
Drama Trauma

006 | DRESS UP
Home Sweet Home


Yeonhee’s following days were filled with acting workshops, CF shootings and dealing with Roo. Roo’s family owned a café which Yeonhee usually go to during her breaks, and now that Roo’s parents think they’re getting old, they decided to let Roo herself manage the café.

The truth is, Roo doesn’t want it, but she doesn’t have any choice.

“Yeonhee-ah~” Roo cooed. They were in the café, drinking frappucino. “Pretty please?”

“Are you really serious?” Yeonhee asked. She could barely finish her glass because of Roo.

Roo just nodded. “Even just for a few weeks, until I get the hang of it.”

Yeonhee sighed. Roo was asking her to stay at their house which adjacent to the café, asking her to help her manage it even for a while. Roo’s parents already booked a flight to Europe for vacation and are ready to leave her alone in a few days.

“You don’t have anything to lose here,” Roo started, though Yeonhee disagrees – she’ll lose days of peace and freedom. She just didn’t say anything because Roo might kill her.

“Our house is nearer to Director Song’s office, basically to anywhere you want to be,” Roo continued. “I’ll even take care of your living expenses; you don’t even have to pay rent for your cheap apartment—”

“Excuse me—?”

Roo scoffed. “I know you agree with me, you’re apartment looks more like a pig pen.”

Though she wanted to, Yeonhee couldn’t disagree. The apartment she stays in was pretty small, and the fact that Yeonhee isn’t much of a neat person didn’t help. Yeonhee just mumbled, “You’re mean.”

“I know,” Roo answered with a sarcastic smile. Yeonhee rolled her eyes.

“Last offer – I’ll give you free coffee coupons,” Roo said with a wide grin. “Half a year supply of it for my best friend.”

“One whole year.”

“Come on, I’ll go bankrupt! Three fourths.”


“Yes!” Roo shouted, as she literally jumped around the café. The customers eyed her, some laughing, some annoyed.

“What?” she asked them. “Why do you care? This is my caf—”

Yeonhee covered Roo’s mouth with her hand and bowed down in front of the costumers, an embarrassed smile plastered on her face. “Sorry for that. Please continue with your eating.”

Roo glared at her. She’s really scary for her angelic face. Yeonhee dragged her to the kitchen, still bowing to the customers.

“You really do need help around here,” Yeonhee said as she let go of her best friend.

Days passed. Yeonhee was pretty much busy with promotions and stuff, but she would still go to the café to help during her breaks. She’s been quite exhausted in the past few days, and only a good sleep could make her feel better. Good thing she had a few days off, which she dedicated to nothing but sleeping and pigging out.

Roo made her stay in the biggest guest room in their house and sleep on the softest bed. She would sometimes miss the sofa bed she usually sleeps on in her apartment, but then regret even thinking about it when she lays her head down on the fluffiest pillows she never knew existed.

But sometimes, even sleep annoys the hell out of her. Especially when her dreams are about the person she hated the most.

She dreamt that while she was lying on her bed, Key was with her, sitting beside her. He was looking down at her with curious eyes, slowly leaning down…But then Yeonhee forcefully shut her eyes.

“What are you doing?” the Key in her dreams said. His voice was so soft; it was like melody to her ears.

Yeonhee tried harder in forcing her eyes closed. “I’m trying to change my dream back to puppies and rabbits. I don’t know why you suddenly appeared in my dream,” she said.

Yeonhee heard Key scoff. “Stupid girl,” he said.

Yeonhee was taken aback, but still didn’t open her eyes. “Why are you still so evil even in my dreams? And why won’t you go away?”

She heard him scoff again. “Because you’re not dreaming, idiot,” he said.

Yeonhee abruptly opened her eyes and sat up. She looked at the Key in front of her, her eyes wide open in shock. She slowly reached out to touch his right cheek, and pinch it hard.

“Ouch!” Key shouted as he slapped her hand away. “Just what do think you’re doing, you stupid—?!”

“Are you really that diva Key who doesn’t have a life?” Yeonhee innocently asked.

“What the—” Key started as he clenched his fist, but then just sighed. He slowly stood up, walked to the door and opened it. “You should get up now before I decide to kill you. Fix yourself and come down in 15 minutes, or else.” 

And then he left.

