Personal Message

Hi there viewers/lurkers. Thank you for dropping by my profile and reading my stories. I hope you enjoy my writings and continue to support me. Thank you.

About Me

I am a 22 year old Asian girl residing in California. My first name is Michelle and I shall keep my last name to myself. My usual username I use on forums and such is "cantthinkofaname". I'm not sure if you guys and girls have seen that name but if you do and recognize it, please stop by and say a little Hi. 

I am a fan of both SNSD and EXO. My first kpop group that ever liked was Super Junior back in 07. My other was DBSK during 08. I have been a SNSD fan from the start of their career so basically I have watched the 9 girls of SNSD grow to what they are now. I got into EXO in early 2012 but I knew about them when the first rumor about Sment debuting a boy group surfaced online. So yes I was there when EXO were dubbed as the boy counter part of SNSD and were also dubbed as M1 and M2. Adding to that, yes I did see the VERY FIRST EXO teaser with Kai in it. LOL. So I was pretty much up to date with EXO. Anything else? Feel free to ask me. :) Also feel free to chit chat with me because I promise that I won't bite you. LOL.