Always The Best Friend


“What did he want?” Yixing inquired as he comfortably sat in the middle of my bed, not really paying attention to the fact that he is inside a girl’s room, my room in where I am about to change from jeans and shirt to comfortable pair of short shorts and an oversized tee.

“I need to change, get out first.” I reprimanded as I tried pulling him off my bed. “Hey! You’ve got a bathroom in your room, change in there.” He smiled and planted himself on my bed. I sighed and shook my head, thinking that Yixing never really saw me as a girl. I’m just Cea, the best friend whom he had sleepovers with for the past ten years, the best friend whom he exchanges shirts and bags with.

I guess I’m always going to be a best friend. Not a girl.


I dragged my feet to the bathroom together with my clothes and closed the door without bothering to lock it. Why bother? Yixing never see me as a girl so for sure, he’s nowhere near interested in seeing me . Though he did see me in my yellow cotton when we were six. But that’s about it.

Anyway, me being inside the bathroom did not stop Yixing in inquiring me about Kris and our little meeting earlier this afternoon as I could hear him asking questions. I took my time changing while sorting the answer inside my head; well Kris is my boyfriend now, so saying it is easy. The problem is how I should explain it in a way that won’t make Yixing doubt; we grew up together and he can tell if I’m lying or hiding something.

Though I can’t really understand why he didn’t realize that I’m in love with him. Sometimes he is just so dense when it comes to me.

I crawled on my bed and sat facing him. He patiently waited for me to speak as he looked at me, his dimples showing even though he isn’t smiling. I unconsciously lifted a finger and poked his dimple, feeling his soft skin against the pad of my finger. I looked into his eyes and answered, “I got myself a boyfriend.” I said quietly, waiting for his reaction, trying to see if hurt or something will show in his eyes.

Something that would tell me that he’s feeling the same way too.

His eyes rounded in surprised and he sat there like a picture; unmoving, just staring into my eyes, but I know he’s thinking on how the heck I managed to get a boyfriend.

After like an eternity, he snapped out of his dazed and blinked at me. “Is that boyfriend the guy earlier? Kris, isn’t he?” I nodded and waited for his reaction again.

Then he smiled. Yixing smiled widely at me, showing how happy he is about me having a boyfriend.


Yixing placed both his hands at the top of my shoulder and levelled his eyes to mine. “I am really, really bemused right now, because you just told me you have a boyfriend, but let me say I’m very happy for you. Now tell me, how on earth did you get a boyfriend? And with a guy you only knew two days ago.”

Happy. He’s happy for me. Guess he didn’t feel the same way, huh.

I looked away and swallowed the lump in my throat. “Love at first sight.” I answered quietly, wondering how long the interrogation with Yixing will last. Surprisingly, he said nothing and when I looked at him, he had this gentle smile on his face, understanding in his eyes.

“I see…but why so fast getting into a relationship? Don’t you guys want to know each other more?” A tiny streak of hope hit me, seeing Yixing’s worried face. But then it’s gone instantly when he continued talking. “I’m just worried, I know you love him, but I’m just worried that you’re going to be hurt by moving too fast.”

“Well you have seen Kris, right? Not bragging about my boyfriend or anything, but he’s so good-looking and yummy that girls can’t help but throw themselves at him. He says he wants us to be like people thrown into an arranged marriage: we’ll get to know each other better now that we’re in a relationship. The difference though, is that we actually love each other.” I explained and tried to smile because the worry in Yixing’s face eased when I smiled. “Okay. This is what you guys want, so go with it. I’m always here, Ara too.” With the mention of his girlfriend’s name, he light up like a Christmas tree, colourful and full of life.

Again, ouch.

“I want to meet him, okay? I need to tell him some things to make sure that you will be safe and unhurt.” He put a hand in my head and ruffled my hair, smiling. I so want to wipe that smile away, but I can’t because that’s one of the few things I love in the world.

“I love you Xing.” I blurted. My eyes widened in surprised as I realize what I have just said. Yixing looked surprised too, but something flashes in his eyes, but it was gone before I could comprehend it. I hope he believes in what I have said. I won’t take it back. My heart was beating so fast that I thought it would jump out off my chest as I waited for him to speak. He smiled and I felt my heart skip a beat.

