Self Introduction

Our Decisions...


“What class subject do you have next?” Sooyoung asked Yuri as the two girls sat on a bench outside of the café of their school. Yuri glanced down at her schedule and roamed down the list until she saw the next class, “Chinese,” she answered.


“You’re learning Mandrin?”


Yuri nodded, “Yeah, my parents are planning to expand their business into China one day so they want me to learn the language to help them,” she explained, taking a sip from her fruit drink.


“Interesting,” Sooyoung muttered then kicked her feet off the table and leaned forward to Yuri, “tell me if there are any cute guys in your class okay?” Yuri glanced up at Sooyoung through her eyelashes and pushed the older girl away from her, “Sooyoung you’re pathetic, if you want a boyfriend that much, just go find one.”


Sooyoung pouted and folded her arms across her chest, “But there aren’t anyone who catches my attention,” she complained.


“Mm…what about that one guy,” Yuri said, “what was his name again? It started with a C.”


“Ugh really Yuri?” Sooyoung rolled her eyes and tossed her empty soda can into the trash bin near by, “he’s a creep, a creep I tell you.”


“How so? I think he’s pretty good looking and matches you as well,” Yuri stated absent minded. Sooyoung scrunched up her face, “Yuri that’s just gross.”


“How is it gross? Have you seen the way he stares at you whenever you walk by? It’s adorable,” Yuri squealed. Sooyoung let out grunt and slammed her forehead on the bench, “Yuri, he’s a creep.”


“And he stares at you like you’re the most beautiful person on earth,” Yuri pointed out. Sooyoung lifted her head up from the table and pouted, “But he’s still a creep though.”


“A creep who thinks you’re the most beautiful person on earth,” Yuri stated.


“Whatever,” Sooyoung rolled her eyes and got up from the bench, “I’m leaving since you’re no help here and you’re being mean,” she grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulders, “Call me once you get out of class.”


“Sure thing,” Yuri waved Sooyoung goodbye and watched the older one disappeared behind some building. Gulping down the last amount of juice in her plastic bottle, Yuri stood up from the bench as well and tossed the empty plastic bottle into the trash bin. She walked back to the bench, grabbed her things, and left to her class.




“,” Tao cursed as he shot up from the chair in the cafeteria.


“What’s the matter Tao?” Kris asked, stealing a french fries from Chanyeol’s tray of food. Chanyeol shot the older one a glare to which he ignored and waited for the younger Chinese boy to answer him.


“I forgot that Miss Fei had asked me to help assist her students in her Chinese class, I’m late,” Tao grabbed his back pack and slipped his arms into the loops, “I’ll see you guys later,” with that he dashed out of the cafeteria in a hurry, the doors swinging as Tao left.


“He’s always running late,” Sehun stated, slumping into his chair while poking at his food.


“Don’t play with your food Sehun,” Suho said and pulled the tray of food away from Sehun, “you’re such a kid.”  Sehun grinned at his hyung’s comment and leaned onto Suho’s shoulder, “That’s why you spoil me,” he said. Suho rolled his eyes and patted the younger one’s head, “Whatever Sehun.”


A tray of food was placed on the table beside Kris and Luhan slipped into the empty seat, “What took you so long?” Kris asked the older one. Luhan glanced at Kris first before digging into his food, “I had to catch up with Yoona to talk with her about something important,” he explained.


“Mm….,” Kris muttered and nodded his head. Luhan took a big gulp from his fruit drink, placed it back on the tray before eyeing the younger Korean boy across from him, “Hey Suho,” he called. Suho glanced up at Luhan and nudged Sehun’s head away from him, “What’s up?” he asked.


“Are you…are you up for a blind date?” Luhan asked, causing the group of boys to gasps.


“Blind date? Hm…well it depends on who it is,” Suho answered. Luhan bit his bottom lips before letting it go, “Well it’s a blind date and for blind dates you aren’t allow to know who your date is until the actual day of the date, so…”


Suho simply shrugged and leaned into the chair with arms crossed across his chest, “Sure I guess,” he replied, “after all I don’t have anything interesting with my love life.” This caused Luhan to burst out laughing, “What? What’s so funny?” Suho asked.


“Oh nothing,” Luhan answered, “well since you’re up for it, I’ll tell Yoona and she’ll set you up.”


“Wait, Suho’s blind date is one of Yoona’s friends?” Kris asked and Luhan nodded, “can I know which one?” and Luhan shook his head, “Why not?”


“Because I know you at keeping secrets and you’ll eventually tell Suho before the date,” Luhan explained. Kris pouted, “No fair.”


