Hating Him?


[One] [Two] [Three]


Few days without an incident have passed, and surprisingly, no one has actually caught Kris and I about the lie we are weaving.  Even my best friend, Yixing who swore he knew everything about me actually did not realize I was lying.

I’m not sure whether that’s a good or a bad thing.

I have gone out with Kris to a couple of dates, getting to know one another not because we like each other and planning to be really romantically involved. All those dates, all those getting to know questions were a necessity.

A necessity to create a perfect lie.

I had never lied so much in my life, but I realized that I am actually good at it. Too bad you can’t actually list ‘lying’ as a skill in a resume. Well maybe, when you are applying as a spy?

Anyhow, Kris is taking everything seriously that he’s getting all tyrant on me. He refuses to make any mistakes and he always questions me on how we met, on how we fell in love. Kris actually created a plausible lie for those questions and really, that lamppost is cunning.

“How did we meet?” He asked again during one of our ‘dates.’ I rolled my eyes, getting annoyed and tired on the same question all over again. “The obvious.” I said, not answering properly. That earned me a scowl and an eyebrow rose. He was being snappy that day and gets angry with no reason at all.

“Can you be serious?” he said patiently, though the tightening of his jaw is obvious. “Kris, I am not a moron. I have memorized the answers to every question because you would not leave me alone about it!”

“You want this to work or not?” he demanded in an angry tone. “What do you think?” I returned, getting riled up myself. What is wrong with him?

“Well if you do, why don’t you just cooperate with me and take everything seriously?!” His voice is getting louder and he was obviously trying to control his voice to no avail. “What is wrong with you?! Of course I do! Why do you think I waste my time sitting here, making all those effort and waste my brain cells just to keep all the lies we are weaving straight inside my head?” I hiss, my hold on my cup of coffee tightening.

“Well your actions are different to your words.”

I glared at him for a while, silence falling between us. My actions are different to my words? Then what am I actually doing here for that matter? He’s being all pissy on whatever that has happened to him and he’s taking it out all on me.

I refused to be the outlet of his anger.

“Well if that’s what you think, then there’s no point in doing this, am I right?” I put my cup on the table with a force then walked away from him.



I sat crossed-leg on Yixing’s house, venting out all my frustrations on his game controller. If only I could kick and hurt Kris like I do in Street Fighter, I would be really, really happy and my frustrations will be diminished.

As I murder the character on TV, Yixing is looking at me, amused. Though I could see in his eyes that he has questions but wisely kept quiet. Of all people, he knows how I get when I am having a temper. “What?” I grunted as I gave the final blow to my opponent.

“Had a fight with boyfie?” my eyes narrowed on the screen and looked at him. “Boyfie? Who uses that word?” I asked, avoiding his question. Kris has tried calling me after I walked out on him but I didn’t bother answering him. Really, who is he to question me?

If he is mad about something, he should not ever, ever vent it out on me.

Yixing just shrugged and waited patiently for me to answer his question. It took a while before I answered him, making sure that most of my frustrations were channelled on the game. I dropped the controller and sat comfortably on the couch and looked at my best friend.

“Just a bit of misunderstanding.” I sighed, getting tired all of a sudden. Yixing mistook my sigh as sadness; he sat on the couch right next to me, his arm draping on my shoulders. He gave me a squeeze and told me that everything is going to be okay. That all couples have misunderstanding.

Yeah right. The thing is Kris and I are not a couple at all.


The room was silent and everyone was concentrating on answering the piece of paper in which questions can make or break our grades. I had readied and studied, but still, it wasn’t enough to prepare me from the questions.

Damn those professors whom what they teach are different on what they put on test papers. I was concentrating so hard on my paper that I did not notice the sudden buzzing of noise that filled the silent room.

“…a Cea Shim here?”

I felt something step on my foot. I glared at Ara, the obvious culprit. What? I hissed. She rolled her eyes at me and swung her gaze on the door. I followed her gaze and saw a delivery boy, holding the biggest and fluffiest teddy bear I have ever seen and a bouquet of flowers.

I looked at the man then back at my paper, concentrating again on finishing the exam. “Cea Shim.” I heard my professor call my name and my I immediately looked at him. “You care to accommodate the man who has an obvious delivery for you?”

The professor said in a deceiving calm tone, but I knew better. I got him mad. I looked back at the man and stood up, unsure. “Cea Shim?” the delivery man asked and I nodded, and walked slowly towards him. He smiled as I neared him and told me to sign the paper.

“You are one lucky girl.” He said and handed me the bear and the flowers carefully. Flustered, I muttered a thank you and watched as the man walked away; nervous about the glare I would be receiving from my professor.

I dare not glance at him and headed straight for my seat. Ara seems to love throwing me under the bus as she snatched the card from the bouquet and read it aloud.

“I’m really, really sorry about the other day. Please talk to me. I love you. Kris.” Ara was smiling from ear to ear while giving me a teasing look. The room erupted to howls and hoots and my professor was mad.

“Meet me at my office after this class, Ms. Shim.”

I am starting to seriously hate Kris Wu.


Being an assistant to a college professor is my punishment to the ‘show of arrogance’ I have exhibited on the classroom, according to the grumpiest professor, ever. Arrogance? How the hell would I even know that Kris would pull a stunt like that?

Spirits low, I entered the classroom and headed for my seat, but not before Ara pounced on me, squealing. “Oh my god! You’re boyfriend and is very sweet and thoughtful! That is so worth any punishment.” Ara squealed, hugging me and continuing her speech about Kris being a sweet guy and all of that.

Yixing shook his head in amusement but said nothing. I shook my head and headed continued my way to my seat when Ella, our class president intercepted me. She was glaring at me with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

Ara fell silent and waited. Everyone knows that Ella is a nasty, mean, spoiled girl and she throws a tantrum that would rival a three-year-old. “You always want the attention on you huh? You even went as far as making a delivery in a classroom.” Ella sneered. “Are you describing yourself?”

