Chapter 2

Someone Special


Bowing politely Sungmin greeted the host of the talk show he attended today. It would be a live-broadcast so the whole atmosphere was all tensed up. After some talking Sungmin had to take his spot behind a thin wall. In a few minutes the host would introduce him  and he’ll perform his new song once more.

Suddenly someone tapped on his shoulder. Surprised Sungmin turned around and faced.. no one. Confused the singer looked around until he noticed the bowing boy in front of him. His face lighted up when he recognized the young staff member.

“Hey Kyuhyun-ah… you know you can stop bowing, right?”

Blushing the brunette straightened up and stuttered something incomprehensible.

Sungmin chuckled and shook his head in amusement.

“You’re really too cute to be true…”

Kyuhyun pouted and shook his head. “I’m not cute, Sungmin-ssi!”

Sungmin shrugged and grinned at the other. “You can’t say that with this pout on your lips.”

Kyuhyun seemed to want to reply, but he just blushed again and pointed at something behind Sungmin.

“Anyways… I-I have to check the microphone, if it’s okay… I don’ want to disturb you…”

Sungmin shook his head and stepped aside.

“I really don’t have anything to do right know, it’s alright. But you have to hurry, the broadcast will start in a few minutes.”

Kyuhyun nodded and approached the microphone. His facial expression changed completely when he checked everything, all the shyness was suddenly gone and was replaced by seriousness. Sungmin watched the younger interested, fascinated about how much more mature the latter seemed to be.

“How old are you?” he asked curiously.

Kyuhyun seemed to be surprised that the older was talking to him, but he answered immediately: “I’m nineteen, but my birthday is only a few days away….”

Sungmin frowned. “Oh well… now I feel really old…”

Kyuhyun waved with his arms negatively. “How can you say that, Sungmin-ssi? You’re only twenty-five, that’s not old at all!”

The singer smiled. “That’s sweet of you, Kyuhyun-ah. And by the way, you can talk comfortably with me, just call me hyung, alright?”

The brunette tried to cover his excitement about the suggestion of the older, but failed miserably. He stuttered a breathless ‘Thank you’ and was obviously relieved when the countdown for the beginning of the show started and he had to hurry backstage.


The talk show was already going for about an hour and Sungmin’s throat started to feel a little bit raspy. He had talked most of the time and also performed two songs, just to realize that the staff didn’t placed a water bottle anywhere near him.

The host noticed that he was searching something and stopped in the middle of the sentence.

“… success and everyone is now – Sungmin-ssi, are you looking for something?”

Sungmin felt a little bit uncomfortable because it wasn’t professional at all to disturb a live-broadcasting like this. Though, if he didn’t drink some water any time soon, he’d start coughing, and that would be even more embarrassing.

So he nodded and said apologetic: “Yes, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but could I possibly have some water?”

The host only now realized the absence of anything to drink and turned his head to search for a solution.

Suddenly he smiled in relief and pointed at someone in Sungmin’s back.

“Ah, this young man has a water bottle right next to him. Would you please give it to Sungmin-ssi, so we can continue?”

Wondering about whom the host spoke, Sungmin turned in his seat and faced… a blushing brunette.

He must have more blood in his veins than a normal human… it can’t be normal to blush that often and that hard… even his ears are red!

Kyuhyun held the water bottle fiercely as he walked towards Sungmin. The older took the bottle and gave the other a thankful smile.

“Thanks, Kyuhyun-ah.”

The brunette’s cheek seemed to become even darker.

He must be really embarrassed because all the viewers can see him right now.

“You’re welcome Sungmin-s.. Sungmin hyung.”

Sungmin’s smile grew even wider as he watched the younger who tried to disappear quickly.  Unfortunately the host had noticed the comfortably talk between them and also the smile on Sungmin’s face.

“Hyung? You two seem to be close… Are you a friend of Sungmin, or…?”

Kyuhyun shook his head. “No, no I’m just a staff member, no one special.”

With these words he bowed and headed towards backstage.




No one special.

Who introduces himself like that? Sungmin wondered while his make up was removed. Maybe Kyuhyun had low self-esteem… it would explain the constant blushing… and the occasional stutter.

His thoughts were interrupted when he realized that the present female staff were talking about the same person he was thinking about.

“… never seen him like that.”

“I didn’t even know he could blush, it just doesn’t fit his character at all!”

Curious, Sungmin signed the make up noona to stop for a moment and turned around.

“Are you talking about Kyuhyun-ah?” he asked friendly.

The females interrupted their talk and smiled. Sungmin was very well liked by everyone of the staff ‘cause despite his fame he still was down on earth and nice to everyone of them.

“Yes, Sungmin-ssi, we were talking about his behavior back then when he had to bring you the water bottle… It really was surprising, wasn’t it?”

Confused Sungmin furrowed his brow. “What do you mean with ‘surprising’?”

Another woman shrugged her shoulders. “Well, he’s normally really self-confident, right? He doesn’t show a lot of respect either, although he’s the maknae of our team…”

The other women nodded approvingly.

They seem to think the same about Kyuhyun as Siwon… It’s weird because he was always really polite and respectful towards me…


One of the females suddenly grinned. “But it’s okay though, ‘cause he’s hot.”

