Lunch ver.2

Behind The Scenes ll EXO-M Interactive Game




"Thanks for the offer, but I want to look around the school first." You apologised to Krystal. However, I don't think you were in your right state of mind at the time. You just turned down a potential friend offer for solo exploration of the school. What the hell were you thinking?

"That's okay." Krystal smiled, placing her laptop in her bag, "maybe you can come next time. I'll see you around." She got up from her seat, waved a bye to you before leaving with Jessica and her minions.

Great. You were right back where you started. Alone.

You descended the stairs, quickly blending in with the rest of the cohoard as they moved towards the cafeteria. 

Arriving at the entrance, you were immediately in disbelief. The sheer size of the cafeteria alone was astonishing. Even the entrance was exorbitant, a pair of massive glass double doors, with stainless steel handles surrounded by a white marble frame. You had to stop momentarily to take in what was situated behind those streak-free glass doors. There were an array of little stores offering food from a variety of countries. To your right were Asian cuisines ranging from Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Malaysian. To the left were western cuisine; American, Italian, French and Mediterrean. What was this place and how much money do they make to be spending it on this kind of service? More importantly, how much were these students paying just to step foot in this school? 

"You're new here aren't you?" A female voice asked from behind you.

"Are you one of them?" Another asked as she came to stand next to you.

The two girls, each appearance wise, looked completely opposite to each other. The girl on your left had perfectly curled dark chocolate hair that hung freely just above her navel. Her complexion looked perfect, no traces of blemishes or discolouration in sight. With a little eye liner to emphasise the shape of her eyes and a dab of pink on her lips, she looked like she just walked straight out of a television commercial. Poreless and perfect. Her bag which looked expensive sat snuggly between the crook of her arm. Her uniform although was exactly the same as yours, looked ten times better on her body than it did on yours. Which was to be expected, from someone who looked the way she did. The blazer, shirt, skirt and jumper looked like it was tailor made to fit her body. On the other hand, the girl standing next to her had her hair pulled up into a messy ponytail, with bits of black hair falling around her face. Her blazer hung from the strap of her backpack, her tie was loosened and her sleeves rolled all the way up her elbows. Despite not wearing any makeup, that you could see, she was completely flawless. You had to admire her, she walked around dressed the way she does in a room full of designer clad barbie dolls. Not that she was unattractive or anything. She was probably better looking than the average girl and that was without makeup.

"One of who?" You asked hesitantly.

"A scholarship student" The girl on your right whispered loudly behind her hand to you.

"What gave it away?" You asked, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Oh, the glittering gleam in your eyes, the mouth hanging wide open. Tell tale signs like that." She waved for hand with a flourish.

"Don't listen to Minseo, everyone had that exact same look once upon a time but if you think this is great, wait until you see the gym and relaxation room." The other butted in. "The hot stone massage is to die for."

"Hot stones massage? Relaxation room?" Was this even a school? With all these fancy facilities it could have passed for a resort minus the beach and water related entertainment. Although you had a feeling that there was a swimming pool hidden somewhere within this monster of an educational institution. And with the amount of money they were throwing around on each facility, you had no doubts that it would be olympic size, maybe even two.

"Yep. It's the second best place out of the entire school." Minseo nodded.

"Second?" You looked from Minseo to the other girl.

"We'll show you after we get something to eat." She said before gliding off towards the Japanese store.

"Come." Minseo hooked her arm through yours and dragged you towards the food.

For someone who barely knew you, Minseo was extremely friendly. Walking deeper into the cafeteria your nose was bombarded with an infusion of scents that made your mouth water.

"Any preferences?" She asked as you walked around to surveying each store.

"Korean." You automatically said, swallowing the saliva that threatened to roll out from the side of your mouth. Who knows how much Korean food here is going to cost let alone Italian food.

"Okay, Korean food here we come." She pulled you towards the little Korean store which from what you observed had the shortest line of students. The hot food choices sat on heated metal trays while the cold food choices sat in the refrigerated glass cabinets. There was also the option of eating your food in the cafeteria, in which case, your food was served on white ceramic plate with silver cutlery. 

You chose the cheapest thing they had, gimbap and a bottle of orange juice.

Minseo, on the other hand, didn't give two cents about the price tag. She chose what she found to be appealing, which was a substantial amount considering how thin the girl was. Dolsot bibimbap (hotpot mixed rice), super saucey tteokbokki (red rice cake), soondae (korean blood sausage) and two sweet hotteok (goopy deep fried snack).


You readied a 20,000 won note from your wallet as you approached the check out register.

"Uhh...what are you doing?" Minseo came up from behind and pushed back the hand with the money.

