The Last One

Friends are Medicine, but they can sometimes be poison too.

Eunbyul P.O.V. (point of view)

As we were walking, Doojoon started to show me his soccer moves.

“Whoa~! You’re amazing! Doojoon JJANG~!”, I said , as I put two thumbs up.

He laughed and patted my head.

“I can also kick very hard and far.”

“Please don’t kick the ball, cause then we’ll have to cha-“

But it was too late. Doojoon had already kicked the ball further into the alley.

I sighed loudly.

He turned his head  to me and said,” I’m pretty good, aren’t I?”

“Yeah. Pretty good at making me get more exercise.”

He chuckled and ran to find the ball with me following him.

As we ran, we heard loud and fast footsteps and panting.

We both turned our heads and saw a hooded man running in my direction. I was so shocked and scared that I didn’t move.

“EUNBYUL!!”, Doojoon yelled at the top of his lungs.

Right when the hooded man was going to push me out of the way, Doojoon wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him. We stood there for a while, still shocked about what just happened.


Hyunseung P.O.V.

“Aishhh.. Where did the hooded wacko go?”

Earlier this morning, I was at the dancing studio and I started to practice dancing, but I got dehydrated so I went to the supermarket. As I was paying for my ‘Oh so refreshing’ water, a hooded man took my wallet and ran away. I didn’t even get to have a sip of that cool, refreshing, soothing, fresh, spectac- *cough* anyways, you get the point. He just ran away in a blink. I noticed that a lot of people were looking down an alley way like something strange happened. I knew that he ran there so I started to run through the alley.

As I was running, I noticed two people standing there, as if a ghost had passed by.

“Excuse me”, I said,” Have you seen- Doojoon??”

“Huh?”, Doojoon then snapped back to reality and let go of the girl. The girl seemed to come back to her senses too.

“Hey, Hyunseung. Why weren’t you home yesterday?”

“Oh.. I practiced dancing till it was like… 12? So I decided to just stay at the studio for the night…Who is this Doojoon?”, I said as I eyed her suspiciously.

“Annyeonghaseyo~! I’m Eunbyul. You’re Hyunseung, correct?”

I nodded.

“What kind of relationship do you guys have?”

“Don’t worry, Hyunseung. We’re just friends. She’s already friends with all of the other B2ST members. She’s gonna stay at our house cause she’s from America which means that she doesn’t have a place to stay at. You’re the only one that she didn’t meet yet.”, Doojoon said.


We were silent.. Then I remembered. I HAD TO CHASE THAT HOODED WOMAN/MAN/CREATURE!

“Aishh… I was chasing the hooded man because he stole my wallet… And I lost him.”, I said as I ran a hand through my hair.

“Ummm Hyunseung?”

I turned my head towards Doojoon.


“There was no point for you to chase the hooded freak.”

“What? What are you talking about? HE STOLE MY WALLET.”

“You didn’t have any money in your wallet…. That’s why you kept bothering me the day before yesterday to buy you food….”

Then I remembered…

“Oh yeah…”

Doojoon face-palmed.

Eunbyul tried to stifle her laugh.

I stood there like a fool scratching my not so intelligent head.


ㅠㅠ I’m so sorry~ I didn’t update in a long timee~~ hehe. Please share this story with your friends~ <3 I might update late again.. L But if I get at least 8 subscribers soon, then I will update VERYYYY soon ^-^ hehe I <3 you all ~

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nice story ^^
jellozelo_ #2
I haven't been able to read it yet, but I'll get to it asap! So far it's seems kind of typical, but quite interesting!

Watch your grammar a little~~