Chapter 7.

Opposites attract.
A/N: How's everybody been? Summer holiday has just started and I'm ready to sleep! 
It had been exactly 3 weeks and 2 days since Chanyeol and Baekhyun had spoken to each to other. The incident being the cause of their awkwardness. Every time the two would meet they would just nod in acknowlegdement before walking off. 
Kyungsoo and Kai had both been worrying for the two. Is this the end of Baekyeol? Why aren't they making up? And Are Baekhyun and Chanyeol gonna break up? These types of thoughts were floating around in the younger couples heads. 
The day these thoughts came true would be the day that everything ended. 
3 days later...
Kyungsoo and Baekhyun both sat in silence. The two were currently in the cafeteria eating lunch. 
Soon enough, Kyungsoo grew tired of the silence and decided to break it, "So ya been?" He gave his famous eye smile. Kyungsoo really did worry for Baekhyun. The older was looking pale and depressed a lot recently. 
Baekhyun stared at Kyungsoo for a while before declaring he had to give a answer, "Fine. You?" He wasn't in the mood to talk to people right now. In fact Baekhyun was the complete opposite from what he was usually. The usual Baekkie would be more out-going, happy-go-lucky and a social butterfly. 
"You don't look fine to me Baekhyun." Kyungsoo's eyed him head to toe. "You've not been your usual self lately." Kyungsoo said, worry lacing his voice.
Baekhyun sighed before answering, "School's been getting to me Soo..." To say that school was stressing Baek out would be a partial lie. It was almost the start of summer holidays meaning end of year tests were coming up and teachers would be pressing students to revise. Both Chanyeol and school were the cause of his depression. 
Kyungsoo scoffed, "Byun Baekhyun. I've know you for five years now to know that you hate stress as much as I hate brussel sprouts."
Baekhyun bit his lip, "Tell me what's up." Kyungsoo said softly; eyebrows knitted together. 
Baekhyun looked out the window for a bit before starting, "Chanyeol and I broke up." 
CUE KYUNGSOO'S BIG ARSE EYES, "Bwoh?!?! What did he do?!?!?" Kyungsoo yelled slightly. His grip tightened on the fork in his hand. 
"He almost forced me into ..." Kyungsoo gasped, "I should of told him how you like to take things slowly..." 
Two weeks was a long time for Chanyeol. He missed his piece of bacon. Those juicy buns, his bow shaped lips and pretty long
How those fingers would be able to do wonders to my pee pee helper...
"AISH JINJJA!!!" Chanyeol screamed out of fustration. He slammed his locked hard and ruffled his chocolate brown hair. 
Chanyeol turned around to be greeted by large s, a short skirt and heels. 
To say he didn't like what he saw would be a lie, "Um...hi?" He waved awkwardly, "Do I know you...?" Chanyeol was the type of person that forgot things easily. Name's and faces weren't his game. 
The slu- girl pouted slightly (scuse me while I throw up my guts), "Oppa don't you remember me?" The girl pointed to her face. Apparently this is the girl that Chanyeol ed on News years. About a month later she was reported to have been pregnant with Chanyeol's kid. He forced her to abort it while they still could. This whor- person agreed and was even eager to abort the poor baby herself. 
She didn't want stretch marks. 
Leeteuk is mother effing judging you...hard bish. 
Chanyeol smiled and slung his arm over her shoulder, "Of course I remember you- " He looked over at her, "Jasmine." She said; giving him a warm smile. 
"Of course I remember you: Jasmine." His shoulders shook as he laughed. 
Chanyeol started making his way out the school bulding. "So Jasmine. How bout we head over to my place to get to know each other a bit more." He asked...well more like suggested. 
I don't blame Chanyeol, he's ually fustrated. The longest I've seen him go without to someone is about...a month? At that moment it wasn't him was his . 
The two made their way to Chanyeol's house. 
As soon a they stepped inside the house, Chanyeol kissed her roughly on the lips, "You gotta help me out here." He said as her pinned her against the wall in the living room. He then proceeded to leave hickeys on her pale, sheet white neck. 
"Of course." She moaned out. 
Baekhyun had told Kyungsoo when, where and how things had happened. Kyungsoo listened nodding his head and responding when needed. 