Does he love me too? As a girl, not as a best friend?!

Yixing cupped my cheeks with his hand and leaned his forehead against mine. I loved his warm hands against my chubby cheeks and his touch sent wonderful feelings into my veins and to my heart. Oh my god.

“I love you too.” He said back and I started smiling widely. “I love you because you like a sister and I won’t let anything happen to you.” I am so sure that I heard my heart break but I forced the smile that came out earlier to remain in my face which for sure made me look like I’m suffering in constipation.

I feel like I’m going to be sick the longer I look at him while his words are planting, tattooing inside my head. I’m really just a sister for him.

I removed his hands from my face which immediately felt cold. “I’m tired Xing, see you tomorrow.” I said dismissively, trying to hold back the tears. “Okay, sleep tight.” He said and planted a kiss on the top of my head, jumped out of the bed and walked out of my room.

I looked at the spot on my bed where he sat and slowly, I see nothing anymore because I’m crying too hard because Yixing doesn’t love me like the way I do to him.

But good thing I have a boyfriend, right?


“Hi mommy.” I greeted as Mommy Zhang let me inside the house. “Good morning Cea. I heard you’ve gotten yourself a boyfriend?!” she squealed and hugged as she bounced on the floor. I smiled at her excitement and nodded. “I guess so.”

“Is he hot?” she asked as she held my hand leading me inside the dining room. “Totally.” I answered in a proud voice and grinned at her. “I’m so happy for you! Invite him over dinner some time! I’m sure your dad would love to meet him too.”

“Roger.” I answered and saluted.

Since my mom is often not at home because of business trips, she entrusted me completely to Yixing’s parents and asked them the favor of looking after me while she’s not around since I was eight. They welcomed me with very wide arms because they have always wanted a daughter and ever since my mom isn’t around, I go eat, sleep and even bath in their house.

But I do the bathing in my own house now.

Anyway, my real mom’s great too even though she’s not often around. I don’t resent her or anything because whenever I need her the most, she’s always by my side. And besides, I don’t lack of anything, even the scolding because Yixing’s parents disciplines me the way they discipline their son, though a bit lenient because I’m the beautiful daughter.

“You guys are really growing up.” Mommy said and sighed wistfully as she watched me eat the pancakes on my plate. “First Yixing getting a girlfriend, then there’s you. I’m really happy that you found a guy after Luhan.” I chewed my pancake and asked her if she isn’t mad about us having girlfriends and boyfriends. “No, of course not. That’s part of growing up, and I wouldn’t keep you from falling in love, breaking your heart though it will break mine too. And so does your mom, I’m sure.” She reached for my hand and squeezed it and smiled lovingly at me.

“I’ll be careful.” I said and she nods. “We’ll be here when the guy you’re dating isn’t careful and hurts you.”

Yixing came into the dining room and took a seat next to me. Filling his plate with pancake and coating it with Nutella. “Would you mind if we go to Ara’s first? She wants to go to school together with us.” I just gave him a smile and focused on my plate.

Great, now I have to endure the whole ride of them being all over each other. I felt someone’s eyes on me and when I looked up, I saw Yixing’s mom smiling sadly at me and then mouthed ‘Sorry.’

My brows pulled up together as I tried to understand why she’s apologizing. And then it hit me.

She knows that I’m in love with Yixing.

 It was obvious after all. It’s just Yixing is too blind and dense to notice.


“Why don’t I just go ahead and leave you and your girlfriend to privacy?” I suggested as we walked down the stairs of the apartment complex we’re living in. “I mean, you’ve got your girlfriend with you and I don’t really wanna see you guys snogging.”

“Are you sure?” Yixing asked and looked at me with doubt. “Yes. And why are you looking at me like that?”

“Well, I thought…you don’t like the idea of us three going to school. We’ve always done it with only the two of us and now I’ve got a girlfriend…” I forced out a laugh and punched him lightly on the arm. “Err dude, no. I’ve got my own boyfriend and I don’t want you guys eavesdropping as I talk to him on the phone on the way to school.”