The other women squeaked and started hitting her with whatever was in their hands.

“How can you say that, he’s only nineteen!”

“You’re destroying all the respect we achieved with the emancipation!”

“He’s almost twenty…”

“That’s not the point, unnie!”

“In front of Sungmin-ssi, that’s embarrassing!”

“Oh come on now, you asked him out too!”

“I never… well, okay I did, but that was before I knew his age! He looks so mature, one could think he’s older than Sungmin-ssi!”

“And it’s in vain anyways… He never goes out with anyone.”

“Only because all of us are at least five years older than him.”

“What??? Unnie, I’m only twenty-two!”

“Oh come on now, who are you kidding?”

“Besides, he was asked out by one of Sungmin-ssi’s co-stars before… an actress I think. She’s only eighteen and nevertheless she was rejected by him.”

“Do you think he’s gay?”

“Unnie, how can you say something like this?!”

“She could be right thought, all hot guys are gay.”


“It’s sad…”


Suddenly the women seemed to remember Sungmin’s presence and blushed furiously.

He only smiled and turned around towards the mirror again, his mind in complete confusion.

The last adjective he would have used to describe Kyuhyun was ‘hot’. He wasn’t ugly at all, but his face seemed to be pretty normal…  Also, the younger was just way to shy to be described as hot! Even though he looked more mature when he was concentrated on checking the microphone, but beside this, he always acted like a high-school student… an embarrassed high-school student.

Nevertheless he seemed to be quite popular with women.

Sungmin smiled lightly and shook his head in confusion. What was so special about the young boy, that he couldn’t stop thinking about him? It wasn’t just the conflicts of Kyuhyun’s personality, but something else… something he couldn’t describe but felt nevertheless.

“Maybe I should concentrate my attention a little bit more on him. I’m curious what his real face is… the one he shows me, or the one everyone else seems to see.” Sungmin muttered quietly.



Sooo.... do you like it? It's so much fun writing this stuff... XD I'm happy you like Kyuhyun's personality ^^

And to all the new subscribers: welcome to the Kyumin-world!!! (Am I the only one who suddenly hears SHINee in her head???) Thanks for subscribing and please tell me what you think about it so far - in short: please comment ^.^

Also I'm having a little problem with my incredibly skillful proof reading-unnie... who managed to drown her laptop...

(R.I.P. Mia ... we'll miss you)

So now I have to print out everything and it takes longer for her to correct my stupid mistakes... I'm sorry if it takes me longer to update because of that.

Anyways, be happy and listen to SuJu ;D

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Almost finished the last chapter!! It should be up later today, so please look forward it! :D


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Chapter 16: I really enjoyed reading this. So fluffy and such a cute storyline! Ugh relationship goals right here XD
Thankyou for writing a great story
Alice_K26 #2
Chapter 16: Its the end... Sob sob... I really like minkyu story .... Hope you can write more ff bout minkyu... But of course i love kyumin tooo...
Thank for this beautiful story... I like the cute adorable shy kyu very much......
somaming #3
Chapter 16: Soooo i came across this and when i saw the 'minkyu' thing i was a little bit hesitated to read it since i prefer kyumin but im glad i did read it or i would have missed this piece of art! I love every single chapter of this very well written beautiful fic that i dont know what things i loved should i mention first (but surely the stutters-alot-shy kyuhyun was my fav tho).
Its my first time reading one of ur fics so hope you would write more kyumin's in future cuz your talent shouldn't be watsted
Chapter 16: Ok... so here's list of what I love about this fic:
1. The fact that it includes the idea of standing up to people who look down on homouality (although I bet most fangirls, if not all, love manxman ships! XD)
2. The great storyline
3. Awesome character personalities (I nearly died)
4. And that ENDING!!! *sobs* Why is the story ovverrrrr???
Darkiss #5
Chapter 16: OMG!!! I love this story so much!!!!! It reminded me of Masquerade (one of my most favourite fic ever). KyuMin they not only had sweet, happy moments but also suffered hardship. They is not only a lovey- dovey couple but a fighting- for-petty-reasons-but-it-never-lasts-long couple. This made their relationship more real!
Btw I really like all your A/N so intersting ^^!
My English is pretty bad, so hopefully u can understand what I mean.
Chapter 16: wow! tgis story is reaaalllly beautiful... eventhough i dont really like the part whre kyu discnnct his relationship with his parents...

anyway, overall,i really love this story! ^^
Mingsshi #7
Chapter 16: Omg . eventho I took more than a week for finished this . I feel contented after read this .. The line story is interesting and always make me curious despite I should hold back my curiousity againts this fic because my busy schedule nowadays . but still I could finished this and yeahhhhhhh happy ending what else be better that this \O/ . I feel touched where the part when the fans still support him no matter what , I'll be like those fans for kyumin (real) . I'll support their love no matter what world will say againts them .
thanks for writing this fic ^^
Mingsshi #8
Chapter 14: here we go . the meeting must be eventful .
Mingsshi #9
Chapter 13: omg the moment of them >< ! I envy to you kyuhyun
Mingsshi #10
Chapter 12: every moments they had are precious here