Anti-Luyoon admin and anti-Seohan admin on Facebook....

You two are immature brats who needs to go find something better to do than sitting there and hating on yoona and seohyun. You can hate the shippers all you want but don't hate on yoona and seohyun who hasn't done anything to your stupid fangirl hearts. Go back and help your mom cook in the kitchen or something. What do you get out of hating on a snsd member? Nothing. Young kiddos like you two need to get off the net and do something more productive. If not the. Use your Internet time wisely. 


Quit fighting over Seohan, Luyoon, or hunhan. None of your ships are real anyways. 


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LOL-ing over the title and the content. Seriously? HAHAHA. They're so immature. XD It's not like they're close with their "OPPA". They're "Oppas" don't even know they exist XD. FC Fangirls XD
I agree ><
AGREE! :D they are making their self a dummy. geez
Because Seohyun is dating Yonghwa! Ok way being protective here.
haha, agree.
And the internet says i'm imbecile...
exo-snsd #7
i agree with you.