All In A Days Work

Behind The Scenes ll EXO-M Interactive Game


"Rise and shine" sang an oh so familiar voice as the curtains were flung back, letting streams of unwanted sunlight into the room. "We have a lot of stuff to take care of before the party tonight."

"You take care of it yourself." You mumbled into your pillow, turning your body to the right to get away from the light. The party was the last thing you wanted to think about. It was too early to worry about the incessant details that Hyeri had to get done. All you wanted to do today was lie in bed till 1 in the afternoon, look for food when you could be bothered getting up, go on the laptop for 4 hours; browsing through useless things then 15 minutes before the party begins, you'll change into a comfy t-shirt and a pair of jeans and head out the door. That sounds like a good plan.

Hyeri was rummaging through your closet, pulling out a piece of clothing from the hanger, examining it thorough from top to bottom before deciding that she didn't like it. "Do you have anything at the least bit fashionable in your closet?" She asked, looking over at your still-sleeping body. "Seriously. Get up! We have some major shopping to do. AND we have to go and set up the place before people arrive." She walked over to your bed and flung your blanket off your matress. "GET UP!!"

You sat up in a zombie-like trance. Looking around the room, your eyes slowly begins to adjust to the brightness, however your brain was still in sleep mode. "What time is it?" You yawned, reaching over to pull the blanket that was flung away by Hyeri to your chest. 'Ah so warm and squishy.' You thought to yourself, basking in the wonderful feeling of the blanket and having your eyes closed.

"It's time to get change, that's what time it is." Hyeri retorted and threw a grey long sleeve sweater and some black jeans with some small distressed detailing at you.

You pried open one eye and looked at the ensemble that laid in front of you. "Where did you get those jeans from? They're not even mine."

"Your mum's closet. Unlike your wardrobe which is half empty and has nothing remotely wearable inside, she keeps up to date with the latest trends. You should really learn from her. NOW HURRY UP AND GET DRESSED!" Hyeri complained while admiring herself in the mirror that was built into your closet door.

Within 20 minutes you were washed, dressed, out the door and sitting in the bus, next to a Hyeri who was scrolling through her to-do list on her phone. "Okay, so I texted Mimi and she said that her and Lina are gonna go pick up the food, Jaehyung is stocking up on some drinks and Kwang Hyeon is setting up the music equipment. So all we have to do is buy the plates. cups, tissues and of course tonight's outfit."  

"Mhmmm..." You yawned again, you placed your head on the window (yes, you're in the window seat) and closed your eyes for a bit. This was way too early to be going shopping. Weekends are meant for sleeping in, relaxing, all that good stuff you miss out on, on a typical school day. But nooooo... you're sitting in a bus, wearing super tight jeans with holes down the front that don't even belong to you. This was going to be a long day.


< 2.5 hours later >

You were pushing a small shopping trolley that was filled to the brim with disposable plates/cups and stacks of tissues. Lord only knows how much people Hyeri has invited to this party. I mean each packet of plastic plates has around 100 plates and there's probably around 20 packets of plates in your trolley. 20 packets! That's 2000 plates. Why do we need 2000 plates for? Has she invited 2000 people?! You came out from the party section of the store and was now heading towards the check out area.

"Hey could you pay for those? I have to make a quick call." Hyeri rummaged through her wallet, "here." She handed you the money and sauntered out the store before you could give an answer to her request. Why does she always assume that you would say yes?

You came out of the store with 4 big plastic bags in each hand. Everytime you took a step, one of the plastic bags would collide with your calf causing you to stumble a bit. People who saw you probably thought that you have some kind of medical problem with your legs. This was definitely not how you pictured spending your weekend. Not even remotely close. AND where was Hyeri anyway? You stumbled out onto the streets to see Hyeri chatting and laughing with some guy you didn't know. This was who she had to make a quick call to?

"Oh ________." Hyeri waved at you, walking over with the guy. "_______, this is Minho. Minho this is ________, she's the one we're having the party for."

"Hi." You smiled at the guy, you would have waved but you didn't have a free hand. "Hyeri, could I talk to you for a minute. Over there." You nodded over at the front of some random cosmetic store. 

"Sure." She looked over at Minho and gave a flirtatious smile, "I'll be right back."

When you were further enough away from this Minho guy, you got straight to the point. "What the hell are you doing? Who the hell is he? And why did you buy 2000 plates?"

Hyeri furrowed her eyebrows, she didn't understand what you got so worked up about. "Okay, firstly WE are shopping for the party. You know the one that's on tonight? Secondly, he is someone who is going to help us with those." She pointed to the 8 bags that were still in your hand. "Lastly, we need plates for the food that Mimi is buying. Anymore questions?" She asked, folding her arms across her chest.

"So let me get this straight. Minho is only here, for the sole purpose to hold the shopping bags?" You inquired. Wow... this must be another guy who has fallen head-over-heels for Hyeri. Poor dude. She has turned him into a human trolley, but he doesn't even notice cause he is probably blinded by her flirtatious nature.

"Yes. Now can we go. Finding the perfect outfit is going to take who knows how long? Plus you can't find a perfect outfit with plastic bags dangling from your arms now can you?" She pulled you by the arm back to Minho. "Minhoo~~~" She sang, letting go of your arm and attaching herself to his arm instead. "Minho, could you please hold the shopping bags for me." She looked at him with her relentless puppy dog eyes.

"Sure." He nodded, walked over and took the took the bags from you, no words asked.

Hyeri aegyoed her way into getting what she wants... Yet again. As for the guy, you only had one word for him. Smitten. Totally and utterly smittened.



< 3.5 hours later, in some clothing store >

"Okay, so which one do you like the best?" She laid the clothes on a vacant seat in front of you. "Personally," She placed her hand to her chest to add more emphasis to the word 'personally'. "I prefer the lace bustier and floral shorts, there's just something about lace and flowers that make the combination so perfect."

"Why do I have to buy something. I have clothes at home." You looked at the outfits Hyeri put together. The plus side to the outfits was that none of them consisted of a dress or a skirt of any sort.

"Didn't you listen to what I said this morning? You have nothing remotely fashionable or wearable, in that horrendous thing you call a closet."

Wow, what a nice way to tell someone that they have no passion for fashion. 

"So choose one, my shout. This will be my going away present for you." She smiled at the clothes, admiring her handy work.

You choose [Focus only on the outfit, shoes, and jewelry] Click on image:





Thanks to all those who subscribed to this story :) I hope you enjoy reading not only this chapter but the whole story altogether.

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Chapter 28: I cant see the pictures! and your fanfic is great ^3^
Chapter 47: Yes, he and his stupid face. >< The girls seem nice, and woah, that school.
Thank you for updating! :)
Chapter 36: I really didn't mind all the Chen interaction that happened on my way to getting here. :D That was quite a start at a new school. I wonder what will happen next.
Chapter 36: Flirty Chen is too much for my poor heart to handle! <3
Chapter 18: Stuck on this chappie :(
Chapter 35: omoooooo so cute! I wanna see what happens next!
SMfan4evrAKB48 #7
Chapter 33: "Worse than a . It was Chen" This fandom I cant even xD
Chapter 18: Please update soon! Author-nim fighting~
oppaa2728 #9
Chapter 18: cant wait for next chapter ^.^
kpop_luv #10
Chapter 27: Yay she got in~~~ now the partay