Stranger day

Who are you...

"Ahh~! Jinjja.. i'm so tired this day. i need to rest." i lay in my bed. Suddenly my phone is ringing..

"aigoo, who's calling me this night uhh" i'm pick up the phone. "yeobosaeyo? duguya?" the person who calling me didn't answer it.

"yeobosaeyo?? yyahhh! are you want to playing me! who's there?" unknown person keep silently.. i'm off the call.

"haish ==' i wonder who that person actually.." "OHH! maybe that minyoung, ahh minyoung ahh~! how dare you. wait me tomorrow. i'll smack your ugh!"



"Minyoung-shhi! are you calling me last night?"

"EHH? ani. aniyaeyo. wae? did someone just disturb you last night?"

"yeah, he or she keep calling me duhh. when i answering that unknown people just silent."



"nothing~ lets go ppalli or we will late to class"

what wrong with her? i hope she didn't give my phone number to other guys or girl. she must ask for my permission first lol ahh..

"ahh Ok ok."


"Okay student.. we will go to next chapter. now we will learn about how..." i'm looking at outside.

"ahh is that raining. why i feel like something. this raining just like want me to cry"

"Lee Soora-shhi are you okay? are you hear what i'm just saying to other class?"

"Ohh ohh.. hehe No teacher"

"Soo please focus to what i'm teaching in front of class okay. stop with all your imagine. exam will be next month i hope you all can got 100% marks. if not i will plus your homework. is it okay class?"

"NO TEACHER!!!"  All class doesn't agree with what teacher just saying just now.

"OK? ok ,seems all student agree with my oponion"

"TEACHER AHH!" ~Mental breakdown~

"Ok, where we? ohh this. How baby was born"

err.. Mrs.Ling? you want teach us this part? gosh! please don't talk about y thing!

"Why? don't shy. you will make a baby when you married okay."

"Now this how ovaries looks alike.."


Urr!!! the Science teacher must be crazy LOL! i'm not going to imagine i and Kai make a baby together in the future~

NO! what i'm just saying? haa!! dirty mind! dirty mind! Knock my head.

ehh minyoung. what she doing at there? she talking with who? ohh! she coming. its still raining outside there. how can we go home. sigh..


"Lee soora ahh^^ lets go home"

"but! its raining outside there"

"don't worried. i'm got one umbrella here haha."

"where did you get that?"

"let's go."

"ahh Ok"

why minyoung become like this to me? she really different now.


"i saw you talking with someone..who is he?"

"ahh lee soora.. i'm sorry. my mom told me to buy something. can you go home alone?"


"lee soora bye, i bring this umbrella to okay. bye bye"

she leave me alone.

so is that mean i must run and go home with my clothes uhh minyoung-shhi. what happen to you..


"Lee soora!! are you forgot to bring your umbrella. aigoo see what happen to you just now. ppalli go bath"


"what wrong with your face"


"aigoo jinjja strange teenager"


"its so cold.. maybe i'll get fever"

"No. what this mean.. i'm crying"

"did i do something wrong to minyoung."

"if yes. what that?"

When raining has stop Rainbow will come out.

its so beautiful.


i miss my old friend.

where she?

where minyoung?

where my real minyoung.



♪ lalilalalala Sadness, lalilalala Sadness ♪

/sigh\ who just calling me just now.

i'm looking at my screen phone.

ahh this unknown person. lol what he/she want from me.

"yyaahh~! can you stop calling me!"

"hey. are you mad?"

i'm shock! i think i have ever hear that voice. but where?

"who.. who..are..yyoou?"


ehh! is that?

"yah~! i'm sunggyu"

"Sung..sunggyu? mwo??!!"

"why shock? hahaha"

"Of course!!" "eh! where did you get my phone number?"

"haha i got from my mom"

"your mom? what you mean? are you live here? where did you come here?"

"aigooyah~ my mom was calling your mom"

"then? how can you get my phone number?"

"i told my mom to get your phone number. lol don't you miss me? btw ,long time no see. since i move in Australia ㅋㅋㅋ"

"Australia? LOL! funny joke =='"

"what? i'm just telling the truth of all this story right hahaha"

"yyahh~ you just move to busan kay. can i laugh with your funny joke? lololol"


"are you going to move here?"

"yes" "and.. i will go school with you again"

"JINJJA? ahh!!! when?"

"Not now.."


"are you excited when you know i'll move there again. bully you again. haha you must be mad not happy~"

"i miss you my old old besties" "i'm happy when you want to stay here. live here again. i miss your eyes"

"mwo!! yaaahh!"

"hahaha xD your eyes. i love it!"

"yyahh! how can you!"

"LOLOLOL you can't bully me on phone hahaha"

"haish~!" "i need to go. have a good day ahjumma"




hahaha sunggyu oppa..

even he older than me.


i'm so happy!!

my great day haha.

gomawoyo oppa.

granpa gyu.. he is the lazierst person that i have meet before haha.

can't imagine anything XD




















Annyeong~! we got new characters here^^ Infinite. they is long lost lee soora besties. just wait for next chapter :)

Kamsa hamnida for read this. maybe is not great than other writer ㅋㅋㅋ i just do what i want and what i'm think~ soo just enjoy kyahahaha~~~







by the way~ saengil chukkae to baby cow! bacon^^ 6 May 2013

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Chapter 1: Oh my God!! so cute <33