Ella’s eyes turned into slits; Ara choke laughter while some of our classmates chose to abandon whatever they were doing and waited for Ella’s answer. “I am not an attention seeker!”

“If you say so.”

“You are such a show-off! Teddy bear and bouquet? How original!”

I smirked at her, trying to stop the laughter trying to get out. “You having a snit for not thinking about it first?”

She laughed, and addressed the room at large. “You did plan it?”

“No. Unlike you, I do have a boyfriend who’d bother in doing such things. While you have to arranged everything yourself and pretend that you have a boyfriend who makes ridiculous gestures.” Ella’s eyes widened, totally unprepared about her lies being exposed out in the open.

“Yes, I heard you making a call, arranging stuff, such as that expensive chocolate to be delivered in the cafeteria for the whole school to see. Telling everyone who would listen that it was from your sweet boyfriend.

Or should I say your non-existent boyfriend?

Her friends looked at her, waiting for confirmation. Well she didn’t have to say anything because the reddening of her cheeks and her stuttering was a giveaway. Her friends looked at her with disgust and took a step farther away from her.

She sent one hateful glance to my way and run out of the room.

Great. I made an enemy.

Now, I really hate Kris Wu.


With my classes done for the day, I walked my way to the gates of the school, intending to take a taxi because of the ridiculously big and fluffy teddy bear and bouquet I was holding. I was still mad about the whole thing, but the cutest teddy bear should not be blamed. But I can’t say the same with the flowers.

I don’t like flowers.

Anyway, it was obvious that I don’t need to hail a taxi because Kris Wu is waiting for me, leaning on his sleek, black and expensive Mercedes. Kris started walking towards me, smiling. He looked at the bear, at the flowers and then to me, obviously pleased with himself.

Though the smile was gone as he neared and saw me glaring at him.

“What?” he asked surprised. Shouldn’t the girl be happy and thanking him? After all, he brought her a bear and a bouquet of flowers. “Thanks to you, I was punished. Thanks to you, I made an enemy. ” Cea gritted.

Kris’ brows met, and he was really, really confused as to why Cea was punished and even made an enemy. “Why?” he was actually worried that he did something wrong that it was hard to get mad at him anymore.

Cea sighed and handed Kris the bouquet and hugging the bear. “Will you take me home?” she asked with a smile and with that, Kris seemed to feel relieved.


“I’m really sorry.” Kris said silently after I have finished retelling the whole thing that happened earlier. He looked really sorry and a bit embarrassed. He did not expect the consequences of his actions. “I will be more careful.”

“It’s okay, really. The bear compensates whatever has happened. And besides, I could use the assisting as an experience. On the other hand, the thing with Ella…anyway, thanks for the bear.”

“Only the bear? What about the flowers?”

“Sorry, I’m not big on those. Not a fan of them.”

Kris has a look of concentration on his face and he kept on glancing at me. “What?”

He cleared his throat. “I have something to say.”

I looked at him, trying to gauge his mood. He was looking sombre and he looked apologetic. “I was such an the last time we talked. I’m really, really sorry about that. Something happened and well…it wasn’t good.”

“Do I get to know the reason? You vented your frustrations at me after all.”

Kris sighed and looked at me as he stopped on a red light. “Luhan and Sarah…they are doing better than expected. I’ve been trying to reason at her, but she won’t listen. She see Luhan as an angel and that he could do no wrong when he actually does.”

“Are you sure we’re executing the right plan? Us pretending to be an item won’t make Sarah’s feelings for Luhan to go away.”

“I know. But you see when Luhan sees and learns about us, he’s not going to just sit around and watch us. He’s going to do something about it and it will be known to Sarah that he does not love her.” There was pain in his voice as he mentioned Sarah. It looks like either way, Sarah and Kris will be the one who’s going to get hurt.

“Luhan…he’s a selfish jerk, isn’t he?”



Kris helped me out of the car and told me to put the flowers on a vase in which I scrunched my nose at. I’ll have to bring it to Mommy Zhang’s house to keep it from wilting. Our discussion put him in mellow mood and I felt sad for him.

I actually felt sad seeing him looking like that. Unconsciously, I sat the bear on the hood of his car and cupped his face on my hands. “It’s going to be okay. When everything became too hurtful for Sarah, you are going to be there. Then she’ll realize that you are far better than Luhan.” I smiled gently at him and his eyes lit up a bit.

“Thank you.” He whispered. We just stared at each other, me not letting go of his face. I was actually, slowly leaning on my tip toes to press a kiss on his lips when a honk surprised me and made me jump. Lights blinded me and as I adjusted to the brightness, I learned that it was from a familiar car.

Luhan’s car.

And then a murderous looking Luhan got out of the car.

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Sugardreamx #1
Chapter 5: tsk tsk all boys are same. used a girl to forget another girl... why oh why~
but i love this story :3 updae soon~
makeupyourmind #2
Chapter 5: im enjoying reading this :) keep it up!

(Yixing is an idiot!! i want him to tell her already lol)
rokkuko #3
Chapter 5: OMG this is too beautiful;A;!
Please update soon~
Chapter 4: Luhan doesn't have the right to be mad. =/=
givinkrishead #5
First of all i wanna know who the main lead is, miru u know that i only read story which kris is the lead ok?
rokkuko #6
Chapter 4: omg I really love it^^. I wonder what Luhan is going to do in the next chapter...I'M SO CURIOUS YEAH!
Please update soon<3 ~~
I wonder if Kris really, really likes her though or if he really just needed her for the plan. He might have really fallen for her back then. LOL