how beautiful that baby’s mom. Don’t be so selfish.”


“I’ve said I’ll be the father of ur child. I’ll be ur baby’s dad. Understand? Go to sleep now.” Yongguk hug Hyosung and push her to her room.

“I’ll go for a while. Don’t dare to do something dangerous to ur body.” Yongguk wearing his jacket and kiss Hyosung’s forehead.

“ne~” Hyosung wearing her blankets and lying down.




Hyosung rubs her eyes and looking around, she can’t find yongguk anywhere.

“what happened to him? Does he hate me??” She’s sit down on the living room and wait for him.

It’s already 12pm now but Yongguk still not back. Hyosung thinks a while and she package her clothes. “We’ll go from this home..” she rubs her tummy and leaving.

She’s wandering around, doesn’t know where she should go to.




Yongguk open his apartement but he find it empty, he’s looking for Hyosung but he cant find her.

“Oh, God! That girl! Where is she?” Yongguk shout in frustration and he find a memo on the dinning table.


“Yongguk-ah~ mianhaeyo for troubling u so much..

I won’t ever troubling u again..don’t worry I’ll take care of my baby, I’ll raise this baby by my self.

Take care of yourself, I love u.




“Damn, why u’re so stubborn!” he’s running out from his appartement and try to dialing Hyosung’s number but it’s inactive. “arghh~!!” he shout in frustration.

Yongguk keep wandering around till he stopped at the park, he see someone sit down with her suitcase beside her.

Yongguk approaching her silently and stand behind her.

“We’ll live together well. Eomma will raise u by myself..” she saying with rubbing her tummy.

“Can I join u to live together?” Yongguk sit beside her.

“Ah, why u can find me??”

“Fate.” Yongguk smirked. “Follow me, I have something for u.” Yongguk pull her hand.

“where we’ll go?”

“just follow me.” Yongguk covering her eyes and take her from that park.




“Open ur eyes now.” Yongguk said to Hyosung.

“w..woahh..” Hyosung can’t believe what she saw now. Yongguk take her at a park, that really beautiful, full with flowers and lamp. And candles that can be read as ‘would u marry me?’

“sorry, I didn’t back last night to prepare all of this. And..” yongguk is kneeling down. “would you be my wife?” Yongguk take the ring box from his pocket.

“of course..of course I will..” Hyosung nodded and crying. Yongguk put the ring on her fingers and stand up.

“why u always crying? Stupid.” He flicks Hyosung’s forehead.

“ack!” Hyosung rubs her forehead.

“let me tell u something, Hyo..” Yongguk sit down beside Hyosung. “u must be curious right why im so nice to u?” Hyosung nodded.

“well, at the day we met..i was thinking about leaving this world, because there was so many problems too..but when I saw u there, my feeling keep tell me to protect u.”

“aish, so cheesy~” Hyosung giggles.

“I’m serious.” Yongguk glare at him.

“maybe this is what called by fate.” Hyosung grins.

“Promise to not do stupid things again?” Yongguk facing Hyosung and she just nodded.

“Don’t ever do anything stupid because u’re my wife to be.” Yongguk pecks her lips.

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thx for the comments that u leave here ^-^
for sequel, i'll think about it kekeke i accept any idea if u want me to add on my story ^-^
Chapter 4: Pssh. How could himchan did that to her -.- Ugh. And sunhwa~~ aaa, she blames her huaaa T^T
Ahh. But as usual, your banghyo fics are all sweet *-* Yongguk really take cares of hyosung so well. They'd be perfect as a family. A sequel seems good~ :D
Chapter 4: I'm super like it..hihi
yongguk so nice and he's a guardian angel for hyosung..
read it while listening to secret new song ONLY YOU..huhu =)
Chapter 2: Poor hyosung :( yongguk, do something so that she won't remember about himchan anymore~
Update soon :)
9pmluv #5
Chapter 2: Banghyo stories.. I don't know why i like gummy leader pairing..but still Kisung and Daehyo no 1. in my heart..update soon..
Chapter 1: Why do Hyochan stories barely have a happy ending? It usually ends with himchan dies or married to another girl and he barely lives a happy life with hyo in the end? Oh god *sigh* Kinda feel something weird with sunhwa's appearance as himchan's arranged wife her as well --;
But it's okay hehe. At least someone saved hyosung and he better be the one who'll substitute himchan's place. Hoping he would be either daehyun or yongguk, or the other male idols ><
Update soon (:
the title captures me hopefully the story would do the same.. im not really familiar with the characters but that's not really my point in reading stories, it's the story alone that really matters..

update author-nim, can't wait how this story would go^^