Yeonhee wasn’t still sure if she was just dreaming or not. Why would Key be in her room, sitting on her bed? And how did he know he lives there, and how did he get in? But even with her doubts, Yeonhee did go to the bathroom and take a bath. She was about to fall asleep again in the tub when a loud knock on the door woke her up.

“Are you trying to test my patience, lady? You’ve been there for an hour!” a man’s voice shouted. “You already slept all morning and now you plan to take a bath till afternoon?! If you don’t get out of there in five minutes, I’m going to knock this door down and drag you out, fully dressed or not!”

Just in that moment did Yeonhee realize she wasn’t dreaming. Just with that attitude and choice of words, she was definitely sure that it was Key. But she still isn’t sure why he’s there.

Yeonhee ran as fast as she could to get to the living room. Sometimes she hated the fact that she lived with Roo in their mansion, especially when she’s running late.

When she arrived, she saw Key elegantly sitting on the sofa. He was wearing a loose black cardigan over a white shirt, and a pair of dark skinny jeans. He looked casual, though classy at the same time.

Roo came in from the kitchen and served him a cup of coffee. With the way they interact with each other, they seemed to be getting along well. Now she knows how Key got to her room. She made a mental note to kill Roo later.

When the two noticed Yeonhee, their reactions were unexplainable. But it did look like they’re in shock; their jaw almost touched the ground.

“Did I really take that long?” Yeonhee asked.

Roo nodded. “Third cup,” she said, referring to Key’s coffee. “It’s already his third cup. Really, Yeonhee, how can you sleep all day?”

Yeonhee bit her lip. She was just so tired.

“But that isn’t the problem here,” Key suddenly said as he stood up and walked to her. “Why are you wearing that, woman? Where are you going, to the gym?!”

Yeonhee looked at her outfit. She was wearing a sweatshirt, jogging pants and sneakers. It was the most comfortable outfit she ever knew. “But you really didn’t say where we’re going…”

Key sighed. “I know you’re really boyish and you don’t have any sense of fashion at all, but please do try to fix yourself well when you’re with me! Imagine what would people say when they see me with you on the streets!”

Yeonhee sighed. She remembered she blurted everything out to Key about her being boyish when she got drunk, but, she didn’t say anything about her lack of sense in fashion. Is it really that obvious?

“Sorry about that,” Roo said as she went to cover Yeonhee. Yeonhee glared at her, what is she saying sorry for? Does she look that bad?

Roo just pushed Yeonhee up the stairs in response. Yeonhee fought back, but stopped when Roo glared at her.

Roo looked back at Key and smiled, “We’ll be back.”

Key rolled his eyes and slumped on the sofa as she watched the two girls disappear from his sight.


“We’re back!” Roo shouted as she got down the stairs, pulling Yeonhee with her. It only took one glare from Roo for her to obey.

Key almost sputtered his coffee when he saw Yeonhee. She looked completely different wearing a blue cardigan over a summer dress. Her wavy hair flowed down her shoulders, with a thin headband to keep her bangs out of the way.

“How is it?” Yeonhee asked as she shyly looked at her toes.

“It’s tolerable,” Key answered and faked a cough. Roo smirked.

 “Let’s go,” Key said as he stood up and walked to Yeonhee to grab her wrist. He was about to pull her but paused to give Roo a quick glance. “Thanks for the coffee, Roo,” he said and abruptly pulled Yeonhee out of the house.

“You and Roo seemed close,” Yeonhee said as soon as they got out of the house.

Key looked at her with a blank expression. “Jealous?”

Yeonhee rolled her eyes. “You wish.”

Key just smirked and continued walking out of the mansion’s gates to the black convertible car parked a few meters away.

“Where are we going?” Yeonhee asked. Because of all the commotion earlier, she wasn’t able to ask where the heck they were going that Key had to fetch her.

“Meeting with Joongki and the rest of the cast,” he answered as he opened the door of his car for Yeonhee. Though he’s mean, there’s still a bit of a gentleman left flowing in his veins.

“How come he didn’t tell me about this?” Yeonhee asked as soon as Key sat on the driver’s seat beside her.

“Stupid old man probably has something up his sleeves,” he said without looking at her. “He even blackmailed me just to make me fetch you.”

Key was about to start the engine when he heard a phone ring. He looked at Yeonhee who instantly looked through her purse and picked her phone up.

