None Of Your Business

My Ex-Wife As A Neighbour (Greedy Man)

None Of Your Business


As the light shone it's way through the window of her room, Seohyun's yawned sleepily towards her mom in the kitchen hoping to eat her breakfast. Too bad that her precious breakfast is not yet ready so now she is hearing a whole lot of chatters from her mum regarding a new neighbour who is apparently an idol like her. Nevetheless, the still sleepy Seohyun didn't pay any attention to the details and left to get rid of the plastic filled with rubbish outside. Seohyun who is wearing a simple yellow sweater and a slack.. completely without make up walked happily when she noticed a very handsome and familiar face grinning at her.

"Good morning Seohyun ahhh! I'm living here now. I waited here for hours  with my own plastic filled with rubbish. It's so cold. Pancake how can you leave me all alone here. I'm an idol too."

"Mwoohhhhhhhh?" Seohyun dropped the plastic bag to the floor and looked at Jung Yong Hwa with her eyes wide open.


"Here let me help you with the trash." Yonghwa grabbed the plastic bag on the floor.

Seohyun flared her nose and crossed her arms on her chest. "Yeah you should! That's the least you can do for me right now Jung Yong Hwa sshi" Hearing her mention his full name together with the sshi, he knew that she is furious. 

"That's all. No explanation at all?" 

"Yeap. Let's go now okay." Yonghwa nodded convincingly at her and walked towards the trash can while humming. Feeling like Seohyun is not following him, he turned his back and looked at Seohyun. He smiled evilly and open his mouth as big as possible ready to scream her name in the hallway. "SEO...."

"OPPA!" Seohyun hissed and looked at him angrily only to earn a big hearty laugh from him. Seohyun smiled in defeat and linked her arms with his

Yonghwa put the trash into the trash can and grinned at Seohyun"Aigoo. Seohyun you are so in love with me. Kyeopta!" Yonghwa pinched Seohyun cheeks while making all these weird cute faces.

"Oppa, your hand is dirty." Seohyun slapped Yonghwa hands away and flared her nose.

"Aigooo kyeopta uri baby." Yonghwa continued to pinch her cheeks ignoring the protest Seohyun been showing. He knew Seohyun is mad but he's enjoying this. The mad Seohyun.

"Let's go, you need to make ma for me!" Seohyun sighed and shook her head at Yonghwa in disbelief. How can a man be this thick skinned.

As soon as Yonghwa opened the door of his dorm, Seohyun didn't walked in instead she examined every inch of their dorm with a very suspicious eyes. His CN BLUE members is nowhere to be found. Well this is dangerous. 

"Why, are you not entering?"

"Ehmmm." Seohyun cough awkwardly before continuing her sentence. "Are you alone?" Yonghwa nodded before grabbing her wrist and pulled her into the dorm.

"Oppa. Its wrong. A single woman and a man in an apartment without anyone else." Yonghwa smiled gently like a proud father would.

"I didn't think of this. Maybe i have been too easy going. I'm sorry.. I thought you might want privacy so I shoo the boys away. Ahrasso, we will let the door open okay honey?" Yonghwa patted Seohyun's head and messed her hair up before opening the door a little bit. Seohyun who went searching for the ingredients to make ma shake noticed the grumbling sounds coming from Yonghwa stomach.

"Oppa are you hungry?"

"NE!" Seohyun chuckled in amusement seeing Yonghwa looking like a starving child begging for food from his mommy. It's rare to see the ever so charming rocker behaving this way and she is honored to be the one seeing him like this.

"Ahrasso, let's put my cooking skills to test after years of training. I might as well cook for your whole bandmates." Seohyun started to rummage the cabinets and fridge looking for ingredients to cook. She is shocked seeing how well equiped his kitchen with all the needed ingredients and appliances.

"Oppa, you plan this?"

"What? I know you will come and cook. That's why I move nearer to you. To taste your cooking first before others do that. See, all the ingredients are well prepared. So Mrs. soon to be Jung... faster, cook!" 

"Ahrasso will do Yong~ but talking about moving nearer. You know I'm still mad right?" Said Seohyun while chopping the meats into smaller pieces.

