Preparing 2.



“Kim Minseok,” Sunny scolded, her hands at the side of her hip, “what did I say about feeding steamed buns to Jieun,” she grabbed the plate still full of steamed buns and shoved it into the fridge, “especially when she barely woke up.”


Minseok grinned at his cute little wife before getting up from the chair and helping Jieun down from her high chair, “She was hungry,” he stated, “and she wanted steamed buns.” Sunny glanced at Minseok then rolled her eyes, “Sure, and Jieun specifically asked for steamed buns.”


Minseok nodded his head happily. Sunny let out an annoyed grunt and threw her hands up into the air, “Whatever Minseok.” Minseok laughed at his wife and made his way over to her then embraced her into his arms, “Sorry Sunny,” he said, nuzzling his nose into the crook of her neck. Sunny calmed down from her anger and took in a deep breath of her husband, “You know well that she must eat breakfast in the morning,” she said softly while playing with Minseok’s hair. Minseok gave her a nod of his head and answered her, “Yes, I’ll follow your orders next time.”


Sunny laughed at his words and smacked him on the back, “Okay baozi, take the kids to the car, we have to get going before Jessica unnie calls and yell at us for not hurrying up.”


Minseok pulled away from his wife’s warm body and nodded his head furiously, “Right right,” he clapped his hands loudly together before marching off into the living room for their kids. Sunny stood their shaking her head and laughing as she watched her husband marched away from her, “Oh you…,”




“Ah!” Yuri dropped the bag of diapers she was holding onto the ground as she heard a loud crashing sound from downstairs, “those…” she lets out an annoyed sigh and picked up the diaper bag from the ground and hung it over her shoulders, “I swear, I don’t know how many times I’ve told them to not…,” she climbed down the stairs and made her way into the living room to see her husband, Huang ZiTao or better known as Tao, teaching his son Daeho how to do a round house kick.


“ZiTao,” Yuri called for his name. Tao stopped his demonstration and sheepishly spun around to meet the angry fury of his wife’s eyes, “Oh…hi there honey,” he said, picking up Daeho into his arms.


“Don’t hi there me ZiTao,” Yuri said angrily and pointed a finger to the broken vase lying on the floor, “just to inform you, that was a very expensive vase bought all the way from China.”


Tao glanced down at the vase before glancing back at his furious wife, “Yeah…I know,” he said.


“If you knew then why do you, after many times of telling you to not do any martial arts in the house, still do it?” she shouted. Daeho looked up at his dad and poked him on the chest, “Mommy mad?” the little one year old in Tao’s arms asked. Tao chuckled at his son’s question and ruffled his hair, “Mommy isn’t mad, she’s just…furious,” he said.


“Huang ZiTao, by the time I come back from outside, you better have cleaned up the mess,” Yuri stated, slipping on her shoes, “and you better buy a replacement for it.”


“Yes honey dear,” Tao shouted after Yuri who by now slammed the door on him. He flinched a little and bent down to place Daeho on the floor, “now be a good little boy and stay here okay? Daddy’s going to go get the broom stick and dust pan, make sure you don’t touch the glass because it make and ouchy on your finger,” he said, poking his son’s fingers.


“Ouchy daddy?” Daeho asked. Tao smiled at his son and nodded, “Be a good boy okay?”


“Otay,” Daeho answered. Tao stood up from his squatting position and made his way into the kitchen to grab the broomstick and dust pan.




“Baekhyun, are you done with the packing?” a pregnant Tiffany asked and walked into the kitchen to see her husband zipping up the bottle bag.


“Just about,” Baekhyun answered her. He slung the bag over his shoulder and walked over to his 7 months pregnant wife, “how’s the baby today?” he asked, rubbing Tiffany’s bulging stomach. Tiffany let out a huff and puff before answering her husband, “Minnie was good this morning until after I ate breakfast, and then she started to kick.”


Baekhyun smiled and bent down until he was eye leveled with Tiffany’s stomach, “Minnie ah,” he called softly, rubbing his wife’s stomach, “be a good little girl okay? Make sure you don’t kick mommy too hard because then she’ll feel too much pain and we don’t want mommy to go into labor early.”


Tiffany chuckled at Baekhyun and slightly hit him on the back, “Come on, we have to get going,” she grabbed Baekhyun’s hand and lead him towards the front door, “is everything in the car already?” she asked.


“Yeah,” Baekhyun answered her and locked up the house. He s his arm around Tiffany’s waist and helped her walk down the stairs of their front porch to their car, “I think that it’s time for Taeyeon and Sehun to have another kid,” Tiffany said, waiting for her husband to unlock the car. After the car was unlocked, Tiffany opened the door to the passenger side and got it.


“Why do you say that?” Baekhyun asked, placing the diaper bag and bottle bag behind his chair.


“Because, they were the first ones to have a baby before all of us and plus Myungsoo will be turning 4 soon, he needs a playmate other than just our kids,” Tiffany explained. Baekhyun gave her a ‘hm’ sound before starting the engine, “Why don’t you suggest it to her?” he asked, pulling out from their driveway.


“Yeah…I should,” Tiffany said, looking out through the passenger window. 


okay still the boring chapters LOL. the other three family and the uncles will be introduced in the next chapter so...keep on waiting~

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Chapter 3: Park family, chanyeol and sooyoung with their 2 sons <3 heheheh reading this makes my heart feel warm <3
Chapter 3: Update please! Pretty please with cherry
exotaeng9 #3
Chapter 3: update.....
Chapter 3: seyeonnnnn
Chapter 2: hehe huang family! :D
Chapter 3: I love all the families. especially Huang's family. Oh dear haha.
The cuteness is all over the chapters and I like it wkwk.
update soon^^
Chapter 3: now im starting to ship SooYeol </3
Chapter 2: at Huang family!!!
mindless father and son plus furious it!!!
Chapter 2: Omg the cuteness is too intense and I'm loving it so much !!! xDD
taeyeoppeo #10
Chapter 1: update <3 seyeon!!