Chapter 1



“I, Kim Himchan, take you, Han Sunhwa, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

“I, Han Sunhwa, take you, Kim Himchan, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

I just can see them from my seat, I try to holding up my tears and run away from there.

I’m walking on the bridge, staring at the river for a while. Suddenly my mind flashbacking what happened few days ago.



“Hyosung-ah, is it cold?” Himchan put his jacket on my shoulders and put his hand on my shoulder while we walking.

“Thanks so much, It’s getting warm now.” I smile at him.

“Let’s make beautiful memories today.” He kissed my cheek and hold my hand.

We go to the amusement park, having lunch together, do everything what I wanna do with him. Untill the worst time in my life was coming..

“Are you happy today?” He caress my cheeks.

I’m nodding excitely “I’m so happy, can we do it another time?”

I’m waiting for his response but he didn’t say anything. “Kim Himchan?” I shook his shoulder.

He took a deep breath and took something from his pocket. He put it on my hand. I opened and read it “The Wedding of Kim Himchan and Han Sunhwa.” I just stare at him, waiting for his explanation while holding my tears.

“ father is arranged me to marry her..i’m sorry I can’t deny it, Hyo..” he sighed.

“wae…wae so sudden?” my tears were flew away, he faced me and wipe my tears. "how can u gave me such beautiful memories when u about to leave me??"

“I’m so sorry, Hyo..but u know that I love u..we should separate like this, I’m really sorry.” He hug me for a while and he leave me alone.

-flashback end-


“Aaaarrghhh!!” I’m shouting and hitting my chest. “it’s hurt, It’s so hurt..Kim Himchan, do u know it’s really hurt…” I keep hitting my chest and crying so hard. “why…why I have this life?? Why I should feel this suffer? Why?? Why??”

I stare at the river “I’ll leave this world..good bye..” I close my eyes and about to jump but suddenly someone grab my shoulders and drag me away.

“Yak! Are u crazy?? What u wanna do??” He scolding me.

“Why you save me?? I wanna die..i hate this life..why u save me?” I keep crying and hitting his chest.

“Hey, Stop!” He hold my hand. “Calm down, miss. Let’s have some tea and you can tell me what’s your problem”



who's the guy who save hyosung? ^-^ wait for the next chapter, it's coming soon~~!

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thx for the comments that u leave here ^-^
for sequel, i'll think about it kekeke i accept any idea if u want me to add on my story ^-^
Chapter 4: Pssh. How could himchan did that to her -.- Ugh. And sunhwa~~ aaa, she blames her huaaa T^T
Ahh. But as usual, your banghyo fics are all sweet *-* Yongguk really take cares of hyosung so well. They'd be perfect as a family. A sequel seems good~ :D
Chapter 4: I'm super like it..hihi
yongguk so nice and he's a guardian angel for hyosung..
read it while listening to secret new song ONLY YOU..huhu =)
Chapter 2: Poor hyosung :( yongguk, do something so that she won't remember about himchan anymore~
Update soon :)
9pmluv #5
Chapter 2: Banghyo stories.. I don't know why i like gummy leader pairing..but still Kisung and Daehyo no 1. in my heart..update soon..
Chapter 1: Why do Hyochan stories barely have a happy ending? It usually ends with himchan dies or married to another girl and he barely lives a happy life with hyo in the end? Oh god *sigh* Kinda feel something weird with sunhwa's appearance as himchan's arranged wife her as well --;
But it's okay hehe. At least someone saved hyosung and he better be the one who'll substitute himchan's place. Hoping he would be either daehyun or yongguk, or the other male idols ><
Update soon (:
the title captures me hopefully the story would do the same.. im not really familiar with the characters but that's not really my point in reading stories, it's the story alone that really matters..

update author-nim, can't wait how this story would go^^