Towards The End

My Ex-Wife As A Neighbour (Greedy Man)

Towards the end



Next morning, he saw Seohyun went home with a BMW Z4 car. 

Dang it that guy is shooting a laser of flirting eyes towards her. They are laughing. Pfft. 

He can't hear it their conversation as he is quite far from them. Her blood is boiling with anger. Stupid him, he should just sealed the deal earlier on. He walked towards them and shoot a glared at the guy who is apparently his senior slash hyung. It's Changmin hyung.

"You are back late seohyun~. Oh and hi hyung!" Seohyun ignored him while Changmin looked at her weirdly.

"Ohh Yonghwa, what are you doing here?" He can see the dissapointment look on his eyes when he mention that.

"I live here with her." Changmin eyes widened as Yonghwa felt a winning bell goes out at him. He felt a sense of joy.

Seohyun who noticed this quicly bowed and said "Thank you oppa."

She dragged Yonghwa into the hallway and glared at him.

"What are you doing with him?"

"It's none of your business oppa." She left him and walked quickly to the lift. Yonghwa stood there frozen with her sudden coldness.


That night he called Seohyun and surprisingly she answered. He was stuttering due to feeling nervous. He always acted that way when he knew he did something wrong. Especially, when he can’t expect what Seohyun will do to him.



“I love you.”

“Okay.” Yonghwa turned silent. Usually she would at least started to whine cutely when Yonghwa keep on saying some cheesy stuff to her.

“I’m sorry I was wrong.” 

“Oppa, I’m in a dance practice with Super Junior’s oppadeul.. Then I will go straight to Australia. Not like you care anyways. I’m going to hung up now.” He’s a guy that loves her of course he is hurt. But he lets it be. At least, she told him. But if he never calls, will she even care to tell him? He can’t help but wonder but he knew that Seohyun will tell maybe she is just taking her time. As she was sort of pissed with him. It’s clearly shown.

“Joohyun. My lovelight, hear me out. Just for 5 minutes. I’m sorry that I acted so ridiculously. I panic when I saw my dad. The thing is, I felt that it’s more appropriate to ask for your parents permission. How can I even say none of your business to you. Everything in regards of me, is your problem.”

“Bye.” ‘Toot…toot.’ She hung up on him. She did. And it was a very cold goodbye too.

Then a text message came in. His screen showed that It’s from ‘health provider keke’ a.k.a Seohyun. It’s her codename while he is the instrument ahjusshi on her phone. Yeah LOL. It’s pathetic but that’s how idols suppose to be discreet. It’s her personal number. As she is an SNSD member so she have two phones with her. One is the endorsement phone which she used for work related purposes and even his phone number is save there. But just as Yong oppa. Very casual. They never talk really cheesily using their work related number. It’s dangerous.

From Health Provider keke

Oppa, some stuff cropped out. It’s not on purpose. Sorry..just so you know if you feel like talking to me again. I will be back by the end of this week. I will hear you out. I will be waiting for you at the park.


“I’m going to save your name as health provider.”

“Mwohh, who am i? Are you trying to make fun of me? Why you put keke there. It makes me sound retarded.”

“Aniyooo. You are my baby. Should I put there. Mr Yonghwa’s baby. The keke is just to make you special. And Health Provider is not because of your nagging mainly. It’s because of your smile that always manage to brighten up my days.” Yonghwa smiled teasingly before earning a slap on his back by the giggling Seo Joo Hyun.

“Yaaa~ you are the choding one. How could you call me baby? And that cheesy line. Aigooo.” Seohyun started to pout cutely imitating Yonghwa pose the one where he puts his finger on his mouth.

“Omonaaa. Uri Joohyun speaks banmal now, don’t she. You even copy me. Awhh oppa is very proud of you! So what are you going to save me a what?! Instrument ahjusshi?!? You should be punish!” Seohyun started to run away from Yonghwa and get back into her dorm. “ Yaaa Seo Joo Hyun. You come here. Why are you running. Yaaa! Don’t go yet. We still have hours I can’t see you after this anymore.”

Then Seohyun turned her back and faced Yonghwa once again and smiled sheepishly. “You miss me right? And I’m not even gone yet.” Then she posed a cute ‘V’ hand and started to run back to Yonghwa before linking their arms.


Yonghwa can’t take it anymore. 1 week being away from each other and still fighting.It’s not going to work. He can’t do that. So here he is, in an airport wearing complete disguise on the second floor searching for Seohyun. He picked the best spot he can without being obvious. Right above the paparazzi watchful eyes. Right when he noticed her in his sight, she coincidentally looked up. Meeting each other gazes, and she stopped. Her jaw dropped, and her eyes widen with his appearance. Noticing this, her unnies quickly surrounded her without being too obvious letting the two lovers looked at each other before she went away. Yonghwa smiled and waved at her enthusiastically before making a hand gestures that asked her to start walking and he nodded at her convincing her from a far to start walking before leaving. And she listened to it, she walked away with a very heavy heart.

On the airplane back after a whole week, she felt confused. Why is she feeling so down, the feeling where she felt that Yonghwa’s going to leave her? He won’t right? Gosh Seohyun why are you being so insecure now. It’s not like you.

From Health Provider keke.

I arrived. I will wait for you at the park.

She went there and waited but no sign of Yonghwa so she sighed and look at the star. She knew why.. he is busy. It’s been 3 hours so Seohyun smiled bitterly when she felt a warm feeling rolled down her cheeks so she looked down when she felt a tap on her back.

“Unnie, this is for you.”