“I think it’s quite fair,” Luhan said, “anyways, I’ll let you know when the date is settled okay?”

“Sure,” Suho said with a nod of his head.


“Can I come to your blinde date too?” Sehun asked Suho, clinging onto the older ones’ arm. Suho glanced at Sehun and chuckled then ruffled the boy’s hair, “No you can’t Sehun.”


“But why not hyung?”


“Because it’s a date.”




“I’ll tell you about her once the date is over okay?” Sehun jutted out his bottom lip and nodded, giving in.




Fei tapped her ball point pen against the binder on her table as she eyed the classroom door furiously. Her right foot shook impatiently as she waited for her student assistant to arrive and just before she stood up from her chair, the door to her classroom swung open and a very out of breath Tao stood at the door way, breathing heavily. A forced smile appeared on Fei’s face as she stood up and approached Tao half way, “Glad to know that you’re about to join us today Huang ZiTao.”


Tao glanced up at Fei and straightened his posture, “I’m sorry Miss Fei but I had some last minute important things I had to take care of,” he apologized with a bow. Fei sighed and motioned for him to enter, “Come come, close the door behind you and introduce yourself to the classroom,” she instructed. Tao nodded his head and shut the door behind him then made his way to the center of the class, “Hi, I’m Huang ZiTao and I’ll be one your student assistant from today until the rest of this school year, if Miss Fei is busy with other things, I’m free to help so don’t hesitate to ask me questions,” he announced to the class filled with college students and bowed.


Fei clapped her hands loudly then patted his back, “Good job Tao, now go sit at my seat,” she instructed. With his back still crouched, Tao quickly made his way over to Fei’s desk and sat down in the chair, “Now, since today is the first day of our meeting, I won’t be talking much since I want you to be the ones talking,” Fei announced, “tomorrow we’ll start with the actual assignment so...we’ll be doing short self introductions first so that our fellow classmates gets some few information about ourselves,” Fei scanned the class with a smile and clasped her hands together, “why don’t we start with Tao over here.”


“Huh?” Tao asked, looking around causing the class to giggle at his absent mindness.


“Introduce yourself to the class Tao,” Fei replied.


“But I just did,” Tao told her.


“No, short self introduction…you know a little about you…”


“Oh right,” Tao scrambled out of his seat and bowed to the class once more, “Since you guys already know my name, ZiTao, I prefer you guys to call me Tao not Mr. Huang or Mr. Tao just Tao is good,” he began, “hm…let me see where should I begin…ah I was born and raised in Qingdao, China, I have an older brother no sister, at the age of 6 my parents enrolled me into wushu, wushu is martial arts but a little different, at the age of 13, I started to learn hangul and expressed to my parents that I wish to live and teach Mandrin in Korea in the future which they supported me. After I graduated from high school in China, I moved to Korea and now here I am.”


The class gave him a round of applause and so did Fei, “That was really good Tao, now you may sit back down.” Tao nodded and sat back into the chair, “Now…lets start with you dear,” Fei pointed to Yuri who was sitting at the corner of the front row. Yuri glanced around her surrounding and pointed a finger to herself, “M…me?” she asked. Fei gave Yuri a smile and a nod telling her that yes it was her turn. Yuri hesitantly stood up from her chair and straightened the imaginary wrinkles in her outfit. She cleared first before beginning her short self introduction, “My name is Kwon Yuri and I was born and raised here in Seoul. My mother runs a garden shop near our house while my father is a business owner…and um…,” Yuri glanced down at her fingers playing with each other wondering what else she should say about herself.


“That’s good Yuri shi,” Fei said, giving her a clap of her hands and the students followed suit. Yuri scratched her head before sitting back down in her seat not noticing Tao staring at her with a smile on his face.

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Chapter 2: Suho and Taeyeon ♥♥♥
Ulfa_ExoTaeng #2
Chapter 1: Nado nado I want taeyeon with sehun... my OTP couple seyeon please ^o^♡
exotaeng9 #3
Chapter 2: update....
Can you do it with Sunkris ? Pleasee *puppy eyes* hehe ... I like sunkris so much :( thanks :)
Chapter 2: kristae please
I wish it Sunkris
taeyeoppeo #7
Chapter 2: T.T wishing it was SeYeon...

oh well it's ur choice author-nim.
Chapter 2: awww yultao! c;
lol sooyoung; she def. thinks yeollie is a creep xD
Sutae... ;( How i wish it's gonna be SeYeon...
Chapter 2: So Luhan and Yoona, I think Tao will be with Yuri and.... really really really hoping that Suho is with Taeyeon...I'm really hoping :)))

Please update soon...