

 It's been exactly one year ever since he left. The man Taemin loved and treasured the most. More than everyone else. More than his family. More than himself. It's been exactly one year eversince he fell apart and his world crashed down leaving nothing but broken pieces of his fragile heart. He is completely destroyed -- ruined. And ever since that day,  he never loved anyone. Never because he cant. Never because he don't want to be hurt again. He learned to isolate his self from everyone else. He learned to put distance because he knew he wouldn't be able to bear it if it happens to him again.

  He will die.

  He tried everything to stop the pain. And the only solution he ever thought was to remove his existence in this world. He wanted to die. So he did everything. But Taemin is afraid of death himself. So he just tried to take dozens of sleeping pills. It almost work. But his friend Kibum suddenly appeared and brought him to the hospital. It could have been a success -- if only his friend hadn't interfered. Even so, he didn't quit. He went to the rooftop of his apartment. He can just jump through his window -- but his apartment is just on the 3rd floor. He might still live if he ever jumped there. He may only receive bone fractures. And that wouldn't be a wise decision. So why not just jump in the rooftop wherein he can see the flickering lights and beauty of Seoul at night? Therefore, before he die, he'll see the beauty of the city. He's sure with his decision. And this time, he can't afford to fail. His existence brought too much pain to other people. His existence even brought pain to himself. He stood there at the edge feeling the cold air against his skin. He stared at the buildings, at the cars... and at the moon. He even reminisced his moments with his family and friends.. and suddenly, a picture of minho appeared into his mind , leaving. And never coming back.

  He felt a pain in his heart like a knife stab him in his chest . It feels like it's bleeding. Only without blood.  'I should end this now' he thought. There's no turning back. No one can stop him. He will do this no matter what. He took a very very small step forward. He's shaking. The noise of the cars below is what keeping him distracted . He wondered, 'what could be their reaction if a man suddenly appeared out of nowhere from the heavens, covered in blood? They must be really terrified. He should be very very terrified if he heard this. ' . A grin slowly formed into his lips. Happy? No. Because just then he felt a tear running down from his eyes to his cheeks. This is really the end isn't it? He will no longer see the sunrise, nor his family and his friends. He will no longer hear their laughs and see their smiles. But at the same time, He will no longer feel the pain... and this is stronger than the thoughts of his family crying and begging him to come back. He admit he's selfish... but continue living would take his sanity away from him. He just want to die -- because dying means no more effort to live. It is easier this way. He have to do this.

  Just as he was about to let himself fall, a man suddenly grab his wrist and pulled him away from the edge. The man is panthing heavily like he dashed a thousand miles just to get to him. He sighed for relief and gave Taemin a look of concern. "Dont." he said, still trying to get some air. "Don't do it." He continued. Taemin just stared at this person with wide eyes. Who could this man be? And how did he knew what he was planning? "w-who are you?" Taemin asked. The man fixed his composure before looking at Taemin. He can now breathe normally. "I always go up here to seek for peace. The moon is full and bright... and I thought, it might be nice to stay here for a while. But I saw that the door was already opened, so when I peeked, I saw you.  Don't do it. Ending your life wouldn't resolve aything. Whatever problem you're going through right now, Face it. I am Onew." the man flashes him a smile and offered his hands. Taemin was amazed by this young man's bright smile. That smile made him feel at ease. Like it is the most amazing thing in the world. Taemin wanted to smile back at him. But he's too tired and ended up crying. The arms that were once stretched and ready for a hand shake suddenly pulled him for a hug. Taemin was surprised by this man's sudden action. He wasn't asking for a hug. But maybe this man felt like he needed comfort. His plan turmed into a failure again...

But there's always a next time.





  Onew was walking Taemin back to his apartment when Key arrived with plastic of goods in his right hand. "Oh my God Taemin what happened!?" Key asked with a nervous tone in his voice. Onew helped Taemin to seat on his couch. Upon seeing that he's perfectly okay, he turned to Key and said, "He's okay now. You don't have to worry." . Key was still unsure with what Onew meant... until he slowly realized what have happened. Rage boiling in his chest. "did you.... did you do it again?" Key asked. Taemin didn't say a thing and made no eye contacts with his friend. On the other hand, Onew was a bit surprised with hearing the word 'again' from Key. Maybe Taemin did it before but he failed so he tried to commit suicide again. Because Taemin made no effort to answer him back, Key looked at Onew and asked him, "What did he do this time?" .  Onew stared at this young man's feline eyes. He knew that this man is very eager to get an answer. "he tried to jump from the rooftop but thank God I saw him and --" before he finish speaking, Key went to Taemin and strongly slapped him accross the face leaving red mark into Taemin's right cheek. "WHY!? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?" Key shouted with tears forming at the corner of his eyes. But Taemin still kept his silence. "STOP WASTING YOUR LIFE FOR SOMEONE WHO WILL NEVER COME BACK!" Key shouted again. He wasn't sorry for what he did to his friend. It's been a year. He need to wake him up and take his old friend back. The one who always smiles. The one who never cried. But Taemin stayed still. Key put his both hands on the shoulder of his friend and shook them lightly. "Do you hear me Taemin?! He will never come back!"

