My Ultimate Saviors

Friends are Medicine, but they can sometimes be poison too.

Eunbyul P.O.V.

After a while, we decided to head back home.

When we entered the house, we noticed that all of them were sitting in the couch, staring at the floor.

"YOU KNOW WHAT?!? I'M JUST GONNA GO OUT AND FIND THOSE- Hey! They came back! And Hyunseung is with them!!!", Yoseob said. 

Yoseob and Dongwoon ran up to Hyunseung and started to jump around like crazy.

Junhyung sighed in relief and walked up to Doojoon to ask what happened.

Kikwang ran up to me and asked me if I was okay and he spun me around to see if I had any scratches.

"I'm alright Kikwang.", I said, with a reassuring smile.

He smiled back at me and nodded.

I looked at Yoseob and he was just staring at us. I turned away. Maybe if we don't talk to each other for awhile, then we will forget about the incident last night. Yeah. That'll-

"Hey Eunbyul", Yoseob said.

'Well... So much for my plan', I thought.

"Yeah?", I said as I turned around.

"Umm.. I'm really sorry for last night. I hope that you can forget about it and we can just move on."

I smiled.

"Okayy. Thanks."

".......? For what?"

"Every guy that she meets falls in love with her and she just uses them. Thanks for not falling for her."

"No problem. But do you know why I didn't fall for her?"

"Well, One- she is not even real. She's a plastic."

I smiled. What? It's true. But usually people don't notice it at first.

"And two",Yoseob continued," I have someone that I already fell for."

My world seemed to stop.

*He has someone that he already loves?*

"Wow. She must be very lucky," I said.

"Yes. She is. She is so special to me. But I saw her cry once, and I don't want it to happen again."

"Ohh.. Why did she cry?"

"Well, let's just say that she was very upset with someone." 

"Oh.. I hope she gets alright."


We stood in silence.. Very AWKWARD silencee....

We just noticed that we were the only ones talking. 

Doojoon, Hyunseung, and Dongwoon were staring at me suspiciously.

Junhyung and Kikwang were just looking away.

" *cough* I'll head to my room now....", I said.

Once I got to my room,I closed my door and slid my back down it.

"Who can Yoseob's crush be?"

And I fell asleep by the door.

Later that dayyy~ <3

I woke up in my bed. 

*How did I get here??*

I shrugged it off and washed my face.

It was 3:25.

*I guess I'll go out and get some supplies for dinner..*

As I was going down the stairs, I noticed that all of the boys were in the living room doing nothing.

I walked up to Hyunseung secretly and said "BOO." right into his ear.

He screamed and ran to Doojoon.

I laughed with all of the other B2ST members.

Hyunseung just pouted and walked back to his seat.

Once we finished laughing, I asked them what they wanted me to make for them.

"SUN DUBU~!!!!", they all yelled. (Spicy tofu soup)

I covered my ears and smiled. 

"Alright~ I'll be back by.... 5:00~!!!"

"Should I go with you?," Yoseob asked.

"No, it's alright." 

I headed out the door and smelled the fresh air. 

I went to the supermarket and looked down the list of things that I needed to buy.

"Okayy... So I need tofu, hot pepper flakes, sesame oil,-"

I continued down the list.

"Alright. Find everything before 5:00. HWAITING."

I went around the store looking for all of the ingredients.

Once I got all of them, I headed for the cashier.

But as I was going, I noticed a section that had lots of candy.

I remembered how the B2ST members told me that they once fought for a small lollipop.

I smiled. I looked for the lollipops and noticed that it was all the way at the top of the shelf.

I tried to reach for it, but I couldn't.

Then, someone reached for it and gave it to me.

"Here you go.", he said. That voice.. It's so familiar.

I turned around and noticed that it was Zelo from B.A.P.

"NOOONAAAA~ I haven't seen you for a while! I missed you!", he said as he hugged me tightly.


Zelo let go of me and giggled.

"Sorry Noona."


I smiled.. Yongguk hasn't changed either.


All of the B.A.P. walked up to me and they noticed who I was.

I looked at Daehyun and noticed that his cold expression from before turned into a more calm and bright expression.

Himchan took at step forward and hugged me even tighter than Zelo did.

I couldn't even tell him that I couldn't breathe.

"Himchan. Let go. She's practically dying."

He finally let go of me and ruffled my hair.

"Heyyy! It's been a while since I've seen you guys, thank you so much for helping me escape from my parents~"

"Haha No problem. Wanna go to a cafe for a little?"

"Ummm.," I looked at the time. It was 4:30.

"I guess I can go, but-"

"OKAYY LETS GO PAY FOR THIS RANDOM STUFF AND GOOO~~~", Jongup said, smiling like there's no tomorrow.

After I paid for everything, we headed to a cafe.

"Hey.. umm.. do you know what my parents thought about me escaping?"

"They actually threw a party. Others thought that it was a party because of business, but it was actually a party about you leaving."

"Ohh..... At least I won't get whipped and tied all the time anymore.", I said, as I tried to smile. But as I smiled, tears rolled down my face.

"Heh. I should be happy. Why are these tears coming down....", I said, as I wiped them, but they wouldn't stop flowing.

"It's alright, pour it all out.", Yongguk said, as he patted my back.

"Are you sure that I can?", I said, as I looked at him.

He nodded.

"You know", I said as my tears started to flow freely,"They didn't even give me a room to stay in? I actually had to stay outside and   pull out all of the weeds at night? And if I didn't pull all of them, then they would hit me with a belt on every body part. But the problem for me was that I had to get hit with a belt everyday because more weeds grew in the morning. You guys didn't know that because my parents made a fake room that looked like a room that I would have. The truth is, the time you guys came over, my parents were so fake with their smiles and when you guys went into my 'room', it was the first time that I ever saw it. And I had to take showers in our backyard with a hose, that's why I wasn't always in the best conditions at school. My parents only gave me one piece of clothing and a huge pile of yarn and told me that I had to hand-sew my own clothes. The reason why I always wore long sleeves and jeans was to hide all of the scars and bruises that I had. That's why everyone called me 'The girl that's obsessed with winter' because it seemed like I was always very cold. Also, after school everyday, the school's queenka tells me to follow her by pulling my hair and leading me to the back of the school. Then she gets one of her boyfriends and tells him to beat me up, and yes, they are all skilled athletes. After an hour or so, she steps all over me with her heels and walks away. Because of that, I'm always 30 more minutes late home and my parents tie my hands together and drag me everywhere. Life was almost never easy. But thankfully, you guys came to my rescue. I love you guys with all of my heart."

My tears were uncontrollable now. They kept falling. Yongguk put my head under his chin and patted my hair. 

"It's alright now. They're all the way across the world."

I kept crying.

Yoseob P.O.V. 

Aishh.. Where is she? It's 7:00 right now.....

I grabbed my jacket and started to run outside to look for her.

I got tired so I went into a cafe to get some rest, once I got inside, I noticed that Eunbyul was there. She was with 6 other guys.. And she was crying. Again... In someone else's arms. I walked up to her and all 6 of them stared at me.

"E-Eunbyul.. Are you alright?", I asked.

She looked up and hugged me. And poured more tears.

I didn't know what happened, but I knew that she needed some comfort.

I tried to get her to stop, as I rubbed her back and hugged her.


(A/N) How is it so far? :3 I hope you enjoy it~ Please subscribe this story and share it~ Comment~ <3 

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nice story ^^
jellozelo_ #2
I haven't been able to read it yet, but I'll get to it asap! So far it's seems kind of typical, but quite interesting!

Watch your grammar a little~~