
Completely Devoted to You


​I only own my OC and my ideas, thanks for reading!

Chapter 11: Lessons

           “It’s time for your lesson!”  Jonghyun called from the doorway.  Minhyuk and I jumped up quickly and rushed out of the room.

           “Oppa, Minhyuk, please take care of me!” I said as I smiled and bowed at the two guys.  The three of us headed to the soundproof practice room.

           “It’s a little early to be playing drums, so Jonghyun can teach you first,” Minhyuk said with disappointment clearly shown on his face.  Jonghyun grabbed his acoustic guitar and a handful of guitar picks.  He picked up my hands and laid them on the guitar in the proper position.  My heart raced as his large hands covered my small ones on the guitar.

            I felt slightly irritated at myself.  Jonghyun was just going to teach me guitar, and I was getting all worked up about it.  It seemed I wasn’t the only one because moments later Minhyuk said he had to look for his drumsticks.  It was a pretty lame excuse because only minutes earlier I saw him holding them.

            I was pretty terrible at playing guitar because I constantly had to look down at the strings to check if my hand was on the right string.  It must have sounded bad because when I tried to play a chord, Jonghyun winced but stayed silent.  Jonghyun patiently corrected me again and again and didn’t seem annoyed at all.  When I finally was able to play the basic chords, Jonghyun put his hand up and said, “Let’s take a break.”  I set the guitar down on the stand.

            “How did I do, oppa?” I asked while following him to the dining table.

            “Not to bad for your first day, but we still have a lot of work to do,” he said while he got juice from the fridge.  I found Minhyuk sleeping at the dining table.  His mouth was open slightly, but his even breathing showed that he was fast asleep.  His eyelashes were long and pretty like a girl’s.  I felt compelled to touch his face because his skin looked so soft.  I lightly poked his cheek with my finger and he shifted his head a little, but stayed fast asleep.

            “Ahem,” a cough interrupted me.  Feeling embarrassed I stood up and looked at the floor.  “Want some juice?” Jonghyun asked while staring at the sleeping Minhyuk.

            “Yes, please,” I said while hanging my head in shame.

            “Oh Misun, can you wake up Minhyuk?” Jonghyun asked while pouring two glasses of orange juice.

            “Errr, yeah,” I agreed while walking over to where Minhyuk slept.  “Minhyuk, wake up,” I said while gently shaking his shoulder.

            A loud snort came from behind me.  “You’re going to have to do a lot more than that if you want to wake him up.  He could sleep through a tsunami!” Yonghwa snickered while grabbing a glass of juice from Jonghyun’s hand.

            Jonghyun went back to the fridge to pour another glass of juice, and I decided to try waking Minhyuk up one more time.  “MINHYUK, YOU’RE LATE FOR SCHOOL!  IF YOU COME HOME WITH ONE MORE BAD SCORE ON YOUR TESTS, I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” I shouted into his ear.  Before I could finish my sentence, Minhyuk was up and rubbing his eyes.

            “Five more minutes noona!  I only got a bad score once,” he pouted while yawning.  Everyone in the room broke into laughter.

            “Poor baby,” Yonghwa snickered, “he’s no match for his noona.”

            “Wah, you’re not noona!” Minhyuk exclaimed and pointed at me accusingly.  I laughed and Jonghyun patted my back.

            “I’m no match for you when it comes to waking up Minhyuk,” Jonghyun stated while setting down juice in front of everyone.  When we finished drinking the juice, Jonghyun said, “Minhyuk, it’s your turn.”

            “Ah, okay hyung,” Minhyuk replied, “Let’s go Misun!” he ran off into the hallway and I practically had to chase after him  “I’ll show you how I play the drums first.  You can watch and observe the proper posture!” he said while sliding into the chair behind the drumset.  I was unsure about his teaching method, because I am a slow learner, and I do not pick up anything by watching something once.

            Minhyuk picked up his drumsticks and shouted, “One, two.  One, two, three, four.”  As soon as he said four, he started pounding away at the drums.  His movements were graceful and relaxed, yet they also showed great strength and fierceness.  The beat was so intoxicating; I tapped my feet along to the rhythm.  I was so entranced by the beat I almost forgot why Minhyuk was playing.

            By the time Minhyuk finished the song, he had sweat dripping down his forehead.  “Minhyuk, you were so cool!” I exclaimed while handing him a towel that was hanging on a rack nearby.

            “Did you learn anything?” he asked while wiping the sweat off of his face.

            “Ahhhhh, not really,” I said while staring at the floor.

            Minhyuk slapped his forehead and said, “Aigoo, this is going to be a long day.”

Ah a little humor at the end, kekeke.  Thank you for reading!


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cncoconut #2
love this fanfic so much!! please continue writing more of these amazing stories!! <3 :D
Chapter 77: Waaaahh! Authornim, such a wonderful fanfic of CNBLUE! :) I love it
Chapter 77: This.is.the.best.CNBLUE.fanfic.ever! Yay!
Chapter 58: Awww, poor jonghyunnie~
Chapter 45: More crying?! Waee~ and the lyrics to Blind love... Ahh
Chapter 44: AHH! Nuuuu, too sad! *Cries*
Chapter 40: whoo! I voted since I really like this story! :D ah but I need to finish reading... hahaha. I'm so slow... reading many fanfics all at once^^
Chapter 77: Aww, it ended so soon (for me anyway) It was really good. I'm going to read Sunbae-nim now :3 Baby Minhyukie would be so cute >,<