  "I KNOW!" Taemin shouted. He shut his eyes to stop the tears from rolling. He don't want to cry again. Not infront of Kibum. Kibum had already seen him crying many times. It's like everytime they meet, he'll do nothing but crying infront of his friend. Key slowly removed his hands away from Taemin and watched him cry helplessly. "I know it Key! I know it!! But it's been a year and I still cant... I cant live without him Key..." He said. The emotions were too strong that he failed to control his tears. . He suddenly burst into crying. He put his both hands onto his face to hide it. Key knew how much Taemin had suffered ever since Minho left. Everyday is like hell for him. He can't smile. He can't eat. He can't sleep. He lost his motivation to live. He lost him. And it's really the hell on earth for Taemin. For that fact, Key hated Minho so much. The man has stolen everything Taemin had including his heart, his life... and even his soul. For what!? For a worthless dream??. "I dont understand...." Key said. The tears slowly rolled down to his cheeks. It hurts him to see Taemin like this. Even if it's already a year, he's still isn't so used. He can't accept this Taemin. "What did you see in that guy? he never cared about anything but his career.. Why do you have to end your life and sacrifice our feelings? Is he the only one you truly love? what about me? what about your family? our friends? aren't we important to you? we love you!" Key said. "i'm sorry.... i'm sorry..." this is the only thing that Taemin can utter under his breath. He is sorry. Sorry for all the worries that he brought to his family and friends. ... Still, Minho is his life. And he doesn't know what to do without him.

  "Whoever this person you guys were talking about, you shouldn't let him affect you anymore. .. because first, he's gone and he will never come back. Second, you have your own life... and Third, you deserve someone so much  better. Your friend is right. Don't waste your life for him. You're still young and there's a lot of people out there. Maybe just around the corner. " Onew stated simply. He smiled to him again. Just then, Taemin realized that maybe this man is right. There are still a lot of people out there. ... and probably just around the corner.






  It is a sunshine delight.  Three months ago, taemin would never smile like he does now. Maybe it isn't the usual smile that he used to show to everyone, but this small smile is enough to take all the worries away from Kibum. Taemin also goes to school now. Unlike before, no matter how much Key pushes him to go to school, he never did. He did once but Key had to lie . Taemin is also eating now. Not that much, but enough to bring his stength back. Taemin is now better. Thanks to Onew. Ever since their first encounter, Taemin did his best to be happy again. Key also found out that Onew is a senior student at their school. Maybe that's the reason why he looked so familiar.  Onew is visiting Taemin everyday to check him if he's okay. He also prepares lunch for the both of them and helps him in his homework. Everything is going back to normal. Thanks to Onew.

  "If you give me a chance, I will never do what he did to you. I will never hurt you. I will never leave you. I will do everything to make you happy. .... so please... give me a chance?" Onew shyly said. Key is clapping because of too much happiness. Key knew that this day will definitely come. He knew that those glances that Onew were throwing at his friend isn't in a friendly way, and he's happy. Finally. Minho will be forgotten. Taemin stared at Kibum. He can see how happy his friend is. He turned his head back to Onew and gave him a sweet smile.  "Yes." he said. He knew that Onew is very very kind. He was the one who helped him recover. Not even his family can do it. He need to make him smile now so he accepted his feelings. Onew is very happy for Taemin's answer. He was really really nervous. He was scared that Taemin feels the opposite but Key pushed him to do it. He is now determined to make Taemin happy again.



  It's exactly one month since they started dating . They would go to the malls to watch movies, Go to some fine dining restaurants to eat and Onew would occassionally sing for Taemin. Taemin is happy with the affection that he receives from Onew so he decided that tomorrow is gonna be a big day. Not just for him, but for the both of them. Tomorrow is the day where he's gonna say yes. Tomorrow is the day were Taemin would finally agree to be Onew's. And tomorrow, Minho will no longer be a part of Taemin's life -- but just a memory. He is now ready to set himself free.



  It is a nice weather. Taemin didn't even get a good sleep because he's waiting for this day. He took a bath, wear his uniform and spray some expensive perfume over his clothing. He excitedly went to the school . Today... is gonna be a memorable day. Just as he was about to go the lockers, there is a huge commotion at the other side of the room. People gathered and were all happy. Maybe out of curiosity, he decided to peek a little to see what is going on...


  No. He shouldn't have.

  Wrong decision.

  "Taemin!!!" Key shouted. It's too late. Key saw the horrible expression on Taemin's face. It is a feeling mixed of fear.. anger... or maybe happiness.


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Gazelina91 #1
when will u update this..please update soon..i can sense this story will be awesome..
Chapter 4: i just read this today and i kinda like this over all... I think minho must be have a strong reason to leave taemin... and i wonder what is this about... It's look like jonghyun know about his reason too and i more curious with the last event.. What happen actually??? Update soon...
zahliya1204 #3
Chapter 4: What happened????? Don't stop there!!!!
JojoCircus_ #4
Chapter 4: I think he choking Key or something, or maybe hes choking Onew but for the most part, I know Minho blew up
infinity_dreamLOL #5
Chapter 4: Cliff hanger! So curious...
zahliya1204 #6
Chapter 3: You gotta update soon! Why did minho leave in the first place? Good job dear author!
Chapter 2: yay! you updated.