Part 2

start a new life



here i am at airport. i'll go to korea this morning, i'll meet my new brother and having a new life there. i want to forget all  what i've been trough last year, 



-1 year before- 


oh my god i already in high school, i really want to have a lot's of friends like what i saw in TV. i never been have a friends before coz i don't go to school like a regular kids who go to school, having fun with their friends, and go playing, have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and have a date. my family never want me to go hang out like other kids, she's really over protective. nether my dad, he always told me that outside life it's different from what you watch at TV, it's more cruel there and bla bla bla. but today i try to talk to them so i can have more friends and having fun. oh right date!! don't  forget bout that!! kekeke~

"mom, dad…" i call knock they're room

"come in my princess.." my dad told me, and i open the door. i look at them with my serious face

"mom i want to talk…" before i can talk my mom stop me

"talk about going  to a regular school? NO!!" my mom said with a tone and that means she's really serious

"but mom…"

"no buts zara!! you don't know what happened out there!! and you were still  child!" she start calling me a child again, for GOD sake i'm 16 already!! GOD!!

"zara what your mom said is true, you never been out before.. and when the last time you going outside without mr. park? you still my little princess…" daddy my hair with his right hand and smiled with his soft smile, he really mean it. i know what they meant, but i can't be in this house forever right?

"but daddy, i'm not your little princess anymore…. i'm already 16, and i want to have a friend.. not just a friend but i want to have a bestfriend.. i want to having fun, i want to have a date, i want to go shopping with my friend… in 16v years dad!! i never felt that!! i want to feel what people in my age feel.. i can't be in this house forever, i don't want die with all regret!!" oh !! aaaaa~ what should i do, i shouldn't say that!! aaaah, oh god!! look at they're face!! aaaaa

~ my mom face like wanna cry, and my dad. 

"sorry mama daddy.. i.. i didn't mean to say that.. sorry, i just want to feel what they feel dad.. that's all, i won't regret it even it's not like exactly what i imagine.." i take my mom hand, then silent come. no one talking while i just stare my mom with my week smile, then my mom take a long breath

"okay… but one think!! i'll decide where you go school at… and promise me!!"

"yes mama?" i ask her with smile in my face

"you have to make us proud.." finally there smile in her face and i hugged her tightly

"thank you mama… thank you papa…" i hugged them both and give them peck on they're cheek.


there finally monday and i can go to my new school, i have a lot of friends and we even go fun and shopping together, and many boys at my school ask having date with them. for 6 month it's really smooth nothing going on until my mom said to stop hanging with my friends, she don't like my friends coz they always come to my house every week and play until midnight. they don't even have give me any present  at my birthday party, and they don't even ask me to sit with them when i don't bring my money they just like being fried with me coz my parent money. i have a huge fight with my mom so i was running away from my house and i go to my friends house. they're no one of my friends letting me sleep at they're house, until i found one of my friend and she wants me to pay them so i can life with them and i did. after about 5 days i already run my money and i don't have any money left, they kick me out from they're house. so i just walking around to see where can i sleep, i don't even have any money to eat. i haven't eat since yesterday coz she didn't give me any food. in that night, it's december so it's sure snowing i can't even imagine how cold it was. i can't even feel my feet, i just sit in the park looking at the stars and start crying until there's someone calling my name

"little mis…" i turned to see who is it and  it's my bodyguard, he run to me and check me from my head to toe

"ahjussi..." i hugged him and cried like there's no tomorrow, he hugged me back and ssh-ing me. he was like father and brother to me, he really nice to me since i was 4. he always there when my dad is busy, he always take care of me. he never complaine even if i shout to him and etc, he don't even want to be my dad assistant he taking care of me like he taking care his sister. i fell sleep after i crying in his hug, he take me back home and after that my mom always there beside me and either my dad. they always give me what i want and they taking care of me like i was they're princess. 





why there's no one subscribe my fic? :'( is it that bad? sorry if you guys don't like it, but i think i already did a great job. i don't know, but who read this fix THANK YOU SO MUCH

oh, and i don't really well at english sorry if you think that my fic is bad :(

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silenteclipse #1
Hey, You're story is pretty good so far ^-^ keep going with it :d<br />
I shall update mine soon too ^O^
thank's :) i'll update tonight kekeke~ actually i'm going to update now, but something happened with my laptop so what i have write before it's not been saved so when i click update then all of it gone!! i'm crying now huhuuhuhu :'(
Can't wait for the next update
thank you :) i will, as fast as i can :)
joycecute25 #5
it seem interesting to me<br />
pls. update soon =)