He relaxes and smiled, producing those cute dimples which I automatically poked. “Okay then. See you at school.” Yixing waved and headed to the direction of Ara’s house while I took the usual path to school. I took my iTouch and untangled my earphones as I walked. I was busy with my headphones when I heard a continuous honk from behind.

My eyes landed on a black Audi that stopped by the sidewalk where I was standing; I leaned down and looked inside, wondering if the driver’s lost and is going to ask for directions. The window automatically rolled down and I found myself staring back at Kris’ piercing eyes.

“Hi baby.” He greeted with a huge smile on his face, like he was really pleased to see me that morning. I wanted to berate him about the moniker he had used because it is super cheesy and cringe worthy, but I momentarily forgot how to speak because Kris is just too gorgeous for me.

He really is a fine piece of a guy.

“I pretend I didn’t hear that word. What are you doing here?” I asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt and went out of the car gracefully like he was shooting a CF. He rounded the car and stood near me, though he didn’t stepped up onto the sidewalk which I’m thankful of—he’s a giant.

“I’ll drive you to school.” He said in a matter-of-fact way. “Huh?” I asked dumbfounded. “Why?” Kris glared at me then rolled his eyes which made me feel dumb. I glared at him back. “I’m not going to let you go to school in bus or train. I don’t want anyone to you or whatever. Besides, I’m your boyfriend, remember?” he stressed and continued to glare. He reached for the passenger side’s door and opened it, motioning me to get in with his hand. I was about to protest but his glare silenced me; his glare was like telling me to shut up and just get in because the matter is not up for discussion.

I got in and before he shut the door, he leaned inside and buckled my seat for me. His cheek was only inches away and I could smell his perfume which made me close my eyes because it smells so good on him. I closed my eyes and drowned myself on his scent. Before I could breathe another of his scent, he closed my door and rounded the car to the driver’s side.

I was silent the whole ride because I was afraid that I might say something stupid and embarrassing like how good his perfume smells. I shouldn’t be saying those kinds of things out loud because it would look like I’m flirting. “Have you had your breakfast yet?” Kris asked as he lowered the volume of the car’s stereo and took a glimpse at me.

“I did.” I answered and smiled. “You?” I added politely. “I was hoping to grab one with you.” I looked at him and saw that he was kind of sad. “Oh. You should have called me or something…” The conversation end there and I’m so grateful for the music because if it was completely silent, it would be 100 times more awkward. At least I’ve got music to make my fingers tap.

“If I called, you would have agreed to have breakfast with me?” I heard doubt in his voice. “Um…of course. As long as you’re the one paying.” He smiled at me, his eyes rounding. Kris looked excited like a child. I am getting curious about him—sometimes he looks so scary, but moments like these, he seems like a child.

A very cute child.

“Of course I would. I never let women get the bill.”

I scrunched up my nose. “That’s a bit ist, don’t you think? We women can pay our bills.”

“Maybe we’ll split, but I won’t let you take the tab.” He gave me a wink and then focused his attention on the road, humming the tune of the music currently playing. “You have anything up after your last class?”

I shook my head no. He smiled then said, “Let’s go on a date.”

Maybe being his girlfriend isn’t going to be so bad at all.

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Sugardreamx #1
Chapter 5: tsk tsk all boys are same. used a girl to forget another girl... why oh why~
but i love this story :3 updae soon~
makeupyourmind #2
Chapter 5: im enjoying reading this :) keep it up!

(Yixing is an idiot!! i want him to tell her already lol)
rokkuko #3
Chapter 5: OMG this is too beautiful;A;!
Please update soon~
Chapter 4: Luhan doesn't have the right to be mad. =/=
givinkrishead #5
First of all i wanna know who the main lead is, miru u know that i only read story which kris is the lead ok?
rokkuko #6
Chapter 4: omg I really love it^^. I wonder what Luhan is going to do in the next chapter...I'M SO CURIOUS YEAH!
Please update soon<3 ~~
I wonder if Kris really, really likes her though or if he really just needed her for the plan. He might have really fallen for her back then. LOL