Kyungsoo thought for a minute before speaking up, "Baekkie...I think what you did was the right thing, but I also think this is wrong. You can't ignore someone for this long, no matter what they've done to you or others around you." He placed his hand over Baekhyun's and gave it a comforting squeeze. 
Baekhyun sighed, "What do you suppose I do then?" Baekhyun asked. He'd never experianced something like this. He wanted to talk to Chanyeol, but everytime he tried the memories of Chanyeol doing that came up and things would become awkward. 
Kyungsoo smiled, "I should head over to Chanyeol's place today and try and sort everything out. It's better to talk than ignore each other. If you two don't get back together then so be it, but at least you know you tried." Kyungsoo didn't like this at all. The two had been ignoring each other for far to long. 
Baekhyun sighed for nth time that day and nodded his head. In a way, he wanted to do this for Kyunggie and not himself. He was going to do this for Kyunggie and not himself.
That day after school he slowly made his way to Chanyeol's house. He had visited the latters house many times before, but only when Chanyeol had asked him to visit. Everytime Baekhyun asked, Chanyeol would always be busy. 
After what seemed like a eternity he had reached the house. He sighed before ringing the door bell. About three minutes passed and no one answered. He was about to walk away when the door suddenly opened.
Standing at the door was girl with, what seemed like, Chanyeol's shirt on. As Baekhyun examined her more he noticed her lips were swollen, she had red marks on her neck and her hair was practically a birds nest.
Looks she just had...NO BYUN BAEKHYUN. 
Baekhyun cleared his throat before starting. " name's Baekhyun." He waved awkwardly, "I was just wondering if Chanyeol is home?" He asked in hopes that Mr Park was at home (for once) and having a affair with this girl. 
The girls eye's turned into slits, "And how are you related to him?" She asked, her voice sounding bitter. 
Baekhyun scoffed, "Well I just happen to be his..." He trailed off before realising that he can't say boyfriend.
"Yes?" The girl asked, arms crossed over her chest.
"I'm his friend." He mumbled looking down at the floor.
He sighed and made eye contact with the stranger, "Look. Could you just let me in? I have to talk to Chanyeol. It's something important." He begged slightly. 
The girl noticed the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice, "Well..." She paused. "I suppose so." She gestured him to come in. 
Baekhyun stepped inside and thanked her.  
Gosh I feel like a Vampire. Only allowed to enter a house when invited.
As he he entered the living room he noticed someone lying on the couch with a towel over the lower half of their body. The air smelt like sweat and...dare he say.... 
"Chanyeol?" He asked eyebrows scrunched together. 
In response the body propped itself up on it's elbows to see who had called, "Yeah." 
Baekhyun dropped his back pack out of shock.
Chanyeol's eyes widened, "Baekhyun!" He said as he stood up; towel wrapped around his waist. "I'm so sorry." The giant was face palming himself mentally. He was dissapointed in himself. 
Jasmine stood there, with a smirk decorating her face, watching the couple.
Baekhyun picked up bag and slung it over his shoulder, "No need to apologise Chaneyeol. Kyungsoo asked me to come over and drop this off." He took something out of his bag. It looked like a small box. He then handed it over Chanyeol.
The latter took it with confusion written on his face, "Baekhyun..." He said. "Why aren't you mad at me?" He asked slightly scared. 
Baekhyun smiled, "Why would I be mad at you Chanyeol-ssi?" Baekhyun titled his head to the left a little. He then zipped up his backpack and slung it over his shoulder again. "You should be the one that's mad. I've obviously interrupted something here." 
Jasmine's smirk was then replaced with a wide eyes and a 'o' shaped mouth. 
He bowed slightly before continuing, "I'll be taking my leave then." He made his way to the front door. 
Chanyeol stood there, dumbfounded. 
All they heard after that was a loud slam. Signalling Baekhyun's leave. 
Thanks for reading this story and I hope you enjoyed it. Again apologies for any gramatical errors. I've read over it again and fixed most of them, but their still may be some I've failed to noticed. 
Bye bye~!
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Chapter 8: Wait what? Thats it? That was the ending? Holy what? Do u seriously think that...uh okay then :v wow never seen something end like this. How..anti climatic
I like the relashionship hate love...
Plus its baekyeol,
Gkarthik #5
Mikescollection #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^