"I know." And 'poof' nothing but silence in the air. He knew somehow she is mad but he doesn't feel like apologizing for it. The thing he does is all for her anyways. Staring at her back lovingly for 10 minutes, he went for a backhug. Suprisingly, she doesn't protest instead she kept on moving and doing her jobs. He moves along with her as he is still backhugging her.Jung Yong Hwa is testing her patience. It's not that she doesn't like it and appreciate his gestures. It just she felt like he is stepping over the line, he doesn't even try to discuss with her first. Even with one wrong move it might cause a scandal. And the last thing she ever want is a scandal. 

"Are you ignoring me Seo Joo Hyun?" 


"For how long?"

"Until you get the reason i'm mad, I'm not going to talk to you at all. After I cook I will immediately go back to my apartment.

"You know I love you right?"

"I will just cook and leave." Seohyun sighed and continued cooking.

Yonghwa smiled gently and tightened his hug. Thank you for never making me hungry and keep feeding me even when you are mad, that's why I love you, you know. Yonghwa thought to himself.

"Yonghwa yahhh~ where are you? OMO! What are you guys doing?" Yonghwa and Seohyun froze. This is bad, and the way they are in now is not helping at all. Yonghwa's mom caught them in a compromising position, hugging. Without even anyone else in the dorm.

"Yonghwa!" Yonghwa's mom raised her voice. Yonghwa who is still shocked noticed the trembling Seohyun who is moving his arms away from her.

"Anyeonghaesayo Mrs. Jung!" Seohyun bowed 90 degrees to Yonghwa's mom.

"Seohyun ahh? You. What are you guys THINKING?"

"Omma, I'm sorry it's my fault. I'm the one who hug her. I'm also the one who bring her home complaining that I'm hungry. She protested but I insisted. I'm sorry don't be mad at her." Yonghwa kneeled in front of her mother once he noticed the ever so compossed Seohyun trembled.

Suddenly both of them heard a laughing sounds coming from Yonghwa's mom. Mrs. Jung then continued her sentence. "What are you guys THINKING, not locking the door? Why are you this panic Yonghwa yah? Are you guys doing something really wrong?" Yonghwa's mom started to smile shyly. Both Yonghwa and Seohyun started to exchange gazes when they finally figure his mother sentence. They then sighed in relief, that his mother is not mad.

"Seohyun said it's not proper not to close the door. She is a single woman and I'm a single man." Yonghwa started to stand back again with Seohyun's help.

"Aigoo. I know I can trust Seohyun. She's such a well mannered person, it's a pity though if you didn't marry her. You guys are dating right?"

"Ani, we are just neighbours." Yonghwa blurted out of anxiousness seeing his father entering from the door. Seohyun then tensed up hearing that word. She thought they were something else.. something. What exactly are they? Seohyun brushed her thoughts away as it seems that the whole Yonghwa's family is here so she faked a smile.

"Neighbours? It's too bad,I thought you were dating based on what are you guys doing just now. With your lovely stares, couple vibes and .."

"Omma! You hungry right? Joohyun are making us lunch today!" Yonghwa giggled nervously, afraid of his father. He might seemed easy going but he is actually far from that. He might get killed before he even marry Seohyun. He thought it will be proper to officially ask her to be his girlfriend and approach her parents first before telling his parents about his feelings. Little that he know that Seohyun's heart is throbbing with pain hearing his word.


Seohyun looked around the apartment in disbelief as she is eating with her family and Yonghwa family under the labelled of his neighbour slash ex-wife. All of them are bonding and laughing like they have been friends for years. Yonghwa's mom teasing her mom while their parents are talking about business. And his brother asking about her unnies, as Yonghwa sneakily held hands with her under the table. How confused can she be with the whole situation? This is madness.

"Aigoo, you don't know how lucky you are to have a daughter like Seohyun." said Mrs. Jung.

"You are also lucky to have sons like Yong Hwa and his elder brother."

"Aish.. we both lucky then why don't they just get married for real." Seohyun nearly chocked out her water.

"I wish I can marry an angel like Seohyun mom." Yonghwa laughed. Okay this doesn't make sense at all for Seohyun. What is happening? Her head is throbbing painfully now. She doesn't know how to interpret all this.

"Ani, I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about your brother there." All of them laughed at this sentence leaving out Seohyun and Yonghwa who is pouting by the way.


Yonghwa followed Seohyun to her apartment to send her parents and her home as a sign of respect.

