Going Out





So, yes, my life is pretty lame. I seriously have nothing to do. I wake up and do nothing! I have no social life. I spend most of my time surfing the internet, cleaning, and learning how to cook. What about school or getting a job, you might ask. I am finished with school. I've been trying to get a job but I can't. I studied and yet I can't find a job. It's so annoying.

You might think that it's fun and awesome not working but no~! It can get pretty boring just staying at home. My mom has more of a life than me!

I try to keep myself occupied by cleaning, learning how to cook and crochet. I've crocheted 5 scarves in a week. I'm getting good. But, I still want to do something else. I feel like a grandma!

What about my friends? I don't really have friends. The friends I have are too busy working.

I was thinking of studying again but nah! I don't really like school. I seriously don't know what to do.



Lately, I've been learning how to dance Kpop songs. They make it look so easy! I fail every time. I am the definition of stiff. It's pretty fun, though, until my annoying older brother comes in and makes fun of me. Whatever!

Oh yeah! I've also been learning some Mandarin! That language is so hard! Props to those that can speak it. I've just learned the basics. I need someone to practice it with though. And, of course, nobody I know speaks it! My life is just a fail.


"you!" my mom calls.

"Yes?" I rush down the stairs.

"I need you to buy me a few things."

My eyes sparkle in excitement. "Ok!!"

"Here's the list and money."

"Can I buy myself some chocolate?"





"The total is 35,000 won." the cashier says.

"Here you go." I hand the money over to her.

After handing me the reciept she says, "Thank you. Have a nice day!" with a forced smile that every worker has to have.

"Thank you, you too."



Instead of walking home, I decide to wonder around. I take my chocolate out and walk around aimlessly. After a few minutes of walking, I notice a couple as I munch on my chocolate. Must they act that way out in public? As people say, get a room!! I walk past them and the girl gives me nasty glare and send her an even uglier one.

I reach a trash can and throw the wrapper away. I guess I can go home now. I put my headphones on and press play on my phone.

The song 'Lonely' by 2NE1 starts to play. I start to sing along not caring if people hear me. Once, you're home all day, you turn weird and you don't care what others think. Trust me!



"I'm so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely... oo~ yea-" I stop singing as I see two very fine handsome guys walking toward me. And they're smiling... at me? Me?

My breath hitches as one of them waves.

Two very good looking guys are smiling and waving at me? This isn't possible.

I look around to see if any other person was there. Nobody else is here except that one weird couple. My eyes widen as I realize that they are indeed smiling at me.

What do I do? Do I just ignore them or wave back? I don't know what to do!
















Ok, so, I finally came up with that. We'll see how the second chapter goes. Thank you for waiting! Sorry~~.




-TaquitosNOMNOM 5/15/13




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Almost done. ^^


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Chapter 7: great story!! well thanks for writting this story!! ^_^
mistygreen1234 #2
Cool!!! Zelo is my brother!!!! Yeah!!!! But I'd rather him be my boyfriend!!!!! LOL
Chapter 9: lay you're one of a kind.... i love you lay !
shermie #4
ohh so it was sehun in the end. well it's ok. a very cute ending sorry :) the best thing is Lay is single haha just kidding
Chapter 9: Oh goshhhhh. So cute xD
Chapter 9: EFFING HELL SNOWCONE WTF STOP BEING SO CUTE UGH NO THIS IS NOT OKAY. Aww Lay was kind of sweet~ "you'll find someone" "I know" well then. But yayyyy Sehun<3
Chapter 8: Sehun is going to win because yes. Sorry Lay but I find him kind of annoying in this because he's so happy and pushy and he's like some super fake person not cool
shermie #8
Chapter 8: Please Lay!!! he would be perfect :)
Chapter 7: SEHUN WOO WAY TO STEP YOUR GAME UP BABE I'M SO PROUD OF YOU. WHO'S A GOOD LITTLE SNOWCONE? Yes she's going to end up with Sehun I can feel it. please. Lay is being a little teenage now ugh grow up bby. Oh my gosh she's just like me at a party wow is that sad?