"I'm going to pay for it." You answered matter of factly. There was no way you were going to let someone you didn't know, pay for your lunch. 

"Oh silly girl." She laughed, shaking for head "you don't pay with money. You use your student ID." She balanced the containers of food in one arm, just long enough for her to pull out an ID card from her pocket, and placing it between her lips. "Watch and learn, young one." She walked past you, dumped her food onto the counter in front of the lady working at the register, swiped her ID card through the small box beside the register as the lady scanned and bagged her items.

You followed suit, having no clue to why they chose to use the student card as a form of payment instead of actual cash. Maybe, these people have gotten so use to swiping their credit cards when they're out shopping, that the school deemed it a  'necessary' form of payment to incorporate into the already outrageous school structure. It was easier and more hygenic to swipe a card then handling physical notes. Thats the life of the rich for you.

"Ready to go?" The other girl whose name you're yet to learn returned with her own small bag.

"Yep, let's go." Minseo happily walked out of the cafeteria, swinging her bag back and forth, which you could only imagine what that kind of force was doing to the food inside those containers.

"So who has been texting you?" Minseo asked as she slowed her pace until she was walking stride in stride with you.

"Boyfriend?" The other girl asked gleefully from beside you.

"What? No." You fumbled. You clearly knew that it was Hyeri, yet you hesitated at the mention of a "boyfriend". Stupid _______. You mentally scold yourself. What made it even worse was whose face appeared in your mind. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. "Wait, how did you know someone had been texting me?" You turned to Minseo, trying to distract yourself from that stupid face floating around in your head. (A/N: the stupid face is down below)


"Cause I can hear that non stop buzzing coming from inside your pocket."

"Family emergency?" The girl tried again. "Over protective parents?"

"Just give up Seohyun, " Minseo replied. 

So her name was Seohyun. "No family emergency." You sighed, "just a friend checking up on me." You pulled out the phone from your pocket and flipped open the screen.

"Oh my god!" Minseo shouted suddenly, causing both Seohyun and you to jump. "What is that?" She pointed to your phone.

"My phone?"

"Seriously Minseo? You nearly gave me a heart attack." Seohyun placed a hand over her heart.

"You mean an artifact from the prehistoric period, right?" Minseo gaped, hanging wide open. "Can I touch it?"

You furrowed your brows about to hand your phone to her, when Seohyun intersected, looping her arm around yours and dragged you away. "Don't worry about her. She has a flare for the dramatic." 

"I mean are you seeing this right now?" Minseo exclaimed still mind blown, "you can literally run it over with a truck and it would still be okay." She quicken her strides to catch up with you.

"Like I said," Seohyun whispered to you, " a flare for the dramatic."


- The Rooftop -

You checked your phone as the three of you sat down on a wooden bench and table. As predicted all 31 messages were from Hyeri, all asking if the mission was going well? If you have initiated contact and when she could meet you? Not one message asked if you were doing fine or how you were finding the school so far. You decided to reply to her messages later, when you were alone. That way, Minseo and Seohyun won't need to find out about Hyeri's catch-the-dream-prince mission. Not that you could come up with a reasonable explanation for agreeing to it in the first place.

"The best thing about going to a school with amazing facilities.." Minseo explained in between mouth fulls of dolsot bibimbap and tteobokki. "Is that..*chew*.. everyone..*chew chew*... would rather be in those facilities than be up here.*chew*.. So this place is usually pretty empty."

You stared in amazement as Minseo shovelled the food into .

"I know..." Seohyun nudged your elbow and nodded towards Minseo, "just look at that pig go."

"Hey! Who are you calling a pig?" Minseo managed to say through a mouth full of mashed up tteobokki.

"She has been blessed by god. Do you know how much people are willing to pay to have her genes? To be able to eat all that junk and not gain a single kilo or morph a single pimple." Seohyun sighed, sipping her green concoction of kale, cucumber and banana. "You know if you keep talking and eating at the same time you're going to choke."

"You know if you keep talking and eating at the same time you're going to choke." Minseo mimicked in a high pitch nasally voice

"Real mature Minseo. Real mature." 

Minseo smiled, her cheeks stuffed full with food, reminding you of a chipmunk. "Tell her about the school hierarchy. The earlier she knows about it, the better." Minseo swatted Seohyun's arm. "So you know who to avoid at all cost." She smiled at you.

"Well, there's this hierarchy that everyone in the schoool abides by." Seohyun explained.

"More like a food chain." Minseo scoffed, pausing to finish the remaining contents of her banana milk.