“Mwoooh” Seohyun furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.


“Mr. Seo and Mrs. Seo I’m sorry for coming so suddenly. I want to ask the two of you to approve me and Joohyun as a couple. She’s the one for me. And I don’t want her to live in such insecurities anymore. I’m sorry for delaying this out.” Yonghwa’s bowed to her parents. “I will take the responsibilities like a real man would for hurting your daughter.” Yonghwa said firmly.

“Oppa? Yonghwa oppa? are you okay? What exactly are you doing inside of my house and you even stood me up. You don’t know how worried I am? I even called your bandmates and even your sajangnim. I was so afraid you might get into any kind of accidents.” Seohyun looked at Yonghwa with worried stricken face even with her parents in the same living room as theirs.

“Shhh…Seo Joo Hyun, can you just be mine already?” Yonghwa took her hand and put her hand together with his on his chest feeling his heartbeat. "Every single beat of my heart beat for you. I ensure you that. You are the most wonderful woman I ever met. So don't you ever doubt yourself and my feelings towards you." Seohyun looked at him touch with tears hanging at the corner of her eyes.

"I'm a one woman man. So no worries. Besides, I'm too busy to be spending my other time with other girls. I can only spend it with one girl." Yonghwa's smiled cheekily at her after seeing her infamous flaring nose as she pulled her hand away from Yonghwa.

"Yaa! Choding." 

“Joohyun, in the future let be more strong. We live in a very vigorous world. It’s entertainment. But I won’t let go of your hand. Let’s walk side by side through our journey. And push away those who might come in between us. Including your fanboys! N, Jinwoon, Junsu, Kyuhyun, that soccer guy I don’t care whether he is dating or not, Minho too and..”

“Ayee oppa, they are nothing compare to you. You make the compose me go cray. So they are nothing. Because… it’s written in here. On my face. I will only love Jung Yong Hwa. Other than that back off.”

“Ottoke, I just submitted my Greedy Man song though.”

“The what?”

“Uhhhh.. The one where I compose to you…”

“About what?”

“Being possessive towards you? They should know their territories. I mean.. you don’t know how jealous I’m. Why don’t they just choose another girl as their ideal type. Why do they keep on choosing you. Seohyun this..Seohyun that. Of course you are young.. you are cute.. but it’s frustrating. You are the epitome of a perfect wife.” Yonghwa scratched his head frustratingly. “It’s driving me cray!”

“I felt flattered though" Seohyun giggled. "I’m glad that I’m still your muse. But be careful next time though? Ahrasso? Don’t be too obvious. Just this time.”

“Ahrasso the owner of my heart.! The one that makes me crazy, the one that drives me crazy, the one who somehow make me angry too.” Yonghwa pulled Seohyun into a tight hug when they hear a coughing sounds coming from their parents.

“Do you guys forgot that we are even here? No public display of affections in front of us” Seohyun’s mom is closing her eyes with both of her hands.

“You should get use to it though. They are after all in love.” Seohyun’s dad patted his mom gladly. “But you young man, remember your promises.”

“Let’s tell the in laws now. Maybe they can expect babies.”

“Not until they are married yeobo. Yonghwa wrote that in the papers. 5 papers. I even asked him to plaster it in his room.” Seohyun’s dad panickly shouted causing fits of laughter echoing throughout the room.


-The end-


Author's Note


A quick finish. My time is quite limited lately. And I have another fic that I haven't finish (Winning Seo Joo Hyun Back) and another new fic (Crazy Ways To Be In Love) I've been preparing for the next chapter in my life. Anyways, thanks for subscribing, upvoting, commenting and supporting this story throughout it runs. I know i have one of the best readers. *bowing* Question, do you guys want a sequel? If I have times I will try to make one.

My new fic :

Description : A tough, rash emotional ex detective that wants to dig for interesting stories met with a bratty superstar that is pampered throughout her life. How will these two fair out? With one wanting to take a revenge and the other one want to know her involvement in his last case. Exactly nothing in common but who says that they will not end up being crazily in love? Afterall, fate love playing them out. The two polar opposites.


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Chapter 2 update. Quite long.


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Chapter 1: Star gazing aka seohyun gazing, lol JYH is a funny stalker
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
seororo312 #3
Chapter 3: No one can beat Yonghwa's cheesy lines and it really showed that he was a truly stalker boyfriend when he mentioned all Seohyun's fanboys hahaha~
snccrockz #4
Chapter 3: lol meeting her in disguise at the airport i didn't expect. Nice ending!
SeiraAiren #5
Chapter 2: STALKER oppa.. you shouldn't do that.. just asking seohyun..
kmrsanchez #6
Chapter 2: I love it. But pabo yong ruined it. Please write more chaps. Hope they reconcile in the next chap.
maerd82 #7
Make them a couple in your story, it should satisfy some hunger in our yongseo shipper... who knows maybe what you are writing will came true, lol.
cnsdGirl #8
Chapter 2: Nyahahahahaha!! Yah Yonghwa? When will you do that? Asking her to be your girlfriend and approach her parents? She already think you doesn't love her!
LOL! Well-mannered! The sentences~ Single woman and single man cannot being together in the same dorm without anyone else. My auntie just talking about it. XD

Update soon! :D
cnsdGirl #9
Chapter 1: Uh!~ are so creepy. Really! But, super sweet, lovely and cute. LOL! I'm having fun seeing you got many SMACKS! XD

Oh!~ Three shots? Then..UPDATE SOON! :D
Chapter 1: Yonghwa stalking his own girlfriend is just crazy... but it's cute^^