


Jaejoong open the door of his class room with light heart and walk to his seat with his friend whispering behind his back, laugh at him. Jaejoong sit on his chair look at his friend, confused.

“Ng…why they’re laughing at me? Something wrong with my outfit?” asks Jaejoong, look at his uniform, which is neat enough.

Junsu, one of his best friend, grab something that attach at his back, shakes his head.

“Really lame jokes! Are we still at elementary?” said Junsu, shown the paper to Jaejoong.

“I’M STUPID!” the letter written on the paper.

“Eeh? When did got attach on my back?” said Jaejoongblink his doe eyes cutely.

“How do I know? You really don’t felt anything? Maybe on bus?” ask Junsu.


“What’s going on?” ask Young Saeng, their best friend who coming after Jaejoong.

Junsu shown the paper to Young Saeng. The boy looks at the paper and to Jaejoong.

“Aigoo the one who attach this really know that our hyungie is stupid?”

“YAH! I’m not stupid!” said Jaejoong, that the oldest from the three and his two friends love him so much just like their own hyung.

“Jaejoong hyung not stupid, Young Saeng ah, just clueless sometimes!” said Junsu, laughter with his trade mark laugh which is similar with dolphin'

“Su-ie!!!” Jaejoong whine childishly.

Maybe he’s the oldest, but he can be more childish than the other two, thanks to his big brother that overprotective about him.

“Okay…sorry hyung…by the way, how’s your brother doing?” ask Junsu.

“Why? You missed him, don’t you?!” teased Jaejoong.

“YAH!” Junsu’s face becomes red. He likes Jaejoong big brother from their junior high.

Jaejoong’s brother that older by 5 years is really the best brother that Jaejoong’s can wish for. Changmin, his brother, really love him so much. For Changmin, Jaejoong’s happiness is everything. Look at how Changmin cares about Jaejoong, makes Junsu idolizing him, so much.

Jaejoong only smiles mischievously. He really enjoys teasing Junsu. Changmin already having a boyfriend but that’s not stop Junsu from admiring him. KiBum, Changmin’s fiancée love Jaejoong just like his own brother that’s one of the reasons why Changmin choose him as his partner of life.

“So, when the wedding day?” ask Young Saeng.

“Two month from now,” said Jaejoong, little bit gloomy.

“Yah! Don’t make a face like that! You know that Changmin hyung and KiBum hyung love you so much, they won’t leaving you alone, hyung!” said Young Saeng.

“I know that, but still will be different, because when they’re married, I can’t cuddling with my brother again when the storm coming,” said Jaejoong, which really afraid to heard the storm.


Jaejoong then smile. He loves his brother and really happy to see how happy his brother with KiBum, and he loves KiBum too. But really, he will miss his brother so much after the wedding. Don’t be sad Jaejoong ah, because if you sad, Changmin hyung will be sad too, Jaejoongie fighting!


The class ended, right now will be club activity. Jaejoong join cooking club, while Young Saeng music club and Junsu soccer club. When he walks to his cooking class, his gym teacher call him.

“Kim Jaejoong, right?” ask the teacher. Jaejoong known as a very clumsy student that when we talked about gym.

“Yes, Mr. Jang<’ said Jaejoong.

“Will you please give this paper to Hapkido club? Just ask to meet their captain, Jung Yunho, got it?” ask Mr. Jang.

“Yes, sir,” said Jaejoong, receive the paper.

“Ok then, thank you.”

Jaejoong walk slowly to his cooking class to ask a permit from his teacher. Then he’s going outside, to the hapkido club while thinking. Jung Yunho…Jung…Yunho…. AAAhhh!!! Now Jaejoong’s face became paler, because he remembers how his friends and everybody in this school talk about that cold captain from senior class. People said, that this Jung really cold and heartless. He’s so good with hapkido and fighting. Less talk, just with action.

“Eomma…what should I do?”

Jaejoong goes to the club with heart beat faster than before. Arrives at the room, he finds the room still empty, so he walk slowly go inside, decides to just drop the paper on the table. He’s turn his body and run to the door. Unfortunately someone’s coming from outside, so Jaejoong bump with the bigger body which makes him stumbles backward, almost fall to the ground if that body not catch his waist fast, but their forehead bump each other now.

“OUCH!” Jaejoong shouting, while the other boy groan lowly.

Jaejoong rub his forehead cutely.

“Are you okay?” a deep husky voice came from the other makes Jaejoong look at him, startled now.

“JUNG YUNHO!” unconsciously Jaejoong shouted the name.

“Yes? You’re looking for me?”

“YES! NG…Mr. Jang…ng…paper…” Jaejoong stuttering.

Yunho look at him straightly but expressionless, which makes Jaejoong scares now. When Yunho doesn’t say anything, but his hand raise closer to his face, Jaejoong closed his eyes tightly.

“I’m sorry…I don’t mean to bumping you…so..rry…ng…?!”

“Why you afraid with me? Please don’t…” said Yunho, softly.

Jaejoong open his eyes and look at Yunho’s face which right now rub his forehead softly.

“I just want to make sure your forehead not hard swollen,” said Yunho.

“Eh? Ah…ng…it’s okay…sorry…” said Jaejoong. He’s little bit confused, why he’s not scares anymore?

“So, why do you looking for me?” ask Yunho.

“Ah…right…the paper…from mr.Jang..on the table,” said Jaejoong.

“I see. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Ng…I get going now,” said Jaejoong.

Yunho help him to get up and that action makes Jaejoong blushed hardly. Bowed his head, Jaejoong turn back and running away, not because afraid of Yunho, but because want to cover his blushing face.

Yunho look at his back, still with unreadable face. But if you look at his eyes, you can see that he’s not an ice statue like everyone described him to be.


“Hmm…why everyone scared with Yunho? He’s not a bad guy,” said Jaejoong to himself.

“But…his eyes and unreadable face really makes me nervous… I’m not scared but I think I choose to not meet this man again if I’m alone…I hope..”

Yeah…so much for a hope…


a/n : first chapter!

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Chapter 3: Wait for the next update authornin ^^
Chapter 2: Woaaahhhhhh .... i know this scene very well ... hahahahaha .... :D
Chapter 1: Soo jaejoong is kyoko ? And yunho is fujiomi ... right authornim ... dan i dunno why .. i imagine junsu as kyoko curly hair friend hahaha ^^
Which kyoko hikawa manga authornim ? ...
TheShinyWobbuffet #5
Chapter 3: Hyunjoongie-ah... Neo eodiya??????
Chapter 3: When is hyun joong coming in?????
fukada_kyoko78 #7
Chapter 3: Leave it to you author-shii to create this mushy moment.. kekeke
grutugomuk #8
Chapter 2: ehhh.... ~ but rly looking forward for the next update ^^
Chapter 2: this story is good! will wait for next update..