"Shut it you."Seohyun threw a glare at Minseo, before returning to her explanation. "At the top of the hierarchy are the four power players. You probably already know who they are. Kris, Luhan, Jessica and L. They bring in the big bucks through commercial sponsorships, films, music videos, and whatnot. Those four are like royalty in the entertainment industry and are actual royalty in the school. Next are the nobles, or in this case, kids who come from influential families, usually in the finance, health, political and property sectors."

"Nobles my ..." Minseo sneared "more like superficial, materialistic robots. They care about no one but themselves."

"HEY!" Seohyun snapped, "just because I'm attracted to pretty, high quality things does not make me a superficial, materialistic robot."

"Well, she isn't as bad as the others." Minseo waved off, "you can practically hear a noble lady coming from a mile away. With their stilettos making all thes annoying click clacking sounds on the floor. Who even wears heels to school anyway? And when you do see a noble they are clad in designer items from head to toe. Those tacky bastards."

"As I recall, you liked one of those 'tacky bastards'?" Seohyun butted in.

"Don't remind me." Minseo mumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose while shaking her head at the shameful recollection, "the worst mistake of my life."

"So where was I?" Seohyun said aloud while recalling her lost track of thought.

"Nobles." You helped.

"Right." She clapped her hands in recollection, "so next we have the knights. They're middle upper class, they have money but not a lot of it when compared to the nobles."

"Me." Minseo pointed to herself, "unlike miss Prada here, I don't have enough money to be throwing it around on anything I find appealing or haven't yet got in my collection."

"Last but not least, the peasants." Seohyun continued, ignoring Minseo's comment. "They're basically anyone who doesn't fall into one of the top three categories. Usually made up of working class families and scholarship students like yourself. No offense. It's actually pretty rare to see a peasant besides the students being admitted annually."

"Yeah, that's cause no one admits they're a peasant." Minseo stated like it was an obvious fact of life. "The school believes that if they admit low-middle class students, it would seem like they are accepting a balanced cross section of the social ladder. But its mainly to avoid being shamed by media for being an institution who only accept the elite. Which it is."

You just stared at them, while they bickered with one another. You originally thought that everyone who went to this school was a spoilt brat, acting like they own the world, talking about which countries they flew to on the weekend and how a restaurant ran out of their favourite caviar. Guess you were wrong.

"I think we should get going, class is about to start soon." They both stood up, Minseo dusted the crumbs from the front of her skirt while Seohyun fixed her hair. They were both so different yet so alike at the same time. It reminded you of Hyeri and you. Two completely different personalities yet some how you both became the best of friends.

"Hello?" Minseo waved a hand in front of your face, "Earth to ________."

You snapped out of your thoughts, "huh?"

"Class." Seohyun pointed at the rooftop door.

"Don't tell me your sick of it already?" Minseo laughed. "The first lecture may have been boring, but that's only because you didn't have us there." She wrapped her arm around your shoulders. "Come, we'll show what a lecture with us is like."

"You mean what learning nothing looks like." Seohyun corrected her.

"We still pass all our exams and tests right? Which, in my books is good enough."

Seohyun rolled her eyes, "typical Minseo answer."

"Plus why worry for? We have _____ here." She patted your shoulder, "she can tutor us if we don't get it."

"Well she isn't going to be much help if she doesn't understand anything because you were yakking away during the lecture."

"That makes two of us." Minseo retorted.

How did a simple, "what a lecture with us is like" turn into an argument about you not being able to learn nothing. This was going to draw on for quite a while if you don't intercept. "Let's go to class guys." You looped one arm through Minseo's arm and the other through Seohyun's.

This was going to be one heck of a day. At least you were not alone.





Finally updated in god knows how long. University is killing me.

Since both Minseo and Seohyun are fictional characters I haven't included pictures. 

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. The next chapter should probably be up in three weeks or so.

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Chapter 28: I cant see the pictures! and your fanfic is great ^3^
Chapter 47: Yes, he and his stupid face. >< The girls seem nice, and woah, that school.
Thank you for updating! :)
Chapter 36: I really didn't mind all the Chen interaction that happened on my way to getting here. :D That was quite a start at a new school. I wonder what will happen next.
Chapter 36: Flirty Chen is too much for my poor heart to handle! <3
Chapter 18: Stuck on this chappie :(
Chapter 35: omoooooo so cute! I wanna see what happens next!
SMfan4evrAKB48 #7
Chapter 33: "Worse than a . It was Chen" This fandom I cant even xD
Chapter 18: Please update soon! Author-nim fighting~
oppaa2728 #9
Chapter 18: cant wait for next chapter ^.^
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 27: Yay she got in~~~ now the partay