"Aigoo, what a gentleman. It's a pity you should date my daughter.." See even her dad is caught in Yonghwa's fever.

"I wish I can visit you later on. And if you don't mind i want to talk with your daughter a bit." 

"Of course you can. Yeobo, let's go." 

After seeing her parents get into their apartment door. "I'm sorry." It's not enough it seems as Seohyun still looked pissed at him.

"What exactly are you bothering about Seohyun? Just let it all out."

"What am I to you actually Jung Yong Hwa? Your ex-virtual wife? Or just a fling" Seohyun looked at him seriously. 

"What are you saying?"

"I mean. You never even officially ask me to become your girlfriend. You don't know how insecure i have been with all the women around you because we literally have no ties."

"Hyun~ you didn't trust me? Is it really wrong for me to move nearer to you. It's true you are my neighbour right.."

"It's not that. It just, why exactly do you move nearer here? You want to control me?"

"It's none of your business." Yonghwa sighed frustratingly with his sentence when he noticed that there is tears hanging on the corner of Seohyun eyes.

"As expected I'm nothing to you. I thought I'm somewhat your girlfriend as you go around your circle of friends and mention me as your girlfriend. But in front of your parents, you chicken out."

"Seohyun, I'm sorry" Yonghwa looked at Seohyun apologetically, it seems that his recent stress got the best of him. It just hard to be liking each other like this. He suppose not blurted her out as his neighbour and approached her earlier to be his girlfriend.

"Yeah, none of my business." Seohyun stormed off and left Yonghwa speechless. She is never these mad. She just wanted to calm down.


Next morning, he saw Seohyun went home with a BMW Z4 car. 

Dang it that guy is shooting a laser of flirting eyes towards her. They are laughing. Pfft. 

He can't hear it their conversation as he is quite far from them. Her blood is boiling with anger. Stupid him, he should just sealed the deal earlier on. He walked towards them and shoot a glared at the guy who is apparently his senior slash hyung. It's Changmin hyung.

"You are back late seohyun~. Oh and hi hyung!" Seohyun ignored him while Changmin looked at her weirdly.

"Ohh Yonghwa, what are you doing here?" He can see the dissapointment look on his eyes when he mention that.

"I live here with her." Changmin eyes widened as Yonghwa felt a winning bell goes out at him. He felt a sense of joy.

Seohyun who noticed this quicly bowed and said "Thank you oppa."

She dragged Yonghwa into the hallway and glared at him.

"What are you doing with him?"

"It's none of your business oppa." She left him and walked quickly to the lift. Yonghwa stood there frozen with her sudden coldness.




Author's note

I wrote this without even checking it. I will soon but not now. Do subscribe, comment and so on. By the way should the next chapter be the last one?

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Chapter 2 update. Quite long.


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Chapter 1: Star gazing aka seohyun gazing, lol JYH is a funny stalker
Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
seororo312 #3
Chapter 3: No one can beat Yonghwa's cheesy lines and it really showed that he was a truly stalker boyfriend when he mentioned all Seohyun's fanboys hahaha~
snccrockz #4
Chapter 3: lol meeting her in disguise at the airport i didn't expect. Nice ending!
SeiraAiren #5
Chapter 2: STALKER oppa.. you shouldn't do that.. just asking seohyun..
kmrsanchez #6
Chapter 2: I love it. But pabo yong ruined it. Please write more chaps. Hope they reconcile in the next chap.
maerd82 #7
Make them a couple in your story, it should satisfy some hunger in our yongseo shipper... who knows maybe what you are writing will came true, lol.
cnsdGirl #8
Chapter 2: Nyahahahahaha!! Yah Yonghwa? When will you do that? Asking her to be your girlfriend and approach her parents? She already think you doesn't love her!
LOL! Well-mannered! The sentences~ Single woman and single man cannot being together in the same dorm without anyone else. My auntie just talking about it. XD

Update soon! :D
cnsdGirl #9
Chapter 1: Uh!~ are so creepy. Really! But, super sweet, lovely and cute. LOL! I'm having fun seeing you got many SMACKS! XD

Oh!~ Three shots? Then..UPDATE SOON! :D
Chapter 1: Yonghwa stalking his own girlfriend is just crazy... but it's cute^^