Chapter 2



A waitress served a cup of hot tea and a cup of black coffee infront of me.

“I’m Bang Yongguk, who’s ur name?” He take the black coffee and sip it.

“I’m Jun Hyosung..” I sip my hot tea too without looking at him.

“What’s wrong with u? why u wanna jump away? Miss, u still have a long life, don’t u have an aim to reach?”

“u don’t know anything about me. I don’t wanna have the long life, that’s why I wanna die.” I stand up and gonna leave but he hold my hand tightly.

“sit down first untill u calm down.” He drag me to my seat.

“my boyfriend is marrying another woman..” I stare at the outside.

“Just because of that?? Hey, there’s still a lot of men.”

“I’ve said u donno about me! I’m alone here, I don’t have anyone, I just have him..all my family has passed away..” I hate crying infront of a guy, but I can’t hold my tears anymore.

“I’m sorry..” He took a sip again and put the cup. “let me accompany u back to ur home..”

“I don’t wanna back to home..there’s a lot of my memories with him..” I tilt my head.

“then where do u wanna live at? In a road? Don’t be crazy.” I just shake my head. “Wanna follow me back to my apartement?” I just stare at him.

“Don’t mistaken me, I won’t do anything to u, okay? It’s just too dangerous to leave u alone, u might do the same thing again.”

“why u care a lot to a girl that u just met?”

“I don’t feeling tell me to accompany u till u’re not stress anymore. Let’s go.” He hold my hand again.




“u don’t wanna back to ur home to take some of ur clothes?” he offered me.

“I’ve told u, I don’t wanna enter that home.”

“u can wait infront of the door and I’ll packing it for u, how?”

“I shouldn’t trust a guy that I just meet, but…well..”

So here we are, I’m standing infront of my home while yongguk packing my clothes.

“don’t ing over my undies!” I’m shouting.

“yak! Don’t make me look like a ert, I won’t” He shouting back. After few minutes later he’s out with my suitcase. “let’s go.” I’m following him.




“Welcome to my apartement, luckily I have two rooms. U can sleep on my room, I’ll sleep on another room.” We’re entering his apartement, I’m staring around. This apartement is really doesn’t seems like a man’s apartement. It’s really clean and so tidy, but I can smell the male scent from each corners.

“Hyosung-ah! U can sleep here.” He put my suitcase in a room. A small room with broken white wallpaper, lot of dolls on the bed, a cupboard and a mirror. Simple room.

“Why u have a lot of dolls?” I take a tiger doll and laugh.

“Got from my friends, but my fav one is the one that u hold right now.” He smile at me. “U’re pretty when u’re smile.”

“ah not really.” I put the straight face again.

“I know u’re tired. Just take a rest, I’ll leave u alone.” He pats my head and leave me alone.

I ‘m laying down on the bed but suddenly my tears flowing again while I’m alone. “why..himchan-ah? Why u leave me like this..”

My mind suddenly think about the first time I meet him, how he asked me to be his girl, when he accompany me on my hard time when I should lost my mom and my sister…how could fate separated us like could fate playing with us like this…

I take my phone and see my phone wallpaper, my selca with himchan. I go to the gallery and delete all my selca with him. I read all of his messages for me. “Arrrggghhhh!! I hate u, himchan-ah, I hate u!!” I threw my phone away and start to cry again.

“Are u alright?” Yongguk entering the room and shake my shoulder.

“aaarrghh!! Hnggg~ go away, I wanna be alone. Go away..” i push him away but he hug me so tight.

“I won’t go before u get calm down. U just need a shoulder to lean, here’s my shoulder. U can cry as loud as u can.” I just can crying hardly and hitting his chest.




I smell a delicious scent, seems like someone is cooking now. I rubs my eyes and I found my self under the blankets. “ah, I fell asleep..” I open the door and walking to the kitchen.

“U’ve woke up? Anyway I don’t know what do u like so I just cook the egg scramble.” He grins.

“Mhmm~ thanks so much. Do u need my help?”

“No, u can sit down on dining table and wait for the special egg scramble from me *chuckles*”

“Haha~ ne..i’ll prepare the table.” I took the plates, spoons, glasses and put it on the table.

“ta-dah! Here is our dinner menu today. Let me serving u.” He put the rice and egg scramble on my plate then he take for himself.

“Really thankyou.”

“eat a lot, u should gaining ur strength to continue ur life. There’s still a lot of amazing things in this world.” He smile at me.

“ne..i’ll eat a lot, I promise..” I took a spoonful and eat it then I eat like I didn’t eat for a week.

“Ya! don’t cry while u eat and eat it slowly, u’ll get choke.” He give me a glass of water. I just can nodding and we’re eating in silence.

“Are u working? Where’s ur working place?” he start the conversation while we wash the dishes.

“I’ve quit from my working place, I’ll looking for new job tomorrow. Don’t worry I’ll pay the rent.”

“I didn’t mean that. I just asked..wanna working together with me?”

“Eo? Ur working place got jobs? Sureee”

“okay u should follow me tomorrow.” He pats my head. “do u wanna watch TV before u sleep?”

“sounds nice, okay.”

