
Friends are Medicine, but they can sometimes be poison too.

A/N: I am changing to 2nd person~ haha XD you know... 'you' instead of 'I'.. You know what I'm sayin? No? Fine then.. *cough* heh continue....

You cry in Junhyung's arms as he pats you on the back. He doesn't know what is going on, but when he saw you crying, he came over and tried to comfort you.

You didn't want to see Hari again. You didn't want your past to appear back in your head, but the hurtful memories and nightmares already flashed into your mind. Ropes tied around your wrists. A whip coming straight to your body. 

You start to cry harder. You hear Hari's voice in the distance.

"She's with her crush now!," she said.

You want to yell at her for saying things that weren't true, but you can't because you were too weak. Junhyung cupped your cheeks, wiped your tears away, and kissed your forehead.

He looked up and saw Yoseob with a sad and worried glint in his eye, and Hari standing next to him. He saw how Hari was trying to seduce Yoseob and make him like her.

Junhyung glared at Hari. She got startled, but tried to act cool.

Junhyung carried you all the way home and to your room. He laid you on your bed . You were already fast asleep.

Junhyung whispered," Eunbyul, I will always be there to protect you. Don't worry about anything and just trust me."

He kissed your forehead again and left the room.


You wake up to the sound of chirping birds. You had nothing to do because it was Saturday. You walk down the stairs to get a cup of water before you wash up. As you walk into the kitchen, you see the guy that didn't wear a shirt when you came over the first day. He looks up and says," Good Mor- Eunbyul! Why are your eyes so red and puffy!?"

You forgot all about last night! You try to forget what happened the previous night and give him a big, fake smile.

"I guess I was really tired last night. You're Doojoon, right?"

"Yeah.. But why are you up so early? It's 7:35 right now."

"I usually wake up at this time. Wait.. Then why are you up so early?"

"I usually wake up at this time too. Do you want to go out on a morning walk?"

"Sure! But I have to get ready first. You better not come into my room, you shirtless man~!"

Doojoon chuckled. 

"Don't worry. Hey, I was only shirtless yesterday. It's not gonna happen again- Unless you want it to..", Doojoon said as he raised his eyebrows up and down.

"umm.. I'm good..."

You forget all about the cup of water that you wanted earlier and run up the stairs for two reasons. One- You need to get ready. Two- You don't want Doojoon to get hurt... heh If he took off his shirt in front of you again, he would most likely have a foot or fist in his face the next second. You are an innocent child, and you want to stay an innocent child.

You change into these clothes.

Both you and Doojoon head out the door.

"Why did you bring a soccer ball?," I asked.

"I always bring a soccer ball with me so I have some type of entertainment and so that I don't look like a loner."

"You look like a loner anyways..."

He playfully glares at me.

I giggle. "I'm just kidding~," I said.

We started to walk into an alley.

"Why are we going through here? It's a little creepy..."

"This alley is way shorter than the actual trail for joggers. The actual trail takes more than 5 hours for me to go through."

For a moment, you were relieved that you were with Doojoon. 

*I would have gotten seriously lost,' you thought.

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nice story ^^
jellozelo_ #2
I haven't been able to read it yet, but I'll get to it asap! So far it's seems kind of typical, but quite interesting!

Watch your grammar a little~~