“Hello?” Yeonhee said. Key looked at her for a while before they sped off. “Director Song?”

Yeonhee almost bumped her head on the glass when Key suddenly stepped on the breaks after hearing that name. She quickly glared at him before turning back to the phone.

“Hello, director Song? What made you call?” she asked. Key just rolled his eyes and continued driving.

“Hello Yeonhee-ah!” he shouted from the other line. “Did Key fetch you already?”

“Yes,” she softly answered. “But why does he need to fetch me?”

“Is he there with you?”

“Yes, but he’s driving. We’re on our way to your office now.”

“Is that so?” he asked. “Put me on loudspeaker then.”

Yeonhee nodded and had him on loudspeaker. She moved the phone a bit closer to Key, so he can hear.

“Yah Key!” Director Song shouted, making Key twitch a bit.

“Geez, old man! I’m driving. What is it?!” he shouted back, still focused on his driving. He could almost hear the director smirk from the other line. Yeonhee just chuckled.

“Good job,” he said, as if cooing a puppy for doing tricks. Key rolled his eyes. He knew something else was coming.

And indeed, there was. “You’re driving, right? Why don’t you two do me a little favor and go to the mall?”

“So I just got promoted from being a driver to a personal assistant,” Key said bitterly.

“Come on, Key. You wouldn’t want to break my heart, right?” Director Song said suggestively. Must be the blackmailing.

“What should we do in the mall?” Yeonhee asked. She noticed Key was too annoyed to ask.

“I need gifts. And you guys are perfect for the job! I just want a coat and a party dress. You see, the coat is for someone of Key’s size, and the party dress, well, someone as petite as you. I have faith in Key’s fashion sense, so I’ll leave it to you guys,” he said. “Oh and you don’t have to make them wrap it up. I like wrapping gifts personally. I'll pay you back when you get here. Don’t forget to be here at 6! I’ll text you the address later, bye!”

And with that, the call ended. Key was fuming at how Joongki just ordered him around, but suddenly got curious when he saw Yeonhee.

Yeonhee was frowning at how Director Song specifically stated that he trusted only Key’s fashion sense, and not both. Is it really that obvious that she doesn’t know fashion at all?

Key got the point as well and scoffed at her reaction. He wanted to , but just let it go.

“Yah, what time is it?” he asked.

Yeonhee looked at her wristwatch; her eyes widen when she saw the time. “Crap, it’s already 4. Hurry!” she said as she frantically shook Key’s right arm.

“Yah! Stop it, we’ll crash!” he said and made a sharp turn at the first street corner he saw.


Next chapters coming in a few hours. Sorry for not updating for a looooong while. :( Busy with school stuff. Next chapter's inside the mall LOL

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14 streak #1
Chapter 8: Kyyaaaq chihoon!!!!! He finally made an appearance but for only a while.... ;A;
Anyways.......... Update soon~~ ♡♥
Update soon!! I luv u chi hoonie!!!
Hey! Update soooooooooooooooooooooooooooon :) I miss this already.
NappeunYeoja #4
Hmm<br />
When will you update this FICTION?<br />
:3<br />
Pwetty pweees, update asap<br />
new reader here! keep updating<br />
can't wait for more chihoonie~
NappeunYeoja #6
Koala?<br />
LOL<br />
I cant imagine Koala Key (≧∇≦)<br />
<br />
OMFG<br />
That was kind of Key xD<br />
He cared afterall<br />
And I thought that he was just jealous at first<br />
Hihihi<br />
~(˘▾˘~) ~(˘▾˘)~ (~˘▾˘)~<br />
He was such a gentleman<br />
Love love love it<br />
Update asap, okay?<br />
I'm craving for moar xD
aw! I love it! :))
vikKiBeoMin #8
And on the back of Key's mind was he's getting jealous!ahahhaha<br />
<br />
Update soon!
NappeunYeoja #9
LOL<br />
Ohmaaaaiiiyyy<br />
Key, you are really something xD<br />
Oooh, Chihoon made an appearance<br />
FiNALLY<br />
Hehe<br />
<font face="OCR A Extended" color="sky blue">aigoo!<br />
someone's getting jealous... haha!<br />
<br />
i love it!<br />
<br />
update soon :)</font>