We turn off the TV and suddenly I remember my memories with Himchan again. It feels so hurt..

“are u okay?” yongguk face me.

“I’m okay..but I don’t know why this stupid tears can’t stop..”

“let’s go to sleep.” He hold my hand and drag me to my room. He wanna leave me but I hold his hand.

“please stay..”

“why? U’re not afraid I might do something to u?”

“I believe u, u won’t do such things..i just afraid when im alone I’ll think about him again..”

“I’ll accompany u till u fall asleep.” He sit down on the edge of the bed.

“Do something like sing for me maybe? Please..”

“I can’t sing. How about tell u a story?”

“sure, I’ll listen..”

He start to tell a random story and I just listened it untill I fell asleep.




Author POV


Yongguk staring at her peacefull face. “u’re prettier when u’re smile. U need to smile, I promise I’ll bring beautiful things come to ur world.”

He holding her hand and whispering “don’t feel so lonely, u’re too young to die..”




“Hyosung-ah, wake up. Let’s go to work.” Someone shake my shoulder. I rubs my eyes and see yongguk stand infront of me. “Take a bath now, I’ve prepared our breakfast.”

“Ah, I’m so sorry..” I bowing at him. “I should wake up early and cook for our breakfast, I’m so sorry..”

“it’s okay, just take a bath now. I’ll wait on dining table.”

“ne, I’ll coming soon~” I took my clothes and go to the bathroom.

I stand infront of mirror and comb my hair, I put a hairpin on my hair. “fighting!” I said to myself.

“Good morning~ woah toasted bread and chocolate milk.” I took a slice and spread the strawberry jam.

“Morning, hurry eat it and let’s go to the work.”




“how’s last night? Can sleep tight?” Yongguk asked me on the way to the work place.

“Of course, thanks for always be kind to me..”

“nevermind *chuckles*” suddenly an awkward silence come between us. “we’ve arrived, let’s go.”

We step down from the bus and entering our working place. A small Korean restaurant.

“Hyung, I bring my friend today. She wanna working, can she?”

“Can u cook well?” Yongguk’s friend asked me.

“I can’t cook but I can serving the food or be cashier.”

“Since u’re pretty, u can serving the food. Don’t forget to smile a lot, make our customer enjoy here.”

“ah ne, I will.” I smile to him. I accidently look at Yongguk and caught him smiling while stare at me.

“why? Anything’s wrong with my face?”

“ah..n-nothing, remember to smile a lot ok? I’m working at the kitchen. Fighting!” he pats my shoulder.

“fighting for u too!” I pats his back.




Yongguk POV


It has been 6 months after I met Hyosung, now she can smile a lot and never think about Himchan.

Should I let her to live by herself since she’s fine now?

I’m thinking on my rest time.

“Yongguk-ah, where’s Hyosung?” Doojoon Hyung asked me.

“I don’t know, isn’t she supposed to eat her lunch now?”

“I can’t find her anywhere, go find her.”

“really hyung?” I stand up and running, go around my working place area.

“Ah, Jun Hyosung where are u?” suddenly my eyes catch a girl figure on an aisle. “Yak! What are u doing here?”

She just tilt her head, his shoulder is shivering. I cup her face and make her look at me. “what’s wrong with u? why u’re crying again??”

“i..i..i saw himchanie..he’s with his wife and I tried to chase him but I lost him..”

It’s make me think, does the smile that hanging on her face this 6 months are fake smiles?? She still can’t forget about Himchan..


“let’s go back, doojoon hyung wait for us..” I wipe her tears. Everything that I’ve did isn’t enough to make her move on..



what yongguk will do to make hyosung move on from himchan? ㅋㅋㅋ

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thx for the comments that u leave here ^-^
for sequel, i'll think about it kekeke i accept any idea if u want me to add on my story ^-^
Chapter 4: Pssh. How could himchan did that to her -.- Ugh. And sunhwa~~ aaa, she blames her huaaa T^T
Ahh. But as usual, your banghyo fics are all sweet *-* Yongguk really take cares of hyosung so well. They'd be perfect as a family. A sequel seems good~ :D
Chapter 4: I'm super like it..hihi
yongguk so nice and he's a guardian angel for hyosung..
read it while listening to secret new song ONLY YOU..huhu =)
Chapter 2: Poor hyosung :( yongguk, do something so that she won't remember about himchan anymore~
Update soon :)
9pmluv #5
Chapter 2: Banghyo stories.. I don't know why i like gummy leader pairing..but still Kisung and Daehyo no 1. in my heart..update soon..
Chapter 1: Why do Hyochan stories barely have a happy ending? It usually ends with himchan dies or married to another girl and he barely lives a happy life with hyo in the end? Oh god *sigh* Kinda feel something weird with sunhwa's appearance as himchan's arranged wife her as well --;
But it's okay hehe. At least someone saved hyosung and he better be the one who'll substitute himchan's place. Hoping he would be either daehyun or yongguk, or the other male idols ><
Update soon (:
the title captures me hopefully the story would do the same.. im not really familiar with the characters but that's not really my point in reading stories, it's the story alone that really matters..

update author-nim, can't wait how this story would go^^